
Home > Romance > Reckless > Page 18
Reckless Page 18

by Jennifer Loren

  I cry hard, “No!”

  “No, then what is it?” I turn from him, not wanting to answer. “You want to talk about me let’s hear the truth about you!” He continues to scream. He reaches for me grabbing my arm and turning me around to look at him. “How many?” He yelled staring straight through my eyes.

  I cry, “One!” His mouth falls open. “Only one,” I jerk away from him again. “TC stop!” I scream.

  End Scene: Reckless: Aimee / Ava

  We stop and everyone freshens up, including Sean who is fidgeting and pacing. I am just relieved I do not have any more lines. The next part is easy for me, I am overjoyed before seeing the pain in his face. I did not realize how hard this is for Sean. They take me away to redo my makeup, bringing me back to place me at the scene properly, positioning me far away from the tree that the car is now wrapped around. Focusing on breathing Sean gets into the wrecked car and takes one final breath before they start again. Smoke consumes the air around us as he begins to come to life from his now hunched over position.

  Scene: Reckless: Aimee / Ava

  TC looks around him, “Aimee?” He said searching for me. He gets out of the car, stumbling around it, and yelling for me. “Aimee!” He yells holding his head where it bleeds. He finally sees me laying on the ground after being thrown from the car, broken, bleeding and dyeing rapidly. His cautious breath matches his touch, “Aimee, it’s going to be alright. I’m going to go get help. I look briefly at him, struggling for breath as I die in his arms. “No!” He screams at me. He grips me hard trying to find my life but it as well as the life inside of me is beyond saving. He cradles me to his chest screaming and crying. “Oh God no! ……. No. I’m so sorry! Don’t leave me, please don’t leave me. I’m sorry.” His pained pleas continue as he presses me to his chest. He screams furiously, kissing my face as he cries. “I’m so sorry, Aimee. Please don’t leave me, I don’t want to be without you. Don’t leave me like this … I can’t lose you both like this. Not like this.” He cries out his pain, in a deafening tone as darkness falls completely around us.

  End Scene: Reckless: Aimee / Ava

  As the scene ends I open my eyes and try to regain my position but Sean holds me so tight against him, I cannot move. The entire set is silent as his whole body trembles, shaking his tears from his face onto mine.

  “Sean? It’s okay, I’m okay,” I reach out wrapping my arms around him and hold him.

  Sean kisses me on the forehead and helps me up, “I need a few minutes, Ava. Get cleaned up and ready to go and I will meet back up with you at my trailer.”

  I search for his eyes but he won’t look at me.“Okay.” I reach out for his hand before he can walk away and he squeezes mine tight within his before letting go again. It breaks my heart watching him walk away torn apart.

  Sean is silent most of the way home. I place my hand on his leg as he drives and he takes hold of it and doesn’t let go. I wish I could say something, anything to make him feel better. “I am going to make an appointment for the doctor this week, would you like to go with me?”

  Shaken out of his daze. “Yes.” He said with a bright smile. “Yes, I would like that very much.”

  I smile at him, “Okay.”


  I can’t help but notice him stare at me as if I have some blinking button to show whether I am pregnant or not. I know he is not meaning to but he is making me nervous.

  “Sean stop staring at me.”

  “Sorry sweetheart, I just …” He sighs. “I don’t know what I’m waiting for.”

  “Well even if I am it’s going to be a few months before you have to rush me to the hospital. At least wait until then to act like a nutty father.”

  “I won’t be nutty. I was trained to handle all kinds of stressful situations,” he said calmly with a smile.

  “Oh please, you will be freaking out as soon as you see that little baby inside of me, especially if it’s a boy.”

  Sean smiles so wide his expectations are written all over his face. “Maybe, so will we see something tomorrow if …”

  “It won’t be much to see right now but you can if you want to.”

  “I can’t wait to be there with you this time, and experience everything I missed with Lillah.”

  “Everything?” I joked.

  “As much as I can, beautiful,” Sean kisses me sweetly.

