Olympus Rises (Book One of the Code of War)

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Olympus Rises (Book One of the Code of War) Page 24

by Jim Roberts

  The SAS soldier hollered, "Everyone get down!"

  The explosives discharged in an orgy of fire and debris. The entire yard exploded as the four consecutive explosions rattled the entire mountain to its core. Agrippina, seeing what they had planned, began running: dodging the flames and explosions with extraordinary athletic skill. Charging breakneck towards the Black Hawk, she leapt with all the power her suit could provide. It propelled her forward like a rocket towards the rising helicopter. But her wounds made her falter. She missed her mark and just managed to grab the frame of the door, clutching at it desperately.

  Her weight caused the Black Hawk to veer suddenly, pulling it over the collapsing courtyard. The entire superstructure of Base Liberatio was collapsing in on itself, creating a fiery pit of vicious destruction.

  As Agrippina dangled precariously, Whisper moved to the ledge and thrust out his hand, "Give me the Code!"

  Agrippina stared back. The Code disc remained clamped in her hand.

  "Give it to me and I'll pull you up, I promise!" said Whisper, truthfully.

  Agrippina looked at Whisper, her eyes softening as she looked into Whisper's shell-like helmet, "I know you would. I'll see you around, hun."

  And with that, she released her grip. Agrippina plummeted a hundred feet into the fiery inferno of the collapsing base.

  Whisper watched her fall, the image burning itself into his soul. The helicopter veered away from the collapsing base and headed back towards the south - to Afghanistan.

  INSIDE THE chopper, the group had placed Joe lengthwise on the seat. Krieger shut the side-door as Brick grabbed the first-aid kit attached to the bulkhead. Joe was half-conscious; the rough jostling of his being carried into the helicopter having pulled him from dream-land. His wounds were grievous - multiple knife wounds and a brutal crack on his head. Blood soon drenched the seat and interior of the helicopter. Brick opened the first aid kit and went to work, pulling the flak jacket off to inspect Joe's wounds.

  Private Petterson looked at the SAS soldier, his face marked with worry, "Will he be alright?"

  Brick's face was non-committal as he said, "Don't know. He's lost a lot of blood. You..." he pointed to Krieger, "raise 'is legs up. He's going into shock."

  Joe sputtered a glob of blood out of his mouth as Whisper tried to restrain him. Joe coughed violently, his eyes opening and closing as if trying to focus his sight on something out of reach.

  Whisper leaned closer, "Hold on Joe...just hold on. You'll be fine."

  "Did we...did we get the Code?" gasped Joe, his voice weak from the shock.

  Whisper didn't answer for a few seconds. How the hell do I tell him?

  "We tried our best Joe. Agrippina took it with her as she fell. It's gone." Whisper clasped Joe's hand firmly.

  Joe gripped Danny's hand hard, "Aw hell...the...the Colonel's gonna kick my ass..."

  Krieger managed a forced laugh, "There is bright side...Olympus no longer has it either my friend. That is what counts."

  Joe leaned back against the seat; his eyes shutting tight as he started to lose consciousness.

  Whisper lightly slapped Joe's face, trying to rouse him, "Don't you fall asleep Joe! Open your eyes!"

  Brick, assisted by Corporal Tennyson, had pressed a large dressing to the grisly wound on Joe's chest and was now working quickly to staunch the flow of blood from his leg. The blade had narrowly missed the femoral artery but had cut deep nevertheless. Brick tied another dressing on to the leg wound. He looked over at Krieger and gestured for him to grab hold of the dressing, "Hold this and press tight." Krieger nodded, doing as he was asked.

  "Can you give him Morphine for pain?" asked the Russian.

  "No mate, 'is blood pressure's already low; morphine could cause him to go into respiratory failure." Brick grabbed an IV bag and hung it from a hook on the roof of the aircraft. He stuck the IV needle into the vein on Joe's inner elbow.

  Krieger shook his head grimly, "Hold on, friend. You will be fine, dah?"

  Whisper looked at his comrade, wishing he could see him face to face.

  "Don't worry about a thing Joe, we'll get you patched up..."

  Joe managed a weak smile, "I don't know Dan...I feel pretty...shitty..." A chuckle escaped his blue-tinged lips.

