Daddies: A Mafia Billionaire Romance

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Daddies: A Mafia Billionaire Romance Page 13

by Shanna Handel

  An hour and a half later, I’m dressed and ready to wed. The lace edges of the long veil tickle the backs of my arms as I walk out to the terrace to admire the view for a moment and catch my breath before I say, “I do.”

  Dusting off my palms, I smooth down my dress. It’s a chic little number, no poufs or frills, but the sleek silk fabric has an elegant touch. Tiny white feathers lie flat, stitched to the material, creating a downy feel to the dress, giving it a soft, elegant look.

  My hair flows down my back, the pieces around my face pulled up in a twist, my veil pinned to the knot with a pearl-studded barrette.

  On my feet I wear my very first pair of spikey-heeled, red-bottomed Louboutins. The iridescent strap is wrapped around my ankle, the clear toes sparkle with tiny gemstones.

  Like my men, they fit me perfectly.

  Victoria’s waiting for me. She looks at me with those bright aqua eyes, tears rimming her lids. “Are you ready?”

  Seeing the glistening in her eyes makes my own suddenly feel damp. I’m afraid if I speak, the dam will break, and the tears will flow down my cheeks. I give her a silent nod.

  She opens the door, the sound of the orchestra’s music swirling around us. She leads me from the room. As we make our way down the hall, I tremble with excitement. We reach the top of the marble stairs, and she guides me into the shadows. “Remember what the wedding planner said. Stay here, out of sight until I hit the bottom step.”

  “Got it, I say.”

  She gives me a tight hug, then descends the stairs.

  I wait alone. I can’t name the feeling that thrums through my body as I’ve never experienced this before. A cross somewhere between elation and stage fright tightens my muscles, making me feel frozen.

  I don’t know if I can walk down those stairs by myself.

  There’s a sound of footsteps and the scent of cologne. I feel an arm brush against mine. “May I do the honors?” I look up to find Rockland, dressed in a black tux, holding his arm out to me.

  “Yes, please do.” My usual uneasiness in his presence is nowhere to be found. He smiles down at me, linking my arm in his. I’m grateful for his company. “Thank you.”

  He leads me to the top of the stairs, pausing a moment for all the guests to rise from their seats. The music changes and we begin our slow descent to the bridal march. The foyer is filled with people.

  But my eyes only focus on two.

  Standing beneath an archway, Liam and Jet wait for me. Liam’s eyes shine with tears. Jet’s face is calm, but I hear him clear his throat as he watches me make my way down the stairs, his eyes glistening.

  We reach them, and Rockland releases me to my grooms.

  “You look beautiful,” Jet says as he takes my right arm in his.

  Liam takes my left arm, his words deep with emotion. “Absolutely breathtaking.”

  Tess stands before us, ready to officiate. I’ve gotten to know her after spending time together when Rockland took my men to wrap up their jobs outside the Village. I’m glad she’s the one doing the ceremony. In her high, lilting voice, she says, “Family, we are gathered here today to witness the union of Jet and Liam to Lourdes.”

  It’s strange, hearing my real name being used. No one’s called me that since my parents died, the only exception being the day I first stumbled in on Jet and Liam at the warehouse.

  When my parents were gone and I moved to my grandparents’ house, I began introducing myself as Lulu. It was too painful to hear my full name.

  Now, on this day, when Tess says it, warmth grows in my heart. It’s a piece of my parents and it makes me feel as if they are here with me today to witness me becoming tied to my new family.

  The ceremony is a blur. I’m so overwhelmed by emotion, I’m barely able to whisper the words, “I do.”

  Liam slips a gold band onto my left hand; Jet, a silver one on my right.

  I kiss them each in turn.

  And now, it’s time for the most important symbol of their love—when Liam and Jet put their swords around my neck.

  In Bachman tradition, after the wedding, there is a Bachman-only ceremony where your husband latches a charm in the shape of a small sword around your neck, a declaration that he would willingly lay down his life for you.

  In the case of Duets, the charm is two swords, the tips of their blades touching at the sharp point at the end, making the shape of a V. One man holds each end of the necklace and they clasp it together.

  Now the Bachman family moves into the ballroom, the heavy wood doors closing behind us. The lights dim and at the front of the room, a tiny flame burns in Rockland’s hand. White candles are passed around the room. One by one, they are each lit, family touching the wicks of their candles to one another’s, spreading the flame until the room is filled with a warm glow.

  It’s beautiful.

  The air in the room is still, full of magic and wonder.

  People speak in hushed voices, their shining eyes gazing at our trio as we make our way to Rockland. “The sword is a symbol of our creed, the way we live our lives, the care and protection of men for their woman. The swords signify your place in the hierarchy underneath Liam’s and Jet’s dual protection—the length they are willing to go to, the sacrifice they would willingly make. These men will offer you their protection and care the remainder of their lives.”

