Birthright (Birthright Series)

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Birthright (Birthright Series) Page 10

by A. P. Jensen

  “Mr. Parker said William was some kind of President,” Jordan ventured.

  Cibrian turned back to her. “Why do you call him Mr. Parker? He’s your dad.”

  “Why would anyone ask Mr. Parker to take William’s place?” Jordan repeated, hands clenched at her sides. She felt this was important, a missing piece she needed to know.

  Cibrian shrugged. “Your dad’s powerful.”

  “Aren’t there a lot of “powerful” people?”

  “Not like him. There aren’t many sorcerers in the world.”


  Cibrian looked as confused as she felt. He opened his mouth to ask another question but Knight hissed and he jumped. “Sorcerer’s are the only beings that handle all four elements.”

  She remembered her conversation with Heath. “Don’t most people have only one or two elements?”

  He nodded. “That’s all most people can handle but people like your dad and people like William, they’re born with more power than we can imagine.”

  William and Mr. Parker were the same. Sorcerers. Just as dangerous, just as deadly. A distant part of her wondered if she’d known all along and hadn’t let herself believe that Mr. Parker was just like William. Despite the heat her skin was cold and clammy.

  “William went crazy,” Jordan whispered. “What stops Mr. Parker from being just like him?”

  “Aunt Kelly. She’s a Grounder,” Cibrian said.

  So many things fell into place. Mr. Parker and Kelly’s strange relationship, Heath guarding the property and Mr. Parker knowing exactly how to break the soul tie between her and William.

  “Do they have a soul tie?” Jordan asked through numb lips. It was what William believed would save his sanity, uniting their souls together. The remembered pain, the violation of having something so precious ripped from her and replacing it with something warped and evil made her tremble.


  Jordan’s eyes were filled with horror and fear. “So Mr. Parker could lose control like William?”

  “Aunt Kelly won’t let that happen.”

  “But it can happen.”

  Cibrian took a step forward when she swayed but stopped short at Knight’s warning growl. “Are you a Grounder?”

  “Why would you think so?” she asked harshly.

  “Mr. Parker is a sorcerer so everyone assumes you’ll inherit your birthright from him.”

  “What birthright?” Dread spread through her.

  “All the elements. Men with all the elements are called sorcerers, the women are Grounders.”

  The information nearly sent her to her knees. Now it made sense. If William knew Mr. Parker was her father he assumed when she came into her power she would inherit all the elements and be able to save him. Jordan had the sensation of falling and felt Knight brush against her, bucking his head against her shoulder to keep her in the present. Did Catherine know who her father was? Someone who knew who Mr. Parker had served her up to William on a platter. She felt sick. She turned and started back towards the stream. Knight paced restlessly around her, whining as she leaned down to splash cold water on her face.

  “Jordan?” Cibrian’s voice came from somewhere behind her. “Are you okay?”

  She wasn’t okay. She couldn’t live in a house with a sorcerer, someone who could turn at any moment. Mr. Parker was just like William, a monster. What if Kelly couldn’t control Mr. Parker? Kelly was so sweet and good and he was so… like William. No. She had to get away.

  “Do you live near here?” Jordan asked in a voice as level as she could manage. She had to see the layout of the property, where the main highway was and she had to make a plan to escape.

  “About a ten minute walk. Are you okay? Want me to call Aunt Kelly?”

  Jordan got to her feet. “No but do you mind showing me your place?”

  Cibrian looked puzzled but he didn’t argue. “Sure. But can you walk?”


  Cibrian walked back across the bridge and she followed.

  “Mr. Parker said no one can cross the stream without his permission,” Jordan said, needing as much information as possible.

  “Yeah. It doesn’t affect family though.” Cibrian pulled on his shirt which clung to his skin. “Did I say something wrong?”

  Jordan clenched shaking hands together. “Mr. Parker never told me any of this.”

  “But you must have heard stuff while you were growing up.”

  Cibrian’s horse caught sight of Knight and took off at a gallop.

