Bad Boy (The All American Boy Series)

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Bad Boy (The All American Boy Series) Page 9

by K. L. Humphreys

  His arms slide around my body and he crushes me to him. “I can’t fucking lose you, Briar.” His voice is a hard gasp.

  I lift my head so that we’re inches apart, “You’re not going to.” I kiss his lip gently, but Saxon has other ideas. His hand dives into my hair and he tugs slightly, I slant my head and gasp. He takes advantage of my shock and his tongue delves into my mouth.

  The kiss is hot, hard, needy, and passionate.

  I whimper when he pulls his mouth from mine. “As much as I’d love to continue that, baby, we’ve things to talk about.” He reaches forward and grabs the pizza box, once again putting it on the sofa beside him. I try to get off his lap but his arm around me tightens. “We’ll talk with you on my lap.”

  I nod and take a deep breath. “While I don’t agree with you keeping what happened from me and I don’t understand your reasoning for it. It’s in the past.”

  He kisses my cheek. “I fucked up and I can promise you that nothing like that will happen again.”

  “No more keeping things from me,” I tell him. “I don’t want anything between us. No matter how they’ll make me feel. I need the truth, always. If you can’t do that, then there’s no point in trying.”

  He grips my chin. “Never again,” he vows and gives me a long hard kiss. When he pulls away he reaches for a slice of pizza.

  “What about when your demons resurface?” This is what I fear the most, what if he can’t beat them down?

  “I don’t give a fuck. Told you, baby, you’re my fucking light. Sloane, well she’s my fucking solace. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I smile, the butterflies in my stomach fluttering. I bite my lip as I stare at him. “How do you feel about cold pizza?”

  His eyes flash with lust and he throws his half-eaten slice back into the box and stands with me in his arms.

  My arms wrap around his neck and my legs around his waist. His cock hard against my stomach. “I love you so much, Saxon Dayton.”

  He grins at me, “And I love you.”


  Having her legs wrapped around my waist has me hard as fucking stone. “When’s Sloane coming home?” I should probably have asked her that earlier.

  When I came home and found her sitting on the sofa, she looked glum as hell and I was worried, thinking she was hurt or something had happened. When she told me she wanted to talk, I felt my heart sinking. But, I should have known my Bri wouldn’t have made me work too hard for it. She’s the best woman I’ve ever known. Her heart is pure and she loves deeply.

  Walking into her bedroom, I glance around, it’s tidy as hell as it always is. Briar is a neat freak, nothing is ever out of place. “I’m sleeping in here from now on,” I tell her.

  Her arms tighten around my neck and she presses her head against my chest. “God, yes.”

  I chuckle, it’s good to see that we’re on the same page. I’ve been dying to be inside of her, but I didn’t want to hurt her. The huge cast she had on her leg was a reminder of what she’d been through, not to mention the scar on her head. She hasn’t said anything about it, but it pisses me off that it’s there. It’s going to be a constant reminder of that fucking day, the same as the scar on her leg. They’re never going to go away—scars fade in time, but never fully disappear.

  I lay her down onto the bed, she looks up at me with love shining brightly from her eyes. I never thought this day would come. Not after everything that happened between us.

  “It’s over,” she tells me as though she can read my thoughts. She’s the only person that’s ever been able to read me properly, see through my facade and into the heart of who I am. To her, I’ve never been the bad boy, I’ve always just been Saxon. “We’re here and she’s not here.”

  I reach for her sweatpants and pull them off her body, being gentle so that I don’t hurt her leg. She’s not wearing any panties and my cock is fucking painful as it strains against my jeans. She takes off her t-shirt and a groan rumbles low in the back of my throat when her tits spill free.

  She giggles softly, I fucking love that sound, “You’re overdressed.”

  I strip out of my clothes, not once taking my eyes off of her. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  “Sax,” she moans, “what are you waiting for? An invitation?”

  Fuck no, I don’t need an invitation.

