Home > Other > ANOTHER SKY > Page 18

by Jayne Frost

  Dropping my forehead to his chest, I groaned. “Because I’ve never had sex, right?”

  I cringed inwardly admitting it, but Miles only chuckled.

  “No, baby. Because I want it to be good for you. I want you to tell me what you like, and if you don’t know, I want you to tell me what you don’t like.”

  He stroked a hand down my back and waited patiently until I chanced a peek at his face.

  “I’m twenty-two. We shouldn’t be having this conversation. If I were normal—”

  “Hey.” His brows drew together. “You’re special. I’ve never seen anyone dance like you. If it took missing out on a few sweaty romps in the back of a fucking car with some douchebag you wouldn’t recognize on the street today, that’s a small price to pay for greatness. I know because I’ve seen greatness. Real genius. And it came with sacrifice.”

  He flopped back, throwing an arm over his face.

  Grasping the one thing that gave me some confidence, I asked, “You like the way I dance?”

  He peered down at me while I traced the logo on his T-shirt. “You couldn’t tell?”

  “Not really. I mean, I hope people like what they see, since dancing is the only thing I’ve ever been good at.”

  “I’m sure that’s not true.”

  I inched up until we were sharing the same pillow. “Maybe. But it’s the only thing I was allowed to explore. Did you do other things besides music when you were in school?”

  He thought about it for a moment, then smiled. “I played soccer in grade school. And baseball in junior high.”

  “Do you play anything besides the drums?”

  “Guitar. Some keyboards. A little flute.” My brow went up, and he grinned. “You’re gonna be happy about that later. I can do some wicked things with my tongue.” He shifted onto his side. “What about you?”

  I batted my eyelashes. “I don’t play the flute.”

  “Smart-ass.” Pulling me closer, he slotted his leg between my knees. “You said you don’t do anything but dance. There’s got to be something else. You can’t dance all the time.”

  Reaching up, he gently pried my bottom lip free from my teeth with his thumb as I pondered.

  “I write poetry.” I skimmed my fingers over his side where I remembered seeing the verse. “Not as good as Poe.”

  “Poetry? Will you let me read it sometime?”

  A nervous laugh bubbled free. “Let’s not get crazy. It’s only a hobby.”

  His fingers sank into my hair, and he tipped my chin so I couldn’t escape his gaze. “Lyrics are just poems that haven’t grown up yet. Maybe we can write a song together. You can be the words and I can be the music.”

  “You don’t write lyrics?”

  The light in his eyes dimmed. “Rhenn wrote most of the songs. He was the genius I was talking about. I’m just…average.”

  I brushed a stray lock off his forehead. “I doubt that.”

  I don’t know whether Miles initiated the kiss, or if it was me. But as soon as our mouths connected, it was like we caught fire. I couldn’t get close enough. Even after he peeled our clothes off and we were skin to skin.

  “Don’t hold back,” I breathed, my fingers sliding to the nape of his neck to hold him tighter. “Please.”

  “You sure?”

  Summoning my new-found bravery, I reached between us and took him in my hand. He was thick. And hard. Pulsing in my fingers.

  “Fuck,” he hissed, gripping the back of my hair.

  Emboldened, I stroked the silken flesh as we fell into another searing kiss. I had nothing to compare it to, but I did worry about his size, and my size, and how everything was going to work.

  “You’re going to make me come,” he whispered, a smile curving his lips when I pulled away. Large hands framed my face, and he touched his forehead to mine. “Coming is kind of the point, but you first.”

  “M-Me first?”

  Nodding, he guided me onto my back with a kiss. My lids fluttered closed as he worked his way to my breasts. I’d just gotten used to the sensations zinging through my body when his hand dipped between my legs. I jerked and blinked down at him, but his eyes were already locked on mine. He continued to watch as he flicked his tongue over my nipple, and then…

  “Oh, my God.”

  I gripped the sheets as he parted my folds, sliding one finger inside me.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re tight. And so fucking wet.”


  He stilled when my head came off the pillow. “How wet?”

