Birthright (Birthright Series)

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Birthright (Birthright Series) Page 17

by A. P. Jensen

  “I want out,” Levi said and stepped onto the porch and headed towards the front of the house.

  “Where will you go?” Mr. Parker asked.

  “Not sure,” Levi said without looking back.

  “I’ll drive you to the airstrip. Wherever you want to go, my plane will take you.”

  “I don’t need your help. I can drive the Beetle,” Levi said.

  “I’ll take you. The car’s still at the gate.”

  Levi hesitated before he got into the truck. Mr. Parker gunned the engine and roared down the driveway. Levi took in his surroundings, wanting to memorize the property.

  “You’re hurting her,” Mr. Parker muttered.

  “She’s used to it.”

  Mr. Parker’s hands tightened on the wheel. “You care for her, don’t you?”

  “Yeah. So?”

  “You followed her all this way to leave her and go off on your own?”

  “I just wanted to see if she was okay. There are a lot of you and if you really are a sorcerer, you should be able to keep her out of trouble.”

  “So just peek in and leave?”

  Levi finally looked at Mr. Parker, face dark with anger. “Why are you all over me for? She’s not my responsibility.”

  “She loves you.”

  Levi averted his face. “She’s lonely and I’ve been around her for a few months. No biggie.”

  “And what kind of life do you expect to have?”

  “I’ll have a life without responsibility. I’m better at looking out for myself.”

  “That’s a lonely life.”

  “But it’ll be my own.”

  “One day it won’t be enough,” Mr. Parker said and there was weariness in his voice. “I’ve tried it.”

  Levi, alert for undertones, said shrewdly, “I guess that’s when you got Jordan’s mom pregnant and left her behind.”

  Mr. Parker took his gaze off the road to pierce Levi. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Levi shrugged nonchalantly and looked out the window again. “Don’t get in my face when you abandoned your own kid.”

  Mr. Parker jerked the wheel to the side of the road. Levi’s face rammed into the window as the truck braked hard.

  “Son of a-” Levi yelled.

  Mr. Parker reached over and grabbed fistfuls of Levi’s shirt and yanked him forward. His eyes were black pools of rage and he was breathing hard. Levi’s breath misted in front of him as the temperature in the car dropped sixty degrees.

  “You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Mr. Parker said in a deadly voice.

  Levi swallowed and unstuck his tongue from the roof of his mouth. “I know Jordan’s been fighting to survive her whole life. All this protection you’re offering now- you’re fifteen years too late, buddy!”

  Mr. Parker pulled Levi so close their faces were only an inch apart. “I did what I had to.”

  “Fine. I’m doing what I gotta too. Always look out for number one, right?” Levi said, egging him on.

  A crack appeared on the windshield and quickly spider webbed across the glass. Levi was aware he was in grave danger. Mr. Parker’s eyes were glazed with rage.

  “I did what was best for her.”

  Levi shoved at Mr. Parker and got nowhere. “Don’t you mean best for you? I saw what William did to those people. I can see it in Jordan’s eyes when she thinks no one’s watching. She’s broken. She’ll never be the same and she may never be free of him and you did your best, huh? Well, pat yourself on the back, buddy-”

  The car vibrated and there was a wrenching sound as metal crumpled. Mr. Parker wasn’t aware the roof of the truck was caving in. His seething eyes were fixed on Levi.

  “You have no idea what I’ve been through-”

  Levi’s face twisted in disgust. “What you’ve been through? No wonder you’ve never met her before! You’re a selfish ass!”


  “She almost died and you’re talking about your problems-”

  “I thought keeping my distance from her would-”

  “You were wrong.”

  “I know that!” Mr. Parker yelled, veins cording in his neck.

  “You’re telling me you abandoned your daughter because you thought that was best?” Levi’s voice was full of scorn. “And now you show up with the big house and the fancy rooms and you think that’ll make up for all the years she needed you?”

  Mr. Parker blinked and everything in him shut down. He released Levi and stared blankly at the cracked windshield. He leaned his head back and took deep breaths.

