Hack: Silver Saints MC

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Hack: Silver Saints MC Page 3

by Fiona Davenport

  Hack led me over to the bed and settled me on the side of the mattress. He pulled the blanket off and draped it over my shoulders before sitting down next to me. Then he wrapped his arm around my body and pulled me into his side. “What pissed the bastard off enough that he broke his promise to my MC?”

  “Apparently, the District Attorney’s office got some new evidence, and Sarah was released early.” I tilted my head up to look at his face so he could see how sincere I was being. “I swear it wasn’t me. I don’t know why he wasn’t able to find out what happened, but I had nothing to do with it. I haven’t talked to anyone about what I saw David do to Sarah since he was killed.”

  “Fuck,” he groaned, his chin going to his chest as he stared at the floor. “It’s all my fault.”



  “How could it possibly be your fault?” Paisley asked softly. She was staring up at me with such innocence that I almost felt guilty for the many dirty things I’d wanted to do to her the moment our lips touched. Almost.

  “I found enough evidence to send to the DA to get Sarah exonerated,” I admitted. If I’d known it would blow back on Paisley, I would have snatched her ass up months ago. “I’m guessing John heard the news and assumed it was you. I’m so sorry I let that happen to you, baby.”

  I shook my head, wanting to kick the shit out of myself for not listening to my instincts. Dom had had a point when he told me to give Paisley some space to recover from what had happened, but it had been foolish to wait this long. She would have been home, with me, safe and sound, rather than on the run from some dirty cop.

  “Are you kidding?” My girl backed up onto the bed and brought her legs up so she could kneel on the right side of me. I twisted my torso to face her, and she cupped my face in her small, soft hands. “What you did was amazing. If I’d been able to dig up that evidence, I would have done exactly the same. Even if it had put me in that jerk’s crosshairs again.” Her bright green eyes turned sad, and I hated it. “Sarah was innocent, and she didn’t deserve to rot in that prison because I was such a coward.”

  I peeled her hands away from my face and curled my right arm around her waist, then pulled her around, so she ended up straddling me and rested my hands on her hips. “Baby—” Her face flushed when I called her that, and she relaxed into me a little more. I’d already been hard as a fucking rock, but now I was in real danger of my big cock busting the zipper of my jeans to get to her. “You were young and scared. Self-preservation is our natural response. If you’d come forward, your sexy ass wouldn’t be sitting on my lap right now.”

  Paisley’s lips curved up into a shy smile, and the green of her eyes lightened. “You think I have a sexy ass?”

  If I’d been any less blinded by lust, I might have laughed at her adorable question. But as it was, I couldn’t see beyond her plump tits bouncing when she breathed and the way she was squirming restlessly. I slid my hands over her hips to her back and down to cup her round, supple bottom. I squeezed her cheeks and drew her forward until her heat was settled right on top of my burgeoning dick. “No, baby. I’m saying your ass is fucking perfect, and you are sexy everywhere,” I rasped. My jaw clenched when she wiggled again, and I tamped down my desire to tear off her stretchy black pants and free my cock so I could slam her down on it and demand she ride me until she screamed my name.

  “I—um,”—she blushed hard and ducked her head—“I think you’re really hot.”

  I grinned down at her as I curled my index finger under her chin and lifted her face. “You think so, huh?”

  She bit her lip, and I felt a surge of jealousy that it wasn’t my teeth nibbling on that pouty lip. I was so fucking gone over this woman. “Yes,” she whispered. A tiny shiver wracked her body, and it shook away the last of my control.

  My head dipped, and I covered her mouth with my own while returning my hand to her ass and palming both cheeks. A little moan fell from her lips, and I used the opportunity to slide my tongue in and explore her sugary taste. I yanked her forward and ground my erection into her pussy. It was so hot; I could feel it through our layers of clothing. Another erotic little moan escaped, and I swallowed the sound with my heady kiss.

