Steampunk Cyborg

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Steampunk Cyborg Page 11

by Eve Langlais

  Then it was his turn again, her giving him the red fruit, again with its cream. And this time, when some of it remained on his lips, she leaned forward and licked it off. She remained licking him, her tongue slipping into his mouth. Her buttocks firmly seated in his lap where he dragged her.

  “What are you trying to do?” he asked in between nibbles because she’d obviously planned something.

  “Seduce you.”

  “What if I don’t want to be seduced?” A lie because he burned for her. Tired of fighting the attraction.

  “You want it,” she said knowingly. “And I’m bored, so why not?”

  He froze.

  She laughed. “Someone is offended.” She grabbed his cheeks. “Would it help if I said you’re freaking hot and I’ve been dying to get closer?”

  “Will you actually expire if we don’t have sex?” He’d not read about that particular concern with humans, but he knew for a fact he’d barely scratched the surface of them.

  “I might. You going to help me?” she purred against the lobe of his ear.

  “What do you want?” he asked.

  “I want more cream,” she murmured against his mouth. She leaned over to scoop some, and he might have protested, except her empty hand shoved at him, a physical request to lie down.

  So he did. She tugged at his shirt and didn’t get far one-handed. He removed it, no longer able to fight what happened between him and this woman.

  The cream ended up smeared on his chest, with her lapping at it a moment later. The strangeness of it only making it more erotic. The warm licks of her tongue arousing in a way he’d never experienced.

  When she was done, it seemed only fair to pin her under him, her shirt pulled up enough to bind her arms overhead.

  Her breath came quickly, her cheeks very bright with color, her eyes at half-mast. “Hurry up, I’m still hungry.”

  Not as hungry as him. He smeared the cream over her breasts, exploring the texture of her skin, memorizing the curve of her body. Discovering a new way to eat that fed more than one hunger.

  Her breath hitched, and her skin pimpled as she shivered.

  “Are you cold?” Asked as he brushed a thumb over an erect nipple.

  Another shiver went through her. “More like too hot.”

  A slight arch of her back brought her breasts into his palm. He kneaded one, rolling the nipple between his fingers before lowering to lick it. Suck it. Then lick all of the skin. Some of it sweet from the cream. Some of it slightly salty, the true taste of her.

  A heady combination. He brought his sweet and salty lips to hers for a kiss while sliding a hand between her thighs to stroke her.

  He found her wet.


  And free of metal parts. It was strange and exciting, especially since he realized her desire was real. No manufactured lube. No winding of cogs to reach orgasm. All her pleasure came from his touch.

  She kissed him frantically, nipping at his flesh, grasping at his shoulders. It raised his temperature, frazzled some of his control as need pulsed

  He left the sweetness of her mouth to lick his way down her body, slowly caressing and savoring each of her gasps. He paused around her navel, suckling at the skin, teasing with his teeth. He placed a kiss just above her pubes. Her hips twitched. Her legs parted, and he slid a finger in her. Slid it into molten lava.

  She moaned, and her hips rocked, asking for more. But he wasn’t done playing. He kissed his way back to her breasts. The nipples standing at attention begged for a bite. He gripped one and bit down.

  She cried out, and her core clenched around his finger. He slid a second one in, and her body arched. Clear off the mattress.

  “Do it. Orgasm for me,” he growled around her breast before sucking the flesh into his mouth. He swirled his tongue around her throbbing nub before giving it a bite.

  Again, she tightened so wonderfully around his fingers.

  He left her breasts alone to pursue another treasure. He licked his way down her stomach, circled past her naval, rubbed his face into her pubes, covering himself in her scent. Marking it so he could remember it later.

  He slid his hands under her parted thighs then farther to cup her buttocks. He pulled at her, lifting her clear off the mattress, bringing her sex in line with his mouth.

  He could smell the desire. Musky. Full of pheromones to make even a male all geared up feel aroused. Hard. Throbbing hard.