  “So you’re going to get up for feedings and change diapers …”

  “Hey I changed Lillah’s diapers and if I recall she was still getting up fairly early when I found out about her.”

  “And what about watching me get huge and …”

  Sean leans over to kiss me, “And? Beautiful you mean, sexy even.”

  “Sexy, I can’t imagine being that.”

  I look into his smiling eyes, “Ava I saw the pictures when you were pregnant with Lillah, you were incredibly sexy to me. You’re carrying my child, what is sexier than that?” I give him a look. “Fine, maybe sexy isn’t the right word, but you were certainly beautiful.” Sean continues to kiss me everywhere he can until I laugh. “And you will be just as beautiful this time.” I grip his hand on my cheek smiling uncontrollably at him. He leans back lost in his happy thoughts.

  Sean vibrates the entire car as he drives us home from the doctor’s office. “How long are you going to be like this?” I asked him.


  “You’re in a completely different world Sean.”

  “Sorry I was thinking about some things. I think we should have the room next to Lillah painted and we will need to buy some new baby furniture and …” I laugh at him and he looks at me sternly. “We need to think about these things right? I’m trying to think ahead.”

  “Oh, well that’s good idea I suppose.”

  “You suppose? Ava your husband is excited about you having his child. Please be a little more excited than, I suppose.” Smiling I caress his face gently and whisper my love for him, receiving the same. He shakes his head at me, “So should we tell everyone together or separately?”

  “Sean it’s bad luck to say anything before three months.”

  “Really?” I nod. “I don’t know if I can wait that long.” He said shaking his head.

  “It is only six weeks Sean, you can do it.”

  “I don’t think so, I want to tell that guy over there on the corner right now.” Sean said pointing to a guy holding up a sale sign for a nearby store.

  I laugh at him, “I don’t think he would care.”

  “No?” I shake my head. “How about the girl in the car next to us?”

  “She would only care that she isn’t the one caring your baby,” I said as he smiles wickedly at me.

  “Ohhh, jealous again sweetheart?”

  “Not at all, I am after all the one that is having your baby.”

  Sean winks at me, “Damn right.”

  Chapter 21


  Joel let me know that the scenes are done, so there is no going back now. I have been replaced by her. I thought for sure they would change their minds after they saw her. UGGGGHHH! How could they ever replace me with her! I drive around for hours before ending up at Joel’s new place. We barely speak, both of us in a deep rage, however his anger does not even compare to mine.

  “This is your fault you know?” I gripe.

  Joel rolls his eyes at me, “Well maybe if you were more appealing to people they wouldn’t have preferred Ava in the first place.” My evil glare does nothing but cause him to laugh. Shaking his head, he walks away from me to make himself a drink. “I talked to the old man today. He wants me to get Sean to do the stunt scene, not a stunt guy or some creative ideas to make it seem as if he did, he wants him.”

  “But Sean’s contract is pretty solid. I don’t see how you can …”

  “I don’t think his contract is the way to go about it, I think I have to convince him somehow. I know he won’t listen to me, and there is no way she is going to let him, but there has to be some wa
y to get him so excited about it that he can’t say no.”

  “The only way to get to Sean is if he is pissed off at Ava.”

  “Well, that bond is stronger than ever, thanks to us,” Joel sighed.

  “Tell me about it, I’m the one that has to see it every day.” I shiver just thinking about it.

  “Well, we need to think of something, and quick. There is only so much time left. The stunt scene is saved for the last day of shooting, but it still doesn’t give us much time.”

  “Well, maybe we can come up with something together?” I said with an alluring pose.

  Joel immediately starts laughing at me, “You horny little bitch … get your ass over here.” He said, eyeing me as he undoes his pants for me. “Now, what was it you wanted me to do?” He said with no sign of a smile.

  I pull him to me and lick up his neck to his ear, “Fuck me … and make it hard.”

