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Wicked Edge

Page 22

by Rebecca Zanetti

  “Kellach is working on the holdup right now, and the new guns should arrive sometime within the next week.” The guns Daire had moved to the States and stored near the airport had somehow been confiscated by the Seattle Police Department. Aye, he’d called in the tip, and since Alexandra had been in Ireland, no way could the betrayal be traced to him. “When’s the next shipment of Apollo?” he asked.

  Pyro flipped through a series of papers in front of him. “Tuesday.” He scrubbed down his face, his eyebrows rising when whiskers scrunched. “Our dealers are almost out of stock, and since they’ve been educating buyers about not taking too much of Apollo, we’ve only had three new deaths reported.”

  The key to that sentence was the word reported. Daire lifted his chin. “Who’s supplying us?”

  Pyro glanced up, his head swaying a little. “Who’s our gun supplier in Dublin?”

  Daire forced a grin. “The supplier doesn’t like anybody knowing his name.”

  “Neither does our contact for Apollo.” Pyro scratched his elbow and stared off into the distance.

  One of the other members, a newly paroled longtime member named Jamm, tapped his fingers on the table. “You okay, Pyro?” he asked, his voice raspy after years of smoking without filters.

  Pyro nodded his head. “Fine.” He glanced around as if surprised to find everyone at the table. “Uh, any other business?”

  Jamm pushed away from the table. His dark beard reached his chest, while his hair had been cut short. Tattoos covered both of his arms to the wrists. “No. Just get some rest.”

  Nobody mentioned the empty chair, although somebody would have to become vice president at some point.

  Daire cleared his throat and reached for his phone. “We’re missing one of the prospects, and he left Short’s Bar last night with this woman. Any ideas?” He held out the phone.

  Jamm took it and studied the screen. “We’re missing Logan?” His chest rose. “That kid is great with bikes. How long he been gone?”

  “Almost twenty-four hours, and he’s not answering calls or texts,” Daire said.

  Jamm twisted his lip. “With this chick, I don’t blame him.”

  Pyro stood and grasped the table until he appeared steady. “Prospects are supposed to be reachable at all hours. Let me see.”

  Jamm handed over the phone.

  Pyro’s head jerked back. “That’s one of the Grizzly skanks.”

  Daire reclaimed the phone and studied the picture. Tall redhead with presence and broad shoulders. Could be a bear shifter. “I’ll call Bear.”

  “Hell no.” Spittle flew from Pyro’s mouth. “I’ve had enough of the Grizzlies. My nephew wanted to take them out, and I was too stubborn to listen. Enough is enough. Our men are hurting, and the only way to cure that is to draw blood.”

  Daire slid the phone into his pocket. “I’ll talk to Bear first and see who the woman is. Our priority is finding our prospect.”

  Pyro shook his head, his pupils so wide the blue was barely discernible in his eyes. “No. This is for Duck.”

  “Amen,” Jamm said, smacking his hands together.

  The other board members stood. A guy named Knife grabbed a blade from his back pocket. “For Duck.”

  Shit. Daire couldn’t stop all of them without using plasma, and letting them know he was a witch was an incredibly bad idea. So he faked a smile. “I guess it’s war.”

  Chapter 26

  Zane Kyllwood didn’t particularly like witches, and he really hated sitting around and waiting in Daire’s penthouse. As a soldier, he was trained to go in fast and hard. This hanging out, studying deeds and maps, made him want to rip off his own head. Sitting at the table was not working for him.

  An enemy had his brother.

  A cold lump settled in his gut, and he had to work to force down the rage. And fear. Logan was trained and smart as hell. Even so, he was a kid. The idea of his little brother being tortured or beheaded made Zane’s head swim.

  Kellach Dunne barked orders into his phone while pacing the long wall of windows, and Simone Brightston worked a computer on the counter, looking for surveillance footage. There had been a brief but entertaining scuffle between Kell and Simone when he’d ordered her to work in Daire’s penthouse. The woman had nicely refused, but Kell hadn’t taken no for an answer.

  Based on the materials Zane had read, if Simone really wasn’t involved in the mining and sale of planekite, somebody sure wanted her to look guilty. He would’ve ordered her into safety if she’d been his to protect, too.

