Dare To Stay

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Dare To Stay Page 17

by Phillips, Carly

  “Hello, Brianne.” Hudson turned toward her, and a smile lifted his sister’s lips.

  “Hey, Hudson. Want to join us?” she asked.

  Braden laughed at her assumption that lunch was definite. “I haven’t said yes yet.”

  She leaned against the doorframe, professional in her slacks and blouse, her dark hair like Braden’s pulled into a sleek ponytail. “But you will because you miss me,” she said, sure of herself and him.

  And she was right. “Fine, lunch it is. Hudson? You in?” Braden asked.

  “Wish I could but I have a patient scheduled who could take a while.” Regret etched his features as he glanced at Bri. “I’ve got to get going. Good to see you,” he said to her before looking over at Braden. “I’ll keep you posted.”

  Braden nodded, and with a wave, Hudson left them alone. Bri walked farther inside, leaving the door still partially ajar.

  “So where do you want to eat?” she asked, wrinkling her nose in thought. “How’s the deli you love?”

  His stomach growled at the idea of a huge sandwich with a variety of meats, cole slaw, and French fries.

  “I’ll take that as a yes,” Bri said, laughing.

  “Knock knock!” a male voice called out.

  “What is this place today? Grand Central Station? Come in,” Braden said, and a familiar face stepped into the room.

  “Adam!” Braden was shocked to see his Doctors Without Borders colleague who, the last time he’d spoken to him, had still been in Brazil.

  Bri glanced at the other man, curiosity in her gaze.

  “Bri, this is Adam Niles. We worked together the last two years. Adam, my twin sister, Bri.” Braden gestured between them.

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” Bri said, shaking Adam’s hand.

  “Same here.” Adam smiled at her.

  “Listen, I can kill some time before lunch so you two can catch up,” his sister said, rightly realizing he and Adam needed time alone. “I’ll see you later.” She turned to Adam and smiled before walking out.

  “Come on in and sit down! What are you doing here?” Braden gestured for his friend to sit while he leaned against his desk.

  Adam, tanned from working in the sun, wore a pair of khaki pants and a short-sleeved shirt. His sandy-blond hair was long, as usual, but he’d cleaned up his beard to a short scruff.

  He leaned one arm over the back of his chair. “I came to say hello … and to try and convince you to return with me. I can’t tell you how short-staffed we are and how much we miss you and Hudson.”

  He shook his head. “Not happening,” he said, without needing time to think. “My family and my life are here.” Not to mention Willow was, as well. And if there was any reason to stay put, she was it.

  “Come on. You loved your time with us,” Adam said, his tone imploring.

  “I did. And I learned a lot about myself while I was with MSF. But it’s not my life’s calling. I found other ways to give of myself right here.”

  “Treating athletes who earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a year?” Adam asked skeptically. The man always had a chip on his shoulder about the wealthy. It had taken Braden and Hudson time to win him over and gain his trust, to prove they weren’t rich boys running away from home but men looking to make a difference.

  Still, Braden stiffened, straightening his shoulders. “I’ll have you know these men work damned hard, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

  He went on to explain about the downtown clinic and his and Hudson’s dream for the place, effectively ending Adam’s hope that if he couldn’t convince Braden, maybe Hudson would want to return. Though Braden promised to relay the offer to Hudson so the man could make his own decision, they both knew the answer.

  Thirty minutes later, Adam had accepted defeat gracefully. “Well, it was worth a try. I’ll continue my recruiting elsewhere,” he said, resigned. He rose to his feet.

  Braden walked over and slapped him on the back. “I wish you the best.” He walked him to the door, figuring he’d go see if Willow wanted to join him and Bri for lunch before grabbing his sister and heading to the deli. He’d fill them both in on his talk with Hudson and their desire to improve the health care center. Bri would use her PR brain to find a way to gain donations, he was sure, and he could use her help.