  Joel tears my dress up and forces my legs apart with his hips before pounding his way deep inside of me. His wild-man approach always excites me, but even more so when he demands me into positions. My body bounces off the wall and shakes within his hands. Joel suddenly sets me down and pushes me to the bedroom. He bends me over onto the bed so my face is buried into the pillow before I feel his dick slide in from behind. The rapid penetration and the sounds of him pounding harder and harder against my flesh makes me crave him even more. When he takes hold of my hair, he causes me to arch backwards so he can watch my breasts shake in the mirror across from us. Admiring us, he adjusts for better exposure of himself and my ass. He smiles fully, enjoying the visual show. Joel slows his approach as we both reach our ecstasy. He has never matched Sean’s skill and build, but he has always managed to impress with his aggressiveness. I roll over spreading out wide for him.“Call me later?” I asked, coyly.

  He laughs, “How about you call me?” He hovers over me, showing me everything, “And if you need more of this then you know where I’m at.”

  “Yes, I do,” I moaned, hoping to lounge for awhile but my clothes are thrown back in my face.

  Frustrating me, Joel rushes me to dress. “Don’t forget to keep me informed of what is going on over there. And just watch, don’t do anything Rebecca, you tend to overdo.”

  “You’re one to talk,” I said, but Joel doesn’t dare respond. He just smiles, gives me a lazy kiss and scoots me out the door.


  Hoping to find Sean, I wander the set until I see Sean walk into his trailer. My only chance to spend time with him without her around. I race towards him, but as soon as I get to his steps I am immediately jerked off them. Ethan’s intense expression infuriates me. “Ethan, don’t you have somewhere better to be?”

  “Leave him alone Rebecca.”

  “I was only going to talk to him.” I smile wickedly at him, “You are afraid he will give into me? Do you know something I don’t, Ethan?”

  “Stay away from my brother.”

  “Sean, he is still in love with me isn’t he?”

  “You have to be the most self-centered fool I have ever met.”

  “What’s wrong Ethan, is it you that misses me? Your woman not satisfying you at home anymore?” Ethan has always been calmer than Sean on the outside, but it festers inside of him just as much. He would tear me apart right now if he thought he could get away with it. “You know Ethan, if you name the place and time I might be willing. It’s been awhile for us, but one Grant brother is better than none.” I stick my hand down his pants quickly and he lets go of me, leaping backwards.

  “You’re pure evil.”

  “Baby, you haven’t seen evil yet, and if you know what’s good for you and your sweet little family, you will stay out of my way.”

  “I’m not scared of you Rebecca.”

  “Really? So you wouldn’t mind if I told my little secret?”

  “Tell everyone, I don’t care, but I will be damned if I am going to sit back and let you ruin my brother’s life.”

  Sean opens his door, eyeing both of us suspiciously, “What’s going on with you two?”

  “Nothing,” Ethan said as he waits for my response.

  “Nothing,” I said, smiling at Ethan before walking away.


  The morning is bright, too bright for my hangover. I put on my dark sunglasses and my bikini and eventually make my way to the pool. I am pleasantly surprised when I see Sean already swimming. Damn he looks good all wet, muscles flaring with each stroke, hair slick and dark. I sit at the pool’s edge watching him finish his laps. He stops, wiping the water from his face and hair before turning to look at me with his deep green eyes. I am ready to jump in and latch on to his body forever. “Good morning,” I smile at him as I gaze over his body.

  “Good morning, Rebecca,” Sean said as he pushes himself up and out of the pool.

  “Are you done already,” I asked, disappointed.

  “For now.” He towels off every glistening drop clinging to his body.

  Ruining my daydream, Ava approaches us holding the child, which is dressed in a swimsuit and some type of exaggerated air puffed, polka dot things on her arms. “Sean, she’s ready, but make sure you don’t keep her out here too long. The sunscreen only helps so much and keep …”

  Sean interrupts, “I got it handled baby. Just go, we will be fine.” Ava hands the child to Sean and he kisses her cheek, causing her to giggle.

