The Memphis Knights

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The Memphis Knights Page 24

by Phillip Drayer Duncan

  There was a pause and the image switched to a short video of the compound. In the center, the old stone chapel was covered in flame. The whole church was ablaze. Black smoke billowed against the night sky.

  Back to Victor. “Several of our Chaplain Brothers were lost during this cowardly attack. They were tortured, beaten, and brutally murdered before the assailants set flame to our chapel. Our enemy made a mistake, though. They failed to kill them all. Of those present, only Chaplain Brother Webb survived, though... His injuries are such that he may not make it through to the morning. Fortunately, he was able to identify his attackers. Additionally, one our cameras caught an image...” He paused and cleared his throat. “It is with a heavy heart that I...”

  There was silence for a few moments, and the image switched over to a grainy surveillance image. On that image, were three individuals. Three individuals who looked an awful like Uriah, Eilidh, and me.

  “…We have identified our own Uriah Abner as the attacker,” Victor said as the image switched back to him. “Along with him, were the two mages who survived the earlier attack. This includes the Cabal’s Blade Mage, Wyatt Draven and the young woman who came with the Sisters of Colonial Coven, Eilidh.”

  We all shared a look. We’d been set up. Among the dark wizards, it was reasonable to assume they’d have an illusionist. Or changelings of some kind. They’d attacked again, only this time they made it seem like it was us.

  Victor continued, “We’re not sure what their game is... If they’re behind Abner’s murder and in league with the dark mages who attacked us the night before, but it seems likely, given that they survived where everyone else was murdered. We’ve been played for fools.”

  I glanced over at my fellow convicted. Eildih’s face was stone. Uriah’s, on the other hand, was a canvas of emotion. He’d just been blamed for his father’s murder. His fellow Knights thought him a traitor. We were totally fucked.

  “At this time, Uriah and these two mages are still on the loose. They’re considered to be extremely dangerous and should be avoided at all costs until the Knights bring them in. Should you have any information pertaining their location, notify us immediately. Do not believe their lies. Do not offer them sanctuary. Any help offered to these criminals will be considered an act of war against the Memphis Knights.”

  The video ended.

  From above us, Allistair said, “That message has been sent to every friend we have, Uriah. They’ll all know you’re a traitor.”

  “It wasn’t me,” Uriah said through gritted teeth. “I didn’t attack our own people.”

  “Save it,” Allistair said, holding up his hands. “You thought you could get away unseen, but you didn’t. I hoped you’d fall for the bait and you did. My old man doesn’t know we’ve caught you yet, but he will shortly.”

  The end of a single cement sled came into view and the gray sludge began filling the ground around our feet.

  “It’s quick dry,” Allistair yelled down at us. “I thought it would be fitting to bury you in a dirty hole beneath a rotting warehouse. Your grave will be unmarked, and you will disappear.”

  “Allistair, listen to me,” Uriah said.

  Allistair shook his head. “No, Uriah, you listen... I loved you like a brother. I trusted you... If you have any last words say them, but save me any groveling or lies.”

  Uriah stared at his old friend for several moments then said, “I’ll say only this... You’re wrong, Allistair. Remember that in the days to come. When our enemies destroy the rest of our order, just remember that it was you who killed me, and you were wrong.”

  Uriah turned away plopped down into a sitting position in the rising concrete.

  “We’re going to sit here and watch this harden around you,” Allistair said. “Unless my old man wants to show mercy by putting a bullet in your head. Otherwise, you’re going to die slow, choking on concrete. May God have mercy on your soul, because I have none.”

  Uriah didn’t reply.

  Allistair glanced over at Eilidh and I. “Either of you have any final words? You, who were supposed to uphold the Solemn Covenant. You’re traitors too. Dark mages.”

  Eilidh didn’t reply.

  I forced myself to meet Allistair’s gaze. “See to it that my sword makes it back to the Cabal, will you?”

  He stared at me for a few seconds, then said, “Yeah, I’ll do that.”

  When no one else responded, he motioned for them to turn on the other cement trucks.

  More gray sludge began to pour around us. It wouldn’t take long to fill the hole at this rate.

  So, this is how I was going to die. Branded as a traitor, and a dark mage, even. It was ironic. I fought down the urge to tell Uriah that I’d known this was a bad idea. Instead, I moved over and sat down beside him. Might as well let my feet rest while I could. Eilidh did the same.

  After everything, it seemed the enemy had gotten the upper hand, after all. I thought on what the Valravn had told me. The part about how the enemy was already making moves and my side hadn’t even identified the threat. It was true. And it was going to cost me my life.

  This was it. A cement tomb.

  There were probably worse ways to die, but I just couldn’t think of any.

  A part of me wanted to panic. I didn’t want to die for a crime I didn’t commit. And not like this.

  Another part of me just wanted to lay back and welcome it. Put an end to the madness that had become my life.

  And another part of me was downright angry. The dark wizards were going to get away with this. The only hope was that Axel had gotten the message to the Cabal.

