The Royals: Alexander and Clara: Volume One (The Royals Saga)

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The Royals: Alexander and Clara: Volume One (The Royals Saga) Page 16

by Geneva Lee

  “What are we raising money for again? Endangered animals?” I asked, taking in the event’s decor. Lush ferns and vines transformed the space into an exotic jungle. Movement overhead caught my attention and I looked up in time to spy a dazzlingly brilliant yellow bird swoop overhead. Someone had gone a little over-the-top for this event.

  “I thought you knew,” Belle said, passing me a drink from a serving tray.

  “I do not,” I said, taking the drink gratefully. If Alexander was getting me a drink, he was slacking.

  “And it’s moments like these that you remember that she was raised in America,” Belle teased. “It’s the King’s birthday. He chooses a charity every year to celebrate.”

  “Shit,” I said. “Really?” Alexander had mentioned endangered animals, but he had obviously left out some important details. How in the world had I wound up here and what was he thinking? Maybe the King was particularly gracious on his birthday. I really hoped that was it.

  Belle held her glass up in a toast. “To getting this over with.”

  Stella and I clinked our glasses against hers, but as I brought mine to my lips, heat flooded my cheeks, awareness rippling through my body. I knew he was there before he spoke, because my body responded as if it were being pulled backward.

  “Clara,” he said in a low rasp. “I see you found a drink.”

  I whirled a little quickly toward him, causing champagne to fly over the rim of my flute. It splattered on the dress of the statuesque blonde standing next to Alexander. She gasped, dabbing it gingerly from the delicate fabric.

  “I’m so sorry!” I wished there was a table nearby that I could crawl under and hide.

  The blonde shook her head even as she continued to fuss over the spot. “Don’t worry about it.”

  She smiled warmly at me, and now that I wasn’t focused on my faux pas, I managed a good look at her. Bee-stung lips and blond waves, complete with a willowy body and a short skirt. I couldn’t believe it—she was even more stunning close up than she had been in pictures. If she weren’t so nice, I would definitely hate her.

  “Clara, may I introduce you to an old family friend, Pepper Lockwood?”

  I smiled, hoping my nerves weren’t showing, and extended my hand, but Pepper stepped past it and kissed both of my cheeks. It was so chic that I found myself hating her a little more, and hating myself for bring so shallow.

  “It’s nice to meet you, and I am so sorry,” I repeated like a broken record.

  “It’s just a dress.” She dropped her voice conspiratorially. “That’s why you should always wear black. Nothing shows.”

  This was the girl I’d been worried about. Now that I’d met her, I felt silly.

  “I should be going,” she said. “I brought a date and I’ve lost him.”

  I knew just how she felt, and to my frustration, Alexander gave me a cold kiss on the cheek and disappeared with her, leaving me to my friends.

  “Wow, that was awkward,” Belle said as soon as they were out of earshot.

  “At least she was gracious about it.” Despite a somewhat humiliating first meeting, I felt better having met the girl Alexander had been linked with by the tabloids. There’d been no spark between them. That much was clear. She really was a family friend and nothing more. I exhaled, releasing a sigh of relief I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

  “Sure,” Belle said, but her eyes didn’t meet mine as she spoke, and I made a mental note to pry whatever she was hiding out of her as soon as we got home.

  “I can’t believe you’ve hit that,” Stella said with a sigh, her gaze still glued to the spot Alexander had stood in moments ago.

  I smacked Belle on the shoulder.

  “Ouch!” She rubbed the spot and frowned. “What was that for?”

  I tilted my head, giving her my best what-the-fuck face.

  “I did not say a thing,” she said in a dramatically offended voice.

  “Sorry, Clara,” Stella said with a sheepish smile. “I saw TMI this afternoon and assumed, which makes me a terrible person.”

  “It’s okay.” I shrugged before downing the last of my champagne.

  “And she is hitting that,” Belle added.

  I shot her another look, but she responded with a coy smile.

  “Sorry, darling, it is written all over your flushed face.”

  I blushed deeper, which made them both laugh.

