Dare to Embrace: The Maxwell Series Book 7

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Dare to Embrace: The Maxwell Series Book 7 Page 2

by Alexander, S. B.

I sighed as I thought about the night before. I had messed up. I’d wanted nothing more than to make love to him, but as soon as he set me in the bathtub, I hadn’t been able to keep my eyes open. Between the hot water and his strong arms, I’d felt more relaxed than I had in quite some time.

  Baseball season drained the energy out of me. I loved every second of playing ball. I got high from the energy on the field and in the dugouts. I loved the fans, the adrenaline rush, the wins, the celebrations, everything about my career. I was living my dream, which I’d had reservations about before the Portland Sea Dogs signed me. I was a female who had finally broken through a barrier into a male-dominated arena, and the road leading up to the Sea Dogs had been a challenging one.

  But playing ball had its downsides—the travel, living out of a suitcase, and the sleepless nights without Kade at my side led to loneliness. At times, jealousy reared its ugly head at how my teammates could go home to their spouses or significant others after a game or, on most nights, when we played at home.

  I gnawed on my bottom lip as my gaze drifted from Kade to our private hideaway. I barely knew my own bedroom. Lying there felt odd, like I didn’t even live there. Maybe that was because the light-blue walls were in need of pictures or artwork. The large space could certainly use a comfy chair or two near our French doors, which led out to a stone-stamped patio.

  I continued to chew on my lip, letting my mind wander about decorating ideas until my gaze landed on a signed baseball that was encased on my dresser. Suddenly, the conversation with my agent, Tara, was front and center.

  She’d been one of the reasons I was late getting home. I’d pulled over for about fifteen minutes to talk to her. She’d called to inform me that a Triple-A ball club was interested in me. My jaw had dropped to my lap when she’d said those words. Since I was a little girl, I’d always dreamed of playing major-league baseball, and Triple-A was the next step in that climb to the top.

  “You’re deep in thought.” Kade’s voice was husky and raspy, and oh my. Goose bumps fired along my arms. He reached over and flattened one of his calloused hands on my abs. “Care to share?” His sleepy copper eyes were sexy as he grinned, showing those dimples that sent erotic heat to settle in between my legs.

  Baseball and any offers could wait.

  I snuggled closer to his hot bod, literally and figuratively. Winters were the best when I could curl up next to him and steal the warmth of his body. But I wasn’t cold in the least at the moment. “I’m sorry about last night.”

  He moved my hair off my face. “I know you were tired.”

  I slipped my leg in between his, relishing the feel of his muscled thighs. “How’s your head?” My heart had fallen out of my chest when Maiken said my husband had a headache.

  “It’s fine. But I do have pain elsewhere.” He waggled his eyebrows, his eyes shimmering in the morning light.

  Butterflies took flight in my stomach.

  He dragged a hand down from my face to my breasts and began tracing a circle around my nipple. The act was soothing and erotic, and I moaned in delight.

  Before I could take my next breath, Kade was on top of me with his hands on either side of my head, his erection grazing my inner thigh.

  My legs had a mind of their own, falling open and giving him full access to do as he pleased.

  He groaned as he licked his way down my neck, stopping to give my breasts equal attention.

  I didn’t want his mouth on my nipples. The pulsating need in between my legs demanded his tongue, begging for him to take what I hadn’t had in months. So I wiggled my body upward, praying, hoping he would get the hint.

  He chuckled. The man was torturing, teasing, and taking his sweet-ass time as my clit throbbed endlessly.

  “I need you, Kade. Now!” My voice cracked on each word as I sucked in air.

  He gave me one of his sexy grins as he lingered on my belly button. “I want you to spell it out, baby.” His tone was playful. “Give me details.”

  Ass. He was throwing my words in my face. I always wanted details of what he would do to me. Dirty talk and foreplay were something I craved, but at that very moment, I wanted action.

  “I want you to lick me.” I shimmied higher on the bed, hoping I could meet him halfway.

  He laughed again.

  “Payback is hell, Kade Maxwell.” I hoped to scare him a little. But who was I kidding? My husband didn’t scare so easily.