  “I met Mr. Parker two weeks ago. I didn’t know anything about… any of this,” Jordan said. They approached the steep decline. In every direction all she could see was pasture and rolling hills.

  Cibrian stopped dead in his steps. “What? Uncle Van couldn’t let you grow up not knowing who you are- what you could be.”

  “Well, he did and you know what? I was better off not knowing. Maybe this is all a big mistake. I mean, I don’t have all the elements.” She’d handled only water and fire. She’d never dealt with earth or wind. Maybe this was all a big mistake and William and Mr. Parker were wrong about her. Her mom had never talked about her father except to say that he’d left before Jordan was born.

  “You’re just Awakening. You don’t come into your full power in the beginning. It takes time,” Cibrian said consolingly.

  Anger, fear and betrayal burned in her gut. Had she actually begun to believe that she was safe, that she could heal here and live a normal life where she didn’t always have to be on guard? Were any of them going to explain that Mr. Parker was a sorcerer? Did they think she would never find out?

  “I didn’t save him. I can’t be a Grounder,” Jordan muttered.

  “Jordan?” Cibrian was staring at the circle pendant that sparkled with light every time Knight brushed against her.

  “No! I’m not his daughter. Maybe we should take a blood test or something.” She marched ahead, ignoring the weariness. She didn’t have time to be tired or weak. She had to get out of here, preferably before Mr. Parker returned.

  “I really don’t think Uncle Van’s the type of guy to take on another guy’s kid, if you know what I mean,” Cibrian said.

  “He didn’t take me on at all. Mr. Penn had to force him.”

  “Penn? How’s he involved in this?”

  “It doesn’t matter. It’s just- wow,” Jordan breathed.

  They stood at the top of the decline. It was as if a bomb went off in the middle of the pasture, creating a crater. In the middle of the crater was a beautiful white mansion trimmed in gold paint that gleamed in the sun.

  “That’s your house?” Jordan asked.

  “Yeah. Watch your step,” Cibrian said and started downhill at a run.

  Jordan looked around but there was no sign of any houses or roads nearby. Where was she? Was she really in Texas? She made her way slowly down, holding onto Knight for dear life.

  “How do you get anywhere?” Jordan puffed as she walked towards Cibrian who stood on gold steps leading up to the porch which had baby angel statues playing the harp.

  “What do you mean?”

  “How do you get groceries, clothes?” She nearly crawled up the steps.

  “The Tolly way.” Cibrian smiled and walked into the house.

  “Tolly?” Jordan repeated and entered after him.

  Jordan blinked several times and even raised her fists to rub at her eyes but the scene didn’t change. She stood on a gold path that led from the front door to a huge white and gold staircase that led to a circular floor that floated in midair. She tilted her head back and her mouth dropped open. There was no discernible ceiling. Light pink rose petals floated downwards in thick sheets that dissolved several feet above her head.

  To the left of the path was a meadow with high green grass covered in flowers of every color. A gentle breeze carried a sweet scent on the air and pink and white cherry blossom trees grew over endless rolling hills. Horses grazed in the distance and she saw
Cibrian’s horse join the group. A slow moving river cut through the meadow, completing the scene of perfection.

  Jordan shook herself and turned to the right. At first, all she could see was a blanket of blinding white and then the picture she was seeing registered. Snow covered the ground, pure and thick. There was a huge frozen pond in the distance. Bare trees sprouted up from the snow, branches sporting long icicles that glittered in sunshine that shone from nowhere.

  Jordan’s knees began to shake. She turned to look at the door she’d entered, the door that led out into the “real” word. There it was, solid. On either side of the door was a wall that went out about five feet and disappeared into… nothing. Her dazed eyes fell on Cibrian who watched her with a large smile on his face. At another time she would have taken exception to his gleeful smirk but she was too astounded to care. Jordan looked left and right at the winter wonderland and meadow, dumbfounded

  “Welcome to Tolly House,” Cibrian said.

  “You could have warned me,” Jordan said faintly.

  “You wouldn’t have believed me anyway.”