  Jet pulls from his inside jacket pocket a red leather jewelry box, Bachman’s Jeweler’s swirling across the lid in gold letters. He hands it to Liam, who flips the lid open to reveal my necklace.

  The sword on the right is dotted with aquamarine gemstones; the sword on the left, jade.

  They lift the necklace from its resting place. Their movements filled with care, they walk around me so that the charm rests on my clavicle, and they stand behind me, clasping it together.

  Rockland’s dark eyes rest on mine. “Lourdes, do you accept the Bachman name, and these two men to be your loving protectors, until the day that you die?”

  The answer comes from the depths of my soul, the very core of my being, my declaration ringing clear and true throughout the room. “Yes.”

  They embrace me, and in their arms, I feel true joy and belonging.

  My daddies. For now, and forever.


  After six months of living in paradise, the view from the highest terrace in the house still doesn’t disappoint. Every afternoon when I come out here, I still get a little zing of surprise in my heart as my gaze envelops the beauty of the layered, misty mountains.

  I sit at my favorite table—one Papa has put on reserve just for me—in the office chair Daddy brought up for my afternoon writing sessions. A staff member brings me a fresh French press, filled with perfectly brewed coffee. Thanking him, I send him away with my empty dishes.

  Daddy insists I have a late lunch before I write. And Papa makes sure the kitchen stays stocked with fresh nondairy creamer for my coffee. I swear they’re trying to fatten me up.

  They call it brain food. Not that I need any outside influences to keep writing. There is one exception: the fresh coffee. That’s mandatory.

  Writing is my Zen, my meditation, my stress release.

  Though since moving to the Mountain and marrying my men, I haven’t had much stress. My daddies have seen to that. I’m barely made to lift a finger, other than my writing.

  And of course, pleasuring my two husbands.

  They stay busy, transforming the Mountain into one of the most secure places in the country. Jet tells me now that I live here, he’s making sure it’s even more advanced than what he’d set up outside the Village.

  We’ve scheduled a trip to Italy, next month, just the three of us. Vincent Russo, the man spying on the Mountain, was curious about the Bachman family and their ways. He wants to know more about us, and Rockland feels the relationship could be beneficial to both parties. Liam and Jet will spend the trip feeling out their family, their brand of mafia, to see if we would be a good fit. While the men get to know on
e another, Vincent’s wife, Felicity, will take me to explore the countryside.

  Victoria is here visiting. She’s curious about our way of life, but now that she’s here, she finds nothing salacious about it. Joining me for a cup of coffee, she plops down in the empty seat across from me.

  “Man. Can you imagine what The Spread would pay you for an article about this place?” Lifting her hands, she waves them through the air. “I mean, not only is this place some kind of paradise, but to be filled with ménage—”


  “To tell the tale of the Duets... it would rock the city. But I guess you don’t need the money anymore, do you?”

  “Being married into a family of billionaires does have its financial advantages.” I pour her a cup from the fresh pot.

  She shakes her head. “If the people we knew growing up back home could see us now.”

  I think back to my small town. It was always too small for me. My personality is big, and it needs a lot of space to bloom. As well as two men to tame it. “I wouldn’t go back. Not for anything.”

  “Me neither.” She shakes her head, probably thinking of her mother back home. She’s a real piece of work and when you meet her you wonder how Victoria could be related to her. “Speaking of small towns, how’s the book coming?”

  Smiling, I say, “I’m almost done. When you read it, you’ll recognize a few familiar places. I’ve got to work on it this afternoon because Flyboy and Clark are begging me for the next chapter.”

  Her nose wrinkles. “They read romance?”

  “Everyone should. I believe it makes you a more empathetic person.”

  “But do guys read it?”

  I hold in an eye roll. “Yes, Victoria. Guys read romance novels too. In fact, I just read an illuminating article in The Spread about the hottest male pop star in the city, B. Friday, starting his very own book club for dudes. They only read romance novels. It’s called The Bromance Get-Together. They say reading these types of books helps them to be better connected to the women in their lives. Besides, I don’t just write romance, I write romantic suspense. The guys love being kept on the edge of their seat. It’s like watching an action movie.”

  “With sex scenes,” she adds.

  I shrug. “I like to tell the whole story. Not just part of it.”

  That makes her laugh. “So, what’s the hook on this one? What’s got these guys staying up all night to finish?”

  Holding back a sneaky smile, I say, “The ending has a big twist.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she asks, with a raise of her brows. “Tell me. You know Luke’s never going to let me read one of your sexy books. He has to be the only man in my life. No book boyfriends allowed.”

  “I respect that. My heroes are very attractive. Who could blame you for getting a crush?”