  Lazily, he dragged his tongue down to the apex of my legs and kissed everywhere but the one spot I wanted him to touch.

  I growled low and was about to take matters in my own hands when he sat on his heels, stroking his rock-hard erection. His copper eyes gleamed as his eyelids became hooded. What a sight I had before me. I was no longer desperate to get myself off. I was desperate to watch him. I was desperate to please him.

  His chest rose and fell as he licked his lips. “Play with yourself.”

  How many times had we done this very thing over FaceTime? Phone sex was the best and the only way to sate the hunger we had for each other when I was away.

  I wasn’t one to argue, not when pleasure was involved.

  I planted my feet on the mattress and pointed my knees at the ceiling. My hand slid down my stomach slowly. My eyes were peeled to the god-like man before me.

  “Circle your clit.” His demand sent an electric current straight to my clit.

  My hand rushed to do as he commanded.

  The minute my fingers touched my throbbing nub, I shot off the bed. “I’m not going to last.”

  He grabbed my wrist, captured my finger in his mouth, and sucked—a move that I was sure was meant to distract him and me from sending us both over the edge.

  His gaze was glued to mine as he continued to swirl his tongue around my finger.

  Whatever motive he had for holding my finger hostage, I didn’t care. What I cared about was having him inside of me.

  So I sat up and gripped his erection with my free hand.

  He let out a low rumble as he traded my finger for my lips. His tongue dove in hard and fast, devouring me.

  My skin hummed. My breath was labored. My mind was mush.

  He groaned and moaned as I continued to stroke what was mine. I loved how he reacted to my touch even after seven years together. The spark that had ignited between us that first day I’d pulled a gun on him in the high school parking lot was brighter than ever.

  I matched his kiss, sucking on his tongue as a tingling sensation spread throughout my body. “I need you now, baby.”

  He pushed me back, and before I could take a breath, he thrust inside me hard.

  I whimpered.

  The word “fuck” dropped from his lips. He stilled as he flashed those heavy-lidded eyes. “Wrap your legs around me,” he said in a husky tone.

  Once we were in his favorite position, he began pumping, slowly at first. “Play with your nipples.”

  I shook my head. “I need you to bite them, hard.”

  He cocked any eyebrow, obliging.

  I squealed, my eyes rolling back in my head. Then the next thing I knew, he was flipping me over until I was on all fours and he was shoving his steel erection into me from behind.

  I tossed a look over my shoulder, holding my bottom lip hostage.

  His eyes were wild, crazed, full of lust and love and so much more. His chest expanded, and his biceps bunched as he held on to my hips. He looked like a god—all man, all muscle, all mine.

  He hesitated for a moment as though he were trying to gain control of whatever was going on in his head. Then he went from zero to fifty in a matter of seconds, rocking, thrusting, and pumping. Without warning, he flipped me on my back.

  I once again wrapped my legs around him as we fell into a rhythm, both of us bucking and rocking. Each thrust became faster, harder, hotter, and higher as he took me to the edge.

  Then he pulled out.

  I shot up. “What’s wrong?” I barely spoke the words.

  He burie
d his head between my legs, latched on to my clit, and sucked.

  Oh, crap on a cracker.

  In two seconds, I was screaming his name, arching my back, and clutching the sheets. I dove off the cliff into pure bliss as bright stars flashed behind my eyelids.

  My toes curled as he shoved inside me, pumping and grunting. “I love the crap out of you, Lacey Maxwell.” Then he stilled, his eyelids drifting shut briefly as he rode out his orgasm, pulsating inside me. Sweat dripped down his temples as he rubbed his hand down my chest and stomach. “I can’t believe I lasted that long.”

  I wasn’t surprised. Stamina was his middle name. The man could go forever, sometimes pleasing me two or three times before he orgasmed.

  He rolled off me and propped his head in his hand as he lay on his side, facing me. “Give me five minutes, and we’ll go again.”

  I laughed, trying to regulate my breathing. “I think I need food first.” I started to get up.