  Jordan crouched down and brushed her hand over the springy grass. She plucked an indigo colored flower from the meadow and sniffed it. She ignored Cibrian’s grin and took three strides to the right and placed her hand over the snow and jumped.

  “This is amazing,” she whispered.

  “Yeah. You’re shaking.”

  “This is too much,” she mumbled.

  “What? I thought you’d like Tolly House.”

  “I do.” She paced and flung her hands into the air. “Too much is happening. Haven, magical worlds, crazy sorcerer’s, a father showing up after all this time, Knight, reporters, the pendant, Kelly…”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Cibrian said.

  “I didn’t ask for this, you know?” She walked into the meadow and was engulfed in the sweet smell of flowers. A cool breeze brushed over her face and tugged strands of hair from her braid.

  “Being you isn’t so shabby. You’re a Parker,” Cibrian said as if that made up for everything.

  She whirled back to him. “Finding out I’m a Parker has caused nothing but trouble.”

  Cibrian eyed her. “So where exactly were you raised?”

  “Mostly nut houses,” Jordan said flippantly. When Cibrian raised his brows she elaborated, “Asylums. You know, where crazy or dangerous people go. They sedate you and make you play with puzzles.” She could feel a scream building in her throat, a jumble of emotions tore her in every direction. To calm herself she closed her eyes and listened to the sound of birds and whinnying horses in the distance.

  “You mean you were raised by the Ignorant?” Cibrian was incredulous.

  “If you mean normal people that don’t have power then yes.” She walked further into the spring environment because she couldn’t stay still. She could feel herself unraveling.

  “Why would Uncle Van do that?”

  “Because he walked away before I was born. The only reason I’m here now is because he was forced!” Jordan shouted on her way to the river. “Well, he doesn’t have to feel that way for much longer because I can’t stay anyway.”

  “You can’t go,” Cibrian said, racing after her. “Uncle Van is the only one that can protect you.”

  She stopped and turned. “He can lose control at any moment yet you’re telling me I’m safer with him than anyone else? Did you not hear that William killed over two hundred people at once?” She snapped her fingers in his face. “That quick and they were gone. Every one. Workers, families…” Memories coated her voice in fear.

  Cibrian was staring at her in dawning horror. “There’s a rumor that William Stan was after a girl but-. Are you…?”

  “I can’t do this again,” Jordan whispered. “I can’t.” She sank into the grass and clutched her chest where her heart throbbed painfully.


  Cibrian’s hand fell on her shoulder and she looked up to see sky blue eyes expand until there was no white, only endless blue. She jerked away and Cibrian fell on his hands and knees beside her, breathing hard. When he raised his head he stared blindly ahead for several minutes, unmoving.

  “Cibrian?” Jordan said tentatively.

  He blinked and when he looked at her his eyes were back to normal and filled with awe. “You’re a Parker alright.”

  “What? What happened to your eyes?”

  “I told you I can tell fortunes when I touch someone. It’s only happened once so far but it’s a Tolly birthright.” He took a deep breath and sat beside her, deep in thought. “Usually when we touch someone we get snap shots of paths that person can take but with you,” he looked at her. “You’re either going one way or the other. The choice is yours.”

  “Okay Yoda,” Jordan said uncomfortably, ignoring the goose bumps erupting over her skin.

  “Who’s Levi?”

  Jordan grabbed fistfuls of his shirt and leaned close. “How do you know Levi?”

  “I heard you say his name. I saw his face too,” Cibrian said quickly.

  “How? From your visions? So he’s alive?”

  “He must be. Your fates are entwined.”

  “What does that mean?”

  Cibrian slowly extracted his shirt from her grasp. “I don’t know. We’re not allowed to tell people their fates. It messes with their heads.”

  “He’s alive,” Jordan said and closed her eyes as relief washed through her. Some of her desperate fear faded. Knowing that Levi was alive distracted her from her present problems.

  “Are you okay?”

  She opened her eyes and watched two horses run over the meadow. “No.”

  “Did William-”

  Over the sound of the horses, from a long way off was the sound of someone calling Cibrian’s name.

  “That’s Rhonda, my cousin. She takes care of Tolly House. I’ll be right back.”

