The Pleasure House

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The Pleasure House Page 70

by Kitty Thomas

  “Yes, Master.” This thought excited her more.

  She fumbled with his pants to get his cock free and took him into her mouth, still unable to believe she was doing any of this. She was by no means an expert at this activity, but the sounds Anton began to make after a few minutes led her to believe that whatever she might lack in skill, she made up for in enthusiasm.

  As she sucked, other men began to touch her. One pushed three fingers inside her and she squirmed against him, hoping to be able to steal an orgasm.

  “Careful,” Anton said, “I’m not ready for her to come.”

  The hands moved to other safer places, her breasts, her thighs. When Anton came, she swallowed without giving it a thought—a thing she’d never done before but which seemed no big deal in such possessed circumstances.

  Someone else walked up and placed a long smooth steel object in Anton’s hand. It glistened with a clear gel.

  “Will you let me fuck your asshole with this? I’ll be gentle, and it’s very narrow. Remember, your orgasm depends on it.”

  Annette only hesitated for a moment. “Yes, Master.”

  He positioned her over his lap much like she’d been with Ivan and nudged her legs apart. She felt the wetness drip down her thighs. She gasped as Anton worked the cold, lubed steel inside her ass. He slowly pushed it in, then pulled it out, as her muscles contracted against it. He repeated this action for several minutes as her excitement drove higher.

  When he was finished tormenting her with the toy, he helped her stand and guided her to a leather padded table.

  “Will you lie on the table and spread your legs wide for us?”

  “Yes, Master.” Before she got on the table, she looked at him plaintively “Please please, let me come,” she said for his ears only.

  He touched the side of her face. “Soon. Be a good girl.”

  She climbed up on the table, lay down, and spread her legs. The group of men who’d been watching the demonstration unfold, moved to circle the table.

  “Will you allow us to penetrate you with toys?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  What proceeded next was a string of men each climbing on the table and fucking her with various sized dildos and vibrators. Dildos made of glass, some of steel. Some with bumps and ridges. Some fat and bulbous, some thinner. Some vibrated and were set on a setting too low for her to come despite being so worked up and desperate. Annette felt as though even the slightest touch should set her off by this point, but these men knew what they were doing. They knew how to touch, where to touch, how much pressure to apply, how much speed to take her just to the edge and then back off.

  She moaned and writhed and arched her hips off the table, desperate for more contact, for that final thing that would send her over the edge.

  It seemed like more than an hour had passed, but she’d lost the ability to fully understand time, and she was sure even without the work of the cream that she’d feel this exact same way from so much teasing torment.

  Finally Anton called them off.

  “Master, please. Please can I come?”

  “Do you still want Ivan to fuck you?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Ivan climbed onto the table with her and ordered her onto her hands and knees. “You will surrender and come for me, do you understand little one?”

  “Yes, Sir.”


  She let out a relieved sigh when he pushed inside her. He was as large and thick as she’d imagined he would be. Her brain wouldn’t allow her to fully process that in the space of 24 hours she’d fucked more men than she’d been with in her entire life up to that point. All she cared about was the fact that Ivan would fuck her until she came and Anton seemed pleased with her performance.

  “So fucking wet,” Ivan practically growled as he drove into her.

  The harder he pounded, the closer she came to release until she let out a scream so intense it scared even her. Finally, her need was satisfied, and the pleasure spiraled out of her in waves. Ivan came a moment later and pulled out of her. She felt completely spent as she laid back and closed her eyes.

  Ivan got off the table, and Anton climbed on. Someone brought a blanket, and Anton covered her with it and held her against him, stroking her hair.


  Anton nudged Annette. She’d fallen asleep in his arms on the table. “Kiska, wake up. You need to eat something. You can sleep later on the plane.”

  He pressed a plate with a sandwich and some fries into her hands and a soda, all courtesy of the club’s kitchen. As she ate, he noticed Katya standing off to the corner, watching him. She looked lonely. Most of the others at the party were engaged in their own play in other parts of the downstairs space while some had gone back upstairs to play on the equipment there. Many were experimenting with the arousal cream with equally stunning results.

  Anton motioned for the dark-haired ballerina, and Katya made her way over to them. She still wore the pink dress she’d worn at the ballet.

  “Haven’t you played with anyone tonight?”

  She shrugged. “I was waiting for you, Sir.”

  “I wish you’d find someone for yourself. You’re so sweet. Surely there is someone who will make you happy.”

  She looked down and blushed. “Just play with me. Please?”

  Anton felt his pet tense beside him. So she was jealous of Katya. Did she really think he would allow Sergio and Ivan to fuck her but then he would remain only hers at a party like this? Annette would fuck whoever he told her to fuck, and then she would watch him do the same with whoever he chose for himself. The sooner she learned that, the better.

  He patted the leather table on the other side of him. “Come, sit with me.”

  Katya climbed up on the table beside him.

  “Why aren’t you wearing something slinky like I like?” Anton asked.

  She shrugged. “I didn’t want to assume. After the way things ended with us before.”

  “Take off that dress.”

