The Pleasure House

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The Pleasure House Page 90

by Kitty Thomas

  “But, Sir, there's someone just outside the door.”

  She wasn't playing a game. She seemed genuinely concerned about this state of affairs.

  “Yes, I'm well aware of what the phrase, your ten-thirty is here, means. They had a whole course on that in medical school. Do it.”

  Shannon hesitated only a moment before doing as he asked. As she leaned forward, her top gaped to reveal her breasts pushed up and held in perfect suspension by the lacy black bra.

  “Are you wearing panties?” he asked, his gaze moving up to hers.

  “N-no, Sir.”

  “Good.” He opened the top desk drawer and placed a couple of heavy steel Ben Wa balls and a tube of arousal cream on the desk in front of her. “I assume you understand what's about to happen here.”

  She swallowed visibly. “Y-yes, Sir. But... you can't... we're at... there's somebody out there!” she hissed.

  He chuckled. She was so cute when she was flustered. “Oh, I can, and I will. But first, I need to check the seams. I'd hate to have to punish you right here over my desk with a patient waiting.”

  Lindsay stood and walked slowly around the desk to stand behind her. He stroked her bare ass, then ran his fingers first down one seam and then the other.

  He leaned over her, his mouth next to her ear. “You're lucky today. They're straight. Make sure they stay that way. Or it'll be your ass.”

  He took the small heavy metal balls from the desk and inserted first one, and then the other inside her already-wet cunt. Then he rubbed the arousal cream between her legs.

  When he was finished, he used one of his plant water misters to clean his hands and dried them on a paper towel. He sat behind the desk and smiled at her.

  “That will be all, Miss Foster. Pull the skirt down and send in my ten-thirty. Also, there is some filing I need you to do.” He gestured to a stack of patient files perched precariously on a side table.

  “Yes, Sir.” She pulled her skirt down, scooped up the files, and left the room.

  Shannon tried to focus on filing, but it was impossible. She could barely remember the alphabet or the order it appeared in due to the combination of the arousal cream and the weight of the heavy metal balls inside her.

  In the car that morning, she'd been briefly certain she was his pity fuck—or that he was only doing all this to keep her from killing herself so he wouldn't have to live with the guilt of it.

  But she wasn't stupid. She knew that look in a man's eyes, and when she'd walked into his office, Lindsay had it. He'd barely been able to tear his eyes away from her cleavage. As impossible as it still seemed to her, he really wanted her. Still, until a collar was around her throat, she couldn't let herself believe. She wouldn't be able to handle it if he changed his mind or grew tired of this game. And even with the papers, somewhere in her mind it would be a game until the moment the collar was in place. A collar meant real commitment in a way bank transfers just didn't. At least to her.

  She pushed away the nagging thought that her last master had put a collar on her. And he hadn't had any trouble taking it off again. He'd probably put it on that other girl as soon as Shannon's bags were packed. It had been a very long time since she'd felt that comforting weight around her throat. She'd been sure she would never get that feeling again, and now that she was so close to it, she didn't want to get her hopes up that it really meant anything. He could take the collar off as easily as he could put it on. It wasn't magic, after all. But it would mean something. Especially at the house. It was a public display of his claim on her.

  Shannon looked at the clock on the far wall. It wasn't even eleven yet. This was going to be the longest hour of her life—though thankfully an hour meant fifty minutes in Therapy Time.

  A moment later, the phone intercom buzzed and Lindsay's voice filled the front office. “Miss Foster, could you bring us some coffee? I would like mine black and Miss Jamison takes hers with cream.”

  Oh you have got to be kidding me.

  But instead she said, “Yes, Sir.”

  How could she possibly roll the coffee cart in there and pour coffee like nothing illicit was going on? She could prepare the coffee in the outer office and then just take it in to them, but Lindsay had made several office protocols clear to her, and she was sure that all rules fell under the general rules of obeying him. If she didn't, punishment would no doubt follow.

  In this case, it might be the denial of the orgasm she so desperately needed.

  Shannon took a deep breath and slowly eased out of the chair. She clenched her muscles tightly to keep the Ben Wa balls safe in their place. She let out a relieved sigh that they didn't seem too unbearably heavy, yet. She could do this. Though the arousal cream was another matter entirely. She didn't just have to keep the metal balls from falling out, she had to resist the urge to hump Lindsay's leg, or the patient's, while she was in the inner sanctum.

  She put the coffee things on the cart and rolled it into the office. Thankfully the patient seemed too lost in her own thoughts to pay much attention to Shannon. She poured the woman's coffee and the cream and handed it to her.

  “Thank you,” the young woman said, politely.

  Shannon poured Lindsay's coffee and placed it on the desk beside him. His hand touched her wrist for what seemed like far too long, his thumb gently stroking her hand. She looked over to find the patient engrossed in her coffee.

  “Thank you, Miss Foster. That will be all.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Shannon rolled the coffee cart back out of the room, shut the door, and leaned against it to get her bearings before going back to filing.

  Finally the door opened, the patient walked out, paid her bill, and left. Shannon had already checked the schedule. They had fifteen minutes before the next patient. She wanted to race into his office in hopes of a quickie anything, but instead she waited. She had to remind herself he was working. He had patients. She couldn't constantly distract him or make demands all day.