  He bent and tasted her. Flicked his tongue in a long, wet swipe that parted her nether lips.

  She cried out and quivered in his grip. But even better, he could feel the core of her pulses on his tongue. He thrust it onto her, tasting, feeling, desiring…

  He held her a prisoner to his hunger. He feasted on her. Licked the sweet cream until she trembled and cried out, “More. Oh gawdd…” The word long and drawn out.

  He licked her some more, paying special mind to her button. Stroking the swollen flesh until she panted and began saying his name.

  My name.

  It was a sexy thing to hear. He returned to thrusting his fingers inside her, three this time, making it oh so tight. But she took it. A good thing to know for later.

  He worked her nub with his mouth, knowing how well he pleasured her by how she lost her voice and her body stiffened. He ground his fingers into her, unable to get enough of her heat. Wanting to feel her when she came.

  It took rapid flicks of his tongue to get her to finally clench and orgasm. A rigid freezing of all her muscles, including her channel. Then the ripple. As her climax coursed through her, he rode it with his fingers, pushing and shoving while her hips rocked in time to his thrusts.

  He let the waves of her pleasure ebb before he pulled his fingers free. His hand went to his pants, and he’d begun to pull them down when she said, in a voice very husky, “Lie on your back.”

  There was something hungry about her expression. Sensual, too. She rose and shoved at him. Pushed him onto his back, where she then yanked at his breeches, pulling them low enough to expose him.

  His erection stood proudly. Even more so the more she stared.

  When she touched, he sucked in a breath.

  Her gaze dropped. “Is it me or you’re missing balls?”

  “Only animals have sacs outside their body.”

  “Are you calling me an animal?” She gripped him tighter.

  “Only the male humans.” He grinned. Then gasped as she ducked down and licked the tip of his cock.

  Some of his kind chose to replace their phallus. The choice to become asexual appealed to some. Others wanted an enhanced device. But Jwls couldn’t imagine anything that could feel better than a pair of lips sliding down the length of him.

  She had a firm grasp of his cock. She squeezed it as she licked, her lithe, pink tongue soft and very wet.

  And he was so very, very big.

  But she didn’t let that daunt her. Slowly, she parted her lips over the head of him and drew him into her mouth. He might have stopped breathing, and his fingers found themselves tangled in her hair.

  She sucked him with fervor, bobbing her head up and down, his thickness causing her teeth to graze along his length. His dick being too long, she kept fisting him as she sucked. Her hand pulsed a rhythm of tight, then tighter, over and over. Drawing him closer and closer to his climax. Making him pant erratically. Actually, shudder and tremble with each new touch.

  As if she knew he was close, she worked him faster. And he was tempted to let go. To finish in her mouth. But that meant not getting a taste of the arousal he could smell coming from her.

  She was ready again. Which was why he dragged her close, kissed her, his hands on her waist, all the better to position her over his cock. She wiggled over the head of it, her damp lips parting enough to wet the tip.

  “You’re a big boy,” she murmured against his mouth.

  “Go slow.” Meant for her benefit and a form of torture for him as she took him at his word.

  She dropped slow
ly over him, the tightness of her taking him bit by little bit. His fingers dug into her hips as he struggled to not thrust. He could sheath himself. One twitch of his hips was all it would take.

  But he didn’t move. He let her control the pace. When she finally fully seated, he sat on the brink of something incredible. And pleasurable. It almost seemed a shame to ever move again.

  As it turned out, moving made it even better. The vise of her channel gripped him as she rocked back and forth on him. She fit him perfectly, stretching just enough to hug him tight.

  The more she moved, the less he could control himself. His blood rushed feverishly through his body. All his gears, every nerve. All of it hummed in anticipation.

  With his hands firmly gripping, he began to move with her, pushing with his hips, grinding deep.

  Their mouths met in a clash of teeth and hot breath. Her body tightened around him.

  Her breathing hiccupped into small cries.

