A Break of Day

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A Break of Day Page 18

by Bella Forrest

  She giggled, then touched my cheek and said, “More like, how am I going to breastfeed our babies while I’m a vampire? I don’t want them to grow up without ever having their mother’s milk. And how will I build sandcastles with them?”

  “And what will happen when I’m an old man? You’ll want to swap me for a younger model,” I teased.

  “But seriously, Derek.” She stopped laughing. “What are we going to do? I can’t remain a vampire.”

  I stepped back from her a little and sighed. “I don’t know. My greatest fear is losing you again.”

  “Well, the cure worked on both you and Kyle. Why shouldn’t it work on me? We’ve no evidence that I’m any different a vampire than you or Kyle were. Yes, I was turned in Cruor, and yes, I was an immune… but the whole point is that my immunity was broken down and I became normal. That’s how I was turned in the first place. And it’s the same disease. Plus, we have our immune, Anna. She won’t mind giving me some of her blood.”

  The thought of Sofia undergoing the same torture I had made me ache inside. “The pain is excruciating. Unlike anything you can imagine. I don’t… I just don’t know if I can handle putting you through that,” I said.

  “Well, Mr. Derek, you’re just going to have to toughen up if you ever want to kiss my belly button again.” She lifted my chin up so that I was facing her. She kissed my cheek and said, “Look, I’ve already been to hell and back. Believe me when I say that one more burn isn’t going to make a lot of difference.”

  I grinned but couldn’t deny that her words hurt at the same time. “I guess not,” I said. “I haven’t exactly done a good job at keeping you safe from harm.”

  “Oh, don’t go into this whole self-blame thing again. I knew what I was getting myself into when I married you.” She pulled my head down toward her and kissed me again. “Now, if it’s all right with you, I’d like to get this over with.”

  Chapter 42: Derek

  Aiden protested at first, but Sofia persuaded him. We left the twins with him and walked with Anna toward the Pit, the one tiny area of the island where the sun shone through. Others wanted to accompany us, but Sofia refused them all. She wanted only Anna and myself.

  She barely said a word as we walked. A determined expression set on her face as we marched her up to the entrance of the Pit. She didn’t want to make a “big fuss” out of it as we had done with my own turning.

  Even when I went to hug her, she pulled away, as though she didn’t want to even consider that she might not see me again.

  Anna bared her neck to her, and Sofia dug her fangs in and took a sip. She licked her lips and waited a few minutes for the blood to enter her system. Then she stepped through the doors to the Pit and slammed them behind her.

  And then the screaming began. I now understood what it must have been like for Sofia to witness me undergoing such a procedure. Hours and hours passed by. Even though her voice had grown hoarse, she still cried out.

  Anna stayed with me the whole time, laying a hand on my shoulder. I tried to draw comfort from her, but it was impossible. Eventually the only way I could cope was by curling up into a ball on the ground and cupping my hands over my ears.

  Finally, Sofia’s noises stopped. I was tempted to barge in to check what was happening, but then the doors creaked open themselves.

  Sofia, in all her mortal glory, emerged from the bright pit, stumbling into my arms. She looked exhausted, but at the same time, to my great relief, she had a vibrant glow.

  “So,” she gasped. “About going to hell and back? Huh. Yeah, now I can say I’ve officially done that.”

  Chapter 43: Sofia

  I slept for ten hours after my turning; my body had been crying out for sleep. Derek took me to an empty room in the Catacombs that was still in decent condition. He sat by my bed as I fell asleep, and was still there when I awoke.

  Aiden also sat beside me, still cradling his beloved grandchildren. And then my eyes fell on Xavier and Vivienne. They sat in a corner wrapped in each other’s arms.

  “Xavier!” I cried out. I jumped up and ran over to him, pulling him into a hug.

  I could say with absolute certainty that I had never seen Vivienne so happy. She beamed as she looked at me. I clasped her to me and kissed her cheek again and again, until she’d finally had enough of my affection and said, “Hey, girl, it’s Xavier I’m marrying, not you. And besides, look at Derek. You’re making him all jealous.”

