The Royals: Alexander and Clara: Volume One (The Royals Saga)

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The Royals: Alexander and Clara: Volume One (The Royals Saga) Page 50

by Geneva Lee

  “Come, my love,” I ordered her as her breathing quickened to shallow pants. Her cries and whimpers were a broken symphony that urged me on until her body tensed and she fragmented against me. The tremors of her body drew forth my own, annihilating the control I held over my desire, and I burst inside her, clutching her hips as I found my release.

  I held on until her shaking subsided and then carefully unsheathed my cock. Bending, I drew her pants up as she clung to the wall that supported her. Then I led her back to the seats. Gathering her in my lap, we nestled together as the plane shifted, carrying us to our final destination. A sense of wholeness washed over me as I held her. She’d shown me I was lost and then led me home, healing so many of my broken fragments. Now it was time to heal hers.

  The car delivered us to the private chalet I’d procured for our use this weekend. The house was tucked against a snowy mountain, overlooking a serene ski resort. St. Moritz was largely unoccupied this time of year as the summer holidays had passed and the winter tourists hadn’t yet arrived. Clara snuggled into the down coat I’d presented to her upon landing. Her hand rested over my bandaged one as she drank in the untouched beauty of the mountainside.

  “Would you have preferred the beach?” I asked as she unfastened her safety belt.

  “The only preference I have is to be with you,” she answered. “The view is lovely.”

  “It is.” My words were thick. My eyes had barely strayed from her since she’d woken on the flight.

  “You’re not looking,” she accused, flushing under my gaze.

  “I assure you that I am.”

  The fireplaces had been lit for our arrival as I’d requested.

  “This place is incredible,” Clara said as we entered, stepping aside to allow the driver to leave our bags by the door.

  I’d chosen the location for its privacy, but I was glad that it pleased her. The front door opened to a large great room that boasted overstuffed sofas and thick fur rugs. Overhead a rustic chandelier glowed against the late afternoon light. Floor-to-ceiling windows offered an expansive view of the town below us. That view was the closest I planned to get to civilization for the next three days. The weather in the Alps had begun to drop for the season, capping the mountaintops in snow. The forecast predicted storms over the course of the weekend that would keep us inside for the entirety of our too-brief holiday.

  “The kitchen is fully stocked,” I informed her. “We’ll have no need to leave.”

  “Well, X, you’ve spirited me away to an isolated mountain lodge. What will you do with me?”

  I answered her by locking the door. The bolt echoed in the quiet space with an ominous click. Clara spun to face me, eyes wide with anticipation. I held out my hand to her. She took it without trepidation. This weekend we would begin the work of healing the damage inflicted upon us. She needed to be shown that I would protect her, and I would do so by taking control until her body remembered that it was under my safekeeping. The Crown might not offer her security, but I would. And someday my name would be her protector as well.

  “Do you remember our agreement?” I asked.

  Her head tilted seductively and she drew back, dropping her coat behind her. It landed with a soft thud on the wooden floor. “I don’t remember agreeing to anything. I remember being told.”

  “And do you have an objection? I seem to remember you being more than willing to agree to my demands.”

  “I have no objection,” she said, removing her shoes. She stood and placed a hand over the button of her jeans. “But I have a request.”

  “I’m here to meet your needs,” I assured her. My throat constricted as she unfastened the button and shimmied the jeans over her shapely hips. It took effort to restrain myself as she revealed herself to me bit by bit. It always did.

  My gaze fucked her body as she stripped, lingering over her full breasts and perfect nipples. Later I would take them in my mouth and suck them until she came. My tongue licked my lower lip, imagining I’d already claimed them.

  She stepped forward, naked, and brushed a finger over my lips, calling me back to her. “Don’t be gentle. Take me as you need me. Use my body. I want to feel it all with you.”

  “Sometimes I like to be gentle,” I reminded her, choosing my words precisely. It was more difficult now that her cunt was bared and ready for me.

