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Konrad Page 11

by Ashers, LeAnn

  He throws his head back.

  I’ve never felt so powerful as I do right now knowing that with just my mouth I can cause him to lose his mind.

  I take him as far as I can, gagging as I try to take him deeper. Konrad pulls back. “Don't push yourself, baby,” he moans, moving his hips, slowly moving inside of my mouth.

  I put my hands on his thighs, letting him take over.

  He pulls out of my mouth, moving me over until I’m on my belly with my legs stretched out behind me.

  His large thighs move on either side of my legs, his large hands gripping my ass cheeks, squeezing. “Ready?” he asks.

  He always asks to make sure I’m okay. I nod. “God, yeah.”

  He grips my hands, lifting them above my head as he leans over my body. “God, sliding inside of you is like coming home.” He enters me slowly. He’s huge, so he has to give me time to adjust to him.

  My eyes roll back in my head at the feeling of being so full, so much of everything.

  He kisses the side of my neck, my shoulder. This is pure heaven.


  “You got it, baby.” He kisses my cheek before sitting up, pumping inside of me harder and harder until I can’t even breathe. All I know is him, all I feel is him and nothing else matters.

  I love him so much.

  He stops and turns me around so I’m facing him. He intertwines our fingers by my head, kissing my neck.

  We’ve fucked many times, but this? This is pure passion. I can feel his love for me.

  His lips press against mine, slowly, gently, and I fall apart. I cry out. His mouth swallows my cries as he comes inside of me.

  He’s shaking as hard as I am, his arms unable to hold him up anymore and he falls beside me, holding me.

  “Fuck,” he groans.

  I laugh, because that is exactly how I feel.

  He grins wickedly, kissing my cheek. “Let’s go shower before your spa day. Then I’m taking you out on the town.”

  He smacks my ass as he scoots out of the bed, taking me with him. My legs aren’t cooperating yet.

  “I can’t move,” I moan.

  He laughs, stepping inside of the shower. The cold water sprays against his back until it warms and he moves me under it.

  I kiss him sweetly, resting my forehead against him, the water rushing over the both of us. “I do love you.” I grip his face, my heart so full. “You literally mean everything to me, Konrad. I just can’t imagine a life without you.”

  His eyes are heavy. He’s looking at me right now like his world revolves around me. “God, I love you too. The second I saw you, I couldn’t bear to be away from you, baby.”

  He stands, holding me, both of us not saying anything but just in our feelings right now.

  We had dinner and now we’re in a night club—another first for me. I’m in a dress that he picked out for me.

  It’s red, tight, backless, and I’m wearing black heels. My hair and makeup are professionally done.

  I could get used to this.

  I’m self-conscious of the scars on my back and the backs of my legs though. My dad used to hit us with a belt and the buckle sometimes left scars, and over the years they accumulated.

  The look on Konrad’s face made my fears dissipate. His hand on my back let me know that he doesn’t mind.

  He walks to the bar and orders me a fruity drink and a beer for himself. We take a seat. He pulls my chair closer to him, his hand on my leg. “Every eye is on you,” he informs me.

  I look around the club and I see quite a few eyes on me actually. I sip my drink and try to ignore the looks.

  Konrad rubs my legs, trying to soothe me. I’m not comfortable with male attention, unless it’s Konrad of course.

  I finish my drink and set my glass on the table. “Want to dance?” I ask.

  He finishes off his beer and walks me to the dance floor. He spins me around until my back is pressed against his front, his hands on my hips.

  I lift my arm ups, behind his head. He moves my hips with his hands and soon we are lost in the music.

  My eyes are closed and I’m just enjoying the moment. He kisses the side of my neck, his teeth nipping my ear.

  I spin around to face him, kissing him. His arm bands around my waist, the other on my face.

  A hand touches my calf, gliding up to my knee and inner thigh. It takes me a second to realize that it’s not Konrad.