  Grinning, he moved back up to my side. “Just right…now lie back.” He punctuated the request with another kiss, and I complied.

  This time, when his fingers sought the warmth between my thighs, his thumb grazed my clit. “Miles…”

  He was inside me again, and with the added stimulation, I felt a heaviness in my belly that grew and grew.

  “Ride my hand, baby,” he growled into my hair. “I want to see you come.”

  The pressure built, and I started to move, my fingers clawing at his to hold him in place.

  Squeezing my eyes shut, I gave in to the pleasure, my heartbeat a drum I could feel in my fingers and my toes. I turned my face into his chest and the smell of him. Crisp with a hint of something else. Me. I was all over him.

  Stars exploded behind my lids, and his name was written on every one.

  I was so lost in the euphoric haze, I didn’t notice that Miles had shimmied down my body until I felt warm breath between my thighs.


  I looked down to find hooded eyes. “I’ve gotta taste you.”

  It’s not that I’d never imagined Miles doing that to me. I just didn’t think it would be so soon. Nodding slowly, I pressed the back of my head into the pillow, both fists coiled in the sheets now.

  What if he doesn’t like it?

  What if I don’t like it?

  What if…?

  “Fuck… fuck… fuck…”

  A whimper accompanied my chant as his mouth closed over my sensitive bud. My hand shot down to grip his hair, because…nothing, nothing, had ever felt this good. His tongue was everywhere, and I wanted to kiss the person who’d taught him to play the flute. And maybe I said that too, because I was only vaguely aware of the words spilling from my lips.

  Sensations took over, and the world went white as I splintered into a million pieces.

  Miles was back at my side, both arms encasing me, but my lids were too heavy to stay open.

  Through the fog, I heard him say, “Sleep, baby.”

  And I did.


  Gelsey stirred in my arms, a moan parting her lips. Admonishing myself for being a prick—she could’ve been in pain for all I knew—I squeezed my semi-hard shaft.

  I’d jerked off in the shower immediately after our almost-sex last night. Not that it had helped much. The minute I’d slid back under the covers and tucked Gelsey’s body against mine, my hard-on had returned with a vengeance. A few more hours and my dick and I would no longer be on speaking terms.

  I chanced a peek under the comforter. “Calm the fuck down, you little asshole,” I hissed under my breath.

  Jolting when Gelsey cleared her throat, I looked over to find her smiling, sex-tousled hair begging for my touch. “Are you talking to your…thing?”

  Rolling onto my side so she’d feel exactly what I was dealing with, I said, “Dick, cock, penis…if you must. It’s not a ‘thing.’” I ground my hard length against her thigh. “You’re going to offend him. And sometime soon you might want to have him on your side.”

  She glanced down to where we were skin on skin. “He’s already on my side.”

  Her lip wobbled as she tried to keep a straight face, and I bit down a smile of my own.

  “Don’t make him angry,” I warned. “You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry.” One pale brow went up, and my jaw dropped. “The Incredible Hulk?” I croaked, and she shook her head. “Marvel?” A shrug. “Comic bo

  “Oh…sorry. I’ve never read one.”

  Her cheeks pinked, which was adorable. But still. Never read a comic book?

  You’re thirty, dude. Why are you still reading comic books?

  Ignoring the stupid question, I twirled a golden lock around my finger. “We’ll have to fix that. I’ve got a shit ton at the house. You kind of remind me of Susan Storm. Invisible Woman from the Fantastic Four.”

  Gelsey painted on an indulgent smile. “I’ll read your comics if you come and watch a rehearsal at the dance company.” Pale lashes caressed her cheeks when she lowered her gaze. “I mean, if you want to.”

  I did.

  And that’s what surprised me the most.

  Gelsey had helped me deal with the storm and my fucked-up demons. Something a half dozen of the best psychiatrists in Austin hadn’t been able to do.

  But this wasn’t permanent.

  She wasn’t permanent.

  Gelsey might gift me with a dozen sunrises, but in the end, she’d leave me in the dark.

