The Debutantes of Durango Box Set Books 1-3

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The Debutantes of Durango Box Set Books 1-3 Page 45

by Peggy McKenzie

  A knock at the door pulled her out of her doubts. “Come in.” she called out to her unknown visitor.

  Her father walked in. “I just wanted to let you know everything is in place for tonight’s party.”

  “And Matthew? Will he be here?”

  “He’ll be here, sweetheart. The rest will be entirely up to you. And, if you decide to change your mind at the last minute, that too is entirely up to you. I didn’t tell him why he was to come tonight, just as you instructed. And whatever you decide, I will stand behind whatever decisions you make,” her father assured her.

  “Thank you, Father. Your support means the world to me. Now, fingers crossed.”

  “Fingers crossed, my sweet, sweet Abigail Rose. Fingers crossed.” Her father leaned in and kissed her on her cheek. “Now, I have to see to your mother. She’s a wreck. You would think her daughter was getting engaged tonight.”

  She laughed at her father’s humor knowing full well her mother was in full mother-of-the-bride velocity.

  Four hours later, the grandfather clock at the end of the hall struck eight o’clock. The party was in full swing and everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves, except Abbie. Matthew still hadn’t shown up even though he had promised her father he would.

  Her nerves were frayed, and she kept sending worried glances to the ballroom door where visitors were announced. Matthew had not been among them.

  Her father leaned into whisper in her ear. “Matthew’s here, Abigail. He’s standing over by the musicians stand. See, there, next to the cellos.”

  She carefully turned her head in the direction her father had directed as if she were simply enjoying the music.

  “He’s here, Father. He came,” she was almost giddy with relief.

  “Easy, daughter. You don’t want to send him running for the hills just yet,” her father advised.

  “You’re right.” She took a deep breath for courage and another minute to remember the words she had rehearsed, and then she notified her father. “I’m ready. Shall we go?”

  “I’d be delighted.” Her father offered her his arm and together they made their way to where the man of her dreams was hiding out.

  When she grew closed enough, she called out to him. “Matthew, I see you came. It’s so good to see you again.” She could barely get the words out, her heart was beating so fast it nearly robbed her of her ability to breathe.

  He looked like he’d rather be anywhere but at her engagement party. She just hoped his opinion on that matter had changed by the time the evening had ended.

  Matthew bowed to her and her father. “Yes, your father asked me to come. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all.” It was all she could manage. She needed a moment to catch her breath.

  An awkward silence invaded their space. Thank goodness her father still had his wits about him.

  “Matthew? Would you like to dance with my daughter?”

  Without waiting for his answer, her father handed her off to Matthew. Her father left him no choice, so he held out his hand to her, and she took it. His arm felt stiff as he led her to the dance floor. They faced each other and took their places with the other partygoers.

  They started their dance with the music, and for a few awkward moments of silence, they simply danced in each others arms. She was about to say something, when Matthew spoke up.

  “You look beautiful, Rose…I mean Abigail,” he corrected himself.

  “No, please. Call me Rose. I—like it when you call me Rose. I miss it.”

  She saw the surprise on his face. “You do?” He nodded as if he understood, but she could see by the confusion marring his handsome face, he had no clue. “I would think your husband-to-be would take offense to another many calling you Rose.”

  She watched his eyes dip to her lips and then rise again and scan the room trying to avoid direct contact with hers. “Especially another who knew you so well,” he added.

  Abigail smiled. “Well, I can’t say what he would take offense to. Why don’t we ask him?”

  Matthew’s eyes rounded in surprise. “Abigail, I’m not here to start any trouble. Your father asked me to come and that’s the only reason I’m here,” he stammered.

  She reached out and pulled his face to look her squarely in the eye. “Is it, Matthew? Is that the only reason you’re here?”

  The pain in his eyes stabbed her deep knowing she was the reason behind that pain. “Abigail, please don’t. It’s hard enough to see you with someone else…to see you get…” His words trailed off as if he couldn’t bear to hear himself say them.

  “As I said earlier, I think we should ask my fiancé what kinds of things he takes offense to. Shall we?” She turned and motioned to her father the signal he’d been waiting for. He in turn signaled the band to stop playing. And once again, just like at the Harvest Ball, everyone on the dance floor was full of curiosity as to what was happening around them.

  “Can I have everyone’s attention please?” She called out trying to make everyone pay notice. “Please, everyone. Can I have your attention please?” She spoke a bit louder this time.

  “Abigail, what are you doing?” Matthew’s worried face confronted her. She ignored him like he had ignored her during his announcement at the Harvest Ball.