  Cibrian’s hand grasped her shoulder comfortingly before he started back to the gold path between the spring and winter environments. She was surprised how far they walked. She drew her legs up to her chest and watched the horses drink from the river. The breeze on her face was comforting and she closed her eyes and let the sound of the water soothe her.

  She had to leave. She couldn’t sleep knowing she was under the same roof as a sorcerer. Why hadn’t Kelly or Heath told her? It was true that Mr. Parker hadn’t hurt her, had actually helped her break the soul tie with William but was it just a matter of time before he became like William- desperate and deadly?

  She felt Knight lay beside her and buried her hand in his fur. Her thoughts switched to Levi. He was still out there somewhere. Had the Master found him or was he still on the run? She had to get in touch with him. Why wasn’t she able to connect with him as they had before? She knew he would do anything for her, as she would for him.

  Jordan didn’t notice the circle pendant flare with light as she unconsciously reached for the mental connection she shared with Levi. As Jordan’s thoughts drifted, something familiar brushed against her senses and melded.


  She stopped breathing. Levi? Was she imagining his voice?

  For a moment there was nothing and then, Jordan? Are you okay?

  Tears of joy and relief fell from closed eyes. I’m fine. And you? Where are you?

  I’m in El Paso. Why the hell haven’t we been able to connect? I’ve been going out of my mind. His voice was rough with worry and anger.

  William did something and- You’re in El Paso, Texas? What were the chances that Levi would be in Texas?

  I’ve been tracking you. It’s been damn difficult. Yesterday for a moment it was like you sent out a beacon and I knew exactly where you were and then I lost you. And now I know exactly where you are. I can be there in eight hours. I’m leaving now. Levi’s voice was focused and steady.

  Jordan shot to her feet and lost the connection. She clutched her head which throbbed because of the severed connection.

  “Why does this keep happening?” she moaned.

  Her foot brushed against Knight and she saw the flare from the circle pendant. The circle pendant acted as a prism, blossoming over and over with light within the glass. She felt Levi brushing her senses again and latched on for dear life. Catching on, she leaned against Knight and saw the pendant flash so brightly she closed her eyes again.

  You can’t come here. It’s not safe, she said as quickly as she could.

  I’m not leaving you there. Who has you?

  She heard the determination in his voice, that unstoppable quality that got them through the horrors within Haven.

  My biological father. I need to get away because he’s just like William-

  Levi’s panic hit her and the breath whooshed out of her. When they connected mentally they shared everything through the connection- emotions and thoughts.

  He hasn’t hurt me but there’s a chance he could become like William and lose control. I can’t take that chance. Maybe I can meet you in the nearest city. She didn’t want Levi coming here and facing Mr. Parker. Just the thought of that confrontation made her sick.

  The nearest city is Austin but I’m not leaving you there. Are you locked up?

  No. I can get away. She tried to sound confident but fell short and Levi picked up on it immediately.

  I’ll be there soon. Be ready.

  Jordan shook her head. If I can’t get away just leave.

  We promised. His voice was rough and frustrated.

  I don’t care! Didn’t you hear what William did? This guy can do the same thing-

  You got me out of Haven. I’m not going to let you stay with another William.

  This time Levi cut the connection and no matter how much she plastered herself against Knight, she couldn’t connect with him again. Levi was blocking her, that stubborn ass. Now what was she going to do? As if she didn’t have enough problems now Levi was adding himself to the mix. So she had to find a way to make a break for it by sunrise. How? The only thing she could think of was to follow the driveway to the front gate. The drive from the highway to the house was around fifteen minutes? She groaned and buried her face against her knees. Knight stretched and moved away from her.

  She clutched the circle pendant in one fist. It was cold to the touch and clear as crystal once more. So she could connect with Levi only when she had power. When she faced the reporter yesterday and reached for her power that must have been the moment Levi sensed her. And if she touched Knight she could connect with Levi. She wasn’t sure how long she sat there, emotions and ideas passing through her mind one after the other but at some point she realized just sitting there wasn’t the answer.


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