The Royals: Alexander and Clara: Volume One (The Royals Saga)

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The Royals: Alexander and Clara: Volume One (The Royals Saga) Page 44

by Geneva Lee

  We set to work, laying out trays in the kitchen and living room. I’d purposefully overestimated how much wine we would need for the evening. If all else failed, I wasn’t against falling back on a little social lubrication.

  Within minutes a steady stream of guests trickled in the front door, offering flowers and more wine. Many of them I knew, but Alexander stepped in and introduced me to the few guests that Edward had added to the list. Belle arrived, dragging a beleaguered Philip behind her. Her honey blonde hair spilled in soft waves over her shoulders. She caught me in a tight hug, and I pulled back to admire her fitted black turtleneck and knee-length white tutu. Only Belle could pull off such polar opposites. Not only did she make the outfit look good, she made it look classic.

  “Can I get you a drink?” I asked, tugging her toward the kitchen.

  “You can get Philip one,” she grumbled. “It’s as if he thinks a party will kill him.”

  I laughed. Belle’s fiancé had a perpetual stick up his ass, and I’d love nothing better than to get him drunk and yank it out. Giving Belle a glass of wine seemed like a wiser course of action. I poured some chardonnay into two glasses and handed one to her.

  “To your love nest.” Belle clinked her wine glass against mine.

  “And who is this?” Edward appeared at my side, shamelessly admiring Belle. I couldn’t blame him. Anyone would be impressed by my best friend’s style, no matter their sexual preferences.

  Introducing the two of them, I was pleased that there was an instant connection between the two.

  “You’re the one stocking Clara’s closet,” Edward guessed.

  Belle held up a manicured hand. “Someone has to. She has no idea how gorgeous she is. If I didn’t, she’d always be in trainers and jeans.”

  “That is not fair,” I said with a mock pout, spinning to show off my dress. “I picked this out.”

  “The student becomes the master,” Edward said, approval in his voice as he studied the lacy number. “Of course, all the designers will want to dress you now.”

  “Me?” I asked, flabbergasted. Thanks to running I had a nice figure, but I was hardly a model.

  “You are so delightfully innocent sometimes.” He took my hand and spun me around once more. “They love to outfit the Royal family. Probably due to us always being on the cover of tabloids.”

  Heat rushed to my cheeks, and I shook my head. “I’m hardly a Royal.”

  “You’re living with the next King of England. To them, it’s a done deal.” He spoke nonchalantly, and déjà vu washed over me. My mother felt the same way, but marriage wasn’t in Alexander’s vocabulary as far as I knew. I didn’t even want to consider the possibility. Living together had been a big step for both of us, and I wasn’t ready to complicate things any further between us.

  “Regardless, you’re high profile now.” Belle rescued me with a sympathetic smile. “I’m sure more than a few boutiques would appreciate the opportunity.”

  “I put on the clothes I’m given.” It was easier to be dismissive than to admit that they might be right. I didn’t particularly like being on the cover of tabloids. No amount of pretty dresses was going to change that.

  “Let’s go shopping this week,” Edward suggested eagerly. “I know a few people who would love to meet you. It’s been a long while since they had a beautiful woman to dress. Not since Mother, really. Sarah was still too young.”

  He spoke of his late mother and sister much more easily than Alexander. He’d been much younger, of course. But maybe a shopping trip would help me fill in some of the gaps I had in my knowledge of Alexander’s family. It was a subject I’d avoided, not wanting to cause him more pain or guilt than he already felt. Still, it was something that I needed to have a better grasp of.

  “I have been meaning to clean out Tamara’s.” I’d never actually been to the shop, but I’d vowed to buy every dress there after a particularly nasty exchange with Pepper.

  “I’ll set it up.” Edward pulled his phone from his pocket. It shouldn’t surprise me that he had that kind of pull. He was the poster child for Royal style.

  “Give her my regards,” a caustic voice called from the hallway.