  After a minute, she began to rock against me, and I glided one hand up her back and into her hair. I fisted some of the fiery strands I’d been itching to touch and angled her head so I could deepen the kiss. Her sounds had escalated to cries, her voice sounding desperate and needy. My girl wanted to come, and I was more than happy to give her that pleasure. But it needed to happen fast, or I was going to explode in my pants. It had been a fuck of a long time since I’d so much as looked at a woman. But I was surprised at the force of my attraction to Paisley and how little control I seemed to have over my response to her.

  I ripped my lips from hers and buried my face in her neck, covering it with hot, wet, kisses. “Come, baby,” I grunted as I bucked my hips. “Take what you need.”

  She whimpered and moved a little faster. “That’s it,” I encouraged as my other hand traveled over her hip and around her rib cage, then up to cup one of her luscious tits. I drew the pad of my thumb lightly over her taut nipple and groaned when she dropped her head back and cried out.

  Pulling my face from the crook of her neck, I watched her as she neared her orgasm. I had dreamed of how sexy she would be when she came, but there was no way I could have come close to how fucking amazing she looked at that moment.

  Her eyes were closed, her mouth parted, and her skin was glowing with passion. I released her hair and dropped my hand to the waistband of her pants. Yanking it down, I shoved my hand between her legs and nearly came when I felt how fucking drenched she was. Focus, Barrett, I told myself sternly. Zeroing in on her swollen bud, I rubbed it furiously. In seconds, her head fell back and her mouth opened, releasing a scream that reverberated off the walls.

  My cock exploded, and I made a fucking mess inside my pants. But it was worth it to watch Paisley while she climaxed. I’d never seen anything more beautiful. When her body finally stopped shivering, she collapsed against my chest in a boneless heap. Her arms snuck around my chest, and she rubbed her nose in my shirt before laying her cheek over the same spot. When she took a deep breath, her puckered nipples scraped across my chest.

  I was instantly hard again, and the only thought in my head was getting lips on those hard peaks. I grasped the hem of her T-shirt and raised it up, relieved when she moved back just enough for me to slide the material up her torso, then lifted her arms so I could completely remove and toss it away.

  My eyes practically bulged out of my head when I saw her full, ripe tits practically spilling out of a low-cut, lacy black bra. “Fuck,” I breathed. Paisley shivered, and it shot a bolt of lust straight to my dick. I didn’t waste any time unclasping the bra and catching the creamy white mounds with cherry tips in my waiting hands.

  Paisley whimpered, and I glanced up to see her biting her lip again. “Stop that,” I growled. She looked at me in surprise but did as she was told. I rewarded her obedience by lifting her heavy breasts and sucking one of the buds into my mouth. Paisley moaned and arched her back, shoving even more of her tit into my mouth, making me groan with approval. After leaving the taut nipple red and surrounded by little bites, I did the same to the other side.

  Eventually, I’d had my fill—for the moment—and straightened to stare into her glazed, green pools. “One of these days, I going to fuck these sexy tits while you suck me off,” I promised her in a gritty voice.

  I watched her, gauging her response to my explicit words, and when she shuddered and her eyes darkened, I grinned. Yeah, she was fucking perfect.

  “You want that, baby?” I asked silkily as I licked a path up the valley between her quivering breasts. She nodded and squirmed on my lap. “You want to come again?”

  “Mm-hmm,” she moaned.

  “What was that?” I nibbled my way up her neck and along her jaw until I could suck the bottom of her earlobe into my mou

  “Yes,” she answered in a barely audible voice. It had been clear right away that she was inexperienced, which was hot as fuck. So I told myself to back off and slowly introduce her to the dirty, grittier side of sex. But the breathy little moaning sound she made sizzled on my skin like an electric current.

  “Then that’s exactly what you’ll get.” My hot breath bathed the shell of her ear, and she trembled. “But this time, you’re gonna do it with my cock buried in your tight, wet little pussy.” I waited for a beat, and when she whimpered and rocked against me, I took that as permission to proceed. “Get on the bed and lie down, baby,” I commanded. She took a deep breath and looked into my eyes as her pink tongue darted out to wet her lips. I groaned and squeezed her tits one more time before letting them go. “Move your sexy little ass, baby. Before I lose control and fuck you so hard you won’t be able to walk for a week.”