  “Oh, I can’t wait for your wedding! Can we have it tomorrow?” I squealed, sounding not dissimilar to Abby.

  “Yes, actually,” Xavier answered with a grin. “This girl just can’t get enough of me. She would marry me right now if she could. I mean, she didn’t even give me a chance to get down on one knee and propose properly!”

  Vivienne affectionately brushed a strand of hair away from his face.

  I started thinking over all the preparations that would need to be made, and realized that we might just be able to pull it off now Corrine had her powers back.

  And so the countdown began.

  “Okay, men. Leave this room. Now!” I turned to Derek who was eyeing me with amusement. “Oh wait, actually, Derek, do you know if the witches have finished with any of the renovations yet?”

  “You’ll be glad to know that all the tree houses are done. Corrine tells me they’re magnificent, although I haven’t seen them myself yet. And they’re now working on the humans’ housing.”

  “Well then, we can leave this crummy room and have a proper space for my bride to get ready in. Derek, take Xavier and at least try to make him…. somewhat presentable for my ravishing bride.”

  “You say that with such low confidence.” Derek mocked being offended. “Just you wait and see, loudmouth. I’ll make him into a more beautiful groom than she will be a bride.”

  With that, he grabbed Xavier—who now looked mildly alarmed at Derek’s threat of “beautification” —and marched him out of the room. They were headed to Derek’s penthouse, I assumed.

  I kissed both of my babies, who were still asleep, then pecked my father on the cheek. I asked him to follow us to Vivienne’s penthouse since I wanted my twins close to me. I grabbed Vivienne’s hand and we all walked out of the room.

  “Come on, hurry,” I said. “We can’t give Derek any head start. Who knows what he’s got up his sleeve.”

  As soon as we were out in the open, Aiden spread his wings and launched into the sky. Vivienne let out a rich laugh and sped up. I had forgotten that I now had human legs and she soon tired of me lagging behind. She pulled me onto her back and we dashed through the woods. We saw Xavier and Derek ahead of us, rushing toward the same direction.

  When Vivienne took a giant leap upward and we landed on her verandah in the Residences, I looked around in awe. The penthouses seemed larger and more beautiful than I had ever remembered them. Pots of exotic flowers lined the balconies and entryways. Fountains gushed in the center of the verandahs.

  Aiden touched down soon afterward. He took the twins into a quiet spare bedroom where they could sleep peacefully, and stayed there watching over them.

  I escorted Vivienne into her stunning new bedroom, but then remembered in annoyance that I needed Corrine.

  “Relax and have a bath or something, okay? We need Corrine.”

  Vivienne smiled at me and nodded.

  I walked back out onto the verandah and shouted across to Derek’s penthouse on the other side of a stretch of trees.

  “Hey, Mr. Derek!” I shouted. His head peeked out of a window. “Run and get Corrine for me, will you?”

  “Get her yourself!” he called back. “I’m not helping you get any advantage over Xavier and me. Vivienne’s too pretty even without any makeup. And don’t disturb us again. Can’t you see we’re extremely busy?” He and Xavier both howled with laughter as he slammed the window shut.

  I chuckled and muttered, “Boys,” beneath my breath.

  In the end I had to disturb Vivienne to run and fetc
h Corrine, considering it might have taken me hours to search her out as a human and Aiden was inseparable from the twins.

  Once Corrine had arrived, we started making progress. We took Vivienne’s measurements, and within half an hour, Corrine had conjured up the most beautiful wedding dress I’d ever laid eyes on. It rivaled even my own. Then we had a makeup and hair rehearsal session, and once we were sure we’d got it just right, Corrine and I left Vivienne alone to have some peace before the real event.

  As Corrine and I took the elevator down to the ground and walked away from Vivienne’s penthouse to decide where to actually host the wedding, Derek came running toward us.

  “And what do you want?” I asked, cocking my head to the side.

  “Firstly, I want you, Mrs. Belly-Button.” He knocked the breath right out of me as he picked me up, swinging me around in the air before finally landing a kiss on my lips. He put me back on the ground before continuing. “Secondly, I know where we should host the wedding. Up on the mountaintop where Xavier found Vivienne. Come on, I’ll show you.”