  “I want it rough and slow and desperate and kind. I want you. All of you,” she said huskily. She looked down and I sensed the confusion churning within her. The passion still overruled her. She was asking for me to take control. Her need tore through me, and I resisted the urge to take her on the spot and give her the answers she sought.

  Clara had rebuilt me and yet she continued to offer more of herself. Her body. Her heart. She’d not only accepted me, she’d welcomed me despite the darkness and secrets that had tested our love. The gift of that overwhelmed me. It tested my restraint.

  Placing a finger under her chin, I tipped her face back up to meet my gaze instead. “You’re giving me your trust. I don’t take that lightly. When I fuck you, Clara, and I will fuck you until you plead for me to stop, I’m not using you. I will never use you. When I fuck you, I’m setting you free. Do you want to be set free?”

  “Yes, please,” she whispered.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  I waited on the bed as he had instructed, my face turned toward the wall. Candles flickered, casting the room in a romantic glow. Running my fingers over the soft down of the pillows, I resisted the pull of sleep as I listened to his preparations. The sharp scrape of fabric against wood. The creak of the floor surrounding the bed. I’d offered myself completely to him without clarifying what that would entail. But with each mysterious new noise, my pulse quickened in expectation. What had once frightened me now thrilled me, kindling my desire into a sensual blaze.

  His hands and body could provide release from the nightmares that had plagued my life for the past week. I only had to trust him to set me free, and I trusted him entirely, ready to submit to his primal dominance. His declaration of love had liberated me and continued to, but the fear hadn’t left his eyes since that terrible night. Here, with much needed distance, between us and London, we could finally give into the full weight of our feelings.

  The mattress shifted under his weight as he sat beside me. A hum of longing vibrated through my body as his hand caressed my bare tailbone. My hips writhed in his direction only to be stopped by his firm hand. His words flashed through my mind. I would always come, but only when he said and tonight I suspected I would beg.

  “I’m going to blindfold you,” he spoke softly, rubbing my ass. “You’ll understand why.” Alexander lowered a scarf over my face, pausing to give me a chance to say no. I remained silent, and he tied it around my head, tightening the knot and obscuring my vision. His hand found mine and he pulled me up, guiding my feet to the floor. He walked behind me, one hand pressed to the small of my back. The small gesture of reassurance stifled the minute apprehension coursing through me. My hip bumped against the end of the bed and he stopped me, pressing my belly against the cool, wooden frame.

  “Spread your legs.” I did as he ordered, earning an approving “good girl.” He lifted my arms over my head and began to wrap a silky rope around my wrists, tucking and weaving it until my feet arched. I was suspended, my toes clinging to the ground and supporting my weight. The rope brushed against my breasts as he circled my torso. He paused and I felt a knot cinch into place between my shoulders. He crossed my stomach, coiling it just tightly enough that it dug into my flesh. His arms wrapped around me and another knot cinched across my belly button before he dropped the remaining line to swing between my spread legs. My body molded to his artistry, each binding a master stroke.

  Rope scraped against my left ankle, coiling tightly, as he tugged it to secure it. He repeated the action, spreading my legs further and forcing me higher on my toes. My body ached, drawn wide. It was exhilarating, the slight pain of my bindings giving way
to arousal. I hadn’t been sure I could do this, but with each passing second, my body relaxed into the tension. For a moment, neither of us moved and I focused on his ragged breath. Then the sharp metallic click of a belt unfastening followed by the swish of leather against fabric. My limbs tightened, bracing for the sting until I heard the belt drop to the floor. But my release had been stifled by the memory of pain. Fabric thudded softly to the floor and then his heat radiated against my vulnerable skin. I wanted to press against him, and I pulled against my restraints.

  “Relax,” he commanded, he drew a finger down my lengthened spine. “You will know no fear at my hands, Clara. Only pleasure. I’ve taken the use of your hands, of your feet, but you still have your voice. Do you understand?”

  I nodded, but he caught my hair and stopped the movement. “Use your voice. Tell me.”

  “I understand,” I whispered.