  I sink to my knees and her eyes widen. “I’ve missed your taste, baby.” I tell her as I lift her legs, her pussy already glistening from how wet she is. The first sweep of my tongue has her arching off the bed, her pussy pushing against my face, wanting more.

  She grinds against my face, her juices coating my lips. Her taste is intoxicating, I can’t get enough of it. She’s writhing in pleasure, her body tight as she reaches her orgasm. I push a finger inside of her, I bite back a groan as I enter her tight channel.

  “Saxon!” she yells as she detonates around my finger. Her body shaking as the effects of her orgasm takes over her.

  When the aftershocks were off, I’m standing over her, my cock in my hand, pre cum leaking from the tip, it’s begging to be pushed inside of her, needing to fuck her. “Bri…” I question, needing to hear her say the words.

  “Please,” she begs. “Saxon, please fuck me. I need you. I ache without you inside of me.”

  I don’t need to be told again. I need her just as much as she needs me. Being without her is like without being without air.

  I push inside of her and still, needing time to adjust to the way her pussy clenches around my cock. If I don’t, I’m going to fucking make a fool of myself and this will be over before we can even blink.

  “You feel so good, Sax. So fucking good.” she whispers, her breath hot against my neck, “I need you.”

  I go slow, moving in and out of her, letting her get accustomed to me. It’s taking everything I have to move this fucking slow. I’m close to the edge. Her fingernails scrap across my back, moving down toward my ass. When she reaches her destination, her fingers dig into my ass checks. “Fuck me, Saxon. I want all of you.”


  I lose the last bit of restraint I have. Having her mouth on my neck, her hands on my ass and the way she’s grinding against my cock makes it worse. She’s wet as fuck and I’m able to move in and out of her without much restraint. God, I’ve fucking missed her.

  “This,” I growl. “Right here, is my favorite place in the world.” My thrusts get harder and faster, my orgasm is building, I’m so fucking close. “Nothing beats this.”

  “Sax. Oh God. I’m coming!” she cries as her walls clamp around my cock.

  “Fuck.” I groan as I push into her once more. My cum spilling inside of her, my breathing labored as I keep my weight off of her. “I fucking love you, Bri.”

  She sighs, “I love you too.” A yawn escapes her and it reminds me that we’ve not finished our dinner yet.

  “Let’s get washed up, you need to eat, then sleep.” I tell her and she yawns once again as she snuggles against my chest.

  “Too tired, sleep now” she whispers.

  I chuckle as I lay down beside her and pull her to my body. “Rest, baby, I’ll wake you soon.” I tell her and she snuggles into me. Her breathing hot against my chest and within minutes she’s fast asleep.

  I hold her tight, not wanting to let her go. I’ve waited for five fucking years to be able to do this again and finally, she’s here. Right where she belongs.




  There’s a knock at the door, and Saxon sighs he hates this shit. It’s Sloane’s birthday and it seems as though the entire town has come out to celebrate with us.

  “How much longer do I have to put up with this shit?” he growls as I walk past him with a present in my hand. Our daughter has been spoiled today, she’s gotten more presents than ever and she’s smiling happily as she plays with her friends from school.

  “Sax, not too much longer. They just want to wish her a happy birthday,” I t
ell him as I hand him the present. “Be nice, Sloane’s happy and that’s all that matters.”

  He nods, his jaw clenching. “I know but, baby, none of these fuckers gave a damn before.” He glares at the people in our backyard. “They all think I’m scum and that you were a liar.”

  I turn my attention outside when I hear Sloane yelling, she's running toward Braxton with a bright smile on her face. Giggles and laughter sound from the backyard and I rest my hand against my ever-growing bump. I’m nine months pregnant and we found out that we’re going to have another girl. Sloane’s excited to be a big sister and loves that we’re having a girl. I was surprised by Sax’s reaction. I thought he’d want a boy, but no, he was over the moon that we were having a girl. I’m due any day now and Sax has been hovering over me, waiting.