  “It’s certainly nothing to be ashamed of,” Stella said. “I’d offer to body swap with you, actually.”

  “I’m pretty happy in this one,” I admitted.

  “Yeah, you are.” Belle clinked her glass one more time.

  We chatted for a few more minutes about Stella’s restaurant and how she landed this catering gig, but my attention was divided between the girls and the crowd surrounding me. I’d come here with Alexander and I’d spent less than five minutes with him since we arrived. Pepper caught my eye and she waved at me. I returned it half-heartedly, disappointed that Alexander was still missing.

  “I really have to get back to the kitchen and deal with Bastian,” Stella said finally.

  “Speaking of, I should go find Alexander.” I excused myself as well and began searching for my date. Now that I’d had some liquid courage and discovered that Pepper wasn’t the threat I thought she was, I felt more comfortable in my skin. It was clear that Alexander didn’t though. Did he even want me here? He’d warned me of what to expect, but I’d expected the coldness from his family, not him. The fact was that it stung for him to disregard me while the slickness between my legs reminded me of what we’d shared hardly an hour ago in the limo.

  I spotted him by the bar, still talking with Pepper, but now he was frowning. Her hand was draped over his and she spoke passionately. Something twisted in my chest, but I pushed it back, unwilling to allow jealousy to prevent me from being with Alexander. But I stopped when I saw his frown deepen. He began to speak, the wildness in his eyes visible even from a distance, before finally pulling away from Pepper and stalking off.

  By the time I maneuvered through the crowd, I’d lost track of him again. Slumping against a column, I considered giving up. Why was I looking out for him when he’d abandoned me in the first place? What had he been discussing with Pepper? Whatever it was had upset him. Of course, he’d been on edge since we arrived. Releasing another long sigh, I struggled with the idea that Alexander was always going to raise more questions that he would give answers. Which raised the biggest question of all: could I handle that?

  I was debating this when a strong hand caught mine and pulled me away from the party. Alexander’s lips were over mine, his body pressing mine into a marble arch before I could process what was happening. I pushed against him at first, but then I weakened, melting into the kiss, craving physical contact with him as I wrestled with the enigma of a man who seemed to be constantly slipping through my fingers. His cock was hard through his pants and my body responded with trembles. We were only steps away from his father’s birthday party and he was going to take me. I wouldn’t stop him. I couldn’t. But as quickly as the embrace began, it ended. Alexander stepped away and straightened his bow tie.

  “I needed that,” he said.

  The kiss had rendered me speechless, struck dumb by the mixed signals of the last hour. One moment Alexander was open and bold, and the next closed and suspicious—and tonight I’d been passed between his two sides so often that I was developing whiplash.

  He crooked his arm and offered it to me as I dabbed at the corners of my mouth, hoping my lipstick wasn’t all over my face.

  “You look beautiful,” he said, but the lust that usually accompanied his compliments was absent from his voice. His words were even, carefully measured, and far too polite. I longed for his dirty mouth and wicked smile.

  I took his arm and allowed him to lead me back to the party. We reentered the ballroom, and I immediately felt eyes on me. Nearly everyone had arrived, and they were all eager to get a peek at the girl behind th
e latest royal scandal. I tried to remember what Alexander has said in the limo. They were judging him and not me, but it was hard to think that when eyes narrowed as they met yours and tongues wagged behind hands everywhere you turned.

  “Your Highness.” A man approached us, bowing to Alexander and then giving me a stiff nod. “Your father requests that you join the family for the toast.”

  “I showed up,” Alexander said with a grimace. “That should be enough.”

  “I’m afraid he’s quite insistent,” the man continued. “I suspect he’ll just call you up in front of everyone if you don’t—”

  “Fine!” Alexander threw his hands up, dropping mine. I could feel the barely controlled fury rolling off of him and I stood stock-still, afraid to add fuel to his rage.

  “I’ll see the young lady to a table,” the man offered.

  “She stays with me.”