  Levi tried to see out of the windows which were so damaged everything seemed distorted. He looked up at the ceiling of the car which looked like Godzilla had trampled over them.

  “I don’t know what to do with her,” Mr. Parker muttered.

  “You can stop being such a hard ass.”

  Mr. Parker let out a wheezing laugh. “I’ll try.”

  Levi listened to Mr. Parker’s breathing even out. “What do you think about her?”

  “She’s mine. But I never expected… I don’t want this.”

  “She can tell you don’t want her,” Levi said.

  “That’s not what I meant.”

  “Whatever. I changed my mind.”

  Mr. Parker turned his head. “What?”

  Levi’s heart pounded. “I’ll take you up on your offer but I have a few conditions.”

  Mr. Parker’s didn’t look happy. “What are they?”

  Levi took a deep breath. “No hitting, ever. No using your power to control us. If you break either of those rules, we’re out. Whatever you find out about our pasts, you can’t use it against us. If you decide at some point that you changed your mind about taking us in, you tell me first and I’ll take care of everything else.”

  Mr. Parker saw his uncertainty but he also saw the courage and determination that had kept him alive and whole.

  “I would never hit or use my power against either of you unless your life was in danger or I had no choice. Once I become your guardian, Levi, you’re under my protection and I can’t revoke you. If you sign yourself over to me, it’s for a lifetime. And for the record, I’m the last person to judge anyone for past mistakes,” Mr. Parker said.

  They stared at one another for a long minute. Levi stretched out his hand and Mr. Parker took it. With one firm shake, their pact was made. Mr. Parker finally noticed the cracked windshield. He let out a stream of curses. There was a screeching sound as the glass expanded, shimmered and solidified. Mr. Parker almost scraped his nose on the ceiling of the car as he looked up. There was a loud popping sound and the truck bounced as metal realigned itself. Before Levi could take a breath, Mr. Parker sped up to the gate and braked with a squeal of tires.

  “That’s the ugliest car I’ve ever seen,” Mr. Parker sneered.

  “Mimi took us from Nevada to Texas and she’s still going,” Levi admonished.

  Mr. Parker pushed open the gate as Levi drove the Beetle through and followed him back to the house. Mr. Parker winced when Levi parked Mimi amongst his luxury cars. It wasn’t until Mr. Parker watched Levi walk around the house toward the glass dome that he realized he’d been outmaneuvered for the first time in his life. Levi was too street smart to leave his camouflage clothes behind. He wouldn’t survive a day on the run in a pink shirt.

  Jordan hadn’t moved. She stared into the rushing stream through swollen eyes, leaning on Knight for support. She heard footsteps and then Knight growled.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked without turning.

  “Staying,” Levi said.

  “I don’t want you to stay.”

  Levi sat as close as he dared with Knight hovering over her like a protective mama lion. “I was an ass before. I needed to see if your dad was legit. I think he is.”

  “I don’t know or care what you’re talking about,” Jordan mumbled.

  “You’re the only person I’ve ever had a connection to. I don’t l
ike it,” he said irritably.

  “If you don’t like it, get a steppin’!” she snapped.

  A reluctant smile tugged the corner of his mouth. “You’re one crazy chick, you know that?”

  She stared straight ahead, ignoring him as much as possible.

  “On our drive to Vegas I was planning what we could do, where we could stay, where I could find under the table work.” He tilted his head back to look up at the bluest sky he’d ever seen. “When I thought you were gone, I just drifted, trying to figure out what I was going to do with myself. As much as I don’t like the connection between us, I know what it feels like to be alone. I’d rather be here with you where I don’t know what’s going on than in the real world without you.”

  Jordan didn’t soften. She stared mulishly ahead.

  “I wouldn’t even be out of Haven if it wasn’t for you. You could have left without me but you didn’t. We promised we’d watch out for each other.”

  “Why’d you say it?”

  He blew out a breath and leaned back on his hands. “Hard to break old habits. I’m good at cutting myself off from other people.”

