Davina or Captain, set up an ex SAS soldier to face off against Katie and she wiped the floor with him. Admittedly, the soldier had retired after getting early onset multiple sclerosis (MS) but wasn't feeling any disability by that stage. Davina decided that we all needed to learn Taigoa. Andi helped by producing a game for the VDR where Katie could take seven others with her and train them, one day at a time. Davina introduced firearms training for the VDR to keep his men in top form and discussed programs with Andi to give realistic fighting scenarios to hone their skills.
Not everyone wanted to become part of the Elven Nation. We were mainly choosing those that did, but we also needed financial clients. We admittedly, made people pay through the nose if they wanted treatment, but not employment. Andi did make sure no one offered to pay more than they could actually afford. There was one father who pretended to have more money than he actually had so that he could help his transgendered son/daughter. We treated her anyway and got him to pay a percentage of his earnings for ten years.
We wanted to treat everybody regardless of their financial situation, but we were still on people we needed rather than wanted. We did make sure to make a plan where we would have as many people for treatment who couldn't pay as those who could. It salved our conscience for now and the world heard our debates through the camera team. We had a mixed response from the audience. Some thought that we should be doing everything for free and others thought we were doing the right thing. Most people had views in between.
Most of our dealing with the Generals daughter had to be private and off screen. The story we pieced together from the female aide that the General sent and from Andi digging in the net. The Americans had a strong dislike for an undemocratic rule and had been urging the General to progress towards elections. According to the aide and Andi agreed from what she could find, the people of Fiji had no such desire. They were happy with his rule. To force the issue, the Americans through a black operation agenda, tried to oust the General by kidnapping his daughter and handing her over to a rival. That man promised to start the democratic process as soon as he was in power.
I might add, we knew the CIA was involved through what Andi could find, but the Fijians didn't. The General refused and tracked down her whereabouts. The rival fled or at least tried to, leaving behind a mutilated sixteen-year-old girl. The rival was never seen again, but Andi confirmed, the General had dealt with him without going into details. The General didn't want anyone to know exactly what had been done to her. She couldn't tell anyone since her tongue had been cut out and they had chopped both her arms off so she couldn't write anything. Once we had treated her in Lagbits world we found out she had also been gang-raped and was now terrified of all men, including her father.
This was almost three years ago, so we had a long discussion with her and mum who determined that she could erase all memory before that night but it would be a major working and needed to be a different session. We didn't do it during that game session, but contacted the General and suggested we go in again and erase the last three years. She would wake up confused. You can explain that you have erased someone's memory and tell them that they are going to wake up without arms or a tongue, but the reality will still be shocking. He agreed, but added to the plan, we would wait until her body had recovered and then erase all memory before the event. That way, when she woke up, if the treatment worked, she would have her arms and tongue and would not be traumatised further. At present, she was in a private facility. Her aide sending us updates every couple of days.
After two weeks we had a pretty good idea of what we could treat. It looked like, if you could enter VDR, we could treat you. The results weren't complete but they were heading that way. We had covered as many bases as we could. By providing a completely different template for the body to change into, all previous issues were overcome. Cancer was one of the quickest to disappear, but neurological disorders such as early Parkinson's or Alzheimer's completely reversed. In the later stages, they were unable to enter VDR so we couldn't try. Diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and autoimmune diseases disappear as if they never existed.
It looked as though amputees would regain their limbs but it was a slower process than the others. There was clear evidence of the stubs of arms, legs or feet, growing and some missing fingers were slowly making an appearance. The estimation for a full limb growth was about two months. We would have to wait to see.
VDR requires a certain amount of vision and hearing, but with other techniques, we had managed at least one minor miracle. Another university that was researching increasing vision for the blind, used a tongue sensor and a camera to give a vision of shadows. They managed to refine it enough that this blind lady was able to enter VDR. The transformation went as planned and she spent the majority of the week crying and laughing at the world she could see. I was worried about how she would be when she returned. She woke up fine and four days after the treatment she woke to complete vision. Partial deafness was the same, but we had to
speak to Brett to create some VDR sets designed for those with less hearing.
Another thing the public were picking up on was the age-reducing effects. Now people wanted treatment to become young again. From a financial point of view, this was a help, since there were a lot of very rich old people who were willing to pay for transformation. The sticking point was that there were no other choices but female elves.