  A knock at the door saved me from having to witness her disappointment when I declined her invitation.

  Shit. Someone who knew about our midnight journey must’ve sold us out.

  “Stay here,” I barked, throwing my legs over the side of the bed.

  Gelsey hunkered down as I stepped into my jeans and shrugged on a T-shirt. Glimpsing her wounded expression, I sighed.

  She rose up on her elbows when I dropped a knee to the mattress.

  “Sorry.” I swept a hand over her tangled locks. “You should get dressed. I don’t know how bad this is.”


  “Doesn’t matter. There’s a penthouse in one of the hotels on the other side of the island. If we have to, we’ll go there.” I tipped forward and kissed her lips. “Don’t worry.”

  Another knock, and she jumped out of her skin. Grinding my teeth, I grabbed my phone so I could call Taryn and headed for the door.

  Peering through the peephole, I groaned and let my head fall against the wood.

  “What the fresh fuck, dude?” I growled as I pulled open the door.

  Daryl scooped his duffel off the ground. “’Bout time.”

  “Oh, no. Fuck you,” I said, my hand on his chest. “You ain’t coming in here.”

  He glared at me over the top of his aviators. “I am.”

  “Says who?”

  He held up his flip-phone. Who the hell still had a flip-phone?

  “Tori Grayson and Taryn Ayers.” I closed my eyes, and he chuckled. “You lose, brother.”

  “You’re not my fucking brother, and—”

  I pressed my lips into a firm line when a warm hand curved around my waist. Gelsey ducked under my arm wearing one of my T-shirts, which hit her around the knees.

  “Morning, Daryl.” She smiled wide. “I’m making coffee. Would you like some?”

  “Love some.”

  The motherfucker smirked as he scooted past me.

  “This ain’t over, leaner,” I hissed low enough for only him to hear.

  He side-eyed me. “You got three women who say it is. My money’s on them. So, shut up and drink some of your girl’s god-awful coffee, and let me do my job, skippy. Oh, and,” he lowered his voice as he dug his hand into his pocket, “I paid off the title loan. The guy at the shop remembered her. Asked if I was also here for this. I guess it was her mother’s. I slipped him an extra grand and lost the paperwork.”

  Unfurling his fingers, he offered me a ring. Simple. Rubies and diamonds. And a vague memory tickled the back of my mind. Gelsey with the ring on her finger that first day at the Y. And then never again. Fuck.


  Dropping his duffel inside the door, Daryl headed for the kitchen while I looked out over the quiet street, wondering how the hell I’d gotten here. Or when I started caring so damn much.

  “Where are we going?”

  Backing Gelsey against the wall in the bedroom, I kissed her until her knees went weak.

  “Quiet, baby,” I whispered, hitching a thumb over my shoulder to the living room where my archenemy slept.

  We’d spent the day on the deck, lazing in the sun. And then did a little shopping. Just the three of us.

  Yeah, no. I was over it.

  So I’d devised a plan.

  Gelsey sank onto the side of the bed, watching as I added supplies to the growing pile.

  Pup tent. Groceries. Flashlight.

  In the bathroom, I ripped open the box of Trojans and stuffed an entire strip into my pocket. One could hope. They nudged against the ring I’d carried around all day, wondering just how bad the fallout would be when I gave it back to her.

  As I returned, Gelsey scrutinized me with a narrowed gaze. Likely she’d figured out the scheme.

  I didn’t care. It was him or me time. Kill or be killed and all that stuff. The leaner wouldn’t win.

  Crouching in front of her, I slid my hand under the hem of her new sundress. “Follow me and grab the keys to Daryl’s rental car from the bowl next to the door. Don’t make a sound.”


  I took her lips in a quick kiss. “We’re not fooling around with him in the next room. You’re a screamer, baby. Just sayin’.”

  Flushing crimson, she nodded jerkily as she pushed to her feet.

  I grabbed my stuff, cringing at every creaking board as I tiptoed through the dark house. Somehow, we managed to make it to the porch undetected.

