Claimed by the Alphas: Complete Edition

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Claimed by the Alphas: Complete Edition Page 3

by Rivard, Viola

  “I’m sure it will be fine,” she told him, padding over to the cot.

  She sat down, putting the tray in her lap, and quickly began carving the meat. She recognized the tangy smell of venison, something she had never tried before moving out to the fringes. She had woken up one morning to find her Aunt Gina helping her uncle gut a deer carcass on the front porch—not a memory she would soon forget.

  The last time she had tried venison, it had tasted gamey. This meat was soft and delicious. It fell apart in her mouth. She closed her eyes as she chewed, letting out an appreciative sound.

  She felt the cot dip as Asch sat down beside her.

  Mila swallowed to clear her mouth, and then asked, “Can I have this every day?”

  “Deer is scarce in the valley. We mostly eat fish from the river when we stay at The Cairn,” he explained. “However, I’ll make sure that you have a cut of any venison we get.”

  He was looking at her with such affection in his hazel eyes that she felt momentarily alarmed. She hadn’t done anything to warrant such regard, and it was kind of scary.

  Sensing her discomfort, he asked, “What’s wrong?”

  Mila set the half-empty tray aside on the floor and laced her fingers together in her lap.

  “You kind of scare me,” she confessed.

  “Because I’m a wolf?”

  She held up her hands. “No!” she said quickly. “It’s not that at all. I like that.” She blushed a little at the admission. She had never been a shy woman, but she found it hard to draw from her well of confidence around such a gorgeous man.

  His sensual lips curved. “That’s good,” he said. “But then why?”

  “I don’t know. It’s just hard to get an angle on you,” she told him. “I kind of threw myself into this whole thing without really considering the big picture. I liked the idea of being a werewolf’s mate, but I don’t have the first clue as to what you’re going to expect of me.”

  His eyes lit up and he reached out, threading his fingers into her hair. Gently, he stroked her, his expression fond.

  He told her, “When I heard the town was holding a lottery to decide who would come join our pack, I was worried they would coerce some unwilling girl.”

  “They almost did.”

  Mila told him how the entries for the lottery had begun before she came to Tye County. They had done a county-wide drawing in Terry Creek, the town she had been staying in with her aunt’s family.

  She had been on her way back from the hairdresser when she noticed the crowd gathering in the town square. She had caught sight of Cora’s pale-blond hair in the cluster of townsfolk.

  By the time she’d found parking for her car, the lottery had already begun, and they had just called Twyla’s name. Cora had looked embarrassed when Mila approached her, asking what all the fuss was about. Cora had explained that it was a lottery and Twyla’s name had been called.

  “Wait, she just won the lottery?” Mila had asked, craning her neck to get a good look at the fuzzy-haired Wright girl. “Those don’t look like tears of joy.”

  “Of course not,” Cora had whispered. “I reckon her daddy made her put her name in the bucket. Twyla Wright ain’t never even liked her own dog, now she’s got to go be a werewolf bride.”

  “Wait, what?”

  As soon as Cora had elaborated on what the lottery was for, Mila’s legs had moved of their own accord in a frantic scramble. She swam through the crowd, pushing aside onlookers as she made her way up to the scaffolding where the mayor stood beside two of the town deputies.

  Mila animatedly recounted the story while Asch took advantage of her distraction. He steadily eased her farther onto the bedding, and then he maneuvered her so that they lay side by side, facing one another. His calloused fingers were no longer in her hair but were lightly brushing her face in soft strokes.

  “And so, that’s how I ended up here, more or less.” Her voice had grown thick with awareness of the alpha and the intimate position he had drawn her into.

  “You were very brave.”

  Hesitantly, she replied, “Not really.” A part of her wanted to keep up the pretense, but bravery had nothing at all to do with it. She had reacted entirely on impulse.

  “Earlier you said that you were unsure of what I expected of you,” he reminded her.

  Had she said that? It was so hard to remember with the sweet way he was petting her. His hands moved lower to skim the curves of her side. Everywhere he touched, her nerves stood at attention for him.

