Dare To Stay

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Dare To Stay Page 15

by Phillips, Carly

  “Braden?” He’d been lost in thought, and he shook his head, then met her gaze. “Yeah. Sorry. What’s up?”

  She treated him to a soft smile he wanted to kiss. “Thank you for today.”

  “You’re welcome. I enjoyed it a lot, and we can definitely do it again soon.”

  A flash of hope flickered in her eyes. “I hope so.”

  He winked at her. “Count on it.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Willow sat beside Aurora with Braden across from them as they explained the fact that she had family she didn’t know about who wanted to meet her.

  The young girl, who’d come home from work, showered, and changed into a pair of maternity pajamas, turned to Willow in shock. “I don’t understand. I have a brother from New York who’s here in Florida?”

  Willow reached for her trembling hand. “You have an entire family, although Lincoln is the one who flew here to meet you. It’s exciting news!”

  “I have family?” she asked again. “How? My mother left me, said she didn’t know who my father was, and Grandma didn’t know, either.”

  Willow shot Braden an imploring glance. She needed help explaining the complicated story.

  He leaned forward, hands on his thighs. “Your mother had an affair with a married man, and he didn’t want his wife to know about it. When she got pregnant, he … paid her to take care of you, which she obviously didn’t do. He died recently and his son found the monthly checks cashed from his account.” Braden cleared his throat and hesitated with the rest.

  Willow knew it wasn’t easy for him to break the hardest news, so she took over. “They hired a private investigator and found your mom,” Willow said gently. “She’s been living off the money, but she admitted to leaving you with her mother.” And not taking Aurora in after the older woman passed away. There was no reason to state the obvious and hurt the young woman more.

  Aurora sniffed, her eyes filled with tears. “My mom. She’s alive and fine? And living off money meant to help her with me?”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. But as soon as Lincoln and his siblings found out they had a half sister, he flew here to meet you and”—Willow drew a deep breath—“bring you back with him. They want to get to know you and take care of you.”

  She dipped her head, her tears flowing now, her hands on her belly. No doubt Aurora’s story had highs and lows, Willow thought. A mother who’d abandoned her and basically stolen money that should have gone for her care, but in the end, Aurora was gaining a family. And wasn’t that every foster child’s dream? Even when they grew up, deep down, everyone had a need to be loved and wanted.

  “Are you okay?” Willow asked.

  Looking up, Aurora nodded. “When can I meet him? And I don’t want to go alone.”

  “Don’t worry. You won’t,” Willow said, looking to Braden.

  “There’s a game Sunday and we took off today. What if–”

  “Can you call him now?” Aurora asked, cutting him off, her enthusiasm obviously growing.

  “Umm…” Braden appeared unsure.

  “Of course,” Willow said, certain Braden’s hesitancy was out of concern, but given Aurora’s reaction, the sooner the better. Willow didn’t want her to have to spend the night obsessing and worrying when they could arrange for her to meet her brother now.

  “Sure.” Braden rose to his feet. “Evie left me the number. Let me step outside to make the call and I’ll be right back.”

  Willow had no doubt Braden walked out so he could also let Lincoln know his sister was eight months pregnant so his shock wouldn’t show when he walked in tonight.

  “Oh my God,” Aurora said as soon as he left the apartment. “I need to pull myself together. I need to change into clothes! And put on some makeup so I don’t scare him to death.” She rose and dashed for the bedroom, leaving Willow to stare after her with a grin on her face.

  Braden walked back in, his expression also a happy one. “He’ll be here in thirty minutes. Where’s Aurora?” he asked, looking around.

  “Getting ready to meet her brother. Did you tell him she’s pregnant?” Willow asked more quietly.

  He nodded. “He took it in stride. And just a warning, he sounds like a man used to getting his way. He’s a lot like Ian in that way. In fact, I think Lincoln is already making plans in his head to bring Aurora back with him as soon as possible,” he warned her. Braden clasped her hands in his. “Are you going to be okay with that?”