  Whisper looked at Brick, "He won't make it to Bagram Airbase! We can take him to Firebase Foxtrot. They have a medical center that can treat him!"

  Brick looked at Whisper. The Colonel had said this was an off-the-books mission, but the stealth suit wearing Canadian was right: if Joe didn't get medical attention soon...

  "Lawd above! Alright...Isabella, we're changing course, Luv. Get on the horn and contact Ranger Firebase Foxtrot. Tell them we're making an emergency landing."

  Whisper added, "Tell them we're bringing Sergeant Braddock back home..."

  THEY FLEW for thirty minutes, with no sign of further Olympus reinforcements. The radar refracting stealth helo had protected them from Olympus's predators for the time being. Still, the ride was hell for all involved. Joe faded in and out of consciousness, barely aware of anything around him. Brick had finished bandaging the bloody wounds, but there was little more they could do in the helicopter. No one spoke as they made their way to the Ranger outpost.

  Whisper held Joe's hand the entire way. His thoughts were heavy: memories of their battle against the Hastati troopers and the horrific explosion that cost him his eyesight. Ever since then, the two comrades had supported each other, relying on each man's strengths to pull them through to see another day. Danny Callbeck owed as much to Joe as Joe did to him.

  Please, spirits of my fathers...don't let this man die!

  Danny abruptly remembered something. He activated a compartment in his belt and withdrew his Father's charm. Holding it up to look at it, Danny closed his eyes to offer a prayer to the spirits to watch over the body and soul of Joseph Braddock. He placed the charm on Joe's chest and held it there, praying in silence.

  Krieger sat silently as well. His hands were still sticky with Joe's blood. The hulking Russian seemed smaller somehow - as if the idea of losing his new friend sapped the life from his own spirit. Brick monitored the IV, checking Joe's pulse regularly.

  Isabella's voice echoed through the Black Hawk intercom, "We're here. Get ready for arrival, boys!"

  Whisper looked out the window. Sure enough, directly underneath them was their old stomping ground, Firebase Foxtrot outpost. Dark and lonely in the Afghan night, she was still there, sturdy and resolute as ever.

  A single Ranger was outside with two flashlights in each hand, to guide the chopper in. Rustic as ever, ole Foxtrot. As Isabella brought the Black Hawk down to land on the base's makeshift helicopter pad, Joe's eyes fluttered open. Brick tapped Whisper on the shoulder.

  Whisper looked at his friend, "Well Joe, we're back where we started."

  Joe managed a thin smile, "Is...it...Firebase Foxtrot?"

  "Yeah. Just hold on a little longer."

  "It's good...to...be back...home with…my...men..."

  His eyes closed.

  Brick jumped up, checking Joe's chest, "He's not breathin'!" Corporal Tennyson moved in to start CPR, trying to keep Joe's heart going.

  Whisper snapped his head towards Isabella, "Land this goddamn thing already!"

  Isabella brought the Black Hawk down with a gentle bump. Whisper threw open the door and leapt out. A small team of Rangers was waiting, holding a stretcher. Their eyes went wide as they saw the stealth armor wearing Corporal Callbeck.

  Corporal Tennyson jumped from the aircraft and motioned to the men, "Don't just stand there, your Sergeant needs help!"

  One of the young Army Ranger's looked inside the helicopter, "Christ! That's Joe! Come on!" The boys ran up and hauled Joe off the Black Hawk, as quickly and gently as possible. Corporal Tennyson took the IV bag from Brick and together he and the Rangers ran Joe towards the small makeshift infirmary. Whisper stood back, letting the men do their jobs. He knew he would jus
t get in the way. Krieger stepped off the chopper behind him, followed by the wounded POW's.

  The Russian put a reassuring hand on the Canadian's shoulder, "He is tough, your friend. He will−"

  "−He's the best person I know. If he dies..." Whisper clenched his fists until the force almost broke the gauntlets, "...I will hunt Olympus to the edge of the world...and kill every last one of them."

  Krieger dropped his hand. He didn't know how to respond to that one.

  Chapter 21


  Firebase Foxtrot - 48 hours later

  THE TINY makeshift infirmary stunk like the inside of an outhouse. The rancid odor of moldy, blood-soaked bandages pulled Joe from the dream-like state he had hovered in for the past two days. As his vision began to adapt to his environment, he became aware of two people in the room. Leaning against the concrete wall was Whisper, now wearing simple army fatigues and the pair of Bionic Sunglasses Doctor Yune had given him. A suture was fixed to Danny's cheek, holding closed a wicked abrasion.