  “But sir—”

  “She stays with me,” he repeated in a firm voice that left no room for further questioning. Alexander grabbed my arm and strode quickly toward the front of the ballroom. He moved so quickly that I was practically running to keep up with his pace as he dragged me along.

  His family was clustered together, taking turns speaking and ignoring one another, and I inhaled sharply, knowing this was the moment of truth. Alexander’s father had chosen a tuxedo for the festivities as well, but it didn’t help him blend in. He was undeniably handsome, despite his age, which was only apparent in the hair graying at his temples. The lines around his sharp eyes and mouth only served to make him look more distinguished. He was simply in a class by himself.

  But he wasn’t the most untouchable man in this room. That I knew.

  Next to the King, a man who looked like a lankier version of Alexander gave him a funny look. It looked like a warning. But Alexander kept going, stopping just short so that I could catch my breath.

  “Remember, this is about me, Clara,” he whispered.

  I nodded, but my eyes were glued to the group of people in front of me. The blood pounding in my ears made it hard to process what he was saying. Alexander cupped my chin and turned me to face him. His eyes were cold—distant and dead–but I felt his control radiating out from him. It was as though he’d compartmentalized all his emotions in order to deal with tonight. I nodded again, this time giving him the eye contact that he so obviously desired.

  “Good girl,” he said, brushing a soft kiss over my lips.

  “Alexander,” a voice boomed, startling me away from him. “You’ve kept us waiting long enough.”

  “I’m sorry, Father,” Alexander said stiffly. He ran his hand down my bare arm before he turned away from me. “I lost track of my date.”

  “How careless.” The King gestured for him to approach. “May I speak with you?”

  The implication was clear—the King wanted to speak with him alone—and Alexander moved to join his father.

  Their conversation grew heated, voices raising high enough to be heard by those of us waiting in the vicinity. I did my best not to listen, but there was no mistaking the words “slut” and “shame.” Holding my head up, I tried not to wince as the accusations flew between father and son.

  The younger version of Alexander approached me, extending his hand. “I’m Edward.”

  Of course he was. Edward wore his dark hair longer and it curled past his ears, making him look boyish in comparison to his older brother. But he wore a tux well and he was almost as handsome as Alexander. He grinned at me, and I noted he was quicker with a smile. I shook his hand weakly, unable to speak for fear I would start to cry in front of him.

  “Father’s in an awful mood, which is unfortunately quite common.” Edward clasped my hand tightly, searching my face as though he was looking for a clue as to how to make the poor girl he’d just met feel better. I wanted to tell him there was no use, but I knew I would never get it out. “Come over here.”

  Edward led me toward a nearby table. “Everyone please allow me to introduce Clara Bishop, my brother’s girlfriend.”

  “Oh, I—” My protest was silenced with a warning squeeze.

  A tall, sandy-haired man rose, buttoning his dinner jacket and offered his hand. I recognized him at once and fought the urge to check the party for Belle.

  “It’s nice to see you, Clara,” Jonathan said as I took his hand. Rather than shaking it, he raised it to his lips.

  “You know her, Jonathan?” a petite redhead dressed in ivory asked him. Most girls with such a fair complexion couldn’t have pulled off her gown, but it only made her pale skin seem delicate and elegantly fragile. Her eyes traveled down my body calculatingly before she folded her hands primly on the table.

  “Clara and I went to school together,” Jonathan said, but when he raked his gaze across me, he didn’t bother to hide his conclusions. His eyes sparkled like a man who’d discovered he’d been invited to sport.

  If Jonathan Thompson thought I was going to play with him, he had another thing coming. My skin crawled where he had touched me, and as soon as I had the chance, I planned to scrub it with soap under scalding hot water.

  “This is Amelia,” Edward said, when the girl didn’t introduce herself.

  “Princess Amelia,” she said flippantly.


  “It’s nice to meet you, Your Highness,” I hissed. Everyone here had been born with a silver spoon in their mouth and a stick up their ass.

  “Perhaps you’d care to dance,” Jonathan suggested, gesturing to the nearly deserted dance floor.