  Sax’s hands slide across my bump, this is something he does a lot ever since he found out that I am pregnant. He missed out on this while I was pregnant with Sloane, it makes me wonder what things would have been like between us. “Are you doing okay?”

  This pregnancy has taken a lot out of me, my leg still isn’t fully healed. Having the extra weight of the pregnancy has made things worse. I’m able to walk on it, but if I’ve been standing for a long period of time or been walking for a while I get a sort of a limp. When that happens Saxon gets pissed. He’s very protective of me and even more so now that I’m pregnant.

  We argued about me going back to work, he wanted me to stay home whereas I couldn’t do that. I’ve never not worked and I put my foot down, he didn’t give in, in fact he got pissed. He wanted to make sure I was safe. He found it hard whenever he wasn’t around me, he was worried that something was going to happen to me. It was a life I didn’t want to live, jumping at shadows and living in fear. He finally relented. When I went back to work, I realized I couldn’t work full time, my leg wasn’t strong enough, so I work part-time. It actually suits me better, especially now as I’m pregnant.

  “Tired, but I’m okay.”

  He kisses my neck as his hand caresses my bump, “You need to take it easy.”

  I lean back against him, relishing in his touch. “I will, once everyone leaves.”

  He tenses behind me, “I’ll kick them all out now.”

  I shake my head. “No, just a while longer,” I tell him, not wanting to cut Sloane’s party short. “The party is ending at four.”

  “That’s still over an hour away.” He growls, “Bri, you’re dead on your feet.”

  I turn in his arms, “I’ll go sit down.” I look up at him and see the worry in his eyes. “I’m okay, I promise.” I don’t dare tell him that I’m pretty sure my contractions started thirty minutes ago.

  He lifts me into his arms and I don’t protest at being carried around like a child. “I’m heavy.” I warn him and he glares at me. “I love you,” I whisper, hoping it’ll ease his worry.

  “I love you too, but, Bri, you need to slow down.” He sits me down on the chair beside Brandon, his hand cupping my cheek, the band on his finger presses against my skin. I can’t resist reaching for his hand and twisting the band. The sight of the gold wedding ring nestled on his finger pulls at my heart.

  “Best day of my life,” he whispers, pressing a kiss against my lips. “The day you finally became mine.”

  I smile at him, loving that we’re married and have been for the past six months. My smile drops from my face when a painful contraction rocks through my body. It takes every bit of me to bite back the cry that wants to break free.

  “Bri?” His voice is worried.

  I’m unable to answer him as I breathe through the pain. I’m close to tears right now, I need to concentrate on the pain and get through it. Before I can say anything, my waters break.

  “Holy fuck!” Brandon gasps. “At least you’re outside this time.”

  A giggle bursts from me as I remember I was in the store when my water broke with Sloane. I was embarrassed as hell and had to wait for Brandon to come and get me.

  “Briar?” Saxon asks, the fear clear to hear in his voice.

  I look up at him and give him a reassuring smile. “It’s time,” I tell him as I raise my hand, hoping that he’ll lift me off the chair.

  “Bran, will you make sure that everyone leaves and can you and Brax stay with Sloane?” I ask, as Saxon helps me to my feet.

  “Of course, once everyone is gone, we’ll come to the hospital,” he assures me.

  “Sax, are you okay to drive?” He’s not said a word since I told him that the baby’s coming.

  “Yeah, come on, baby, let’s get you into the car.”

  He bought a car not long after I came out of the hospital, he wanted something that could fit all of us in. I love his bike, he’s always had one but the car is safer when he has Sloane.

  “Mommy, can I see my sister?” Sloane asks and I’m surprised to see that she’s still awake. It’s almost two in the morning.

  “Come in, baby,” I tell her, quickly glancing to my right where Saxon’s asleep on the chair. Brandon trails behind Sloane and Braxton hot on his heels. “What are you still doing awake?”