  Willow tilted her head toward the bathroom, where the noise of the blow dryer sounded. “If it means she’s happy and has a support system? Absolutely.” Although she’d miss Aurora’s presence, she couldn’t deny her happiness made Willow ecstatic.

  “You do realize we didn’t tell her she’s related to a rock star and a famous actor?” he asked.

  Willow shrugged. “Something tells me it’s just going to be icing on the cake. And here I was worried about how she’d take the news,” she said wryly. “Of course, it probably hasn’t sunk in yet about her mother.”

  “Or she’s already come to terms with not having a mother in her life, and the fact that she was abandoned already told her all she needed to know about the woman who gave birth to her.”

  Willow nodded. “That I can relate to, and it makes sense to me. I hope she never goes looking for the woman, because the only thing down that path is heartache.”

  He pulled her into his arms, and she sighed, leaning her head against his chest. “Regardless, she’s excited and that’s what matters.”


  Not long after Aurora finally finished getting dressed and made up, she joined them in the living room, looking the best Willow had ever seen her. In the very short time she’d been working for Dare Nation, she’d blossomed into a pretty young woman wearing makeup, clean clothing that fit, and a light in her eyes she hadn’t had when Willow met her that day in the diner. Tonight the glow was even more prominent.

  As were her nerves. Lincoln Kingston had better be a good, decent man, Willow thought, glancing at the poor girl pacing the room. If the doorbell didn’t ring soon, there’d be a hole in the carpet.

  “What if he judges me for being pregnant and not knowing who the father is?”

  “He won’t,” Willow assured her. Braden had vetted him damned carefully on that. He’d promised while they waited for the young woman to get ready.

  “You mentioned they’re wealthy?” A conversation Willow had had with her when she’d gone in to check on her only to find four outfits on the bed.

  She’d helped Aurora pick one while giving her information about her new family. Select information. If she’d told her about Dash Kingston, the rock star, and Xander Kingston, the actor, Aurora’s freak out would be even worse.

  “You’ve been around Braden’s brothers, and they all have money. Not to mention the athletes who come into Dare Nation. You’ll be fine,” Willow continued to reassure her.

  She met Braden’s amused smile and shook her head. It wouldn’t help for either of them to make light of such an important situation, but the truth was Aurora’s reactions were so sweet.

  When the ring sounded, all three of them startled, despite being ready for their guest’s arrival. Aurora smoothed her hand over her belly, her pretty blue top matching her eyes.

  “Ready?” Braden asked and she nodded.

  He opened the door, and an extremely handsome man stood on the threshold, wearing a pair of dark jeans and a pale blue collared short-sleeve Polo shirt. His dark hair was perfectly and expensively cut, and an air of self-assurance surrounded him. If she hadn’t been so far gone for Braden, she’d definitely be attracted. After all, she wasn’t dead and her hormones reacted.

  But the most striking thing about him, at least for Willow, was his blue eyes that were so like Aurora’s and the similarity in their facial features. Defined but full lips, a perfectly straight nose, and a strong jaw on him, less so on her. They certainly were related.

  “Lincoln Kingston?
” Braden asked.

  The man who was as tall and broad as Braden nodded. “Braden Prescott?”

  With a nod, Braden extended his hand, and the men engaged in a power handshake that was obvious even from a distance.

  “Call me Linc,” he said.

  “Come on in, Linc.” Braden stepped aside, and the other man entered, his intent gaze zeroing in on Aurora.

  “This is Willow James, my – the woman Aurora’s been living with recently.” Braden gestured to Willow and she gave him a smile and a wave.

  He nodded, appreciation in his gaze. “A pleasure to meet you.”

  “And this is your sister, Aurora Michaels.”

  Aurora stared at Linc wide-eyed, a mixture of awe and fear of rejection in her eyes and expression.

  Willow held her breath as Linc strode over, and though she expected this stern man to extend a hand to Aurora for a shake, he placed his hand beneath her chin. “You have our eyes,” he said and pulled her into his arms for an embrace.