  He opened his eyes, and as if she knew, she met his gaze and held it as they undulated in rhythm. Found a pattern and rocked to it. Their bodies both steaming, the heat of it almost visible, to the finish.





  He plunged his rod as deep as he could when he came and then froze in perfect bliss as she came, too.

  He stopped breathing, and all his gears ground to a blissful halt. An instant of perfection.

  And later, when he watched her sleep, he realized this was the beginning of his downfall.


  Sex with Jules was amazing. Better than amazing. Incredible. Mind blowing. Aggie couldn’t get enough. He just had to look at her. Literally. And she was riding his piston to climax alley.

  That all changed when he mentioned they were approaching her first alien planet. Poor Jules. His naked penis couldn’t compare. While he played in his machine room, she had her face plastered to the dome, determined to watch their approach. Fizbin must have sensed some of her excitement, because he’d used his fluffy arms to climb her and rested around her neck like a scarf.

  The planet resembled Earth in a sense that she could see land mass and oceans. Yellow oceans. Brown land. Something that would take getting used to. This wasn’t Kansas, or Earth. She was about to set foot on an alien planet.

  So, of course, she had questions.

  Lots of them, which was the only reason why she bounced down the ladder and left her front row seat. It helped the dome turned cloudy. Something about not blinding its passengers during the entry into the atmosphere—or to prevent them from seeing where they were about to crash.

  She hadn’t even touched the bottom floor before she began talking. “Are the oceans real water or acid that eats flesh? What about the inhabitants? Carnivores who will roast me over a fire?” Topping off her rush speech with, “Do you have a space suit to fit me?” Because she’d seen what happened to Schwarzenegger in that movie Total Recall—the original!—when he ended up on the planet’s surface. Bulging eyes wasn’t a good look for anyone.

  Jules paid the chart more mind than her. Maybe he’d not heard hear. She stood right beside him. “What color are the aliens? Green with antennae? Tall gray dudes with giant heads? Or…” Her eyes widened, and her voice hushed. “Are they bug people with pinchers and Kevlar-hard beetle shells?” With massive alien monster brains controlling the hive. Guess which movie she’d seen that one in.

  Her lover—the captain of the ship, the guy who lit her loins on fire and also blew her mind because he could be such a man—ignored her.

  On purpose. He might duck his head, but he couldn’t completely hide the twitch of his lips.

  There was one evil trick left. A dirty, dirty thing to do. But apparently, she needed to pull out the big guns.

  She flashed her boobs.

  That got her a look. Long.


  It also came with an arched brow. “I see the descent through their atmosphere has rendered you incoherent.”

  “So not bug people?”

  “No.” He shook his head. “They are much like you and me. But shorter.”

  “How much shorter?”

  He held up his hand mid chest.

  “But two arms, two legs, a head?” she asked.

  “Yes. Other than their height, their most distinct difference would be skin color. They’re blue.”

  Aggie might have blinked. “Blue? Are talking deep midnight, pale and washed out, or bright baby blue?”

  “The shades vary.”

  “I don’t suppose they’re called Smurfs?” Said very hopefully.


  “Wear white hats? Fight off an evil wizard called Gargamel?”

  “Maybe you should sit down. Take a rest. You are not making sense again.”

  “And you’re a tease. Why am I only now finding out we’re meeting the Smurfs’ alien cousins?”

  “I did not realize it made a difference.”

  It didn’t. Technically. “This might all seem old hat to you, but for me, this is new, exciting. I am going to meet aliens. On an alien planet!” She leaned over his console. Boobs still hanging out. Gratifying how his gaze kept straying to them. He’d seen and fondled them how many times? But he still lusted. “Are you sure I can breathe the air? What about shots? I haven’t been vaccinated against anything.”

  “The air is fine.”

  “What about disease and stuff?”

  “Don’t get sick.”

  She blinked. “That’s your advice? Don’t catch something. Oh my God. I might die of the alien flu.”