  “I will provide for you completely. I’ll do everything I can to ensure you remain happy and healthy for the rest of your life.”

  Geez, what’s with the audition? If this was how the handsome alpha planned on treating her every day, for the rest of her life, then she was sold.

  “And in return, you’ll want kids, right?”

  She still wasn’t sure how she felt about the idea of motherhood. She was a twenty-first century girl in her mid-twenties. She hadn’t really given much thought to being a parent, though she had always anticipated that she would be one someday. Bearing the alpha’s children was another one of those things she figured she’d deal with when it became relevant, which would hopefully not be too soon.

  Asch snaked an arm round her waist, pulling her body against his. He pressed a hand in between them, splaying it over her belly. Nervously, she sucked her stomach in, hoping he didn’t realize just how much work her fitted dress was doing for her.

  “It is something I have wanted for a very long time.”

  His hand moved up to her hip and he tilted her, burying his face in the crook of her neck. She gasped in surprise as he nuzzled her neck, a rich vibration emanating from his chest.

  “Why have you waited for so long?” she asked, trying to distract his attentions. Her breasts swelled and her nipples tightened behind the cotton fabric of her bra. Asch had said he wasn’t going to mate with her yet, but if he kept touching her that way, she wasn’t sure she would be able to hold herself to the same pledge.

  Thankfully, he pulled back, eyes glowing with warmth as his face hovered over hers. She stared into his hazel orbs, enchanted. None of the men she had dated had ever looked at her that way.

  Asch brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

  “My father was a beta male who left his pack to take a mate,” he said, his eyes darkening. “He selfishly believed that he was capable of caring for a mate and children on his own, outside of the confines of a pack.

  “I would have sooner not been a father at all, than subjected my children and my mate to a life of hiding among humans and living in fear of being exposed.”

  She stared up at him, not sure how to respond to his revelation. It made sense now that he seemed so human.

  “It must have been rough, hiding something like that from the world. How long did you live with humans?”

  “Until I was seventeen.”

  “What made you decide to leave?” she asked. The pull of his wolf must have been very strong for him to discard a lifetime of living as a human in favor of pack life.

  Then again, hadn’t she just done the same?

  Asch sat up, pulling her with him.

  “We can talk later,” he said. “We have plenty of time to get to know one another. Right now, you should rest.”

  She nodded. He was right on both counts. She was exhausted, and they would have more than enough time to become acquainted. She only hoped that once he got to know her better, the alpha would still regard her with the same tenderness.

  He reached behind her and tugged at the zipper of her dress. Her hands immediately flew up to halt him.

  “Wait!” she exclaimed. Then, feeling sheepish, she added, “I thought you said you just wanted to sleep.”

  His lips quirked. “I’d like to feel you against me while I rest,” he said. “It’s a wolf thing.”

  He pushed past her feeble resistance, unzipping her. She averted her eyes. Everything from her neck to the tips of he
r ears was on fire, and her throat constricted with her anxiety.

  She let him undress her like a ragdoll, keeping her head turned to the side. He lifted her rear from the bed and pulled the dress off. Her eyes snapped back to his when he deftly unfastened her bra, surprised at how comfortable he was with something that befuddled most human men.

  The alpha gave her a lazy smile, his eyes drinking her in. He didn’t look like he was disappointed in her. It seemed as if he was admiring her body.

  As if driving home her suspicion, he lowered his head to her chest, placing a lingering kiss on each of her full breasts. She stared down at his mass of copper hair and raised a hand to run her fingers through the wavy strands.

  He pulled back from her and removed his shirt, revealing a sculpted, golden-bronze chest. She licked her lips at the sight but didn’t have long to admire him. He tossed the piece of clothing to the side of the cot and drew her into his arms before it landed on the floor.

  He said nothing. He just wrapped her up against his body and fell into an easy slumber. She was amazed at how quickly he fell asleep even as her own eyes began to droop. No worries clouded her mind as she rested in the alpha’s arms, warmed by the beams of sunlight from her window and the heated flesh of her soon-to-be mate.