  And Axel... He was going to be so angry. If only I’d listened, he’d say. If only I’d let him hang around to watch my back. Instead, I gone off and gotten myself killed.

  Ah, fuck.

  To Be Continued....


  This one is dedicated to my sister, Brock. Not because the story has any special meaning aimed at her, but if I had 100 books to dedicate to her it wouldn’t begin to scratch the surface of the gratitude I owe her. From the gate, she’s supported my writing like it was her own. From traveling across the country for countless conventions to late night phone calls, her belief in me has never wavered.

  So, this one is for you SissyMcBitchyBottoms. Thank you for all the love and support. I only hope that I can make you proud.


  A special thanks, once again, to J.H. Fleming for helping to make this readable. And to Chris, for being my first reader and supporting the Blade Mage along the way.

  Uriah’s Saintly Snickerdoodles

  Axel gave me Wyatt’s chocolate chip cookie recipe. It’s good, but… Well, we might be tough biker types and holy Templar warriors, but we Knights prefer snickerdoodles.

  So, what makes them Saintly? Well, it’s the brown sugar. This is basically a chocolate chip cookie recipe, except with cinnamon instead of chocolate. Despite Axel’s assertion that they should be fluffier, the club loves ‘em.

  What you’ll need:

  2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour

  1 teaspoon of baking soda

  1 teaspoon of salt

  1 brick or 2 sticks of Kerrygold Irish Butter

  ¾ cup of brown Sugar (Don’t be scared to get a little extra)

  ¾ cup of white Sugar (Don’t be scared to get a little extra)

  1 – 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

  2 eggs



  Preheat your oven to 375

  Mix your 2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour, 1 teaspoon of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of salt in a separate bowel.

  Soften your brick or 2 sticks of Kerrygold butter.

  In a separate, larger mixing bowl, add your butter, ¾ cup of brown sugar, ¾ cup of white sugar, 1 – 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract, and shake in a bunch of cinammon. And mix it all together.

  Add 2 eggs and mix.

  Gradually add in the flour/baking soda/s
alt mix into your larger bowl, mixing as you go.

  Scoop out chunks onto your cookie sheet, in whatever size you like them. Sometimes I’ll sprinkle a little extra sugar and cinnamon over them, but that’s optional.

  Bake. I usually pull them out right at 9 minutes. However, depending on the size of the cookies and your oven, it might be shorter or longer.

  Phillip Drayer Duncan has written ten novels. His work has been published with Yard Dog Press, Pro Se Productions, Seventh Star Press, and Happy Omega Publishing.

  Along with reading and writing like a madman, he enjoys kayakin’, canoein’, fishin’, and pretty much anything nerd related. More than anything, he enjoys spending time with his ridiculously awesome girlfriend, friends, family, and the monstrous five-pound beast that lurks in the shadows of his home.

  During the warm months, Phillip’s natural habitat includes the river or a campfire. In the colder season, he morphs into a hermit and may be spotted under a pile of books or video games. You might also catch him in the wild at a concert or a convention. He is generally an approachable creature, but it’s best to give him snacks if you wish to ensure he won’t bite. Cookies are preferable.

  His earliest books were acted out with action figures and scribbled into notebooks. Today he uses a computer like a real grown up, despite refusing to act his age in any other circumstance. And to be honest, if it would pay his bills, he’d be playing with G.I. Joes right now.

  His greatest dream in life is to become a Jedi, but since that hasn’t happened yet, he focuses on writing.

  He is eagerly awaiting the next season of Firefly; please don’t inform him it was canceled.

  Also by Phillip Drayer Duncan

  Catalysts – Featuring 2 Blade Mage & 1 Moonshine Wizard Story

  FREE & only available by signing up for the Phillip Drayer Duncan Newsletter.

  The Blade Mage:

  The Blade Mage

  Of Song and Shadow

  The Memphis Knights

  Rebels and Outlaws

  Swords and Dust

  The Moonshine Wizard:

  Moonshine Wizard

  The Distilled Shorts Collection:

  First Job

  The Ogre & The Primates

  A Sword Named Sharp

  Hunting one Like Us

  The Monster Beneath the Bed

  The Hunt for the Dark Wizard

  Assassins Incorporated:

  Assassins Incorporated

  Assassins Incorporated: Rehired

  Tales of the Warden

  Anthologies & Single Shots:

  Tales of the Interstellar Bartenders Guild

  Gary Phillips Hollis for Hire

  Flush Fiction, Volume II: Twenty Years of Letting it Go!

  Write to the Cover, Volume One

  Black Fedora

  Charles Boeckman Presents: The Wild West

  Tall Pulp


  Zev Moon

  To Love and Die


  When the Shadow Sees the Sun – Creatives Surviving Depression

  Don't forget to pick up your FREE digital copy of


  Featuring the Blade Mage prequel shorts…

  The Generic Mage


  The Last Great Blade Mage

  Join Wyatt and Axel as they hunt down a wicked clown goblin and live the experience of Wyatt being chosen as Blade Mage.

  Get Catalysts FREE by signing up for the Phillip Drayer Duncan Newsletter at…

  Happy Reading!




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