may sound stupid. Why bother getting your neck in anything resembling guillotine in the first place.
One central themes of this book is that humans are so evil that they want you to at least pretend you’re being guillotined. No matter what you do, humans want to punish you anyway. They punish everything, even consensual acts. All are done under some Nobel, or even benevolent pretext. The truth is they want everyone to suffer. The path to salvation is always narrow.
Rather than telling it to everyone you can sell guillotine jamming service and collect a fortune. That’s how politicians work. Meanwhile, you sing along the same prejudice everyone talks about.
That’s just the tip of the iceberg. If your friends are under the guillotine, you jammed the guillotine. Nobody knows how to fix that. Your friends are free. If your enemies are under the guillotine, you just fix that and things work the way it’s supposed to.
Basically you will have power, all while pretending that you innocently unaware that you do know all along you control the guillotines. You sing along the same song while secretly get all your heart desire.
You’ve seen it again and again. You call them hypocrites. Some guy divorces his wife and claim that he’s in love with another girl. Why can’t he just honestly explain that women have shelf life and his wife has outlived hers?
Politicians squander public funds and claim it’s for people’s interests. Why can’t he just explain that people are idiots in giving psychopaths and strangers power over their money?
Nobody can be that stupid that they don’t realize they’re deceiving. They know. They also know that it’s what’s working.
Imagine if a corrupt official is judged. Imagine if he is like the honest engineer, “Your honor, you can’t blame me. The penalty for corruption is low, of course everybody does that.”
By telling the truth, he would have committed an even more hateful act than the corruption itself. He destroys cherished prejudices of the mass. The mass believes that people are good.
The people are corrupts too. The mass, like the corrupt officials, also want bigger government to max out their interests. Those bigger governments can only be justified by nonsense that humans are inherently honest. People believe that the few that steal are exceptions rather than norms. Of course it’s not true. Yet, that’s what people want to believe.
People love to believe that they are all hapless victims of a few miraculously evil people. Like it or not, they are actually benefited too by the system and would rather tolerate the excess of evil than embracing freedom. Freedom means competition. For many people, competitions are guillotines they want to jam.
So, defendants are not honest. Politicians are wise. Most would mumble about how he honestly believed his act is for people’s best interests. That guy gets light sentences. People keep their prejudices. Those in power can keep sucking money. Everybody is happy.
What are the life guillotines? Why people don’t want that to be operated on them? What most living creatures want?
What are the guillotines? Life guillotines are anything that’ll destroy your life cycle.
You walk on the street. Somebody kills you and take your money. That’s guillotine. You want to jam that guillotine. You talk about how cool it is that everyone have hidden guns to shoot down those you consider vermin. You support death penalty. “Hell, I am a programmer, doctor, lawyer, and surgeon. I don’t rob people. Death penalty will kill me at far less probability than robbers.” In short, you are conservative.
What about the vermin? What about the robbers and their family? What about the politicians? To them, death penalty and hidden guns are the guillotines. How can they, lacking IQ, skills, talents, and discipline be more successful than you? Their way to do so is to rob you out of your money. Those people will talk about how taxes improve economy. They will whine about how unfair things are that your child has more chance than their child simply because you’re more diligent. These people are liberal.
Well, it’s not that simple of course. Those robbers would have gotten a job if there is no minimum wage. You, wanting hire salary, and not wanting to compete with them, simply use your voting power to eliminate jobs for them. So it’s not really you vs them or good vs evil. We’re all evil. You got the point.
This book is not ideological. I don’t care who is right. It’s not the point here. When I was young I care. Now I realized that we are all similar. We all do whatever it takes to win. Most of us will be vermin too under the right (or wrong?) circumstances.
For some of us, winning means doing productive stuffs. For many of us, winning means getting in the way of others from winning. The point is, obviously people with different interests have different values. We all just want to win.