  On the opposite side of the room was a tall figure Joe couldn't quite make out. The figure spoke; his aged voice calling to where Danny was standing, "Corporal, he's awake."

  Colonel Walsh.

  Danny Callbeck rushed over to Joe's bedside, "Joe...can you hear me?"

  "Yeah. Jesus, it stinks in here." The Ranger pulled himself up in the bed as best as he could, but was halted by a flash of pain in his back, "...how long was I out?"

  Danny smiled, "Nearly two days. You're a tough guy to keep down."

  Joe turned to look at Walsh, "Colonel...we...we lost..."

  "Quiet now Sergeant," said Walsh walking over to stand at Joe's bedside, "You put up a hell of a fight. Olympus has lost two of its Generals as well as their half of the Code. I'd say that qualifies as a victory for our side for the time being."

  Joe nodded, then remembered something very important, "My men...are they..."

  A grin forced its way under Walsh's bushy moustache, "They're fine. Some mild dehydration and a few broken bones. They didn't cotton to spending more time in this infirmary then they needed. They're burnin' to talk to you, though."

  Joe smirked. He couldn't wait to talk to them either.

  Walsh nodded, "Anyway, you did good Sergeant."

  Joe smiled, then coughed hoarsely. His chest burned like someone had laid a hot poker on it and his back was even worse. He couldn't feel his leg. Alarmed, he pulled himself up to look down at the sheets. A rush of gratitude waved over him when he saw his right leg was still with him.

  Danny chuckled, "You're in one piece Joe. Get some rest. There are some guys outside waiting to see you when you're able."

  The Colonel nodded his appreciation once more and then turned to leave.

  "Colonel!" Joe called out to the old soldier before he could leave.

  "What is it, Sergeant?"

  "The fight isn't over, is it? We are taking the fight to Olympus, right?"

  The Colonel regarded Joe with a hard look, "You bet your ass, Joe. Get well, son." With that, he exited the infirmary into the hot Afghanistan sunlight.

  Joe lay back in the bed. The events of the past two weeks felt like a lifetime ago. His failings, the losses he suffered and lives he had saved: it seemed as if these moments were only the beginning...the beginning of a new fight bigger than any he had ever waged.

  Danny seemed to sense Joe's dark thoughts. He made his way over to a folding chair set up by Joe's bed and sat down.

  "What's on your mind, Joe?"

  "Just...what is all of this leading to? What is it Olympus wants?"

  Danny shook his head, "I honestly don't know Joe. We heard through the Colonel's CIA contacts that the Kazinistan government is in turmoil. They say Olympus attempted a coup against their government and have permanently terminated their contract with the PMC," Danny sat back in his chair, his stoic, scarred face in contemplative thought, "We beat them for now, but...like the Colonel says, they will return."

  Joe asked the next question, dreading the answer, "And what about the Code? We have the only remaining half...they're going to want it back."

  Whisper nodded, "You're right. Understanding the code is the best chance we have against them. But Doctor Yune hasn't been able to read that disc yet and he's beginning to wonder if he ever will. The technology far exceeds even the CIA's."

  Joe sighed and leaned his head back further in his pillow. That familiar feeling of helplessness began to creep up in his mind. Danny sensed his friend's frustration, "We can only wait and see. They will pop up again and we will be ready. The Colonel is going to expand the unit. We'll be prepared next time." Danny stood up to leave, wanting to let his friend rest while he could.

  Before he could go, Joe remembered one last thing, "Oh...that woman...Agrippina..."

  Danny stopped in mid-step, "What about her?"

  "I'm sorry. I know that you...and she..."

  A shadow moved across Danny's face. Joe could tell something about that woman affected his friend deeply. He didn't pretend to understand.

  Danny looked at Joe, rasping in his whisper-thin voice, "She was...astonishing...I just wish..." He couldn't finish.

  Joe gave Danny an understanding look, "I understand buddy."

  Danny turned away without a word and left the infirmary, switching off the small generator-powered light as he went. Joe took a deep breath and closed his eyes. All things considered, things could certainly be worse right now.