  Mila’s sleep was deep, only her full bladder capable of rousing her. She awoke surrounded by the scent of Asch but felt that he was no longer by her side. The dull light of dusk cast indigo shadows around the room.

  The alpha must have covered her, because she was burrowed under several layers of blankets. She sat up slowly, stretching her arms up over her head. Without the warm cocoon of the blankets, her exposed nipples hardened.

  She blushed at the memory of how wanton she’d been with the alpha. If he’d really tried to take her, she wouldn’t have been able to say no beneath his sensual ministrations.

  “Are you in need of anything?”

  Mila screamed, jumping back with a start. Her eyes darted around the room wildly, trying to find the sourced of the feminine voice.

  A tall, model-like woman stood in the doorway. There wasn’t a stitch of clothing on her trim body. A waterfall of white-blonde hair cascaded over her chest, covering her high breasts. Her head tilted to the side, and she regarded Mila with muted curiosity.

  “What?” Mila gasped.

  The blonde took a few steps forward, crouching in front of her. Mila pulled the blankets up around her torso.

  “I am very sorry to frighten you,” the blonde said. “I will need time to grow accustomed to your lack of awareness of your surroundings. You must be worried all the time with such poor senses. It was inconsiderate of me.”

  Her voice had a lyrical cadence, and Mila could tell that she had not meant the words as an insult. She relaxed a little, letting her guard down.

  “You almost made me pee myself,” she said, grinning. “How long have you been standing over there?”

  “Only a few moments. I heard you rousing.”

  Mila scratched her head, not sure what to make of the other woman. “Do you think you can show me to the bathroom?”

  She blinked. “Bathroom?”

  “Restroom, lavatory, little girl’s room? Anywhere I can go pee. My bladder is about to burst.”

  “Ah, yes,” she said, standing. She extended a hand and Mila took it, letting the taller woman pull her up. “I will take you to relieve yourself.” She wrinkled her nose. “Do you wish to bathe as well?”

  “That bad?” Mila asked, grimacing. She searched the floor for her clothes, locating her bra next to the bedding. Turning her back for privacy, she fastened it, letting out a contented sigh when her heavy chest was supported.

  Her dress was dirty, but she grabbed it anyway, not having much else to wear. She slipped into it quickly, not wanting the toned bombshell to see her belly flab.

  The were-female approached her as she struggled with the zipper.

  “Allow me to assist you,” she said. Not waiting for a response, she gathered Mila’s hair, twisting the thick rope into a bun on the top of her head. Once her hair was out of the way, the woman gently tugged the zipper up her back.

  “Thanks, um…”

  “I am Brae,” she said. “Would you like me to braid your hair now?” Mila turned and shook her hair loose.

  “Not necessary,” she said, combing the stubborn locks with her fingers. “I’ll brush it when I get back.” Brae looked disappointed but didn’t press the issue.

  Brae led Mila out into the cool passageway. This time, her eyes were more adapted to the darkness and she easily made her way down the corridor, running the tips of her fingers across the rugged wall.

  “I will take you down to the water to bathe,” Brae told her. “Asch is leading the hunt tonight. I will have to ask Caim. It should be okay.”

  “You mean the big grumpy one?” Mila asked, remembering the name. Brae let out a high-pitched cry, startling Mila. It was only after she had repeated the noise that Mila realized she was laughing. It was such a weird, animal sound.

  “I would not say that to our alpha’s face,” she said, her voice full of mirth. “He has been exceptionally irritable these past few weeks.”

  Mila stumbled, gripping at the wall for purchase. The heel of her palm grated against the stone wall, but Brae hooked an arm around her before she fell.

  “Shit,” she cursed, trying to examine her hand in the near-darkness. It throbbed with pain. Brae grabbed her wrist, turning it over to scrutinize her palm.

  “It barely broke the skin. You will be fine,” she informed her. Mila shrugged out of her grip, casting frantic eyes on the were-female.