  Braden stepped out the door and into the hall first, immediately bumping into Cole. “What the fuck are you doing hanging around outside my door?” He really needed to talk to Ian about letting this asshole go.

  Cole eyed him warily. “I came to talk to you, to see how Damon was doing, but I realized you were busy with someone.”

  Braden moved aside so Adam could leave the office and the other man left with a brief wave.

  As for Cole, Braden couldn’t exactly get pissed at him for wanting to check on the team’s star player. They hadn’t made his decision to retire public yet nor would they spread the word around the staff.

  “He’s as well as he can be with a severe concussion,” Braden said.

  “Well, wish him my best.” Cole turned and walked away, leaving Braden to shake his head at the man. Whatever had Willow seen in the guy?

  Speaking of Willow, he pivoted and headed toward the training room, but when he saw her deeply involved with one of their linebackers, he knew she wouldn’t be able to make lunch. He’d just bring something back for her since she had a tendency to skip the meal in favor of work. The protein bar she ate instead didn’t fill her, leaving her starving for dinner.

  He shook his head and went to find his sister.

  * * *

  Willow finished up with Leon James, who had a high ankle sprain and wanted to play this Sunday when they both knew he couldn’t return yet. His frustration was palpable, but no matter how much work she did with him, time was his best friend. Not that he wanted to hear it.

  She washed her hands at the scrub sink in the main area, hoping she had a few minutes to grab lunch before her next patient.

  “Hi,” a voice said from way too close.

  She jumped in surprise, spun, and came face-to-face with Cole. Her heart pounded too hard in her chest, and despite the fact that she was in a room with other trainers and therapists spread around various tables, her nerves screamed inside her.

  She backed away, hitting the sink behind her. “Cole. What do you want?” She breathed in but he was still too close, and the scent of his cologne made her sick. “And could you please get out of my personal space?”

  When he didn’t move fast enough, she ducked to the side and escaped his cloying presence.


  Closing her eyes briefly, she turned. “What?”

  “You should call off your guard dog. He threatened me the other day, you know?”

  No, she didn’t know. “No doubt you deserved it. You’re starting to freak me out. What is wrong with you?”

  He narrowed his gaze. “I’ve told you before, I’m just looking out for you. And on that note, did you know your new boyfriend had a visit from a colleague from Doctors Without Borders?”

  She swallowed hard, but she wasn’t going to let Cole see her worry. Just because Braden had met with a friend from his traveling days didn’t mean he was going back. “So?”

  “So he offered him the chance to return and he jumped at the opportunity,” Cole said, his smile smug, the gleam in his eyes showing his pleasure at the pronouncement.

  Her stomach twisted in shock and pain, but she didn’t trust Cole. “How would you know this?”

  “I went by his office to find out how Damon was feeling, and he was with his friend. They were talking about how much fun they’d had and how they helped people less fortunate. How they were doing good work instead of treating men who earned a fortune and didn’t realize how lucky they were.”

  She narrowed her gaze. “Braden wouldn’t say that about people like his brothers.”

  He might know his athletic limitations, but he didn’t resent those who had talent. He wasn’t
like his father. Like Jesse Prescott.

  Cole shrugged. “I just know what I heard. And even if he sticks around, he’s going to come to resent this life when he could be free to do what makes him happiest.”

  “You know what? You’re an asshole.” She walked away, her shoulder bumping against his as she passed.

  “You just don’t want to face the truth,” he called out to her as she strode to her office, ignoring him despite the fact that her pulse was pounding too hard to be healthy.

  She reached her space and was about to close herself inside so she could think when Steffy slipped in behind her. “Hey, friend!”

  “Hi.” Willow slid down onto her chair.

  “What’s wrong?” Steffy plopped into a seat of her own.

  Still trying to make sense of what had just happened, Willow said, “Cole claims Braden’s friend from Doctors Without Borders came by, asked him to return, and he said yes.”