  A lump rose to Willow’s throat. Because she had experienced the loneliness and fear of being an unwanted foster through the age of sixteen, she literally felt Aurora’s initial panic and now the complete release of emotion as she received Linc’s unconditional acceptance. So much so that Willow’s own knees nearly buckled.

  As if sensing her empathetic response and unspoken need, Braden was there, bracing her with a strong arm around her waist and all of his support.

  Once the emotional greeting was complete, they all settled in Willow’s small living room, making the best of her sofa and one club chair.

  Before Linc could speak, Aurora began peppering him with questions. “How many brothers and sisters do you have? I mean do I have? Are they all in New York? What does everyone do?”

  Linc’s eyes crinkled with warmth and amusement as he replied. “I’m the oldest and I run the family company. I’m sure you’ll learn a lot more if you decide to come work with me.”

  “Me?” she said on a squeak. “But I don’t have a college degree! I barely graduated high school. And I just started learning office work at Dare Nation. Plus I live in Florida.”

  Linc raised an eyebrow at that, and Willow could all but read his thoughts. For now. You live in Florida for now.

  “Why don’t you let me tell you some more about the family since I have the distinct feeling you’re missing key information?” He shot both Willow and Braden a glance.

  Braden shrugged. “I didn’t want to freak her out all at once.”

  “What’s going on?” Aurora asked.

  Linc’s low chuckle had her opening her eyes wide. “Our brother, Xander, is an–”

  “Xander Kingston. The actor!” Aurora nearly yelled. “No way!”

  “Yes way.” He grinned. “And Dash is a rock star.”

  At this point the poor girl’s eyes were about to pop out of her head.

  “And Chloe is our sister.”

  Aurora blinked, tears in her eyes. “I have a sister,” she whispered, that fact impacting her more than her famous siblings. “How is this my life?”

  Linc’s smile was grim. “It should have been your life sooner. I’m sorry for what my father did, but the minute I found out about you, I began looking. I just couldn’t find you until you took a legitimate job that gave me a lead.”

  She shook her head. “I don’t understand why you care? I’m an illegitimate child of a man who didn’t want me. Aren’t you embarrassed by my very existence?”

  His wince was at once protective and sad, Willow thought.

  “I think you’ll find we Kingston kids are very resilient and we protect our own. I’m glad you’ve had support lately, but do you have plans for once the baby is born?”

  Willow leaned into Braden as Aurora answered.

  “No,” she whispered. “I don’t have health insurance yet, although Bri said she’s submitted the papers. And I didn’t know what I’d do about work and someone to watch the baby. I don’t have my own apartment. I’m staying here and Willow’s been sleeping on the sofa. I can’t bring a baby home with me because it’s just not fair to her–”

  Willow felt the heat of Linc’s surprised but grateful stare. “Aurora, you can stay until you figure something out. I told you that.” She wanted the young woman to know she had choices.

  Aurora’s damp gaze met hers. “And I appreciate that but we both know it can’t really work. And I can’t afford my own place…” She was starting to get worked up, and Willow jumped up from her seat.

  She walked over to Aurora, who’d taken the chair, and put a hand on her shoulder. “Shh. Calm down, please. Getting upset isn’t good for you or the baby.”

  “Can I get a word in?” Linc asked.

  All eyes turned his way.

  “We have a variety of solutions in New York. The family estate where my father used to live still has staff that are loyal to our family, and they were always good to us growing up. We own apartment buildings around Manhattan. Each of us has a trust fund, and I’m working on getting yours set up to atone for how you grew up and everything you’ve lacked your entire life.”

  By now Aurora was crying in earnest. Not because she was sad but for the simple reason that she was overwhelmed, Willow knew.

  “Can you give her time to process?” Braden asked. “As much as everything you’re offering is the answer to her prayers, she needs to adjust to her new reality.”

  Linc scowled, obviously used to getting his way.