  Sam slid an energy drink in front of him, and he took it gratefully. There was nothing like having his brother at his back. “Anything?” Sam asked.

  “No.” Zane shoved another manila file across the table.

  Their mom flipped through a series of maps, muttering to herself. Zane kept an eye on her, having no doubt she’d take off at some point to meet Bychkov without any backup. If there was a chance to save Logan, she’d sacrifice herself. He knew that much about her, if nothing else.

  Sure she was young, but she’d always been steady and forward moving.

  Not bat-shit crazy. And fighting polar bears, robbing banks, and plotting revenge against somebody as powerful as Bychkov was bat-shit crazy. Not to mention mating one of the Coven Nine enforcers. They were dangerous and nuts. Now Zane would either have to watch her take a dangerous experimental drug a second time to negate the mating bond, or he had to cut off Daire Dunne’s head.

  Something told him neither path would be an easy one.

  “I’m staying mated,” his mom whispered, turning a map around and holding it up to the light.

  The woman had always known how to somehow read his mind. “No, you’re not.”

  An eyebrow lifted, and she glanced around the map of Europe. “Behave yourself, young man.”

  It took every ounce of control he owned not to reply with a “yes, ma’am.” He bit back any other response, cutting Simone a look. The witch had abandoned the computer and was watching the scene with sparkling eyes. “You might want to get back to work.”

  “Watch yourself, demon.” She sniffed and turned back to the computer. “I’ll burn you to a crisp.”

  Witches. He was suddenly surrounded by witches. “They’re all insane,” he whispered to his mom.

  Simone snorted, typing away quickly.

  “I like ’em,” his mom responded.

  She would.

  Sam, ever the peacemaker, leaned against the demolished front doorjamb and crossed his arms. “Mom, don’t you think you rushed into this a little bit?”

  She shrugged. “Life can be short.”

  Zane didn’t know her at all. Who was this woman? “Which is why we plan carefully and proceed slowly.”

  “You’ve never done either, son.” She returned to studying her maps.

  Okay, he needed to rein in his temper and fast. He had a mate and baby girl in Idaho, and the second he found Logan, he was taking his entire family there for some quiet time. His mom and all three of his brothers would remain at demon headquarters for the near future, and they’d all live in fucking peace.

  “I’m not going to retire in Idaho and knit stuff,” his mom murmured.

  “Are you reading my mind?” he barked out.

  “Of course not.” She looked up from the map and blinked her pupils smaller. “I just know how your mind works.”

  Yeah, which was why he hadn’t gotten away with anything since he was two years old.

  Kellach switched off a call, and his phone buzzed instantly again. “What?” He stilled, and his shoulders stiffened.

  Zane leaned forward. Was the call about Logan?

  “When?” Kell barked. Then he listed, his entire body going stiff. “Got it. Thanks.” He slowly turned, and his gaze sought out his cousin.

  “What?” Simone asked.

  “The deeds, manifests, and corporation documents tying you to the mining, manufacturing, and distribution of Apollo have been leaked. The Coven Guard is
on its way to fetch you and take you back to Dublin.” Kellach’s jaw hardened, and a muscle pounded down his neck.

  Simone stood and clasped her hands together. “Then I should get packed.”

  “No,” Kellach exploded. “You will not go with them. Not until we figure out what’s going on and clear your name.”

  Her eyes darkened. “Kellach, you’re an enforcer for the Nine. You can’t hide me, and you can’t commit treason. I have to go.”

  Zane watched the interplay. He kind of liked the spunky witch, and his best friend was pretty much in love with her. Probably. Nicholai Veis would kill Zane if he didn’t interfere. “I can offer asylum.”

  “No,” Simone said.

  “Yes,” Kellach shot back.

  Zane reached for his phone and quickly texted Nick. “I’ll have one of my top soldiers escort you to safety.”

  Simone threw back her hair, and a gorgeous blue flame danced down her arms. “Absolutely not. I am a member of the Coven Nine, and I will not run. It’s time to face these charges.”

  “When will he be here?” Kellach asked, completely ignoring his cousin.