  “What about your blushing groom?” Corrine smirked. “You sure he can manage his blow-dry without you?”

  We giggled and made our way to the plateau where Corrine started conjuring up seats and tents and thousands of white roses. Derek offered the occasional suggestion, but he was wise enough to leave the majority of decisions to us.

  Once we’d sorted out the venue, Corrine and I returned to Vivienne and Derek to Xavier. The three of us barely slept that night. In between running back and forth to the spare bedroom to check on my babies, the final preparations went by quickly. Before we knew it, we had Vivienne standing in front of the mirror, dressed and looking breathtaking.

  We made sure that Xavier and Derek made their way up to the mountain first, before they could set eyes on Vivienne.

  Once we arrived at the end of the aisle, a warm sea breeze catching Vivienne’s veil, hundreds of seats were filled with vampires and humans alike. I spotted dozens of familiar faces in the crowds, but sitting in the seats closest to the aisle and the altar were Claudia and Yuri; Cameron and Liana; Kyle and Anna; Gavin and Zinnia; Abby sitting on Ashley’s lap with Landis next to them; and my father right at the front with my two little cherubs.

  Although Derek attempted to swing a pink flower garland over Xavier’s head just as Vivienne was about to start walking down the aisle, I was relieved to see that he hadn’t done anything outrageous to the groom’s appearance. I suspected actually that Derek had nothing to do with Xavier’s smart black tuxedo and gelled-back hair, and that rather Ibrahim was behind it all.

  I caught Derek’s eye, and mouthed, I won.

  He took one look at Vivienne and nodded back.

  Vivienne reached Xavier, and Ibrahim conducted the ceremony. They exchanged rings and when it finally came time to kiss, the crowds erupted with cheers. Then to everyone’s surprise, Vivienne yelled out at the top of her lungs, “I love you, Xavier!”

  She threw her bouquet into the crowd. Abby dove for it with her vampire speed and a huge goofy smile spread across her face when she caught it.

  Tears glinted in both of the newlyweds’ eyes as they enveloped themselves in each other’s arms and kissed once again.

  As if the crowds weren’t already going wild enough, Ibrahim caught hold of Corrine, whisked her up in his arms and stood her at the side of the altar. Then he bent down on one knee, reached into his pocket and withdrew a large diamond ring. Corrine’s face became the color of a raspberry and she looked as though she was about to hyperventilate.

  “Oh, God,” she gasped. “Ibrahim, oh, you…” For once, Corrine had been rendered speechless by a male. “Yes!” she shouted finally. Ibrahim put the heavy engagement ring on her finger and drew her against his body, kissing her in front of everyone and not attempting to hide the heat of his embrace one little bit. Corrine responded with abandon.

  Wolf-whistles abounded, the cheers and clapping deafening.

  “Gate-crashers!” Zinnia yelled through the crowds, laughing and pumping her fist in the air.

  “Well, if they’re doing it…” Gavin grabbed Zinnia’s arm and tugged on her to stand up. I gasped and thought for a moment that he was about to propose, but instead he said, “Come on! Let’s make out!”

  Zinnia howled with laughter, but followed him up onto the altar next to the two already kissing couples, and they began eating each other’s faces off.

  It didn’t take much more encouragement for Claudia to haul Yuri up to the stage; now there were four kissing couples.

  Oh, no…

  I had been avoiding looking toward Derek's direction, but he was having none of it. He made his way over to me and grabbed me by the waist. He carried me up to the altar and stood us next to Xavier and Vivienne.

  “Oh, what the heck!” I said, brushing away all embarrassment I had about letting myself go in front of Aiden, and eased myself into Derek’s embrace.

  I was half expecting more couples to join us, but with ten people already on stage, and Yuri and Claudia being particularly carefree in their motions, there really wasn’t any more room.

  Instead, couples began standing up in their seats or wherever else there was space. In between Derek’s affections, I was thrilled to see Cameron and Liana sharing a kiss in the aisle. And then Kyle and Anna.