  Her eyes widened, and her mouth formed a little O. I raised a brow and waited to see what she would do next. I would enjoy making love to my girl, but I’d also love giving her a rough, hard fuck. I wanted her to know what she was getting into with me but was a little terrified she’d go running for the hills.

  After an eternity—or at least a few seconds—she scrambled to the middle of the bed and laid down on her back. I grinned and stood, my eyes sweeping over her gorgeous body. My body tightened in anticipation, and I leaned one knee onto the mattress, about to climb on when—

  Bang! Bang!

  “Yo! Hack!”

  It was Breaker—who must’ve gotten here after I headed to Paisley’s room—and I was going to gut the motherfucker and bury him where no one would ever find the body. “Fuck off!” I shouted.

  But he immediately banged again and yelled back, “Benji texted with news, man. Get your head out of your ass—or wherever else it’s been this whole time—and get out here.”

  My eyes skimmed over Paisley’s ripe, half-naked body, and I growled.

  He was a dead man. DEAD. MAN.



  My brain was fuzzy from the earth-shattering orgasm Hack had given me, but I was still with it enough to toss the blanket over my mostly naked body when some guy pounded on the door. I wasn’t certain how everything had gotten out of control so quickly between Hack and me, but I didn’t regret what had happened. Heck, I’d been more than ready for him to climb between my legs and take my innocence. I was too worked up to appreciate the interruption, even though I probably should have since I’d only spoken to him the first time tonight—even though I remembered him from everything that had happened six months ago. I’d only spotted him once, and then he’d seemed to stay in the background. But even with that brief glimpse, he was memorable. If I’d realized the guy I had been perving over was the same one who’d texted me, I probably would’ve latched onto my feeling of being watched as an excuse to reach out to him long before now.

  I giggled at the comment about where Hack’s head had been, thinking about how much I would’ve enjoyed having it buried between my thighs like the guy was suggesting. Hack growled again as he took his knee off the mattress and grabbed my bra and shirt to hand them to me. “Put these on. I’m not leaving you here alone, and no fucking way are you going to be around the guys with your tits bouncing around. One of them would notice, and I’d hate to be forced to kill one of my brothers because he stared at you too long.”

  “Not sure what you’re talking about, but I can hear you talking.” There were three more loud bangs against the door. “I get that you probably want to kill me, but you need to move your ass and not while you pump in and out of the sexy thing you’re holed up with.” Hack was across the room in a flash, yanking on the door as the guy continued, “Not that I blame you. I’d want—”

  The guy didn’t get to finish what he was about to say before Hack slammed his fist against his mouth. I gasped when I realized it was Breaker. He’d been the one to give me a ride home after David Clark died. He’d also installed a deadbolt on my front door and got the property manager to give me an assigned spot only a few spaces down from my house. He hadn’t said much to me back then, but he’d been respectful in the short time we’d spent together while he made sure I felt safe in my home. He hadn’t been even the tiniest bit flirtatious, so I didn’t understand why he was spouting off about me now...until I saw the humor shining from his eyes as he wiped the blood off the corner of his lip and grinned. “Figured that’d get you to open the door.”

  He tried to step into the room, but Hack pushed him back into the hallway. “We’ll be down in a few minutes.”

  “I’m not saying I don’t trust you, but I’ll be waiting right here in case you lose track of time because the temptation is just too strong,” Breaker called through the door after Hack slammed it shut.

  “Motherfucker,” Hack bit out, ignoring Breaker to turn back to me. His nostrils flared as he let out a puff of air, and his eyes softened. “Need you to get dressed now, baby. Not sure how long I can hold myself back from going back out there to kick his ass.”

  I quickly tossed on my bra and shirt before fixing my leggings. Then I ran my fingers through my hair so it didn’t look as though I’d just rolled out of bed. When I was semi-presentable again, I padded across the room and stroked my hand down Hack’s chest. “You know Breaker is just pressing your buttons to get a rise out of you, right?”