  She once again addressed the crowd around her. “Thank you.” She said and pulled Matthew into the middle of the dance floor. “Ladies and gentlemen, thank you all for joining us here tonight. This is a very special night for me, that is if things work out as I hope.

  “I want to introduce this gentleman standing next to me. His name is Matthew Bellamy. “ She turned to Matthew and held tight to his hand for fear he would pull away.

  “Abigail, I don’t understand.”

  She turned to the man standing next to her, his hand still in hers. “Matthew, I never meant for my holiday to hurt anyone, especially not you. I love you. I love you with all my heart and my soul. You are the kindest man, besides my father, of course,” she cast a quick glance to where her parents were standing, love for her shining on their faces, and I cannot imagine my life without you in it.”

  “Abigail?” She could see Matthew was shocked by this evenings turn of events. When he didn’t say anything, she went on.

  “My father told you that tonight is my engagement party. Well, it is. That is, if you’ll have me as your wife. Please say you forgive me for my deceit and allow me to become your wife.”

  Matthew looked at her in stunned silence. Then, he turned and looked at her father. Both her parents were nodding their approvals.

  She saw him hesitate for a moment and she worried he was still too angry to forgive her. Her heart punched at her chest. But then, without warning, he reached into his coat pocket and got down on one knee. Between his fingers was the most beautiful ring she had ever seen.

  Matthew was in the Livingston mansion, on one knee, holding the beautiful engagement ring he had bought for his Rose. He never thought he would even get to lay eyes on her again, much less be inside her father’s home proposing to her. At yet, that’s exactly where he was.

  “Abigail Livingston, I love you more than anything or anyone I have ever loved in this whole wide world. Since the moment I saw you on the train going to Durango, I was mesmerized by your beauty.

  “But what was even more tempting to me than your beautiful face, was your beautiful soul. You are kind and loving and sweet. You are smart and funny and…you are everything to me. I would be the happiest, luckiest, wisest man in this whole damn world if you would do me the honor of agreeing to be my wife.” He heard the murmurs of the crowd and knew they were as surprised and shocked as he was by this evening’s turn of events.

  “Wisest?” Abigail laughed as he held her hand in one hand and the ring in the other.

  “Yes. The wisest, for how many men can say they started out in their marriage already having learned the valuable lesson not to keep anything from their wives.”

  He saw Abigail looking
at him with love and tears in her beautiful eyes. “And have you learned that lesson, Mr. Bellamy?”

  “Yes, ma’am. I most certainly have,” he grinned at her barely able to contain his joy.

  Abigail laughed at him and squeezed his hand. “Ask me again, Matthew. Ask me your question again.”

  “Abigail Rose Livingston, will you be my wife for as long as we both shall live?”

  “Yes, Matthew Bellamy, I will be your wife for all our tomorrows to come.”

  His heart was beating so wildly he almost couldn’t breathe, but somehow he managed to slip the ring on her finger. Abigail gazed at it for a moment and then reached down and pulled him up off his knees by his coat lapels.

  He laughed. “I forget how strong the Livingston women are.”

  “Don’t forget those Collins women too, Mr. Bellamy. We are a force to be reckoned with.” Abigail’s mother and father joined them in the middle of the dance floor.

  “And don’t forget us.” Aunt Lila and Aunt Jeannie joined their little group arm in arm.

  He laughed as he pulled Abigail against him, relishing the feel of her body next to his. “How could I ever forget you two.”

  Matthew reached out and shook Abigail’s father’s hand. “Mr. Livingston, how can I thank you enough…” He started then stopped, his emotions too strong to rein in.

  “Nonsense, son. You’ll realize soon enough after living in this family of women, it is I who should be thanking you. Matthew, welcome to this crazy family. I’m glad I’m getting at least one male reinforcement I can depend on.”

  He watched Abigail’s aunts and mother laugh at Daniel’s humor, but he sensed there was some truth to his words.

  “Matthew, it is customary that the engaged couple share the first dance,” Abigail pulled him to the dance floor away from her family.

  He pulled her into his arms and laughed. “This dance and every dance hereafter my beautiful Rose.”


  Two years later…

  Abbie and her mother carried the tray of iced tea out onto the veranda of her and Matthew’s beautiful home. When Abigail rounded the corner, she elbowed her mother to gain her attention.

  Her mother followed her finger and shook her head in amusement,

  “Daniel, you mustn’t spoil the boy. He is going to have so many toys, Abbie and Matthew won’t have anywhere to put them,” her mother admonished.

  “Nonsense, Lily. He’s going to be a builder. Look how he’s able to stack those blocks. And so high,” her father exclaimed.