The other question was whether we could transform anybody. Thus far there were two people who failed during the transformation process. Both blamed themselves, but wouldn't go into details. Both were chosen for what they were offering financially. Both were men who didn't really want to become women and Andi thought they belittled women based on their history. We slightly refined our criteria to put their opinion on becoming female a higher priority.
Tomorrow we were going to have a meeting with Professor Baldwin to go over his findings. Today both myself and Vee were waiting anxiously to see if we were going to bleed. We both put pads in our panties and had numerous trips to the toilet to check. We had spoken to mum about how much it mattered who was on top and she said it was about probabilities. You were less likely to become pregnant if you were on top but it still happened. You were more likely if you were underneath, but you didn't always catch, and sometimes you both caught and that was considered a celebratory event.
Around mid-afternoon, I felt something wet and I just knew. Even before I went to the toilet, I knew. Not this time. My first period. Emotionally I felt drained. I mean, I know it wasn't the right time to get pregnant, but...
Vee comforted me and we spent a lot of the day in each other's arms. She still hadn't come on.
Chapter 15
Vee was only one day late and that was based on what mum had told me about our biology, but the question was definitely there. Was she pregnant? Do you do a pregnancy test and would it react the same way as it would for a human? Sharon thought it would, but she also took blood from both of us and sent it for hormonal analysis. She suggested we both take the test, if we both tested positive then it was probably invalid, if only Vee did, then she probably was pregnant.
This explained why we were both in the hotel bathroom holding a stick and looking for blue lines, or a cross to be more accurate. We looked at the sticks and looked at each other.
“How do you feel?” I asked her.
“Apparently, I feel pregnant.” She gave a slightly hysterical laugh. “Well, that was not in my plan. You know what, it will be great. If I am going to have a child, I would want it with you.”
I gave her another kiss and cuddle. She seemed a bit shaky. “Do we tell anyone?”
“Yes. I am definitely telling my parents.”
“No. I didn't mean that. Do we tell the world? We had to put on the website that the female elves in the story are able to have children together. We even have given all the elves we have transformed the birds and bees talk, elf style. We haven't forbidden anyone to talk about it an
d Andi informs me that the correct information is on the web.” I paused for a second as Andi told me exactly what was shown. “Apparently, one of our transformee's was interviewed by a friend who surreptitiously recorded it and downloaded it to youtube. The thing is before it was all theory. Now it is fact. Do we let them know?”
“Give me a little while to digest it myself and inform my parents.”
I mentally asked Andi to ask Roni to sort out a restaurant reservation for six and liaise with Davina about security. “What about Katie and Roni?”
“If we tell them, with all the camera crew about, I am pretty sure everyone will know and I don't want my parents to be the last.”
“At least we were married first. I made an honest woman of you.”
“What are you talking about? You wanted to be the honest woman. You'll just have to live it through me until it is your turn. I don't think we can try again until after I have given birth. You do realize that every time we try, I could get pregnant again, rather than you.”
“Or as well as me,” I added.
“After yesterday, people are going to ask me, especially Sharon, what do I say?”
I held her a bit tighter. “Just tell them that your period is one day late. If they ask directly, shrug your shoulders. We can announce it tomorrow after we have told your parents, Roni and Katie.”
“How are we going to tell them?”
“Leave that to me. Roni should be organizing a restaurant for tonight, we just need to call your parents and convince them to come. Do you want me to do it?” I mentally asked Andi what time Roni had booked the restaurant and which restaurant.
“Yes, please. If I talk to them, I don't think I could hold myself back. I'll blab, I know I will.”
“No worries, honey.” I kissed her on her forehead. “Everything is going to be alright, you know that, right.” She nodded her head.
I tucked her head into my ample chest and picked up my phone. “Please call Vee's parents, Sue and Terry, Andi.”
“Hello, Tia.”
“Hi, Sue. I'm just calling to see if I can arrange a meetup.”
“Sure. We are not doing anything tonight. Why don't you come here?”
“We could, but I was thinking of starting at a restaurant, my treat. How about The Cardinal Kingston at about seven?”
“That sounds great. Isn't that the pub where we first met?”
“That's right. I thought it might be nice to go there again.”
“It sounds lovely. See you at seven.”
“Bye.” When I heard the goodbye response I disconnected. “All done.”
“Do you want the camera crew there?”
“They will want to come. I don't mind, but, we are getting well known now, with that television programme. There is a good chance someone else will capture it. Maybe the best we can do is control how it gets distributed.”