  The voice grated across my skin and I took a swig from my glass before turning to face her. Pepper’s tall silhouette filled the doorframe. She watched us with practiced disinterest, but no one would look at her and think she didn’t care. Her blue satin dress hugged her slight curves and flat stomach, stopping too short for practicality. It was a wonder she could walk without her ass hanging out. Not that anyone was likely to complain if her smooth, toned thighs were any indication of her backside. She moved into the light, her dark lashes fluttering artfully as she strutted toward us.

  “Not going to offer me a drink?” she pouted. It was a work of art really. It almost made me feel guilty, but I knew exactly who I was dealing with.

  Alexander stepped into the kitchen, surveying the lot of us. “I don’t remember you being on the list, Pepper.”

  He’d never bothered to even look at the guest list, opting to trust Edward and me with the preparations. I loved that he knew she would never have been invited almost as much as I loved him calling her out on crashing our party.

  “It’s fine. The more the merrier,” I said, deciding that where Pepper was concerned I’d rather take the higher road. But only because it would piss her off.

  Her eyes flashed, rewarding me for my unexpected stance. Alexander strode toward us and wrapped a possessive arm around my waist. Judging from the nauseated look that took up residence over her perfect features, she got the message.

  “I suppose the party is in here,” Jonathan Thompson, Alexander’s fair-weather friend, said jovially as he joined us in the kitchen. “I hope you don’t mind that I brought Pepper along. She wanted to see your new place.”

  Beside me Belle bristled, unable to hide her internal struggle. Jonathan was too handsome and too charming for his own good, which was exactly why Belle had fallen victim to him our second year of university. The brief tryst hadn’t ended well, and there was nowhere in the world she wanted to be less than standing here casually making small talk with him. But before I could rescue her, Philip came to check on his missing fiancée. He stopped in his tracks when his gaze landed on Pepper and Jonathan standing in the cluster of people occupying the kitchen.

  His Adam’s apple visibly bobbed as he swallowed before nodding a greeting to the newcomers. He extended an arm to Belle, drawing her away from our group. She looked at me apologetically, but there was no need. I understood a jealous lover. I had one of my own. Of course, I’d always pegged Philip as aloof, not possessive. But there was no doubt as he led her into the living room that he wanted to take her away. I was more surprised that Belle had even told him about Jonathan. It wasn’t a conquest she boasted of—not after he’d shown his true colors.

  Having never had the occasion to host a party before, I was pleased to discover that as the hostess it was entirely acceptable for me to slip away on the auspices of finding more wine or showing a guest the loo. An hour into the celebration I’d perfected the art of finding the only unoccupied space of the house. Right now that place was the small sitting room off the main foyer. The guests were congregated around the kitchen and dining areas, spilling into the living room. Due to the exclusive guest list, and Alexander’s lavish taste, there was more than enough space for everyone to fit comfortably, even those who were uninvited.

  Pepper appeared in the room as if she knew I was silently wishing she hadn’t shown her face. Sauntering into the room, she ran a finger along the back of a leather club chair. Her nose wrinkled as she brushed imaginary dust from her hands. “What a charming place you have here, Clara.”

  Apparently we were operating under the guise of civility this evening. I doubted that would last long. “It’s mostly thanks to Alexander.”

  “I was under the impression that you’d been living here for some time.” There was a single note of innocence in
her voice. She was calling my bluff. “At least that’s what Alex has told the press. I did think it was strange not to see you at a single event this summer.”

  “I think you saw quite enough of me in the country.”

  “Oh? That little show.” Her shrewd eyes narrowed, but she couldn’t quite hide her displeasure at my reminder.

  She’d caught Alexander and me in an intimate moment, but I’d kept my mouth shut as she’d looked on. Alexander had no idea she’d seen him fucking me over a railing at his father’s estate, but I relished knowing she’d been forced to witness it. The only way a girl like Pepper was going to get a clue was if one was handed to her.

  “It’s unfortunate no one was there to photograph that. Maybe if Alexander was shown what a classless whore you are, he’d come to his senses,” she hissed, nostrils flaring. It was quite possibly the most unattractive she’d ever looked.

  I wished I had a photograph of that.