  He swung his arm over me, caging me down. “You’re not going anywhere. We’re just getting started.”

  My stomach growled.

  He arched his eyebrow, grinning. “We do need to christen the kitchen.”

  Giggling, I kissed him. “That island is big enough.”

  He traced lazy circles around my nipple. “The island, the dining table, the couch, the deck, the patio.”

  My gaze fell to Mr. Steel growing as Kade rattled off all the places he wanted to make love. I couldn’t help but play with myself. I clutched his dick and began stroking his velvety shaft as goose bumps blanketed my body.

  He shuddered a breath. “I’ve missed you so fucking much.” His tone was a mixture of love and sadness.

  Our marriage was as solid as a slab of granite. Nothing could come between Kade and me. But in that moment, a knot of guilt settled in my stomach. It was my fault that he was sad. It was my fault I was never home. It was my fault that I wanted baseball as much as I wanted him.

  Groaning, he rolled his hips as I stroked him hard. Any guilt I had waned for the moment. In its place, the need to see him come apart was all I cared about. I crawled down and captured his large dick in my mouth.

  He moaned loudly as his fingers dove into my hair.

  I swirled my tongue around the tip, teasing and licking before taking him deep.

  When I did, he bucked off the bed, grasping on to my hair. “I love it when you suck me off.” His voice cracked on another loud moan.

  Just hearing him made me want to orgasm right then and there. But at the moment, pleasing him was my number-one priority.

  I sucked, licked, stroked, and took him as deep as my gag reflex would allow.

  He spewed loud grunts, growls, and groans, heightening my senses and making my pussy throb to the point that I didn’t need anything to get me off except seeing him come apart.

  His leg muscles began to tense, and his hands tightened in my hair. “Suck harder.” His breathing ramped up.

  With all the energy I had, I gripped his balls and sucked him until he was groaning his release. He barely let me swallow before I was on my back. His tongue stroked my clit once then twice, and when he shoved two fingers inside me, I screamed his name, my body shuddering through my release.

  He lingered, kissing my inner thighs, smiling as I tried to regulate my breathing. I rode out the longest and best orgasm in quite some time.

  He crawled up my body then pecked me on the lips. “Good morning.”

  “Can we eat now?”

  He chuckled. “Maybe.”

  I playfully swatted at him. “I need fuel to go another round.”

  He climbed off the bed then extended his hand. “Let’s take a shower. Then we’ll eat. Then round three.”

  Giggling, I stood up on shaky legs. After my time off, I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to walk out of the house, let alone play baseball.

  Chapter 3


  Lacey ambled into the kitchen with her hair piled up on her head, her green eyes beaming, and looking as relaxed as ever.

  I grinned as my dick jerked in my jeans.

  She lifted up on her toes and kissed me on the cheek. “Something smells wonderful.”

  Setting the tongs down on the counter, I gripped her chin before my lips brushed hers. “Yeah, baby. You.” Her shampoo smelled like oranges and cream.

  She stole a piece of bacon from the plate near the stove, her stomach growling.

  “Sit your beautiful body down and let me wait on you.”

  Her hand clutched my groin. “Aren’t we christening the kitchen?” She tugged her bottom lip between her teeth.

  My eyes were ready to roll back into my head if she kept squeezing Mr. Steel. “Eat first.” My voice was strained as my gaze lowered to her nipples, which were poking out of her Dodgers T-shirt. “You need fuel if I’m going to chase you around the house.”

  The thought of playing hide-and-seek caused my pulse to ramp up several notches. It was a game we both loved to play.

  She chewed on the bacon, still holding my dick. “Hide-and-seek?” Her eyes went wide.

  I kissed her on the nose as I pinched her nipple. “You know I always find you.”

  “Pffft. I let you,” she said, sashaying over to the island.

  I chuckled. “We’ll see.” I resumed cooking, cracking the eggs into a bowl.

  “I think we should decorate our bedroom while I’m home,” Lacey said. “Don’t we have some pictures stored in the basement?”

  I beat the eggs. “I think so.” I really didn’t want to do anything house related. We only had four days, and I wanted her in my arms the entire time.