  Abbie watched with great affection as her father, feared by many in business, crawled around the floor on his hands and knees pretending to be a pony for his little grandson.

  “Father, you really do spoil the boy,” she said to her father without the slightest hint of censureship.

  “I spoiled you and you turned out alright, didn’t you?” Her father grinned at her taking the sting out of his words.

  “Yes, she most certainly did turn out alright. I’d say absolutely…perfect. My perfect Rose.”

  She turned at the sound of her husband’s voice. “Matthew, you’re home from work. We were waiting dinner for you.”

  Her handsome husband leaned down and gave her a chaste kiss on the corner of her mouth, but she could tell by the look he gave her, he wanted much, much more when their son had gone to bed, and his grandparents had gone home.

  More books in this series…

  Look for more books in

  The Debutantes of Durango

  Their parents want them to find good husbands…

  They have other ideas.

  The Debutante’s Escape - Book 1

  The Debutante’s Secret - Book 2

  The Debutante’s Holiday - Book 3

  The Debutante’s Scandal - Book 4

  The Debutante’s Gamble - Book 5

  The Debutante’s Revenge - Book 6

  And look for

  The Debutante’s Christmas Gift

  Available on Amazon Kindle Unlimited

  December 21, 2021

  The Debutantes of Durango

  Peggy McKenzie & Friends


  Grace – Book One

  Faith – Book Two

  Hope – Book Three

  Charity – Book Four

  Mary - Book Five

  Aggie – Book Six


  Olivia’s Obligation-Peggy McKenzie-Book 15

  And Twenty-Four other authors

  Available at


  Finn’s Fortune – Book One – Kathleen Ball

  Patrick’s Proposal – Book Two – Hildie McQueen

  Donovan’s Deceit – Book Three – Kathy Shaw

  Aidan’s Arrangement – Book Four – Peggy McKenzie

  Heath’s Homecoming – Book Five – Merry Farmer

  Colin’s Challenge – Book Six – Sylvia McDaniel



  Charity – Book One – Sylvia McDaniel

  Julia – Book Two - Lily Graison

  Ruby – Book Three – Hildie McQueen

  Sarah- Book Four – Peggy McKenzie

  Anna – Book Five – Everly West


  Caroline - Book One - Lily Graison

  Melody - Book Two - Caroline Clemmons

  Elizabeth - Book Three - Jo Grafford

  Emma - Book Four - Peggy McKenzie

  Viola - Book 5 - Cyndi Raye

  Ginger - Book 6 - Sylvia McDaniel


  Nine more books in the

  Angel Creek Christmas Bride Series


  Six more books in the

  Angel Creek Christmas Bride Series

  Brides of the Rio Grande

  To read more about the residents of Creede, Colorado, look for these other books in

  The Brides of the Rio Grande Series

  Grace-Book One – Available now on Amazon

  Faith-Book Two – Available now on Amazon

  Hope-Book Three – Available now on Amazon

  Charity-Book Four – Available now on Amazon

  Mary-Book Five - Available now on Amazon

  Aggie-Book Six - Available now on Amazon

  Olivia’s Obligation - Available now on Amazon

  About the Author


  Amazon #1 Bestselling author, Peggy McKenzie, writes historical western romance. She fills her books with rugged, flawed heroes and courageous, kind heroines. If you like happy endings and second chances with a touch of humor, you'll like this author.

  Peggy McKenzie was born and raised in Oklahoma. She has been in love with books since as far back as she can remember when her earliest memories are of her summers spent roaming the Ada Public Library. Cool marble floors and polished oak tables transformed the quiet halls into the perfect place to fuel a young girl's imagination.

  Fast forward to a few decades later when a move to the romantic southwest of Durango, Colorado lit the fire to write once more. But COVID and family brought her back to her southern roots and now she resides in Eastern Texas where the pine trees remind her of the beautiful mountains of Colorado. She shares a beautiful home with her husband, Jim, and their three fur babies, Augustus McCray (Gus), Miki (Mickie) and Maddie Rose.

  Please follow Peggy on her journey of writing happy endings and second chances one story at a time. She is always excited to hear from her readers. Email her at [email protected]. Visit her website for updated news and releases.

  "Heartwarming sweet romance at its best."

  Sylvia McDaniel-USA Today Best Selling Author

  "You will not just read a story by Peggy McKenzie, you will live it."

  Hildie McQueen-USA Today Best Selling Author

  To learn more about Peggy and her books,

  visit her website:

>   "Where Love Becomes Legendary."

  The End




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