Move, For Those Who Wants to Prohibit it
It is, however, often a good career move for those who do it.
I would say, depending on the terms of the prostitution, it is a far better moves than normal marriage. And that's the very reason why it's prohibited. It's too good.
I am not sure about the 1 guy per hour biz model, but people would often count contract marriage as prostitution. I think contract marriage is obviously better than marriage because you can just write your own contract to fit your interest and your spouse’s interest without having to care about voters' interest.
Here is another obvious pink elephant. What's the salary? Then ask yourself, for that kind of salary, who should I kill? People are risking arms and legs for a fraction of what prostitute earns. If I have to choose between becoming a prostitute or a soldier, it's an obvious choice. And I am a male.
An uneducated village girls with reasonable complexion can earn $3k per month in Indonesia. In US, being topless alone can earn $20 an hour.
However, most people would argue that prostitution is always a bad move.
Let's ask a similar question on something we're more familiar.
Is buying chinese product ever a good product choice move? Yes. Otherwise people would stop doing it. The problem is good for who? For consumer, yes. For chinese producers yes. For american producers, no. And those american factories owners' can lobby.
Is hiring immigrant ever a good employment choice move. Yes. For the immigrant, yes, for the employer, yes, for the blue collar workers they replace no. And those blue collar workers can vote.
Is prostitution ever a good career move? If sex outside marriage ever a good career move? If having sex without pay ever a good career moves? If even doing it for free, for women, can be a good move, how come getting paid for it is so bad? C'mon.
It's the same reason why polygamy, contract marriage, and extra marital sex is politically incorrect. Outside marriage, you decide the contract.
When you decide your own contract, you do not need to care about the interest of others, especially others you don't choose.
Think about ugly women that can't get a mate. Think about all poor males that can't pay. They don't want you to write their own contract. They want all sex to be within life long legally binding monogamous marriage where everybody has a mate.
So they prohibited it, and as justification, they said prostitution is so bad.
Hell, marriage is prostitution. The worst form of actually... Is it a good career move? Hardly. What ever marriage terms are, you can also do better if you write your own contract. You will get more disapproval, but it'll be a better contract.
What kind of contract government can write for you that you can't outperform? You can make sure your own prostitution contract match governments' rule letter by letter should you wish. But who want to end up supporting milk man kids, as governments’ version of marriage dictate?
Read this question too Social and Behavioral Norms: In western civilization, can you cohabit with many women?
Marriage is over. Alternatives are better. The reason why alternatives are prohibited is to force people to get married. Now that more and more alternatives are legal or effectively legal, it's natural that marriage is in decline.
Most Men Wants The Same Type of Ideal Women
That means ideal girl is not horizontal. There is no such thing as the girl matches me more than you. If a girl is a match for me, she is a match for everybody. The same is for men.
That means most men would want girls that:
3.Reasonably thin.
4.Wants my cock for my genetic quality rather than for my money
5.Will breed my baby
7.Descendants of rich smart successful family (I don't want her money, but our children may need it if biz went tits up. Also success is 50% genetic).
8.Don't ask for exclusivity.
9.Don't need to be married.
8 and 9 is important if I am rich. I love freedom and don't want to get bounded by one woman.
Then I would score her. I would judge beauty on percentile scale. I like bigger boobs. I like thin women.
Many things many people say undesirable is actually natural and fine.
If women wants me for my money instead of my cock, that will be slightly less than ideal but that's fine. I of course have to show that I am successful.
Of course if I would be in some form of life guillotine under her control I would want a woman that loves me. That would happen if I marry her. However, we all know that marriage sucks.
Wanting money just shows that she's normal. If she doesn't care about how wealthy I am, I would be quite alarmed. What kind of idiot our daughter would be?
The same way if she honestly doesn't understand that men want her because she is pretty that’s a bad sign. We will breed idiotic daughters, which is probably less than ideal.
If she doesn't like me for being honest, I'll just move on. I do not think she'll get better offer somewhere else though.
Many say there is no such woman. Bullshit. What happen is, most beautiful successful smart women are like that.
The ugly just don't want you to believe they exist. Then ugly women will make laws preventing women from being like that.
Marriage Encourage Other Males to Fuck Your Crush
Just look at the game structure. Fucking your wife is much more rewarding if you marry her than if she is just a girlfriend.
In fact, this is the main different between marriage nowadays and marriage in ancient time.
In ancient time, marriage increases the cost to have sex with the girl for the other men.
Having sex with unmarried women are often unpunished in ancient time.
“Now two prostitutes came to the king and stood before him.”
Having sex with women married to someone else can get you death penalty
“If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die.”
So, in ancient time, marrying has some benefits. It prevents other men from having sex with the girl. This will ensure that your children are really yours. In ancient time this is so important because there is simply no other way to know who the biological dad is.
Now, it’s the other way around.
Before, any men that knocked up the girl will have to pay child support. However, if the girl is married to someone else that sucker husband will be the one that have to pay child support for the bastard child.
Nowadays, adultery is rewarded rather than punished. There is no longer punishment against adultery. It’s legal. In fact, it’s rewarded. Most women that don’t work fucking become more attractive after they marry someone else.
So, if you want biblical marriage, just know this. You can’t. There is no such thing is like that anymore.
On Big Pink Elephant 2
I’ll finish this when I have more time. If there is enough demand for my e-book, I’ll write more. If not, I’ll concentrate on my startups.
Most have obvious facts you can easily reasoned. However, more sources are given.
1.More gun less mass murders and tax (Government control gun to make people defenseless. Cops are far lazier to protect your life than yourself.)
2.Most mass murders happen in gun free zones (That’s what gun free zone is for. To advertise: mass murder here, it’s safer).
3.Anti-women trafficking laws are supported mainly by ugly women in rich countries. (Ugly women will literally be exterminated if cheaper bootleg competitions are legal. Moreover, we already have tons of laws against rape, fraud, and slavery. Why another law that covers consensual acts?)
4.Anti-polygamy laws are supported mainly in democratic countries. (One man one vote leads to one man one wife.)<
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5.Not watching porn and watching romance instead are dangerous for minor. (Just look at those who believe in romance, get married, and pay life time alimony).
6.Porn reduces rape. (Porn makes most real women boring. Raping them don’t worth the time in prison or even the effort.).
7.The fact that porn reduces rape will not change position of most anti porn crusaders. (Anti porn crusaders simply want to control what you watch so they can brainwash you. The idea that porn causes rape is just red herring from the real issue. It’s like saying that ganja is gateway drug.)
8.True love is utter bullshit but that’s what everyone will sing in democratic country. (Romance is simply what’s politically correct. Other motives, like money is politically incorrect or even illegal. Those other motives are often far more motivational).
9.Women do not care how much you love them in mating selection. (The obvious telltale sign is the percentage of paternity fraud. Nobody loves a woman more than the sucker willing to marry her and yet many girls will mate with someone else.)
Welfare Parasites Can Support More Children than Billionaires: Big pink elephants 1 - How Governments Plan to Pimp Out Your Daughters and Enslave Your Sons to Voters. Page 10