  “Tell me what you’re thinking.” He loosened his grip on my hair and sank his teeth into my shoulder.

  I groaned, as pangs of pleasure shot through me, hardening my nipples against the coolness of the room. Without my sight, without my hands, my other senses heightened and flooded me with sensations. I could feel the air fluttering against my skin despite the lack breeze. My nostrils flared, inhaling the mingled scent of wax and flowers.

  “Tell me,” he repeated firmly as he pinched my nipple between his fingers. He twisted it, overwhelming my already saturated nerves.

  “I want to p-p-please you,” I stammered.

  “This pleases me, poppet,” he murmured, releasing my breast to fall heavily against the rope wrapped under it. “Seeing you trussed up, completely at my mercy—do you have any idea what this does to me? What it makes me want to do to you? Do you want to see?”

  I started to bob my head but caught myself. “Yes.”

  The blindfold slipped off my head and I blinked, my eyes adjusting to the dim luminescence of firelight and candles.

  “It’s a pity you can’t see the whole picture.” Alexander moved to the corner of the bed, drinking in my reaction as I slowly looked up. A red rope hung, secured to a wooden beam that ran the width of the chalet’s ceiling. It twisted into an intricate knot and then continued to my wrists. The silky rope spiraled in thick coils that held my arms over my head. My gaze traveled down to discover that it crossed over my chest, twisting under my breasts. I’d felt him do it, but seeing the bindings sent a surge of pleasure through me, undermining the exhaustion starting to creep into my weary limbs. The elegant knot tied at my belly was so intricate that I wondered how many times he’d done this before. Who else had been lucky enough to be under his complete dominion? I pushed the unpleasant thought out of my head. I could only catch a glimpse of the rope that fastened my ankles to the pillars of the bed.

  Alexander’s eyes were hooded with lust when I finally found him again. I devoured the sight of his carved body, my gaze landing on his erect cock. Heat flushed my cheeks as I became aware of my vulnerability to him. I wasn’t embarrassed. I was on fire.

  “You’re so lovely with your rosy cheeks. It’s making my palms itch to turn your other cheeks pink.” His words fell over me and I stiffened. “I will do as I please to your body unless you use your safe word.”

  I pressed my lips into a tight line, issuing an unspoken challenge. I’d told him I trusted him. I did trust him.

  He returned to stand behind me and I longed to nudge my ass against him—to feel his hardness against my soft bottom. He chuckled at my pitiful attempts to move. His palm fondled the curve of my ass before it flew against it playfully. Alexander rubbed the spot before delivering another smack. He repeated the gesture, spanking and caressing away the sting until my bottom smarted with heat.

  “Perfection.” His mouth nuzzled against my ear. “Do you know why I wanted to tie you up? Because I want you to experience true release. I see you, clinging to the edge, waiting greedily for me to climax with you. You won’t be able to do that tonight. Your body won’t be able to fight me when I want it to come. I’m going to show you how much I love you—how sacred your body is to me. I’m going to make you scream and cry and claw at that rope and then I’m going to start all over again.”

  A whimper escaped my lips as he dropped between my legs. His knees hit the wooden floor and I moaned, anticipating him. He cupped my sex in his palm as his teeth nipped playfully at my sore cheeks. Then his hands parted me roughly. I barely had time to process this before his tongue plunged inside me. He fucked me with his mouth until my knees tried to buckle, but the restraints held tight. The sudden weakness in my legs shifted more of my weight onto my arms and I screamed, unraveling on Alexander’s tongue. He continued to lick my swollen mound even as I cried for him to stop. I couldn’t find my center, dangling between agony and elation. But just as my core began to clench, he pulled away. With one hand he supported my rear until I found my toes again. The arches of my feet throbbed, my calves smoldered with the effort of keeping me up, and my arms burned.