  “Hit the button to unlock the doors. And grab that tiki torch by the tree.”

  I hauled ass for the curb while Gelsey fetched the lantern.

  “Jesus Christ,” I muttered as I popped the lift gate on the black four-wheel drive. “He rented a Jeep. How original.”

  Secretly, I was glad, since we were driving straight onto the beach. But dude needed some variety in his life.

  “Let’s go! Let’s go!” Gelsey screeched, nearly spearing me with the torch as she tossed it into the back seat. “I saw a shadow! I think he’s up!”

  “Relax,” I said, eyeing the house as I strode to the driver’s side.

  I almost wanted Daryl to appear at the window. Just so I could give him the finger.

  Mess with me, leaner, and you’re gonna lose.

  Gelsey scrambled onto the passenger seat, her blue eyes wide as saucers. “What if he reports the car stolen?”

  I snorted. “He wouldn’t.”

  Would he?

  My gaze cut to the house again as I fired up the engine.

  Pushing the thought of a night in jail out of my mind, I grabbed Gelsey’s hand, tossed her a confident wink, and sped off into the night.

  I kept Gelsey in my sights as I tossed another log onto the fire. Waist deep in the water some twenty yards away, she stood perfectly still, except for her fingertips skimming over the ripples from the gentle waves. The glow from the torch I’d planted by the shore bathed her in a golden hue, highlighting every curve and every angle.

  This side of the island was empty and mostly used for surf fishing. Our makeshift campsite was up against a small dune. Perfect for blocking the wind.

  Reclining on my elbow on the blanket, I put together the ingredients for s’mores while I waited for the water to boil in the kettle for her hot chocolate.

  This is what happiness feels like.

  I paused as the notion dug itself into my gray matter. The lightness in my chest. And the stillness in my head. The peace in my soul.

  I was happy.

  “Brr…it’s cold,” Gelsey said, plopping down next to me on the beach towel. She held her hands in front of the flames, a small smile curving her lips.

  Looping an arm around her waist, I settled her between my legs, and she melted against me.

  “Are you happy, baby?”

  She looked up at me with a brilliant smile. “Yes.”

  I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. “Me too.”

  I gave Gelsey a little privacy, straightening up th
e campsite while she changed out of her bathing suit inside the tent.

  After popping the last bite of chocolate into my mouth, I peeled apart the wrapper for the giant size Hershey bar and smoothed it against my thigh.

  What do you want to make today, Miles? A bird, a butterfly, or a flower?

  I pushed aside my father’s voice, my hands working from rote, folding the paper this way and that until it took the shape of a five-sided flower. It was a simple design. Not nearly as intricate as the ones that had lined the shelves in my dad’s office when I was a kid.

  “It’ll do,” I muttered as I pushed to my feet.

  Gelsey sat up when I slipped inside the tent. The flames from the fire provided just enough light to see the outline of bare shoulders. Reaching behind me, I tugged my T-shirt over my head with one move as I closed the small gap between us.

  I tossed the flower onto her lap, then turned and busied myself with the button on my jeans.

  “It’s a flower,” she said. And that voice. The same one my mom used to use when my dad would emerge from his pit of despair long enough to present her with one of his designs. A little piece of hope crafted from tissue or paper, as fragile as the promise that he’d get better someday.

  I stepped out of my jeans and then dropped onto the sleeping bag, throwing an arm over my face. “It’s folded paper. Made out of garbage.”


  “No, it’s not.” She pressed a kiss to my chest. “It’s beautiful, and you made it for me.”

  This girl. Fuck. It’s like she had all the answers. The key to every door.

  I tangled my fingers in her hair. “Easy to please. I like that.”

  Her hand dipped under my boxer briefs. “I’m not that easy to please.”

  My cock sprang to life, and I rolled her onto her back. “You’re naked, baby.” I kissed a trail to her breast. “Tell me what you want.”


  I sucked her nipple into my mouth, and she arched in a way that only a dancer could.

  She gripped my shoulders as I shimmied lower. “No. I want you inside me.”


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