  “Sticks and stones, Pepper,” I told her in a soft voice.

  “You think you’ve won—” she began, but I cut her off.

  “I have won. Look around, darling.” I gestured to the room surrounding us. “I have him. All of him.”

  Pepper grimaced as if she smelled something rotten. “There are things you don’t know about him. No one has all of him. You’re a fool if you think that you do.”

  “This isn’t a competition,” I reminded her. “Not anymore, at least.”

  “I am so looking forward to wiping that smug look off your face. I hope I’m there when you see him for what he really is.”

  “For someone who claims to love him—”

  “I am the only one who can love him,” she snarled. “Because I’m the only one who can forgive him.”

  “There’s nothing to forgive.” I’d had enough of her special brand of insanity. Pushing past her, I started toward the party. Even a large group of people was better than being stuck with her for a moment longer.

  “Once you know, you’ll disagree.” She paused, obviously relishing delivering her final attack. “Not even you are pathetic enough to forgive him.”

  Pepper’s final barb stuck, even as I tried to shake off our encounter. Unfortunately, this was my party, which meant there was no hope of being swallowed anonymously into the crowd. Everywhere I turned, I was pulled into small talk. I lost track of who was who. Later this week I would have to get Edward to give me a primer of exactly who had come this evening.

  Looking around, I noted with dread that my family had finally made their appearance. Belle had them corralled near the hearth, but even she was only so much of a match for my mother. I crossed to them, stopping for a few brief exchanges with other guests. There was no point in putting this off. Madeline Bishop wanted her presence to be known. I could tell as much judging from the form-fitting silver gown that she’d chosen for a simple party. More than a few people cast interested glances in her direction. No doubt she was pleased as a peacock.

  I’d nearly reached them when a welcome face popped out of the crowd, grinning at me. Bennett’s curly, brown hair had been smoothed into compliance for the event, and for once, his tie was snugly in place. Alexander caught my eye from across the room, and I waved him over, eager to officially introduce him to my boss.

  “You came,” I said, not bothering to hide my happiness. The house was full of people that I hardly knew, so it was exciting to see someone I genuinely liked.

  “I decided it was worth the small fortune to hire my nanny to stay for the evening.” He leaned forward and hugged me. When we broke apart, Alexander lorded over us, his face unreadable as he scrutinized Bennett.

  I straightened up. Did he always have to be so dominant around any man that showed me attention?

  “We haven’t met.” Bennett held out his hand and Alexander shook it, although not altogether willingly. “Clara and I work together.”

  “Bennett is my boss,” I interjected, placing emphasis on boss. It had the necessary softening effect on Alexander, who smiled graciously.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet Clara’s co-workers. She enjoys her job,” Alexander said with equanimity.

  “I hope so.” Bennett shot me a teasing look. “None of us would function without her.” He waved at someone in the crowd and I glanced over my shoulder, shocked to see Tori making her way to us.

  “Hi Clara!” The petite redhead practically vibrated with energy, her gaze darting in wonder at the crowd around her. “Your house is lovely and…” Her words died on her lips when she spotted Alexander.

  No surprise there. He had that effect on people, especially people of the opposite gender. And tonight, thanks to his black three-piece suit, was no exception. His hand slipped into his pocket, revealing the vest under his open jacket. The suit’s precise tailoring showed off his athletic figure, but only I’d had the pleasure of knowing exactly what was behind those buttons.

  “This is Tori,” I stepped in, uncertain when the girl would regain her ability to speak, even as I was on the verge of losing my self-control, too. I looked questioningly at Bennett. It had been kind of him to invite her, but then it dawned on me. “Oh, wait. Are you two…?”

  My boss responded by drawing Tori’s hand to his lips. She giggled girlishly at the open show of affection.

  “This isn’t public knowledge,” he confessed to me.

  “Your secret is safe with me,” I reassured him.

  Tori grinned sheepishly and everything clicked into place. No wonder Bennett had seemed so self-conscious at work last week. Not only did he have a new girlfriend, she worked steps away from his office. It wasn’t hard to see what had brought the two together. Bennett deserved someone full of life, and Tori fit the bill perfectly.