  “Do you believe him?” Steffy leaned her elbows on the desk. “Because the guy I’ve seen the last few weeks wouldn’t go anywhere without you.”

  Willow placed her hand over her pounding heart, her head torn between what Steffy said and she wanted to believe and what Cole claimed to have overheard.

  For the first time in her life, she listened to her heart. If she didn’t, she would have no future, no life, no possibility of happiness. Braden hadn’t spent all his time trying to show her how he felt just to run back to Brazil. He had too much to live for here. His family, the new job, the clinic that he loved … and her if she’d just tell him how she really felt about him.

  “No. I don’t believe him.”

  She trusted Braden. But that didn’t mean she could let it go without finding out what had really happened. And she also needed to ask him the one question she’d been holding inside her.

  “Good because he’s a jealous prick,” Steffy said.

  Willow managed a laugh. “I need to talk to Braden,” she said, pushing herself up from her seat.

  “I saw him leave with his sister. I think they were going for lunch.” Steffy stood. “Let’s go get something to eat, too, okay? You can talk to him when you get back.”

  She paused and shook her head. “Before I see Braden, there’s one stop I need to make. Someone I need to talk to.”

  Steffy shrugged. “Suit yourself. I’m going to get a taco.”

  Willow burst out laughing. “Of course you are.”

  Steffy waved as she started to head out. “Be nice and I’ll bring one home for you.”

  “Would you? Please?”

  Pausing at the door, Steffy smiled. “Sure thing. And wherever you’re going, good luck.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  Willow pulled up to Bella’s house, surprising herself, because in the past, if she’d gotten news like Cole had just dropped on her, she’d have not only believed it, she’d have run far and fast before Braden could hurt her by leaving first. She wouldn’t turn to anyone. Trust anyone. But here she was at the home of the woman who’d taken her in and treated her like family.

  She strode up the bluestone steps leading to the front entrance and rang the bell.

  Bella answered, the shock on her face evident. “Willow! Aren’t you usually at work? Honey, is everything okay?” she asked, pushing open the door and letting her inside.

  “I’m okay. I just needed your wise advice. Can we sit in the family room?” Willow asked.

  “Of course.”

  Once they settled on the floral sofa that hadn’t changed since Willow walked into this home for the first time, Bella studied her. “Talk to me.”

  After drawing a deep breath, Willow let it out and spoke. “I think I’m in love with Braden.” Her heart rate sped up at the admission, something she hadn’t even felt when they were together before. It had been impossible with her holding so much of herself back. And if she thought the pain of losing him had been bad two years ago, she couldn’t imagine the magnitude of the feelings if it happened again.

  “You think or you know?” Bella’s wise gaze met hers.

  Willow’s lips twisted in a wry smile. “I know. I’m just petrified.” She twisted her hands together in her lap, well aware of the nerves spiraling through her body.

  “Does he love you? Has he said?”

  She shook her head. “His actions make me think he does.” And the experience of his body inside hers was so much more intense now than it had been then. He was everything to her.

  “So what’s wrong? I don’t think you’re here just because you’re afraid you fell in love.”

  “No.” Willow thought back to her conversation with Cole and explained what he’d told her to Bella and how she didn’t want to believe him. “And what if Braden is actually leaving again?” The thought made her nauseous.

  “What if he isn’t? What if your gut feeling is right and Cole is stirring up trouble? Then you are going to be in the position of having to open up to your man eventually. Admit your feelings and see if they’re reciprocated.”

  And risk the possibility that they weren’t. That Braden cared for her and was having fun but he wasn’t thinking about a long-term future with her. The little girl inside her used to being abandoned screamed no with absolute certainty. She couldn’t put herself out there.

  Bella placed a hand on Willow’s, and she found the touch comforting. “Just think about how he makes you feel. Then see if you can work on your trust issues a bit. If not, you might miss out on the love of a lifetime.”

  Willow glanced up at Bella, surprised. “How can you be so optimistic after all you’ve just been through?” Her husband, his criminal actions, lies, and deceit.