  The intercom came on. “Miss Foster, please come into my office.”

  Shannon bolted from her chair and tried not to run to him.

  Lindsay looked up. “Oh you poor thing. Come here.”

  She started to close the door.

  “No, leave it open.”

  She left it, hoping his next patient wouldn't arrive early. She hesitated at the edge of the desk until he motioned her around to his chair.

  He opened the drawer and retrieved the tube of arousal cream.

  She shook her head frantically. “Please, Master, no. I can't take anymore.” What he'd put on her before his last appointment still hadn't completely worn off yet.

  “Yes you can. You can be a good girl for me and take a little bit more. We have a two hour lunch break after this. Pull up your skirt and open your legs for me.”

  Shannon glanced back toward the door to make sure no one was coming in yet, though she wasn't sure it would have made a difference to the doctor.

  He carefully rubbed a generous amount of the cream on and around her clit, and just inside her inner walls. She gasped as his finger briefly touched the metal, pressing the balls in deeper for a moment. Then he eased off. It was mortifying just how wet she was.

  “Please don't make me bring more coffee. I can barely walk right now.”

  He chuckled. “That won't be necessary. Get under my desk.”

  She felt her face heat at his suggestion. “What?”

  “You heard me. Under the desk. I want you to kneel with your legs spread, so you have to work harder to keep those heavy metal toys from falling out. You may have to pull the skirt up so you can spread properly. This is a hardwood floor. If they fall out, my next appointment will know you're there.”

  “I... um...”

  “I don't want to have to punish you during our lunch break. I would much rather reward you.”

  Shannon got under the desk as Lindsay undid his pants and pulled his cock out..

  “No loud sucking noises,” he said. “It's a big thick
desk, but it certainly isn't soundproof.”

  Before she could respond, she heard the door to the outer office open.

  “Come on back,” Lindsay said. “My secretary is busy taking care of a package for me at the moment.”

  The footfalls across the hardwood were heavy. Then a very masculine voice. “Hey Doc.”

  It had never before occurred to Shannon that Lindsay had male patients. Sure, he had Brian, but he wasn't treating Brian for any sexual issues as far as she was aware. Did he see regular patients also, or did this guy have some sort of sexual problem?

  She was pretty sure if he knew what was happening under the desk, any issues he may be having would probably clear right up.

  After a couple of minutes of basic pleasantries, the voices of the two men started to drone in the background. Shannon couldn't focus on what they were saying. She had much bigger issues of her own to worry about. Prime among them was the weight of those heavy metal balls inside her. She was so slippery wet, and they were so heavy... drifting downward even as she clenched and fought to keep them in place.

  Her muscles were getting tired, and it felt as though the balls would fall out at any moment, and the way she knelt with her legs spread, didn't help the situation. For a moment she considered quietly removing them herself and placing them very carefully on the floor.

  It was a substantial dark-stained oak desk. At least it went all the way down to the ground on all sides except for the opening for Lindsay's large chair to fit under. It was a small mercy that the man in the office with Lindsay couldn't just lean down and see her under there.

  She wondered if he was hot. He sounded hot. She couldn't decide which was worse, being found out by a very attractive man or an unattractive man. And at what point on that continuum would whichever was worse become worse?

  She could take the balls out just until the end of the session, then put them back in. No, he would know. The doctor was very perceptive. And he would ask. And she was a terrible liar. And besides, he knew her too well. There had been all that time in therapy before the house, and... more recently. The doctor knew all her secrets. It was madness to think she could get away with a lie like this.

  She thought about just closing her legs, but she was sure Lindsay would ask about that, too. She was sure he'd know if she disobeyed him. And she really didn't want to spent a two hour lunch period being punished after all this.

  In addition to the fear and worry about being found out, the second dose of the cream was starting to have an even stronger effect than the first. It was taking all her concentration not to just start loudly moaning like some feral cat.

  Finally, she decided that if she had to worry about being caught, then so did the doctor. She edged closer to him and ran her fingertips gently over his cock, then she blew on it. He shuddered. Shannon smiled. The doctor might have a lot of explaining to do. Maybe he should have thought his plan out better.

  She slowly licked down the length of his shaft and then gave him soft, open mouthed kisses, taking her time, imagining him barely keeping it together with his patient. He did seem to stumble over a few of his words here and there.

  After several minutes of this, she took him fully into her mouth and started to gently—and quietly—suck.

  She was beginning to feel pretty pleased with herself until she lost focus on the one most important thing for a split second and the balls fell out. The sound of them hitting the floor was deafening. And they didn't just hit the floor, they bounced, each time seeming as if it were somehow louder than the first. They bounced off the floor and against the inner walls of the desk until finally they stopped.

  Shannon froze. It wasn't as though Lindsay could lie and say he dropped something. His hands were on the fucking desk, likely in full view of the patient. And nobody else was supposed to be here.

  The doctor would be in trouble. Big trouble. He would no doubt be furious with her. It took everything inside her not to start crying because if she did, there was definitely no way he could explain that away.