  “You are,” she agreed. “I don’t want you to regret staying. I don’t know what comes next. That’s why I didn’t look for you. My life’s messed up.”

  “I’m staying,” he said firmly, watching her profile.

  “You saw what William did,” Jordan whispered.

  Levi shook his head to banish the vivid memories. “I did. I’ll do everything in my power so another sorcerer doesn’t hurt you like William did.”

  “I was so angry when Ruth talked about my mom,” Jordan hesitated. “Ever since the soul tie with William, I haven’t felt like myself. Even though Mr. Parker says the soul tie is broken, I can still feel him in me.” She chanced a glance at Levi who was frowning. “I know that’s impossible but even what I did today, before William I never would’ve tried to punish someone for saying something. I dream about him every night, I feel like he left a taint on me I can’t wash off-”

  Levi braved Knight’s wrath and grasped her hand. Jordan fell silent and looked at him with worried eyes.

  “Don’t borrow trouble.”

  She shook her head. “But what if-”

  He squeezed her hand. “We’ll deal with things as they come. Together.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Well, well. Look who it is.”

  Jordan followed his gaze and saw Cibrian walking towards them. He’d obviously showered and changed. Jordan tensed as he crossed the bridge but when he got closer she saw the sparkle in his eyes.

  “You!” Cibrian declared and leaned down and kissed her. “You’re borderline psychotic. You know that, right?”

  “So I’ve heard,” she said dryly as Cibrian dropped on her other side. “No one got hurt?”

  He waved a hand. “Nope. It’s about time someone told my mom off and you’re just the person to do it. She’s obsessed with Uncle Van.”


  Cibrian’s mouth twisted. “My mom and Uncle Van went to school together. Dated a bit.”

  “Eww,” Jordan grimaced. “Ruth and Kelly both dated Mr. Parker? They’re sisters!”

  Cibrian gagged. “Aunt Kelly’s, like, ten years younger than my mom. My mom wanted to marry Uncle Van but she’s not a Grounder so… you know.”

  “That’s messed up. And they live next to each other too,” Levi said.

  “Awkward,” Jordan said with a grimace.

  Cibrian rubbed the back of his neck. “Even though Aunt Kelly’s been married to him forever my mom still thinks she has a chance because they’ve never had a kid. You gave her a reality check though.”

  “Are the roses okay?” Jordan asked, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

  “Ash stopped falling about ten minutes ago. That was pretty wicked.” He ran a hand through his red hair to make sure it hadn’t been burned.

  “She knew what button to push,” Jordan said.

  “Mom was out of line. It’s gonna be a while before she comes at you like that again,” he looked between them. “Your auras seem more settled. Are you staying, Levi?” When Levi nodded Cibrian let out a triumphant hoot. “Oh yeah. The Academy’s going to be ours this year.”

  “The Academy?”

  “It’s the best school in the country,” Cibrian said proudly.

  Levi sneered. “Rich kid school, probably.”

  “Don’t be hating on us rich kids. We do have souls, you know? Anyway, both of you are in that category now.”

  Levi looked startled. “Cibrian, you’re weird, you know that?”

  Cibrian ignored him and thumped his hand in the grass. “I can’t wait until we get to school and start everything. We’ll learn how to kick ass and-”

  “Let’s go back to the house,” Jordan suggested. Her mouth was dry and she was hungry. Finding out that Levi was staying took a load off. Cibrian danced around them, imagining the things they would do at The Academy while Jordan nearly sleepwalked, she was emotionally and physically drained. Kelly was in the kitchen when they walked in and the smell of pizzas made their mouths water. Kelly let out a yell and launched herself at Levi.

  “Oh my gosh! This is great! Donovan just told me the news,” she gushed, reaching up to clasp his face between her hands. “We don’t have much time so what’s your favorite color?”

  Levi was silent for several beats before he answered, “Neutrals.” At her crestfallen expression he added, “It’s easier to blend in with my surroundings.”

  “That’s right,” she said and patted his chest absently. She took a step back and mentally took his measurements. “I’ll get right on it.”