  I did want to dance with Alexander. There was no way I was going to risk being seen with Jonathan, especially since I suspected he saw me as a bit of a challenge. “I’d rather wait for Alexander.”

  “Of course,” he said with a nod, averting his eyes from me. “Alexander doesn’t like to share.”

  There was a story here. I could feel it, but the last person I was going to ask to share it with me was Jonathan.

  “Amelia?” Jonathan held out his hand and the sulky redhead took it, allowing him to sweep her toward the dance floor.

  “Then let’s get you a drink,” Edward suggested as we watched them waltz. He looked over my shoulder to the other man at the table. “David?”

  “I’ll look after her,” he said stiffly.

  Edward pulled a chair out for me and I took it, grateful to be off my feet even if the company was less than welcoming. I glanced at David and realized we were in the same boat.

  “You look like you’re enjoying this as much as I am,” I said, not bothering to hide my sarcasm.

  A corner of his mouth tugged up, but he only shrugged. “My friends and I have different ideas on how to spend a Friday night.”

  “Maybe you should get new friends.” My eyes caught Jonathan’s as he spun Amelia on the dance floor, and he winked at me.

  David snorted at me. I turned to face him, finding upon closer inspection that he was very handsome. His ebony skin and closely cropped hair showed off the strong lines of his face, and despite his sullen appearance, his coffee-brown eyes were warm. He was exactly Stella’s type—quiet, brooding, and hot. “Actually,” I said, “I have a friend here that you should meet. You’d like her.”

  Guys always do, I added silently.

  “Are we setting David up?” Edward asked with a smile, returning with drinks in hand.

  “I think he’d hit it off with my friend, Stella.” Taking my drink, I raised an eyebrow. “What do you think?”

  Edward debated for a moment longer, but when he opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the appearance of an older woman that I immediately recognized. The Queen Mother carried herself with the grace and bearing of a woman who bore kings. Age had touched her, turning her dainty curls silver, but there was nothing frail about her. Sweeping up to us in a modest, beaded gown, she stood nearly a foot shorter than her younger grandson. Although the contemptuous look she wore made her seem much larger.

  Her eyes narrowed as she assessed me, and he
r nose pinched as though she’d caught a whiff of something rotten. “So Alexander brought his little tart to ruin his father’s birthday.”

  My mouth fell open and I tugged my hand away from Edward, who appeared nearly as shocked as I was.

  “Grandmother!” Edward’s tone admonished her, but I didn’t wait around to hear what else she had to say about me. It was bad enough that half the UK was reading my private messages right now. I didn’t have to stand around being insulted by people who thought they were superior to me. Pushing through the crowd, I escaped as quickly as possible. I’d hide out in the loo until Alexander finally came looking for me.

  He’d warned me, but he hadn’t prepared me.

  Tears stung my eyes, spilling over before I finally risked turning around. Edward was nowhere to be seen, but his grandmother had joined the argument that was still going strong between Alexander and his father.

  He hadn’t even noticed I was gone.

  I felt foolish for coming here—for thinking things couldn’t get more complicated between us.

  But I was stuck here with no money and now my feet were killing me. I wasn’t used to the sky-high heels Belle had insisted on.


  She was here, and therein lay my lifeline if I could just find her. Philip was boring but he could be counted on for chivalry, and right now I needed someone to rescue me. I had friends here, and I had to remember that. I could make it through this evening.

  Turning to look for her, I bumped into Pepper.

  I opened my mouth to apologize again, but she beat me to it.

  “Stupid bitch,” she hissed. “Are you purposefully trying to destroy this dress?”

  The urge to cry vanished, replaced by shock, and I gaped at her.

  “Oh, you’re as stupid as I assumed,” she continued, her green eyes flickering like a snake’s tongue around the room in disinterest before they came back to glare at me. “Did you really think I wouldn’t mind you ruining my Ralph Lauren?”

  “I’m sorry,” I said dumbly, my mind not quite caught up to the surprise, even as my heart began to pound like a war drum in my chest.


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