“I don't like this lack of privacy, but I know why we did it. I suppose this is the first time we are going to reveal something really private.”
“We sacrificed our privacy for security. I still think it is the best defence we have right now. Andi tells me that there are all sorts of plans out there, but no one is prepared to give the go-ahead while we are still so much in the public eye.”
“I know, I know.”
“We have some good news,” I said trying to change the subject. “Karl and Larry have completed their transformation and organized their passports. They are on a flight right now and should be here around lunch time.”
“Why are you still calling them Karl and Larry?”
“Their new names are a surprise. Davina is organising a pickup, we should see them soon. Simone has organised a rental. I think it is a three-story house with a view over a park. She has finished her change. Katherine is completely cured, although she looks like a different person. They are still very much in love and are coming here to join us in London. Simone has sorted out her property portfolio and Andi is her main manager. Two of his former employees are being charged with theft. Anyway, he wants a new project. I was thinking of handing him the Fiji island. The General has seen enough progress that he considers our part of the bargain completed and is handing it over to us. We can't do the memory erase until after she is completely healed which is at least six weeks away.”
“That is a mammoth task.”
“Exactly. She can liaise with Andi and Maria to get the experts we need to do it right. I think we need some kind of designers.”
Vee kissed me on my cheek. “Good distraction. I haven't time to dwell on my current state, we have so much to do.”
I rubbed her belly tenderly. “I know it is not what we intended, but I can't help but be happy to know at least one of us is pregnant. My turn next time.”
She smiled at me. We both knew there was no way of ensuring that. “I am feeling better about it. Your joy and enthusiasm is helping. I hope she has your eyes.”
“Definitely.” We smiled hugely at each other.
We now had to pretend to the world that nothing had changed when in fact everything had changed. First, we did our Taigoa practice at Hyde Park, with all of us going through the forms, then those advanced enough started sparing. We then went back to shower and change before our meeting with Professor Baldwin.
The meeting consisted of Roni, Katie, Vee and me, but we also invited Maria since she would be most impacted by whatever the Professor told us and Davina since I think it is always a good idea to keep your head of security informed. I made sure my phone was on so Andi could listen in, although she probably had many devices she could use to snoop with as well as directly through me.
On the opposite side was Professor Baldwin on his own. He didn't have any papers in front of him or charts or really anything for a presentation that I was expecting. “I called you here to explain my findings, hopefully, so we can work out how to further investigate this phenomenon. We have gathered data on seventy attempted transformations with sixty-eight successful. The result of these transformations in curing disease is not part of my investigations, but I think everyone is aware, even without researchers and doctors, that your results are nothing short of miraculous. My research is to try and work out why it is happening in the hopes that we can repeat your success.
“My hypothesis was that Tia has something akin to a psychic ability, triggered by the VDR device and is now using the VDR device to channel her power. To some extent, I hoped I was wrong, as if this is the case, it will be very hard to replicate.
“The first question was whether Tia's brain is more active than other humans and other already transformed elves. This would be indicative of her brain power, if you like, being responsible for her being able to do this rather than somebody else. The answer is yes, her brain when it is resting before she has started the VDR is significantly more active than either other elves or humans.
“The next question is what happens during the two-hour session that you are in VDR. Each time, even for the two failures, there are five distinct surges where her brain increases activity. After each surge, one of the participant's brain's surges also. Except in the two failure cases, where Tia's brain surges but there is no response.
“I think it is quite evident that Tia's brain is unique and is able to channel her abilities through the VDR device, so the next question is can we find someone else like Tia and that is why I have called this meeting. We have mapped Tia's increased brain activity with our instruments, but they are relatively crude devices, as they have to fit under the headset. We would like a much more extensive mapping, all done with passive devices that merely pick up on the currents you are producing, Tia. A detailed MRI of your brain would also be a great help. After that, we are going to start testing as many people as possible to see if we can find someone with similar brain activity. I only hope this activity was present before your accident with the VDR or we will be searching for something that may not exist.
“In theory, it should be poss
ible to produce another VDR programme that will give you different choices than the only one available now. On the other hand, one person on my research team thinks that it is your lack of a relationship with your mother that enabled you to form a bond with a self-created mother figure who you channel your power through. If this is correct unless you are able to believe your VDR mother will do a different transformation, it may not be possible to change your options. If we can find someone else with the same ability, we may be better able to channel their power with the knowledge from your experience. Any questions?”
“Err... could she do more than five transformations?” Maria asked.
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