Other guillotines are not that obvious. Look at women trafficking. Imagine if males in rich countries can easily get unlimited supply of cheap hot beautiful young girls from poor countries. That will literally exterminate all ugly women in the rich country. To ugly women, foreign competitors are their guillotines.
So what will ugly women do? They will jam the guillotine. They will prohibit prostitution and women trafficking. They will claim that it’s degrading, that no women would do it consensually, and so on, and so on. Anyone that questions their claims will be labeled misogynists.
What about rich smart males? For them, marriage is guillotine. Marriage laws are designed to bankrupts rich smart males that get laid. The rules are defined that the liability in marriage must be proportional to the men’s wealth. Any other arrangement that doesn’t work that way, like prostitution, is politically incorrect, taxed, or even criminalized.
Unfortunately, getting laid is necessary to pass on their genes to the next generation. So many rich smart males also jam the guillotine. Rather than paying women, they just buy expensive cars and show it off to women.
The prostitution contracts are privately enforced by splitting the contract into pieces. That’s how romantic gifts to women are always ephemeral. Things like and insanely expensive dinners and flowers and chocolates and ring and you got the point. None of them are actually useful to the woman except making her happy for a short while and get her addicted to the man’s cock.
What about big pharmacy industry? What about cigarette industry? Ganja will be their guillotine. If ganja were legal, nobody would smoke cigarette. Ganja is saver and cheaper. Cigarette industry and big pharmacies pay huge tax. They also spent tons of money to lobby officials. In the eyes of politicians, surely this guy deserve leniency. So it’s natural that government jail 30% people for various drug offense.
War on drugs and minimum wage are really just war on blacks. Many young black drug dealers actually earn less than minimum wage and would have worked hard productively if their jobs are not eliminated by government’s intervention. Their only way to live is then to rob your money.
Nobody can live peacefully for generations without being exterminated by being nice in a system that rejects market mechanism.
Knows the truth, the truth will set you free, and who knows, get you laid more abundantly.
Those Who Wants to Legalize Consensual Crime Wants to Tax the Act
The proponent says it's dangerous. The opponent says legalize and tax it.
But why tax it? Why bother taxing it? If the REAL issue is the negative effect of the prohibited acts, how does taxing it make any different.
But that's not the real issue. The real issue is because deep inside, we all want to have a piece of the cake and we can. We can choose to prohibit it unless we got a share. So why don't we?
All of us want to be pimp tzars and drug tzars. We are as corrupt as our government. We want to control anything valuable.
Drugs, organ donors, and sex, are not dangerous in anyway. If I am going to die anyway, of course I do not need my organ. Why should I keep it for free if I can sell it? Women have sex for free anyway, why it's bad that they get paid? Nothing.
Things get prohibited simply because whoever in power want to control what's val
Libertarian solution is to just say fuck off to everyone. Me, I am in favor of just tax it. Power is inevitable. Let them have it. There's more money on free market anyway as long as it's free.
Men Wants to Mate with As Many Women as Possible
Most males want to mate with as many women as possible. However, prostitution is illegal. Marriage must be monogamous. And free sex is simply not the going market price. So we get laid much less.
It's like most men want to have Ferrary but few wants to pay for it. If we give Ferrary for free, who would take it? Everyone.
Most women do not know that most males want as many women as possible. Most women think that getting a man is tough or that getting a rich man is tough.
The truth is, the richer the man, the easier it is to persuade him to have sex and even get paid for it. However, that's borderline illegal.
Also child support is designed to bankrupt any males that produce too many children no matter how rich the man is. It also greatly reduces the number of women than men can sleep with.
Then, because they can't get laid with many women anyway, most men hypocritically tells the whole world, that they only want one.
They lied to themselves and the whole world. Give them a CHOICE to do so and MOST males would bank any hot young babes accessible to him.
Welfare Parasites Can Afford More Children than Billionaire
Welfare Parasites Can Support More Children than Billionaires: Big pink elephants 1 - How Governments Plan to Pimp Out Your Daughters and Enslave Your Sons to Voters. Page 2