  “You won’t die. But it might get unpleasant until the remedy kicks in.”

  “So you can fix me if I start getting boils all over my body or start puking blood?”

  A pointed look and no reply.

  “It could happen.” Said a tad defensively.

  “Are you fabricating possibilities because of theatrical productions again?”

  “Uh, maybe…” She rubbed a toe on the floor.

  “The dome has cleared if you want to watch us land,” he offered. Obviously trying to get rid of her.

  She grinned. “Are you sure you don’t want me to keep you company? I haven’t had a chance to ask about mating rituals yet.”

  “Go away.” He might roll his eyes and act exasperated, but that didn’t mean he let her pass without dragging her near and giving her a scorching kiss.

  She climbed the stairs a lot happier. Surely the guy she was banging wouldn’t let her die. You didn’t kiss people you hated.

  At least she didn’t, and she didn’t get the impression Jules was the type to fake his feelings.

  She arrived at the top of the mega egg in time to see the last of the clouds. Then they were coasting in a strangely beige sky. Kind of uncanny, just like the blue sun that blazed onto the land.

  Like Earth, lines were etched into the brown ground, circles upon circles with four spokes per circle. The spokes and circles being the roads. So very organized.

  Along those routes, not a single car to be seen, and yet along the borders of them she perceived buildings. Not cute mushroom-cap ones either but round tower-like shapes, some short and squat, some towering a few stories high, all perfectly curved from round circle to elongated oval, the exteriors a deep purple.

  The mega egg headed over the larger circles moving toward the center with the smallest ring. Only when they got closer did she see the pie-shaped lines inside it.

  They landed in one of the pieces of pie. But she wasn’t watching by that point. She’d skipped down the stairs and bounced as she waited for Jules to open the door.

  “Would you stop hopping? It’s distracting,” he grumbled.

  “How? I’m wearing clothes.” Including the duster coat she’d held on to, which wasn’t as epic looking as the one Jules wore. He also had a gun strapped to his thigh. She asked if she could have one, and he laughed for a long time.


>   She did try to contain herself, though, only squeaking once when she heard the creak and groan of instruments pressurizing.

  He glanced at her neck and frowned. “You’ll have to leave it behind.”

  Her hand automatically stroked the soft fur of her pet. “Why?”

  “Because there are those that would shoot you on sight if they saw it.”

  “Meanies!” she huffed, before unwinding her pet and admonishing him to, “Be a good, boy. Guard the ship.”

  Fizbin shook his furry body and scurried off.

  “It’s time.” Jules crouched by the round metal hatch, hand on the lever that would lower the ladder when it opened and she joined him.

  As excited as she was, she still grabbed for his hand. Held it tight. Took in a deep breath.

  “I won’t die when this door opens, right?” A tiny, nagging fear.

  He glanced down at her, his expression soft. “Not if I can help it.”

  The hatch opened, and the ladder dropped down. She let him go first, mostly because she liked the way he reached for her and plucked her off the ladder, holding her a second longer than needed before putting her down.

  She clung to him for a second, about to experience something epic. A moment she’d remember forever.

  My first alien city.

  Whirling from his chest, Aggie stared. “Are you kidding me?”

  From the air, she couldn’t quite see the details of the ground. Now that she was up close, she wondered if she’d stepped back in time, given the ship had landed on a cobblestoned parking lot. Bunches of small stones, tightly interlocked. Larger, different colored pieces formed the lines for the sections. “This is like England back in the day.”

  “Welcome to Luux. They are quite insistent on maintaining older structures. Part of their preservation of cultural heritage.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked as he laced his fingers through hers and began striding across the lot.

  “Into town. The surgeon who can help lives here.”

  “And we’re going to walk?” she asked with a wrinkle of her nose. Living on a ship, she’d learned to exercise because Jules told her some horror stories of what happened to people who didn’t. But that didn’t mean she wanted to walk miles. The air was warmer and moister than expected. It also stank.


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