  Zane glanced at his phone. “As soon as he lets me know where he is, I’ll get him.” Zane had an above average ability to teleport, and he’d transport his buddy, who unfortunately hadn’t inherited the gene. But Nick was a hell of a fighter even without the skill. “Right now he’s undercover on an operation that has nothing to do with planekite or witches, so as soon as he sees the text, he’ll call in.” But it could be hours.

  “What kind of operation?” Simone asked.

  Did she want to know out of curiosity, or was it something more? Zane rubbed his chin. “We’re negotiating a peace with the shifters out of Alaska, and Nick has gone under to, ah, obtain information.” Blackmail was fine in Zane’s world.

  “I’m going to Dublin,” Simone said.

  Kellach shook his head. “You’re in danger, and as an enforcer, I can order you to safety.”

  She set her hands on her hips. “You can’t order me to break Coven law and hide, Kellach. You know that.”

  Kell’s phone dinged, and he lifted it to his ear after reading the face. “Get back here. We have a prob—” His head lifted. His shoulders dropped. “You’re kidding me.” He shook his head. “No. Simone is busy.” Then he bit his lip. “Keep me informed.”

  Zane lifted his eyebrows. “Problem?”

  “You could say that.” Kellach studied the group at large. “Apparently the Titans of Fire are going to avenge a member’s death by attacking the Grizzlies.”

  “When?” Simone asked.

  “Right now.” Kellach shook his head and quickly typed something into his phone. “I’ll let Alexandra know, and hopefully the cops can stop the fight before it happens.”

  Simone grabbed Zane’s drink and took a big swallow. “If Daire gets arrested, he’ll need his lawyer, because with Felicity about to meet an enemy, no way will Daire allow the Seattle cops to keep him.” She smiled. “I’m his lawyer. So I guess I can’t go into hiding.”

  Frustration lined Kellach’s face, and Zane could relate. “Why don’t you warn Bear, so he can prepare to get Daire out of the line of fire in case there is a problem?” Zane asked. It’d be easier to avoid arrest than to get out of one.

  Kellach nodded. “Good idea.” He punched in more keys on his phone.

  Zane sighed and stretched back in his chair. He was getting way too involved in Coven business.

  His mom smiled. “They’re our business, too.”

  Felicity turned the map around. No matter what happened, she had to figure out a way to destroy the Sjenerøse mine. She’d gone through all of the stolen deeds, and so far, there weren’t any surprises. But planekite was so important, she wouldn’t be shocked to find a mine or two well hidden.

  The tension in the penthouse was palpable, and it wasn’t coming from just Zane. Kellach continued to pace at a rapid speed, and Simone glared at him with her hands on her hips.

  “Simone?” Felicity asked. “If you don’t mind a couple of questions, I was wondering what would happen if the Coven guards escorted you to Dublin.”

  The stunning witch turned her focus on Felicity. “Charges will be read against me, there will be an investigation, and I’ll probably go on trial.”

  Fascinating. The witches had been secretive for so long. “Who’s the trial judge for your people?”

  “The remaining members of the Coven Nine will sit as judges.” Simone shoved curly black hair away from her face. The mass cascaded down her shoulders to the small of her back.

  Felicity fingered her straight hair. She’d always wanted curls. “Um, what are the possible repercussions?”

  “Removal from the Nine or death.” Simone stood straighter and rolled her shoulders. “For these charges? Death.”

  No wonder Kellach Dunne wanted to force his cousin to safety.

  Felicity’s phone vibrated against her leg. She stood and headed for the bedroom and bathroom, feeling everyone’s gaze on her as she moved. She hustled into the bathroom and locked the door. “Hello?” she whispered.

  “Hello. Are you ready to bargain?” Ivan asked.

  “Where’s my son?” Anger threaded through her, and she fought to keep calm.

  “Logan is fine and will remain so. I have no wish to harm your son.” Ivan cleared his throat. “Last time we chatted, you were at the Seattle airport. Now, I can see you’re at Dunne’s penthouse.”

  She frowned. “Yes.”


  She glanced around. “The bathroom. Don’t worry. They can’t hear us.”