  DANNY WALKED down the few steps of the infirmary building, the bionic glasses doing a passable job of showing him the outline of where he needed to go.

  He hadn't been able to tell Joe the truth. Even now, in his mind's eye, he could still see Agrippina looking up at him as she fell into that inferno. Those gorgeous evergreen eyes, finally devoid of malice and hatred. In that final moment, he had seen a sorrow deep within her soul that cut the Canadian soldier to the bone.

  A gruff voice behind Danny startled the young soldier.

  "He's right you know. It isn't over."

  Danny whipped his head around to see the Colonel, back against the infirmary, smoking one of his cigarettes.

  Danny sighed, "What do you mean sir?"

  "I didn't tell you guys before, because...frankly, I didn't trust you. I'm sure you'll understand. The truth is I've been fighting these bastards for over twenty years. Through different forms and guises, Olympus has sprung forth from the seeds of war time again to work for the highest bidder. Sometimes as mercs, sometimes as terrorists; everytime worse and more powerful than before." Walsh leaned his head against the infirmary wall, blowing smoke out as he did. On the tarmac to the east of them, Krieger and Isabella were working on some small repairs of the Black Hawk. The Russian was no doubt trying his advanced dating moves on the spunky Marine pilot, most definitely to no avail.

  Danny moved over to stand in front of the Colonel, "Sir...why did you ask me to...take Joe out if he endangered the mission. You knew all the time Joe would never do something like that. He will always find a way to complete the mission."

  "It was a simple test Mr. Callbeck. This team is going to depend on each of its players if we are going to have a chance against this PMC. You proved you would never back down; that you would always find a way to not only complete the mission but to bring every last man home." The Colonel exhaled a lungful of smoke, "You know I think we might actually have a chance now."

  "What do you mean 'might'?"

  "Son, over the past ten years, I have lost over a hundred men fighting Olympus. A hundred of the best soldiers America has ever seen. This Military will crush anyone in their way that tries to fuck with them. You need to be ready for what is to come Corporal. There's a storm brewing and we're right in the middle."

  The Colonel tossed the cigarette to the ground and started walking to the Black Hawk, "Here endeth the lesson."

  Danny Callbeck watched the Colonel walk off, his heart heavy at what he'd been told. The sound of voices alerted h
im to the rescued POWs, making their way towards the infirmary to talk to and congratulate their former Sergeant and rescuer. Danny watched them with a sense of sadness.

  He knew the hard lessons had yet to truly be learned.


  Olympus Laboratory - Unknown Location

  Agrippina's eyes snapped open, her body arching in vicious pain. She was in the middle of a large, sterile, pitch black laboratory save for a halo of light projected down upon the metal bed she was laying upon. The only sensation she felt was pain. Her entire body was wracked with burns, her legs were both broken and her left eye was gone; gouged out during her fall.

  Why am I alive? The question sat unanswered in the Olympus' general's mind as she writhed in agony, awaiting the end.

  "Are you awake my dove of war?"

  The sound came from the darkness, booming through the vacuous laboratory like the vengeful voice of God.

  Agrippina's throat was scorched and ravaged by the fires of the fortress, but she still managed to croak a response, "My lord...my Imperator...is that you?"

  The booming echo returned, this time moving along the far recesses of the lab, "Look what they have done to you. My Agrippina...my vengeful Carnificus Supremus. Look at you now." An echo of sadness could be heard in the powerful voice.

  "My Caesar...my lord I...failed you."

  "No, my dear...we underestimated our enemies. It will not happen again."

  The voice started to dim, and Agrippina could hear the sound of footsteps closing in towards her. Her good eye searched the impenetrable darkness for His form, but couldn't find him.

  "No, it will not, my lord."

  "Good, my dear Agrippina. Are you in pain?" The voice seemed to falter for a moment. Agrippina thought she heard a muffled cough.

  "...N...No my lord..."

  "That pleases me, my love. I must ask you...where is the second half of the Code?"

  Agrippina's coughed violently, blood spewing from her ravaged lips. Her bloody hand moved to a small pocket within her suit and from it, she produced the second half of the Code disc; untouched and undamaged. She held the disc up, her arm wavering from the pain. A hand appeared from behind her and took the priceless disc that had been the cause of so much hurt.


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