  “Just tell me—what’s the twist?”

  “Okay, so the heroine is a young secretary that accidently gets herself wrapped up with a corrupt businessman. Her life is in danger, and she needs saving and she finds it in the form of not one, but two men.”

  She smiles. “And she falls for both of them?”

  I nod. “Yup. And they all three live happily ever after.”

  “You know what they say.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Write what you know.” She gives me a soft smile.

  Looking out over the early wisps of color from the setting sun, I feel a fullness in my heart, a warmth in my chest. Because when I write ‘The End’ on this book, I really will have written what I know.

  Because I’m living out my very own happily ever after.

  The End

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  Additional Books in the Bachman Daddies Series


  Three years ago I called him daddy. Then he left me wet and wanting.

  I was naughty so he bared my bottom and spanked me like a little girl.

  Now I’ve been naughty again, and this time the punishment will be different.

  This time daddy is going to make me his... whether I like it or not.

  I remember the night she called me daddy like it was yesterday.

  She was barely eighteen and in need of a firm hand, so I took her over my knee and left it at that.

  But now she’s gotten herself in real trouble. The kind I deal with personally.

  She’s been given to me, and soon she’ll call me daddy again... before I make her my wife.

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  Say Daddy

  He didn’t just spank me like a naughty little girl. He made me call him daddy.

  When I pushed him too far, he put me over his knee.

  I begged and pleaded, but the punishment didn’t stop.

  Not until he heard me say it. Not until I called him daddy.

  She knows what she needs, but I’m going to make her say it anyway.

  Daddy. I love how the word leaves her blushing.

  I’m going to teach her what happens to bad girls.

  Then I’m going to make her mine.

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  Books of the Bachman Beauties Series


  I like nice things, but this time I’ve stolen from the wrong man.

  He caught me red-handed, but he didn’t call the police.

  He’s the kind of man who settles his own scores.

  One stern look left me trembling... and then he took off his belt.

  What should a big, bad man like me do with such a naughty little girl?

  I only meant to teach her a lesson.

  I didn’t plan to bring her into my world.

  But now she’s mine... and I protect what’s mine.

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  She is mine. It’s time she learned what that means.

  In my world, a man keeps his woman in line.

  She is used to doing as she pleases.

  That is about to change...

  I thought I could have it both ways, but I was wrong.

  He expects to be obeyed, but he was patient.

  Until I pushed him too far...

  Now I’m going to find out what a man like him does to a naughty little girl...

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  The code of the family makes her mine to protect, but I will make her mine in every way.

  I moved across the world to escape my need for her.

  Then my brother’s death left her a widow.

  I gave her time to grieve, but now I will take what is mine.

  I didn’t belong to him. He claimed me anyway.

  He had no right to strip me, scold me, and spank me like a naughty little girl.

  There shouldn’t be a wet spot on the couch where he bent me over the arm and belted me.

  But there is... and we both know that when he makes me his, I’ll be screaming his name.

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  Yesterday I’d never been kissed. Today every inch of me belongs to him.

  I didn’t ask for a guardian, but it wasn’t up to me.

  I disobeyed him, just to see what he would do.

  Then I found out what happens to bad little girls.

  She earned herself a taste of my belt. She got much more than that.

  I knew this sassy princess would need a firm hand.

  I planne
d to take her over my knee.

  Then I decided to take her as mine.

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  I’m a grown woman, not a little girl in need of a chaperone... or a spanking.

  I came here to visit a friend, not to be manhandled by some Greek god.

  He had no business scolding me, let alone smacking my bottom right there in the street.

  So why did him threatening to take off his belt leave my panties soaked?

  She’s an outsider, but that doesn’t mean I won’t take her over my knee.

  I could tell this girl needed a firm hand the moment I set eyes on her.

  She doesn’t know how things are done around here, but she’ll learn soon enough.

  As long as we’re on my turf, she’s mine to protect... and mine to do with as I please.

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  My ship. My rules.

  Break those rules? Face the consequences.

  Harsh consequences.

  When an important member of my staff gets caught up in personal drama and disregards my instructions, it’s my job to get her mind back on work. I know just the way to accomplish that...

  Take her over my knee. Bare her bottom. And give her a good, hard spanking.

  If she does it again, it’ll be a taste of my belt.

  There’s only one problem...

  Every time I punish her, I come closer to breaking the one and only rule I have for myself.

  Never fall in love.

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  More Stormy Night Books by Shanna Handel

  The Wolf’s Demand (with Maggie Ryan)

  When twenty-four-year-old Cassandra Ambrosia foolishly puts her husband’s love for her to the test, the last thing she expects is for him to strip her bare, spank her until she is sore and sobbing, and then master her beautiful body more shamefully than she would have thought possible.


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