  On spotting Ashley still seated, trying to smile but clearly failing at it, I shouted out. “Okay, enough! Let’s have some music!”

  A group of witches took up some instruments and began playing a beautiful slow melody. I was relieved to see Landis be a gentleman and lead Ashley to a dance.

  Abby, feeling left out, made her way over to Aiden and the twins to ask them to dance. Derek and I laughed as my father did the best he could to satisfy her with two babies in his arms.

  I danced with Derek for over an hour, but eventually pulled him away from the dance floor. We walked over to Aiden. The ever-enthusiastic Abby had now given him a break and preoccupied herself with a game of chase with Shadow, upending tables and leaving a trail of chaos behind them as they ran. I giggled as Eli chased after the dog, trying to reattach his leash.

  I took Ben from my father, while Derek took Rose. We walked to find a quieter spot away from the crowds and dancing, but which still allowed us a good view over the festivities.

  Derek didn’t ask what I was doing. One look in his eyes, and I could tell he had already sensed what I was dying for. I sat between Derek’s legs and leaned my back against his chest, placing both twins on my lap. I loosened the straps of my dress and asked him to hold up a tablecloth to cover me.

  And then I fed our two little babies. I finally allowed myself the simple pleasure my body had been crying out for ever since I’d been separated from them all that time ago.

  Derek kissed my shoulders and rocked us gently from side to side, humming a haunting melody into my ear beneath the loud party music.

  Our melody.

  Chapter 44: Sofia

  After Vivienne and Xavier’s wedding, things settled into more of a routine in The Shade. The humans’ residences were finished and I almost cried with joy upon seeing what a thoughtful job the witches had done. They’d created town houses, much like you’d see in any city, with all the amenities that a human could need.

  Playgrounds were created for children. A group of witches even started up a school for them, which Abby eagerly attended.

  Ibrahim and Corrine managed to figure out a way to modify Cora’s spell to allow the sun to stream down onto a small stretch of beach, north of the island. Humans lounging around there, swimming in the sea and getting a tan, soon became a common sight.

  But more than any of this, we instituted a law that any human was allowed to leave The Shade at any time. I persuaded Derek that even if they went to the police, there was no way they could ever find us. And, in any case, I trusted that most of the humans would not wish us harm any more. For The Shade was no longer the cruel dictatorship it once was. They we
re no longer treated as slaves, but as citizens.

  A good number of the humans jumped at the opportunity and left, but a surprising number stayed.

  Vampires remained vampires for the time being. They’d always have the opportunity to turn at a later time. And I certainly wasn’t ready to subject Abby to such pain. I drew comfort knowing that turning was always a possibility in the future should she insist upon it.

  As for my father, he set out on a mission with Zinnia and Gavin to disperse the hunters seeing that there was now nothing left to hunt for. The Elders had gone and the Hawks, for whom they had been unknowing puppets, were exiled too. The hunters’ already shaky mission statement had just lost its last legs.

  We still hadn’t figured out if there was a way to turn Aiden back into a human. Ibrahim could give him the appearance of a human temporarily, but even he didn’t know how to truly turn my father back. However, as Aiden himself pointed out, there was no hurry to find a cure for him, other than to save him from the terrible shame and embarrassment of having Abby permanently nickname him “Beak Face”.

  Derek and I, along with the twins, split our time between our Californian dream home, where Derek indulged in his newfound hobby of cooking, and ruling The Shade. Xavier and Vivienne managed the island whenever we took breaks away from it.

  Although our life seemed like it couldn’t be more perfect, I never grew complacent. I never forgot for a moment all that we had suffered and sacrificed to achieve what we had.

  I also knew that nothing in this life was certain. When Shadow discovered a strange creature washed up on the shores of The Shade, during a morning walk with Eli, it confirmed that belief for me. Eli declared it to be the body of a werewolf.

  Ibrahim confirmed that it was possible the Ancients had accidentally opened more portals between Earth and other unknown realms than even they themselves had realized. But he also offered us assurance that most supernatural creatures were not domineering and aggressive like the Hawks and Elders. He said that many were harmless to humans.


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