  Katya rushed to undo the front laces that cinched the bodice together, and then she turned away from him. “Unzip me, Sir?”

  Anton slid the zipper down. The tension coming from Annette on the other side of him was almost unbearable. It infuriated him. A more reasonable side of him knew she would be used to a very different type of relationship. And there were a lot of reasons for her to be upset by this—reasons that might feel like survival reasons. Still, the sooner she learned, the better.

  He leaned in and took one of Katya’s nipples into his mouth. He chuckled at the taste of the white chocolate powder she’d dusted over her breasts.

  He pulled back. “You didn’t want to assume?”

  She looked guilty. “I’d hoped. I would never assume.”

  A moment later Annette, wrapped in the blanket, had bolted off the leather table and toward the stairs.

  “Excuse me for just a moment,” he said.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to...”

  Anton held a hand up. “No, it’s fine. She will not control who I play with. Stay right here. Do not move.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Anton took his time crossing the room, and going up the stairs. It had been beyond idiotic to bring Annette here before she was properly trained. He was sure others at the party had noticed these little behavioral issues. It made him look like an amateur.

  When he reached the top of the stairs, he scanned the room until he found her sitting in a circular booth in the farthest corner. He took a deep breath. He had to keep reminding himself she wasn’t one of them. She’d been under an enormous amount of stress the last twenty-four hours. All she wanted was safety and security—for her and her sister. Part of him knew he was being unreasonable and pushing her too hard too fast. But another part of him was angry that he should make any concessions for her at all. She was his to do with as he wished. That was the deal. She couldn’t turn around and change the deal.

  He slid into the booth across from
her. Maybe he should break her all the way down. There would have to be punishment when they got back to the house.

  She either hadn’t noticed him, or was pretending not to notice him as she sat there sobbing.

  “Did I at any point give you permission to leave?”

  “No, Master.”

  “You’ve done nothing but lie to me.”

  She looked up, startled. “How have I lied to you?”

  “Did you or did you not promise yourself to me as my slave to do with as I wished to let your sister go? And did you or did you not make this promise only last night? You’ve got a very short attention span where it regards your sister’s safety.”

  “Is my sister going to be safe if you get bored with me?”

  “Who says I’m bored with you?”

  Annette shrugged.

  “You fucked Ivan, and you fucked Sergio. Did you really think I wouldn’t take whoever I wanted for my own pleasure? Do you think I’m some cuckhold who sits around letting his woman play around with other men while being faithful myself? No. You fucked Sergio and Ivan because I wanted to watch you submit to anyone I told you to submit to. If I told you to fuck every man here, you would do it. If I told you to fuck only me, you would do it. If I fucked every woman here and wanted you to watch, you would do it. Is all of this clear?”

  “Yes, Master,” she whispered.

  Anton leaned in close. He put his hand under her chin and forced her to meet his gaze. “Understand this. You are mine. Irrevocably. Any chance you may have had to escape me is gone. Every second I spend near you only makes me want to possess you more, push you more. I want you to submit to me without question or hesitation because you are so lost to me you cannot think of any other action you could take. You have NO idea what you gave yourself to, but you will find out. I can be very kind to you, but such a reward demands your absolute loyalty and obedience. Do you want to earn my kindness?”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Then get yourself cleaned up and come back downstairs to me. I have plans for you.”

  Anton got up from the table and went back downstairs. He didn’t turn around. If she wasn’t downstairs on that table with him in fifteen minutes there was going to be hell to pay. Something dark and twisted had awakened inside of him. Something cruel. It scared him beyond anything that had ever scared him.

  For years he’d been playing a role. He’d had a beautiful, polished exterior. He’d been smooth and polite. He’d had his subs over the years and played by the rules. Everything by the books. He’d lied so well he’d convinced himself that this was who he was. But from the moment Annette had driven up to the house, the moment she’d walked into his lair and offered herself in trade, a dark, howling wolf had stirred inside him. Suddenly all moral reasoning had flown out the window. She would earn every kindness. She would obey him perfectly or she would be punished. He would not let her make him weak.

  Too late, said the wolf in his mind.

  When he returned to Katya, the anger must have still been on his face because she flinched. Even watching his little ballerina flinch filled him with a sense of power. He felt as though some warning light were going off in the back of his brain, warning him to reign this back in. Whatever had been unleashed from its cage had to go back and quickly.

  “I want you and Annette to perform for me. I want to watch the two of you fondle and paw at each other. I want to see you get each other off. Are you agreeable to this?”

  “Y-yes, Sir.”

  He prowled closer to her and whispered “Does this side of me excite you?” He only had to put his hand between her legs to know that it did.

  At that moment, Annette arrived.

  “Drop the blanket and come here, kiska.”

  She did as she was told.

  “Good girl.” He’d spent so much time trying to convince himself he wasn’t a monster, wasn’t a predator that he’d never paused to consider how good he would feel out of his cage. He pulled the tube of arousal cream from his pocket. “Both of you, sit on the edge of the table and spread your legs.”

  Both Katya and Annette did as he asked. He rubbed some of the cream between first Annette’s legs, then Katya’s.

  “Now both of you scoot up to the middle of the table together.”