  Felicity paused. “Well? What’s the plan?”

  A bomb ripped through the night, and the entire building rocked. The mirror fell off the wall, and she barely had time to jump toward the door before glass exploded. She fell, her knees impacting shattered glass. Pain rippled up her legs. She scrambled for the doorknob and yanked open the door.

  Smoke assaulted her.

  Her kids. She crawled out and pushed to her feet, trying to kick past a bunch of pillows that had been blown from the bed. A gaping hole in one wall sent rain billowing inside.

  She coughed out smoke and tried to focus, but the smoke stung her eyes. Tears streamed down her face. She stumbled into the other room to find black smoke. Kellach and Sam were sprawled unconscious next to another yawning hole in the outside wall. Rain and wind pushed their way in. If either of the men tried to get up and tripped, they’d drop ten stories to the concrete street.

  Simone lay in the kitchen, only her legs visible.

  Zane crashed through the inner wall, fighting furiously with two men in gas masks.

  Oh. Gas. Her mind spun, and her stomach heaved. Trying not to breathe, she slid over to Sam and grabbed his pants legs. Grunting with the effort, she dragged him away from the hole. Her shoulders protested, and her back ached, but she left him and grabbed Kellach under the arms. He weighed as much as Sam, and she was sweating by the time she got him to safety. A quick check of their necks confirmed they were out but alive.

  She searched for a weapon in the demolished room. Nothing. With a shriek, she flew across the room and landed on the back of one of the guys fighting with Zane.

  Her vision blurred, and her lungs burned.

  Whatever was in the grenade slid into her central nervous system. She had to fight to remain conscious. Even as she watched, Zane’s movements slowed.

  The guy in the mask punched him hard in the face.

  The man she’d jumped on reached back and yanked on her hair. Pain exploded in her head. She jabbed her elbow into her attacker’s neck, right in the sweet spot. His neck cracked. He dropped to one knee, and she jumped off him, spinning a side kick into his temple. He toppled to the floor.

  She swayed. Three more men in masks ran through the door.

  One of them reached her just in time to grab her before she fell. Her last thought was that she hoped Zane didn’t fall
out the window while fighting.

  Chapter 27

  Daire signaled for Garrett to break off and fall behind the motorcycles roaring toward Bear’s headquarters to wage war. The kid nodded and began to make his move. He couldn’t afford to get taken down to the police station, and Daire couldn’t afford for the king of the Realm, Garrett’s uncle, to be pissed off right now. Hopefully Bear would diffuse the situation once they arrived.

  If Bear stayed true to form, he wouldn’t diffuse shit.

  Trees sped by, and a fine Seattle mist covered their bikes as they rode hell-bent for trouble. The Fire members reached the Grizzly courtyard, and two rows of Grizzly members were waiting. Wearing their cuts and pissed-off expressions, they looked as dangerous as the mountains rising high above them. Apparently Kellach had decided to warn them, which may have been a good idea. Or maybe not.

  How could humans not see something immortal within these guys? It was so obvious they were bear shifters.

  Daire growled low and cut his engine. He needed to get back to his mate and not fuck around with a bunch of humans and bears. Why the hell had he agreed to this mission in Seattle in the first place? Of course, if he hadn’t agreed, he never would’ve met Felicity.

  The Fire members silenced their bikes. It looked like the numbers were about even, but the humans had no clue they might face bared teeth and three-inch claws.

  Bear stepped forward, irritation sizzling in his deep eyes. “What the fuck?”

  Pyro disembarked. “Where is our prospect?”

  “No clue, man.” Bear lowered his chin and actually looked like a bear. Tension vibrated from him with an animal ferocity, and several of the Fire members shifted their feet uneasily. They might not know Bear was a bear, but their instincts seemed to be kicking in. “Why the hell are you here?” he all but growled.

  Pyro motioned Daire forward. “We have a picture of one of your skanks with our prospect leaving a bar the other night. Where is he?”

  Daire handed the phone to Bear.

  Bear studied it, and his eyebrows rose. A growl rumbled from his chest. “That’s Tasha.”

  “One of your skanks?” Pyro asked, triumph in his voice.


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