  She grins as she climbs onto the bed and lies down beside me. “I was too excited. I wanted to meet my sister.”

  “You could have waited until morning,” Saxon says his voice gravelly from sleep.

  “No, Daddy, I couldn’t.” She pouts and Sax just chuckles as he gets to his feet and reaches for the baby, he hands her to me and I glance down at the beautiful little girl who’s fast asleep in my arms.

  “This is Kaya Hannah Drayton,” I announce as I look at my brother, I gave my daughter my mother’s name. Kaya.

  “It’s perfect, Briar.” He swallows harshly, “She’s beautiful.”

  Saxon comes to stand at my side, his finger gently rubbing Kaya’s face. “She really is.”

  “Congrats you two, I can’t believe I’m an uncle again.” Braxton grins. “When are you having the next?”

  Brandon laughs and Sax chuckles, but I glare at him. “Whenever you give me a niece or nephew.”

  He narrows his eyes, “Not likely. Besides, do you really think you and Sax are going to stop at two? You two aren’t exactly the poster kids for safe sex.”

  Saxon glares at him, “Don’t talk about sex in front of my kids. They’re not allowed to know what it is until they’re married.”

  I bite back a laugh just as Kaya starts to fuss. “Sorry, guys, the little princess is hungry,” I tell them and that has Sax moving to get his brother out of the room. I turn to Sloane, “I’ll be home tomorrow.” I promise her, “Kaya will be too.”

  She grins at me. “Okay, Mommy, love you.”

  I press a kiss against her forehead. “Love you too, always, baby.”

  She says goodbye to Sax as Brandon and Braxton come to say goodbye to me. Brandon giving me an extra-long hug and kisses Kaya on her cheek. “You did good, Bri, mom would be proud.”

  Tears spring to my eyes at his words. “Thank you,” I whisper and Kaya’s fussing gets worse. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  He nods and they all leave the room, I unhook my top from the clip and settle Kaya at my nipple, it doesn’t take her long to latch on.

  “Love you, Bri,” Saxon whispers as he sits beside me on the bed. “Thank you for giving me a family.”

  I rest my head against his chest. “Thank you for coming back to me.”

  “Always, baby, always,” He vows.

  Message from the author

  I hope you enjoyed my book, Bad Boy, which is part of the shared world of the All

  American Boy Series.

  Want to read all of them? Find them here on Kindle Unlimited.

  And thank you for leaving a review - it means the world to me.

  Next up…

  Sierra Hill - The Boy Next Door

  Poppy Parkes - Boy Toy

  Evan Grace - The Boy Scout

  Emily Robertson - The Boyfriend Hoax

  Kaylee Ryan and Lacey Black - Boy Troubler />
  Kimberly Readnour - Celebrity Playboy

  Marika Ray - Backroom Boy

  Leslie McAdam - Boy on a Train

  KL Humphreys - Bad Boy

  Nicole Richard - Hometown Boy

  Remy Blake - That Boy

  Stephanie Browning - The Boy She Left Behind

  Stephanie Kay - About a Boy

  Renee Harless - Lover Boy

  SL Sterling - Saviour Boy

  All the ways you can keep up to date with K.L. Humphreys

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  Darren and Alannah: You both mean the world to me and thank you so much for putting up with my crazy. I love you both more than words could ever say. You make both put a smile on my face on a daily basis!

  Jasmina Babsek: THANK YOU for everything!

  Kristen Moran: Thank you so much for formatting and proofreading for me, you’re the best friend a girl could have!

  Erin Toland: Words can’t express the gratitude I have for you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Jessica, Jess, Christine: My rocks, each and every one of you. Love you lots, like Jelly tots!

  My Beta Readers: Ladies you are the best, Thank you so much for your input, this book wouldn’t be what it was if it wasn’t for each and every one of you!

  My Brazen Bitches you and that group are my sanctuary, Thank you each

  and every one of you for being a part of this process.

  About the Author


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