  Alexander leaned in to whisper in my ear, “Your mother requires your attention.”

  My joyful mood faded at the edges. When didn’t she? Pointing my co-workers toward the drinks, I made my way to my parents and my younger sister, Lola. From the outside, Madeline and Harold Bishop looked exactly like a proper married couple, but I couldn’t help noticing how they stood apart, not touching. Did my mother know about the affair? I couldn’t imagine she would stand for it, but she had always been capable of selling the image of a perfect family.

  “I apologize that we’re late.” There was an edge to her voice, even as my father embraced me.

  “I was stuck at the office,” he explained, tugging at the buttons of his blazer. “Splendid party.”

  It physically hurt to hug him right now, and I wasn’t entirely sure that I hid the fact well. Swallowing, I forced a smile. “I’m so glad you could make it.”

  “As if we’d miss it,” Lola said with meaning. My little sister fit right into the crowd of well-to-do Londoners gathered here tonight in her posh black sheath, and unlike me, she wouldn’t miss the opportunity to network with the number of important people in attendance. We looked alike with our dark chestnut hair, but Lola was slender and petite. She gave off a polished air that made me jealous. In so many ways, she was a better match for Alexander. Lola could handle the expectations and the scrutiny. “Is that Edward?”

  I followed her gaze and nodded. Edward was holding court with a large group, but David was nowhere in sight. I made a mental note to look for him when I was free of my mother’s clutches.

  “Alexander,” my mother cooed as he neared us. She enveloped him in a hug that felt a bit too familiar, but Alexander, for his part, looked unperturbed.

  “Lovely to see you again.” He stepped to my side, placing a strong hand on the small of my back. The touch was reassuring and arousing at the same time. We’d spent the evening so far orbiting the room, coming close to contact but always being pulled away by some other force. His presence relaxed me, and I wished there’d be no need for separation again.

  But I also needed to talk to my father about what I’d seen on the street earlier this week.

  “Will you excuse us for a moment?” Alexander asked as if reading my mind. “There’s
an urgent matter requiring Clara’s attention.”

  My mother opened her mouth to protest but thought better of it.

  She already knew there was no sense in arguing with him. Alexander guided me into the back garden, which was mercifully empty. Edward and I had agreed that, given the autumn chill, it would be pointless to open the space to guests. That decision was now paying off, granting us a rare private moment amongst the bustle of celebration and well wishes. We stepped out of the light cast from the windows, and Alexander was on me. Hands pushed up my skirt, closing over the lace of my garter belt.

  “Why are all these people here?” he breathed against my mouth. “I want to play.”

  Yes, please. There were people steps away from us, only separated by the decidedly un-soundproofed French doors. There wasn’t time, but all rational reasons why we couldn’t vanished as his mouth crushed into mine. I melted into him, carried away by the moment. His hand cupped my ass, squeezing the bare cheek. He hadn’t touched me there in days and my body responded instantaneously with a surge of desire. It pooled in my core, overriding my concerns of getting caught. I could only think of filling the aching hunger building between my legs. Alexander circled his hips against mine, igniting a fire in my belly, as his erection rubbed me through his trousers. My hand slipped to the hard length and I fisted his cock through the fabric.

  “You can’t go back in there like this,” I murmured as I stroked him.

  “What do you have in mind, poppet?”

  My lips twisted into a mischievous smile. “I owe you one.”

  I knelt before him, not caring that at any moment someone could decide to go for a smoke or step out for fresh air. I could only think of one thing. He didn’t object as I unzipped his trousers and freed his cock. Silhouetted in moonlight, it rose flagrantly and unabashedly masculine against the smooth contours of his lower stomach. My own sex swelled as I ran my tongue over his broad crown. A groan rumbled into his throat as my mouth closed over his shaft. I swirled my tongue over his length, relishing the feel of velvet against my lips. Alexander’s hand caught the knot at the back of my neck and pushed my head further down until he was buried in my mouth.


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