  I spin around, gasping in shock that someone is touching me like that, and much to my horror it’s the girl from earlier from the beach.

  “What the hell are you doing?” I ask her, shocked.

  She grins at me then at Konrad and shrugs her shoulders. “What can I say? You are beautiful.” She steps forward again, trying to grab me through my dress.

  Konrad grabs her hand before she can touch me, pushing her hand back at her. “Don’t fucking touch her, female or not. I don't tolerate that shit.” I put my hand on his back, shocked.

  She laughs at him, then her friends join in and I notice that they were on the beach earlier also. “What, is she that stuck-up of a bitch that she can’t have fun?”

  I jolt in shock at what she’s saying about me. I step from behind Konrad as the shock wears off.

  “Sweetheart, I’m not sure where you’re from, but you don’t touch someone without their permission unless you want your hand broke,” I say casually, giving her the sweetest smile I can muster.

  She looks at me in shock like she didn’t think I was going to say anything back. She steps toward me.

  I have fought grown men; she will be nothing. “Do it then, bitch,” she hisses and lifts her hand, moving to hit me.

  I catch her hand before it even hits my face. “Big mistake.” I twist her wrist until she’s on her knees in front of me. “Apologize and I won’t break it.”

  She shakes her head no, her face red and tears in her eyes, but I don’t have any mercy for her at this point.

  “Get her!” she screams.

  All at once, all of her friends jump me. Before they can touch me, Konrad steps in front of me, pushing all of them on their asses.

  “Listen, I don't hit women but I sure as fuck will not be liable for my actions if you hurt her.” His voice is scary. Right now Konrad is in a different place.

  He puts his hand behind him, pulling me to his back, keeping me in place. I know that he let me fight my battles until this point and he has taken over.

  One by one they get up and disappear into the crowd.

  Konrad turns around and faces me. “We need to leave.” His arm is around me tightly, leading me through the crowd and out the door.

  Once we step outside, the night air calms me a little, the sound of the music muffling as the door shuts.

  “She was crazy,” I tell him, shocked.

  He shakes his head. “I thought I had to worry about men. Didn’t expect fucking females like that.”

  But honestly, women probably get away with it more often than men, but in my eyes, touch me without my permission, I don’t see gender, I see an enemy.

  I hear something like someone is trying to run up behind me. Konrad and I turn around too late.

  A hand wraps around in my hair, jerking me back and out of Konrad’s arms. She was hiding behind a vehicle.

  Then three more girls come into view, running toward me.

  I get to my feet, tearing my hair loose, and punch her straight in the face. Her face jerks back in shock and she hits the ground on her ass.

  I notice that the three girls haven’t touched me. I look around and see Konrad has all three of them on the ground, their faces smooshed into the hard pavement.

  “Stupid bitches, I wish you were fucking men,” he growls, and I can’t help but laugh. He lets them go and runs to me, swooping me off my feet and into the rental in a second.

  They run up and hit the window. The nose of the girl I punched in the face is bleeding. Her eyes are wild, scary. I feel like something is wrong with her t
o have this much anger over absolutely nothing.

  Konrad takes off driving. They jump out of the way before he can run over them and we drive for home.

  “What the fuck is happening?” I ask Konrad. I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life.

  He shakes his head in confusion. “I’m just as confused as you. Those chicks were crazy.”

  The drive home is short, my nerves getting the best of me once we are alone. Konrad walks over and picks me up out of the SUV and carries me inside of the house, setting me on the bed.

  “Darlin’, I’m so sorry she touched you.” He kisses my forehead. I grip his hands with mine, shaking.

  “I’m fine. She didn’t get to touch me anywhere important thankfully.”

  He shakes his head. “Doesn’t matter where, it shouldn’t have happened.” He helps me out of my dress and into one of his shirts.

  I scoot up to the top of the bed, and he comes out of the bathroom with my makeup remover. “Let me.” I close my eyes and let him take off all of my makeup.