  “Get on what?” Levi called after her.

  “Wardrobe. Pizza and soda’s on the table,” Kelly yelled as she headed upstairs.

  Jordan and the boys popped soda cans and took several slices. Knight ate two pizzas and settled nearby to see if they would finish the other two.

  “What’s this?” Levi asked, reaching out to touch Jordan’s circle pendant.

  “Heath says it’ll help me when my power comes back.”

  Cibrian leaned forward. “Wow. I’ve never seen one like it.”

  “Anything’s worth a try,” Levi said and scarfed down a slice of pizza.

  “I’m gonna nap,” Jordan mumbled.

  Levi and Cibrian nodded and Knight helped her upstairs to her room. She hesitated before leaving the door unlocked. She climbed onto her bed, sighing as she slipped beneath the duvet. Her mind was beginning to shut down and she didn’t want to fight it. The bed dipped as Knight settled at the foot of the bed and his solid weight pressed against her was comforting. She drifted into the first dreamless sleep in months.

  Chapter Sixteen

  She was being shaken awake. Her limbs felt as if she had weights strapped to them. Jordan heard snoring and opened her eyes and glared at the dark figure beside her bed.


  “Come on, y’all. Wake up.”

  Jordan blinked several times. “What time is it?”

  “Around three.”

  “In the morning?”

  Heath didn’t answer her question. He flipped back the blankets and Jordan let out a hiss and found Cibrian and Levi in bed with her. Knight stood near the door, watching Heath who shifted uneasily. Jordan yanked her feet from Cibrian who was using them for a pillow. He frowned, wrinkled his nose and resumed his deafening snores. Heath jostled the bed and Levi’s eyes glowed amber in the darkness.

  “What are we doing?”

  “We all need to Ground ourselves. Help me drag Cibrian outside,” Heath said in exasperation.

  They trudged outside, holding Cibrian between them. It was dark but the moon offered much needed light. It was eerily silent but the cool morning air woke her more effectively than anything else. Knight came alongside her, rubbing against her like an enthusiastic puppy and she smiled and ran her hands through his fur. She missed a step when she saw Mr. Pa
rker standing next to the stream waiting for them.

  “You two ready to Ground yourself?” Mr. Parker asked the boys.

  Cibrian yawned while Levi looked suddenly wary. Mr. Parker gestured them closer to the water.

  “Every morning you’ll wake with a new store of energy. The stronger your power is, the more intense the heat of your power will be. For some it feels like minor hunger pains and for others-” Mr. Parker glanced at Jordan and there was understanding in his gaze, “it’s an all-consuming, gut wrenching chaos. To rid yourself of the power you generate, channel your power out by using one of the elements that you have an affinity for.” Mr. Parker looked at Levi and raised a brow. “So, what have you been doing to Ground yourself in the mornings?”


  “Meditation or Grounding is the act of releasing excess energy.” At Levi’s guarded look he added, “How have you been able to function without the pill?”

  “I used to follow people around Haven. I could hear people walking past my door and I could track them through the halls. When I was out of my room I could follow the same path, as if their trail had been burned into the floor.”

  “Interesting. How did you track Jordan after she left the ground? We flew from Nevada to Texas.”

  “I lost her trail on the ground but I can still sense her presence. I don’t know how I do it.”

  Mr. Parker cocked his head. “Would you be able to track Catherine or the Master of Haven?”

  Levi frowned. “Maybe.”

  “We’ll talk about that later. So you’re an earth and fire element?”


  Mr. Parker looked around and patted a dead tree. Its limbs were scattered around in pieces as if a bear hacked them off.

  “Since you’re an Eliten why don’t you bring it back to life?”


  Even Heath stared at Mr. Parker as if he was crazy. Mr. Parker crossed his arms and gave Levi an expectant look.


  Levi looked from the tree to Mr. Parker and then Jordan who stood on the side with Knight. When she met his eyes she sank her hand into Knight’s fur and shook her head ever so slightly.


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