  “Did you say that Caim was your alpha?” she asked. Brae nodded. “I thought Asch was the alpha of the Lazarus pack.”

  Brae cocked her head to the side. “Asch didn’t tell you? He and Caim share the position, or at least, they did.”

  Brae pulled her along down the corridor. Mila’s legs were leaden and barely cooperated. She felt as though she’d been lied to.

  “How does that work?” she asked. “I mean, how do you have two alphas?”

  Mila could see light several yards ahead where the passageway emptied into the main cavern. Already, she heard the sounds of the wolves—barking, yelping, growling, and yipping. The sounds bounced off the walls, forming an agitated cacophony.

  Brae let her arm go.

  “Come with me. I will get Caim’s permission, and then we will bathe. We can discuss this further at the water.”

  Many of the wolves turned to watch her as she entered. A bonfire blazed in a large pit at the center of the room, flooding the cavern in a brilliant orange light. She followed Brae closely, trying not to garner too much attention.

  Without the stalwart Asch by her side, Mila felt like she was lost at sea—a sea of unfriendly werewolves. They congregated in small clusters, some in human form and others in wolf form. The few times she did chance a glance around, her gaze was met with everything from annoyance to open hostility.

  What the hell? This was not how it was supposed to be. She had read all four of Marie du Luponte’s books multiple times!

  A werewolf pack could be comprised of anywhere from thirty to fifty adults, depending on the size of the territory. Packs tended to be predominantly female, containing only a few beta and omega males.

  They were led by a single, genetically superior alpha. The alpha was responsible for the leadership and overall welfare of his pack and, when the time came, the taking of a mate to secure the pack’s future. Unlike their animal counterparts, only the alpha bred within the pack, which was why his mate was so precious and cherished.

  Packs did not have two alphas. Alpha werewolves were notoriously territorial and would never tolerate another dominant male around their kin. And this was so not how they were supposed to treat the mate of an alpha. She couldn’t care less that they weren’t jumping at the opportunity to worship her, but the least they could do was treat her like a human be

  Maybe this was how they treated humans, though. Maybe Marie du Luponte had just been lucky. After all, she was the only woman to ever document her life among a were-pack. What if her situation was wholly unique and Mila had unknowingly signed herself up for a lifetime of scorn and misery?

  Mila groaned under her breath, mentally smacking herself. Brae glanced back to give her a bemused look, but didn’t comment.

  That’s right, nothing to see here, just a huge moron.

  The black wolf was perched on an elevated slab of slate rock. If she were just meeting him for the first time, Mila would have no doubt that he was an alpha. He loomed over them, amber eyes flickering over her with a cool indifference that made her mouth dry.

  She stopped a safe distance away, perfectly content with being a coward and letting Brae approach him. She watched as the female lowered her head subserviently before addressing him. Brae was too far out for Mila to hear her over the chatter of the wolves, but she saw the black wolf nod his assent and then let out a quick bark.

  A pair of grey-brown wolves approached Caim’s dais and followed behind Brae as she made her way back to Mila.

  “We may go,” she said, taking Mila’s hand in hers. The woman was very tactile, but Mila found that she didn’t mind. At least the were-female wasn’t treating her like Typhoid Mary.

  The sun had set by the time they made it outside. The pair of wolves followed them, presumably acting as escorts.

  Once they reached the woods, Mila peeled off from the wolves, finding a spot in the brush to relieve her aching bladder. She was sure this was one aspect of living with the wolves that she was never going to get used to.

  Only Brae was waiting for her when she returned, though she was sure the two males were around somewhere. When Mila got close to her, Brae grinned and turned, taking off into a run.

  “Hey, wait!” she cried out, running to catch up. She hadn’t worn her boots outside, and her tender feet were not made for running on the forest floor.

  Mila came to an abrupt halt as Brae shifted mid-stride. The werewolf’s face elongated and grew, and her torso bowed as she fell on all fours, bones snapping and expanding. Frame by frame, it might have been grotesque, but she did it with such grace and fluidity that it made Mila’s chest ache.


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