  “There.” His fingers wrap around my chin. “Beautiful, darlin’.” He kisses my lips softly.

  I smile, feeling much better.

  He places the bottle on the bedside counter and scoots into bed with me, cuddling me into his side. “Do you ever want kids?” I ask him.

  He stills for a second. “I do, I’ve always wanted to be a dad.”

  I thought that there was something wrong with me for a long time, because I couldn’t get pregnant, so I got checked and I was fine. I am thankful every day that I didn’t get pregnant with Michael’s baby.

  “I’ve always wanted to be a mom,” I confess, smiling at the thought of holding my precious baby someday.

  He turns me over until he’s leaning above me. “Darlin’, is this a hint?” He smiles sweetly, his eyes bright.

  “I have an IUD, but if I do have kids, I want them to be yours.”

  He grips my hand, putting it on his cheek. “We can get lots of practice in.” He picks me up, spinning me around. I laugh loudly as he kisses me.



  The second we left Hawaii, I wanted to go back, but I also miss the girls and I know I have a shitload of work to catch up on and I’ve been worried about all of them.

  Konrad brings our bags into my apartment, setting them onto the floor. I fall back onto the bed, exhausted from the long flight.

  My phone rings on the bedside table. I lean over and grab it, putting it up to my ear.

  “Hello, this is Etta,” I answer.

  I hear a sniffling over the phone and I snap to attention instantly at the sound. “I need help,” she whispers so softly I can barely hear her.

  I put the phone on speaker so Konrad can hear. “Where are you and what’s your situation?” My adrenaline is pumping.

  I hear a shuffling sound like she’s scooting across a wooden floor. “He forgot his phone with me. I am under Mr. Thompson’s house. He is a teacher at Campton High. Please hurry, he will be back. My name is Baylee.”

  Oh fuck!

  Mr. Thompson is a teacher at the school where Randy is the school principal. This is not good.

  “We will be there soon, sweetheart. Toss the phone out of reach and delete the history so he doesn’t know you called. We will be right there,” I urge her in case he does come back and catches her.

  The phone goes dead. I run to my closet and get my gear along with Konrad’s, who is on the phone with the guys.

  We need to get there. My best guess is he’s probably scared out of his mind considering what’s going on with Randy.

  I remember when Baylee went missing, but I didn’t learn about it for months because they deemed her a runaway because she was in foster care, so there was nothing I could do.

  “Brian and Butcher are going with us!” Konrad yells and I pull the bulletproof vest over my head.

  Konrad slips his gear on and I hand him a gun while I check to make sure mine is loaded and ready to go.

  Konrad gives me a look and I know what it means. “I will be safe and I will stand behind you.” I kiss his cheek and rush out of the door, not wanting to waste a second.

  Konrad gets in the driver’s side and I get in the passenger’s. The others will meet up with us on the way to Mr. Thompson’s house.

  Konrad holds my hand the whole drive. Both of us are quiet as we go through every single thing that can happen and go wrong.

  I hope Mr. Thompson doesn’t discover that she has his phone, because the consequences could be fatal for her.

  Nine-one-one tells them to stay on the phone, they get caught and the anger and the fear they feel in getting caught makes people do stupid things and the outcome is never great.

  If she is who she says she is, she has been missing for six months.

  I can hear the bikes before I see them. Brian pulls up behind us, with Butcher right behind him just as the house comes into view.

  My first thought is that it’s in the middle of nowhere. There is no one in sight and no one can hear screams.

  The house is completely dark. I grip my gun tighter and I ready myself for what’s to come.

  Konrad slams the SUV into park and Butcher immediately runs behind the house, leaving Brian with me and Konrad.

  Konrad kicks in the door, Brian right behind him, and I bring up the rear. I hear a loud boom from the back of the house. I know it’s Butcher breaking in the back.

  The house is silent.

  “She said under the house,” I mention.