  They did, and then both looked to him for further direction.

  “Well? Entertain me.”

  Annette had slept some on the plane, but she was still exhausted when they reached the house. She just wanted to crawl into bed and sleep this very long and confusing day off. But Anton didn’t lead her upstairs to their room, instead he took her down to the dungeons.

  “Please, Master. I’m sorry. Please just let me sleep.” If all he planned to do was endlessly punish her for the smallest infractions, she didn’t think she could handle it.

  “Oh, I’m letting you sleep.” He unlocked the door to cell B. “Get in.”

  As soon as she stepped inside, he shut the door and locked it. The room was dark except for the light from the hallway that shone in through the barred window.

  Despite being alone in a dark cell her mind kept going back to the party and Katya. She wanted to hate the woman, but the ballerina was just so… likable. Annette couldn’t blame Anton for wanting her. Annette had kind of wanted her.

  It had been a strange realization—the moment her jealousy had turned to lust and she’d suddenly lost all inhibitions. She’d never been with a woman before.

  Anton had ordered her to spank Katya. She’d assumed it would be the other way around, given how irritated he’d been with her, but the ballerina seemed to like it. Then they’d petted and caressed and kissed each other for the amusement of Anton and the small crowd that had gathered around them. Annette had felt a bit like a porn star. It was intended as a performance, but in the end, she’d liked playing with the other woman. And now she was having all sorts of questions about what that meant.

  She’d once taken a quiz in one of those sex-focused women’s magazines. “How Bi are you?” The results had proven inconclusive. Tonight’s activity had been the same mixed bag. But whatever her orientation may or may not be, she couldn’t deny that touching and being touched by the slight ballerina had been far more pleasant than she’d imagined it could be.

  So when Anton had fucked Katya right there in front of her, she hadn’t been able to work up the same jealousy and hurt as earlier in the evening.

  The lock turned and the door opened again. Anton tossed a couple of pillows and some thick blankets at her. Then he came inside and handed her a small black box with a button on it.

  “That’s a panic button. If you push it, it will notify me. Do not push that button unless you are in a dire emergency.” A moment later the steel band was locked around her wrist again, confining her to the property, possibly forever.

  “Master, please don’t leave me down here.”

  “Sleeping down here is your punishment for earlier tonight. In the morning all will be forgiven and we start fresh.” He didn’t say another word to her. The door shut. The lock turned. Footsteps receded, and she was alone in the dark cell.

  Annette began to cry again. She should have been out of tears by now. These weren’t nice, polite, quiet tears. Being so alone for the first time since she’d gotten here, she suddenly had the space to release all the emotion pent up inside her. She wasn’t even sure what every emotion was, only that loud pathetic sobs seemed somehow cathartic.

  When she’d finally worn herself out and wrung every complicated emotion out, Annette arranged the bedding and pillows, slipped out of her dress from the ballet, and lay down. Once she was settled, she thought she could hear classical music coming from down the hallway. Piano music. The song sounded familiar, but she couldn’t quite place it. A door opened, and the music got louder for a moment, then the door shut, and it muffled into the background again.

  Brian’s face appeared in the door’s window all of a sudden, a dark, maniacal smile shadowed by the light at his back.<
br />
  “Are you a present for me? Were you a bad girl tonight? I couldn’t sleep and then I heard the most beautiful music… no, not the piano… crying.”

  Annette’s hand closed over the panic button wondering if she should push it. This seemed like it could quickly turn into a dire emergency.

  “Brian, I think you should go back to bed.” It was Gabe’s voice, the one man in this house who was possibly not a complete psycho.

  Annette’s hand relaxed against the panic box and she let out a relieved sigh.

  Brian grumbled. “Anton stole my key anyway. I should get more keys made to my own dungeons so I can play with the bad girls.” He smiled one last time at Annette, then went back to his room; the piano music got louder when he opened the door, then faded down again.

  She caught a shock of surfer-blond hair as it bounced off the light, and then the key was in the lock and Gabe stepped inside. He locked the door behind him. A moment later there was a snick sound and a single light in the middle of the room came on.

  Anton had changed out of his suit and was checking spa email, trying to unwind, when there was a knock on the door.

  “What the hell, man?” Gabe said, barging right in. The knocking must have just been a courtesy.

  Anton sighed and closed the laptop, placing his reading glasses on top. “It’s five am. I’m very tired.”

  Gabe seemed to have enough energy at that moment to fuel them both. Anton had never formed a very strong opinion of Gabe despite their close interaction over the years. He didn’t know him as well as Brian, but he’d known him well enough to think he could be trusted. Anton expected to have conflict with Brian. That was almost a given with anyone and Brian, but not with the usually calm and collected surfer.

  “You obviously have things you want to say,” Anton said. “So say them. I’ve had a very long day.”

  Gabe rolled his eyes at this. “You are the most schizophrenic motherfucker I have ever met. What the hell is wrong with you? Annette told me everything that’s gone on since she got here. You’re running hot and cold. I may be newer to all this but I’ve seen you with other subs. This isn’t how you are. It’s like you… went evil or something.”


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