  Ava kisses them both before turning to leave. “Still here?” She asks me with a downward glare. She doesn’t even bother to wait for me to answer before she rolls her eyes away from me and leaves - thankfully.

  I turn back to Sean as he adjusts the child’s sunglasses and hat, cradling her to his chest as he eases back into the water with her. “You’re getting back in?” I asked, amused by his indecisive behavior.

  “If you want to do laps we can easily stay out of the way, the pool is big enough.” He says, not even bothering to look away from the giggling, fidgeting brat in his arms.

  “No, I was only curious.” I said, watching Ava leave in her Aston Martin. She doesn’t take that car to do errands. “Where is she going?”

  Sean ignores me as he plays in the water with the child. Kissing her cheeks and letting her hold onto him as he floats her around the pool. They are moving too far away to talk to, perhaps on purpose. I get up and dive in, swimming right up next to them. “Can I play too?” I asked, watching Sean’s nervous expression appear to my sudden presence.

  “We aren’t really doing anything other than floating,” he said, moving away from me.

  “You didn’t answer me, Sean.”

  “About what?”

  “Where did Ava go?” He ignores me again and now I know it is on purpose. “I’m going to keep asking until you answer me.”

  “She went to work.”

  “Work? You let her go there?”

  “I didn’t let her Rebecca, I never told her she couldn’t in the first place.”

  “You’re not worried about her and Jasper?”

  Glancing at me, he is obviously annoyed that I brought it up. “She’s not working with Jasper, she’s working with Kyle.”

  I laugh, “That’s what she said the last time.” Sean instantly shoots me an evil glare to let me know the conversation is over. “Fine.” I swim closer to them and they move around me with little recognition.“Why are you ignoring me? I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

  “I’m not mad and I’m not ignoring you. I’m spending time with my daughter before I have to go to work.”

  “Okay.” I trace my finger around his tattoo between his shoulder blades, causing him to spin around quickly.

  “Stop it,” he said, grinding his teeth at me.

  “What?” I ask innocently.

  “You know what.” He says, glaring at me.

  I look him over and notice a new tattoo on his arm. “When did you get that one?”

  “I had my guy do it a few months ago, it’s Ava holding Lillah.”

  “I bet Ava
loves that.”

  “She wasn’t real happy about it at first. But after she saw it she got so excited she …” he stops short to look at me. “Anyway, she showed her appreciation for it.”

  Ugghhhh disgusting. “Got it.”

  “And Lillah likes it too, don’t you sweetheart?” He said to the child.

  “Mommy,” she said pointing to the picture and kissing his arm.

  “Mommy’s beautiful huh?” She nods. “You are beautiful too Lillah,” he said to her.

  “No, I’m cute.” She said, causing Sean to laugh.

  “Yes, you’re cute too,” he said, kissing her again. Uggghhh! It’s moments like these that make me glad there are drugs and alcohol.

  I swim to the edge and get out of the pool, making sure to show off my bikini’s best parts as I towel my body off slowly. I wait for him to look and I smile at him as soon as he does. There is, after all, only so much a man can ignore. I stretch out on the lounge chair and slip my top off before resting my head on my arms.

  “Rebecca can you watch Lillah for a few seconds while I go get her some more sunscreen and her floating chair?” I respond with a smile and sit up proudly. Sean’s mouth drops and turns the child and himself away from me. “Rebecca! Do you mind covering up please?”

  “Oh Sean, don’t be such a prude. I’m sure she’s seen them before.”

  “Well I don’t think she wants to see yours, and I certainly don’t.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask, knowing otherwise.

  “Forget it,” he shakes his head, walking away from me.

  “Okay, I will watch her and I will put my top back on.” I said, grabbing my top and tying it back on. “Happy?” I asked, holding my arms out as he glances cautiously at me.

  He sits the child in the lounge chair next to me. “I will be right back,” he said as I wave my hand at him. I put my sunglasses on and grab my magazine flipping through as I wait. I look over at the child as she sits playing with some doll.

  She turns to me and holds it up to me. “She dirty,” she said.


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