  His dark eyes narrowed, and he grabbed my hips in a tight grip. Pulling me close, he growled, “How the fuck do you know Breaker?”

  “I don’t really know him.” I tilted my head back and stared up at him. “Link asked him to take me back home after everything went down with David Clark. I spent a grand total of maybe an hour around him and haven’t seen him since.”

  A muscle jumped in his jaw. “I forgot Breaker was the one who had you on the back of his bike that night.” The gritty, dark tone he was using warned me that I needed to defuse this situation fast or Hack really would kill him.

  “He drove my car,” I corrected with a soft smile. “I probably would’ve crashed if I’d been behind the wheel.”

  Some of the tension drained from his body, and he released my hips to lace his fingers through mine. “I guess I won’t need to kill him then.” I inwardly sighed with relief. As hot as it was to see him get so jealous over me, we had enough problems to deal with right now.

  “Yeah, it’s probably better if you don’t since you're both in the same MC and all.” I shook my head and laughed. When he went to open the door, I asked, “Do I need my shoes or purse?”

  “As long as you have your room key, you’re good to go,” he assured me as he led me into the hallway.

  “I’m sure any trace of you was already erased from every camera you passed on your way here,” Breaker added, jerking his thumb in Hack’s direction. “No way in hell would Hack run the risk of that dickwad finding you before he did. Or after.”

  I grinned up at Hack while we waited for the elevator. “I guess I know how you earned your nickname, huh?”

  “Yeah, my computer skills saved the Silver Saints a fuck ton of trouble when I was a prospect.” Breaker chuckled and mumbled something about how he could say that again under his breath, earning himself a glare from Hack. “But I’ve never appreciated how good I am at tracking shit down than I was tonight when I found you.”

  “I bet,” Breaker mumbled, stumbling into the elevator when Hack shoved him from behind.

  I giggled as we walked in after him, and Hack tucked me close to his side opposite the other man. His possessiveness was flattering—and a major turn-on. I pressed my thighs together and wished I’d thought to change my panties before we left my room. Between my orgasm and how hot being around Hack made me, the pair I was wearing were beyond drenched. Something I was hyperaware of when we walked into a room that was about twice the size of mine and full of bikers. I only recognized Dom, who jerked his chin in my direction before shifting his attention to Hack. “Benji dug up some shit.”

  “That’s what this dipshit said when he came to get us.” Hack pointed his thumb at Breaker.

  “Figured you’d want to get the intel from the source,” Dom added, pointing at the laptop on the table in the corner of the room.

  Hack kept me anchored to his side as we crossed the room. After he pulled out a chair and sat down, he pulled me onto his lap. “What do you have for me, Benji?”

  The guy on the screen was younger than the rest of the men in the room and looked shocked to see me staring back at him. “Uh, you sure you want me to share this shit in front of an outsider?”

  “It’s not your place to question orders, prospect.” Hack pulled me tight against his chest. “But I’ll forgive it this once since you haven’t met Paisley yet. She’s mine.”

  One of the guys I didn’t know dropped onto the chair across from us. “As long as we’re doing introductions, I’m Dax.”

  “He’s our sergeant at arms,” Hack explained.

  “And I’m Nova,” the other guy said as he leaned against the wall behind Dax.

  “He’s an enforcer like Dom,” Hack added.

  “Now that we’ve got that shit done, how about you fill Hack and Paisley in on what you found,” Dom commanded.

  Benji shocked the crap out of me by announcing, “Internal affairs started an investigation into John Clark last month. They haven’t gotten far yet, but it looks like the district attorney wanted him looked into after they received information that led to the release of Sarah Weinstock.”

  I gasped, twisting around to look up at Hack. “Do you think he knows about the investigation, and that’s part of why he was so angry with me?”

  Hack quickly filled the guys in on what had set John Clark off and why he’d come knocking on my door. “We should’ve just killed the asshole and buried his body next to his son’s,” Dom muttered.


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