  A phone rang.

  I tensed as I tossed a look over my shoulder. Mine was off and in the bedroom.

  Her hands disappeared under the counter for a second. When they surfaced, she was tapping on the screen, and her features were pinched. “I’ll be right back.” She hopped off the stool and breezed out of the kitchen before I could question who the fuck was calling at seven in the morning. Or calling at all for that matter.

  She was on break from baseball, so it couldn’t be her manager. Maybe someone in my family was hurt and couldn’t get ahold of me. I dismissed that idea. Mom and Dad lived a stone’s throw across the lake. If something had happened, Dad would’ve been at my door if he couldn’t get me on the phone.

  I could barely hear Lacey as I busied myself with scrambling the eggs. My hands stopped over the pan when I heard her say “Tara.”

  What the fuck does she want? She only called Lacey when she had an opportunity for her or wanted to talk contracts. But her current contract with the Portland Sea Dogs wasn’t up until the following year. My mind spun, remembering a conversation Lacey and I had had before she signed with the Sea Dogs.

  “Are you sure you’re okay with me on the road all the time?” she’d asked.

  Hell no. I didn’t want her away from me for one fucking second. When she’d gone off to college and I’d stayed behind, those four years had been brutal on me. But I couldn’t deny her something she’d lived and trained for her entire life, and I wouldn’t.

  “I want you to live your dream, but I do want kids in the near future,” I’d replied.

  She’d beamed up at me. “We’ll start our family when my contract with the Sea Dogs is up. I promise.”

  It had been pointless to discuss what-ifs. What if she extended her contract? What if she signed with another team? What if she decided she didn’t want kids until she retired? All those questions had plagued me then and every now and again during the last two years.

  Lacey waltzed back in and over to her stool. Her gaze was glued to her phone.

  I carried the bowl of scrambled eggs to the island. “What did Tara want?”

  Her head shot up. “You heard?” Panic laced her tone.

  I gripped the edge of the marble top. “I heard you say Tara.”

  She slumped her shoulders as though she were relieved that I’d only heard Tara’s name and not the
ir conversation.

  I cocked my head, wondering why the fuck she was so panicked. “Well?”

  She shrugged, gnawing on her lip. “It’s nothing.”

  I let out a chuckle that wasn’t light or funny. “And you’re lying. Tara is your agent, which means she’s calling you because she has an opportunity for you.”

  The doorbell rang.

  Neither of us moved as we stared at one another.

  I lifted my eyebrows, prodding Lacey to answer me or say something. But she sat there, seemingly perplexed as though she didn’t know what to say.

  The bell rang again.

  Cursing under my breath, I left Lacey to answer the door. Whoever was standing on the porch had better have a damn good reason for disturbing us at an early hour. I wasn’t in the mood for anyone else’s problems.

  Blowing out a breath, I opened the door.

  Christine Maxwell stood on the porch, appearing frantic and teary-eyed.

  “What did Marcus do now?” I asked, assuming her crying had something to do with her teenage son even though she had seven other kids besides Marcus.

  She flicked strands of her ash-blond hair off her forehead. “Is Marcus here, by chance? I tried to call you.”

  Maybe shutting off my phone wasn’t such a good idea if people were going to show up on my doorstep instead.

  I waved her in. “I haven’t seen Marcus since the cookout at my parents’ house last week.”

  I let out a frustrated sigh. The kid wasn’t even my son. He wasn’t living with me anymore either. Yet he still had a way of driving me insane. Given how rebellious he was, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was passed out drunk somewhere. He’d started drinking when he was living with me, but I thought he was on the straight and narrow since his mom had returned from Georgia and bought a house for the family.

  Christine folded her arms across her chest as she climbed over the threshold and into the foyer. “His bed hasn’t been slept in. Maiken and Ethan are out looking. Jasper doesn’t know anything. Marcus’s girlfriend, Sloane, hasn’t seen him either.”

  Lacey’s footsteps echoed as her bare feet slapped on the wood floor. “What’s going on?”


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