  I push rugs up off the floor, looking for a way into the basement when I see a weird rug to the side of the living room.

  I walk over and push the rug but it won’t budge. That’s when I notice it appears to be glued down.

  I get on my knees and find a little handle to the side of the rug that does come up. “Help me lift.”

  Konrad grabs the handle, opening the hatch. That’s when I hear a weird sound. Konrad walks down the ladder, looking at me as he goes.

  My heart is racing, Brian is next and then me.

  I have a really bad feeling.

  The light comes on suddenly. Right in the middle of the room on a bed is Baylee. I know her from her pictures.

  She is so pale. My guess is it’s from not seeing the sun in such a long time. “Baylee, I’m Etta. We just spoke, honey,” I tell her softly.

  She looks at the guys behind me. I know she’s scared out of her mind. I can see the panic on her face.

  “Do you want us to go back upstairs?” Brian asks.

  She nods and they do so, leaving us alone.

  I look around the small room. There are no windows, it’s just brick. The guys had to bend over to stand up in here.

  It’s so cold, mold is crawling over the walls. Her bed is filthy and so is she. “Sweetheart, I am going to untie you and we are going to get you out of here,” I whisper to her softly.

  She nods, watching as I slowly get closer and closer, not wanting to make any sudden movements and scare her.

  She smiles at me weirdly, then her hand comes out from under her pillow and I see a gun.

  My heart stops.




  Then nothing.

  * * *


  The sound of the gun going off is something I will never forget. I can’t even breathe as I jump inside of the hole.

  The sight before me is straight from my nightmares.

  Etta is lying on the ground and the one we came to help is standing above her with a gun.

  I don’t hesitate. I lift my gun. Baylee looks at me in horror, but the bullet has already left my gun and plates in the middle of her forehead.

  She falls to the ground, dead.

  I run to Etta and see she’s covered in blood, the source of which is her head.

  Panic unlike any I have ever felt before races through me. I pick her up and carry her out of that fucking hole and place her into the back
of the SUV, which is basically set up like an ambulance.

  “DRIVE ME TO THE FUCKING HOSPITAL!” I yell at Brian, who jumps in the driver’s seat.

  I turn on the light and take off Etta’s bulletproof vest, making sure a bullet didn’t break through.

  The wound on her head is pouring. I push her hair to the side and I can see her skull.

  I almost pass the fuck out. It grazed her.

  I put some oxygen on her, applying pressure to her head wound to stop the bleeding.

  My hands are shaking so fucking bad I’m not sure how I even manage it.

  “How is she?” Brian asks.

  “She was shot twice in the chest but her vest stopped it. She was shot in the head but it looks like it grazed her.” My voice is fucking shaking, I can barely explain.

  I am so fucking scared. The thought of losing her is more than I can bear.

  She moans and opens her eyes, her hands going to her head. “What happened?” she groans as she tries to sit up.

  “No, honey, lie still,” I beg her.

  She looks at me for a few seconds before I can see the shift. “Baylee was fake,” she says in such a heartbroken tone, tears in her eyes. Her face and hair are covered in blood from the wound on her head.

  I close my eyes because this is going to fuck with her. I can see the hospital lights in front of me before Brian slams the SUV to a stop.

  He runs around and opens the back. I get out, carrying Etta into the hospital. Butcher is right behind us.

  Brian yells for some doctors and nurses. I set her on a bed, reapplying pressure to her head wound.

  Everyone swarms us at once, asking a million questions that I can’t answer, my full attention on her.

  They start to push her away and I grab the bed, stopping them. “I am fucking coming with you,” I yell.

  “Call security!” the doctor yells, trying to pull her away from me again.

  “She is not leaving my sight. I don't give a fuck what you say. I want a new doctor,” I tell the nurse next to me.

  She looks unsure of what to do, and the doctor looks at me in disbelief.

  He reaches into the bed, his hands under her arms, and tries to fucking lift her up out of the bed with her bleeding everywhere.


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