  “What was that?” the patient asked.

  “It's my very naughty fuck toy, earning herself a punishment.”

  He hadn't just said that. He couldn't have just said that.

  In contradiction to every reaction she'd expected, the patient chuckled. “You dog,” he said. “Can I meet her?”

  “Absolutely. Come out, kitten. Come out and meet Damian Brand.”

  The doctor zipped himself back up and pushed back from the desk. He leaned down. “It's okay,” he whispered, “Trust me.”

  She took the hand he offered her and allowed the doctor to pull her out from under the desk. He guided her around to Damian. She looked down, unable to meet the eyes of the stranger.

  Then a hand was under her chin, gently raising her gaze to his. She sucked in a breath. His looks matched his voice exactly. Hot. His hair was dark and wavy which just brought out his eyes. They were an electric blue, which by their very color could no doubt appear harsh and cold, but right now they were warm. Damian stroked the side of her face.

  “She's lovely,” he said softly not taking his eyes from hers.

  Shannon was glad the scars were covered. Sure, he thought she was lovely now, but that attitude would shift the second he saw her back, and the rest of it.

  Before she could process what was happening, the stranger had pressed his thumb into her mouth. Her gaze flew to Lindsay. He leaned casually against his desk, arms crossed over his chest. He nodded once.

  She turned back to Damian and sucked his thumb into her mouth. His other hand moved down to fondle her breast. Again she looked to Lindsay, unsure if this was okay or how far this was going.

  “You don't have to seek my permission,” Lindsay said. “Damian has free reign.”

  What the hell did that mean? Was this some sort of weird sex therapy? Had they discussed something like this before today?

  “I'm going to fuck you over your boss's desk while he watches,” Damian growled in her ear. But he said it loud enough for Lindsay to hear.

  Lindsay only chuckled at that and came up behind her. His hands deftly moved around her to unbutton the buttons of the silky low-cut blouse. She didn't protest as the doctor slid it off her. Damian held her gaze ensnared in his as his hands moved to cup her breasts over the black lace bra.

  “Straddle me,” he growled, hiking her skirt up so she could obey his command.

  When she straddled him, she felt his hard, enormous erection straining through his pants as if fighting to get to her.

  The pressure from the bra loosened as the clasp was released and Lindsay removed this scrap of fabric with as little resistance as the last.

  She panicked. “No!”

  Damian's brow rose. She couldn't turn to see Lindsay's reaction because if she did, Damian would see the scars. She couldn't stand the thought of him deflating underneath her, his cock shrinking from the sight of her mauled back. She was already afraid he would look too closely and find the ones wrapping around her shoulders already in his full view.

  As if somehow knowing the source of her protest, the stranger leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss against a scar on her shoulder. It caused some of the tension to drain from her. He did this with all of them until she settled in his arms.

  “Lovely,” he repeated, confirming that his original assessment remained unchanged in light of these stark imperfections.

  Lindsay was closer now, his front pressed against her back, his own erection pressing hard against her skin. He leaned down and whispered, “Grind your hot little cunt against him.”

  The doctor was clearly excited over the prospect of sharing her. It had never occurred to Shannon that anything like this would ever happen to her after everything.

  Damian smiled, a dark delicious smile, waiting for her to press her wet heat against him. She felt the flush rising up her neck and into her face as she began to grind against his cock. He groaned at the sensation.

  It took everything in h
er not to start panting and moaning and gasping on his lap. He felt so good between her legs. She wanted to scream in frustration at this stupid fabric that stood between them. She wanted to feel him inside her. She wanted Lindsay to watch this stranger fuck her. And she didn't care what it said about her. It had been far too long since she'd played these games.

  Damian's smile twisted into a smirk as if he could read her mind. “You filthy little whore,” he said, appreciatively.

  She was so caught up in this turn of events that she didn't notice when Lindsay stepped away—or when he returned—until the flogger landed in a harsh crack against her back. She jumped and gasped at the sudden sharp pain.

  “I told you there would be punishment if you dropped those balls,” he said.

  The ache between her legs only intensified. She needed someone inside her now. She didn't care who. One of them. Both of them. It didn't matter.

  The flogger snapped across her skin again. “Don't you dare come until I give you permission,” Lindsay said. “You are here for Mr. Brand's pleasure.”

  Mr. Brand chuckled at that, pulling her further into him, holding her upper body in place so she couldn't struggle away from her punishment. He moved one hand to her ass, guiding and urging her to rub against him harder. The flogger came down again.

  There were tears in her eyes now as she rested her cheek on the man's shoulder. He petted her hair and soothed her with “Shhhh, shhhh.” as she continued to move against him.

  “Master, please,” she whimpered. She knew they were at the office, and she wasn't supposed to call him that here, but it wasn't like the patient could possibly be all that shocked. Not with the turn things had taken in the last few minutes.

  “You have to learn, kitten,” Lindsay said, letting the flogger come down on her again. She felt the heat rising up off her back like steam.

  “Please,” she whimpered again, still moving against Damian's hard length while the stranger petted her hair and soothed her. It was no question which one of them was playing the good cop and which was playing the bad cop.


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