  Undeterred, Braden continued. “I realize you have her best interest at heart, but the few emotional connections she has are here.”

  Willow wanted to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him for standing up for Aurora’s needs and not letting Linc, despite his good intentions, take over her life.

  With reluctance, the man nodded. “I could help you find an apartment, a nanny, and get set up here, if that’s what you decide,” he said to Aurora. “But I also hope you realize your family wants to get to know you. We would like you to be a part of our lives, and I’d rather take you home with me.”

  Aurora pressed her hand against her forehead. “This is so much so soon. Braden’s right. I need to think. And to get to know you more.”

  “How much longer can you fly? In your pregnancy, I mean?” Linc asked Aurora.

  She lifted her head and shrugged her shoulders. “I never asked. There was no reason to.”

  “Up to thirty-six weeks,” Braden said. “I’ve been her doctor, in case you didn’t run your own checks on the people in her life.”

  “Of course I did,” Linc muttered.

  Braden smirked, obviously having guessed right. “She has two weeks before I’d prefer she didn’t get on an airplane.”

  Linc drew a deep breath and nodded. “I’ll stay for a week. We’ll get to know one another and then you can make a decision. Fair?” he asked, but it was clear he intended to sway her to return home with him.

  “Yes. Thank you,” Aurora said. “I’d like that.”

  “Now that that’s settled, why don’t you two make plans for the week, and then I’d say Aurora and the baby need some rest.” Braden’s voice brooked no argument. He wasn’t about to let Linc roll over him, and Willow admired him for standing up to this commanding presence.

  Braden rose from his seat. “If you two would like to come to the Thunder football game on Sunday, I can get you box seats,” he offered.

  Linc had stood as well. “That sounds fun. Would you like to go?” he asked Aurora.

  She nodded.

  Willow thought it would be a good ice breaker to talk while watching the game.

  “Willow, walk me out? It’ll give them time to make plans,” Braden said.

  “Thanks,” Aurora said to them both, her eyes gleaming with nervous energy.

  Braden smiled at her and Willow nodded. “I’ll be back in a few minutes,” she said.

  She accompanied him to the catwalk, shutting the door behind them. The humidity and heat hit her immediately. �
�That went better than expected.”

  He nodded. “But Lincoln Kingston is a man used to getting what he wants.”

  “But in this case, I think it’s in Aurora’s best interest to go with him,” she said sadly. “I’ll miss her, but to find a family this late in life? And one who doesn’t resent how she became one of them? Who would want to deny her that?”

  He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close. “It’s not like you’re losing her for good. You can visit any time and vice versa.”

  She breathed him in, taking in his solid masculine scent. “I’m glad you’re here.” When Aurora left, she’d be alone again in her apartment, and while a part of her wouldn’t mind the privacy and her bed back, a larger part would miss the young girl.

  “I’m not going anywhere,” he said, tipping her head upward and placing his lips on hers, his tongue sweeping through her mouth.

  She kissed him back, her heart pounding in her chest, hoping he meant it. He was slowly regaining her trust, but her heart couldn’t handle the pain if he left her again.

  * * *

  Braden stood on the sidelines of the Thunder game on Sunday. Fourth quarter with five minutes left to play, one time-out remaining for the Thunder, two for the opposing team. For Florida, the day had a light feel, less humidity than they’d had lately, and he appreciated that fact as the sun baked down overhead. He adjusted the brim of his cap and watched the play unfold on the field. Milling around were the doctors assigned to today’s game. Unfortunately that group included Cole Walsh, because despite the fact that Braden despised the man, he couldn’t prevent him from doing his job unless he had a valid reason.

  And he wished the man’s watching Willow bend over one of their rookie players was on the list of justifiable grounds. Only he had the right to ogle his girl.

  “Walsh!” Braden all but barked at him. “Go check out Reilly’s ankle!”

  Cole scowled at him but did as he’d ordered, enabling Braden to turn his gaze back to Willow for a brief moment.


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