  She shrugged, reaching out and gently tucking a strand of Willow’s hair behind her ear. “Because it’s better than being negative and thinking there’s no hope left in my life. Now granted, I didn’t grow up the way you did, but I’d like to think you were with me long enough to have felt love, learned to accept it, and give it back?”

  Embarrassed, she couldn’t meet the other woman’s gaze. “You know, up until two years ago, I would have said no. That I hadn’t learned.” She shook her head and a tear she hadn’t expected fell down her face. “Up until a few weeks ago even, I didn’t feel that way. But…” She hesitated, wondering how to explain her change of heart.

  “But here you are, seeking advice because you realize when you needed someone I’ve always been here?”

  Willow smiled and looked at the woman she did truly love and who’d given her so much. “Yes. Exactly.”

  “Which means you’ve opened your heart and learned to trust. Now can you give Braden the same chance?” Bella’s sweet, caring voice did its job.

  As did all the work Braden had put into their relationship since he’d been back. He’d come home changed in a lot of ways, and though she hadn’t wanted to see him for the man he’d become then, she did now.

  Reaching over, she pulled Bella into a hug. “Thank you so much.”

  Bella embraced her and pulled back. “All I did was give you a nudge in the right direction,” she said with a smile.

  “No, I mean thank you for being there. For taking me in, for giving me a life … and for keeping me in your family.”

  Bella had taught her how to open her heart, just like she’d said. And as Bella had been there for Willow, Willow had recently done the same for Aurora. And there was no way the young woman wasn’t part of Willow’s family forever, too. So she’d learned from Bella and acted without even realizing it.

  “And now? What’s your plan?” Bella asked.

  “I’m going to go get my man.” Willow had to believe Braden was waiting for her to say the words first, probably because if he’d said them, he feared she might freak out.

  Well, no longer.

  She was through giving in to her fear and letting her past rule her present and ruin her future.

  * * *

  Braden had a great lunch with Bri. His sister, so much fun and full of spunk and life, nev
er failed to make him laugh. While eating, they’d talked mostly about Damon’s injury, Dare Nation and his potential role there, and their concern about their brother. Then there was the recent news his mom had shared. She’d broken up with her boyfriend and was dating again, which was always interesting for them to deal with.

  They walked out of the deli together, him carrying a turkey, lettuce, tomato, and mayo sandwich with a side of well-done French fries, the way Willow liked them.

  He blinked into the glare of the hot sun and cursed because he’d left his sunglasses in the car.

  “So this is it? Willow’s the one?” Bri asked. “Because I’ve never seen you so happy or settled, even,” she said as they approached their vehicles parked side by side so Bri could head back to Dare Nation and Braden to the stadium.

  “If I have my way, yes. I’ve been giving her space to come to terms with her past and my dick move of leaving her last time we were together.” But he was getting restless keeping things light. He wanted her to know how he felt about her and move their relationship along.

  Bri nodded. “Well, since she’s good for you, I approve,” she said with a smile.

  “Good because I bought a ring.”

  Bri froze. “You what?”

  He grinned. “I bought a ring for Willow that I have stashed in a safe in my apartment.”

  Her smiled grew wide. “Well, damn, brother, you move fast!”

  He shrugged. “I learned my lesson losing her once. I’m not doing it again.”

  She adjusted her sunglasses on her face and nodded. “Well, I’m in your corner. But I’m sweating, so I’m going to say goodbye and get into my air-conditioned car.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek. “Take care and talk soon. And good luck!”

  “Bye, Bri.” He turned and unlocked his vehicle, like Bri, anxious to cool off.

  Twenty minutes later, he walked back into the stadium and immediately went in search of Willow. Not only did he have lunch for her, he had news he wanted to share about both the clinic and Adam’s return and Braden’s reply. Telling her he’d turned the man down would go a long way toward reassuring her about his intentions to stick around permanently.


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