  “I’m not done with you,” he said wickedly. He stood and crossed the room, withdrawing a small bottle of oil from his bag. He took his time returning, obviously enjoying my pants and moans as my fingers twisted against the rope holding me overhead. I was lost to my role, overwhelmed by the scene unfolding around me, but desperate to submit to his demands at the same time. He’d turned me into a mewling, frantic creature and I loved it.

  This time he pushed a finger into my pulsing hole. My body struggled against him and he slowed his movements until I calmed. He withdrew his hand and I heard the lid of the bottle flip open. I felt the oil glide across my seam all the way up until it coated my forbidden entrance. His fingers thrust inside me once more, curving and fucking me. And then his thumb pressed over the pucker of my ass and plunged inside. Alexander continued his ravishment, carefully preventing me from coming again.

  “Do you mind when I touch you here?” He inserted his thumb deeper.

  “More,” I moaned. I could only think of being filled. I yearned to stretch myself until I broke.

  “I’m not certain you want that.” But his words were thick, and I knew he wanted to claim me there in the last avenue he’d yet to conquer.

  “Fuck me,” I pleaded. “Fuck me there.”

  His hand stilled, giving me a second to process what I was asking him to do. The lack of action only made it more enticing.

  “Do you want me to fuck you?” He circled my tight pucker with his thumb.

  “Yes. Oh god, yes. Take all of me and stop fucking asking,” I snapped, losing patience.

  But he backed away and I wanted to scream. To beg. My body was his to claim. Why wouldn’t he do it?

  “I’m going to release your legs,” he told me and I swallowed against my frustration. I was a mass of frayed nerves and hopefulness.

  The ropes on my ankles fell away and I tried to bend them, but I was still bound to the beam above me.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he explained as his arms reached for the rope that held my hands. To my relief he only loosened it enough to allow my knees to flex. Alexander caressed my ass. “Ask for it. I need to know you consent to this.”

  “Fuck me there,” I begged again. “Claim all of me.”

  “Bend your knees.” Oil drizzled between my bare cheeks and then his thick crown pushed inside me. Fire ignited around the taut ring and I bit my lip. But the sting of my teeth did nothing to abate the agony. He hooked an arm around my waist, supporting my suspended body and relieving my tired arms. I was still under his total control, and he guided his cock in a little farther until the stretched muscles popped over his tip. My body’s resistance to the unfamiliar intrusion diminished and bit-by-bit he entered me until I was full of him. My head fell to my arm and I sobbed against it.

  Alexander stopped, allowing me to adjust to the new sensations. I knew he wouldn’t continue without a sign that I wanted this. And I did. The tremors racking me did nothing to allay my desire to be possessed. The hand resting
over my belly slid between my legs, capturing and rolling my clit with deft fingers. Exquisite pressure welled in my core, and I surrendered myself to his reign.

  “Don’t,” I groaned, struggling to find words in my overcome state. “Don’t…stop.”

  He drew back just enough to allow him to drive inside me, exercising restraint that I found baffling.

  “More,” I demanded, and he gave into his instincts, pounding against my ass. He held me firmly, grunting, as he thrust relentlessly, each stab of his cock searing through me. I was caught between pleasure and pain, but I felt the tension building to a frantic apex. I fractured in his arms, exploding in a deluge of screams that split the air around us.

  “Fuck!” Heat flooded my insides as he released. There was no discomfort when the frenzy ended. He withdrew, running a finger down the seed he’d spilled upon his exit. “Now you’re mine.”

  “Yes,” I breathed, repeating it over and over, even as he undid the rope binding my wrists.

  Alexander gathered me in his arms and carried me to the bed, soothing me with gentle shushes.

  “I’m going to clean up,” he said lightly. Yes, hygiene seemed like a good idea. The bathroom light flickered on as I lay quivering on top of the sheets. I’d been tested. I’d been loved. Alexander had taken me safely beyond my boundaries, giving me the most intense pleasure of my life. Yet, I still craved his touch as if it hadn’t been enough. I would never have enough of him. When he returned, he pulled the blanket over me and slid in beside me. Then he made love to me, showing my body everything it meant to be his.


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