Birthright (Birthright Series)

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Birthright (Birthright Series) Page 23

by A. P. Jensen

  “She hasn’t changed, has she?” Kelly said, voice sad.

  Ruth slammed the front door behind her, making the frame shiver. Levi and Jordan glanced at Cibrian who looked at the front door where his mom disappeared onto the street. There was a mixture of relief, anger and embarrassment on his face. He was so distracted he didn’t even care that Knight sidled up beside him.

  “Who’s making all that racket?” a shrill voice called down the stairs.

  Kelly looked up and her face broke into a wide smile as a tiny woman dressed all in black slid down the rickety banister from the landing above. She jumped nimbly off the end and stood with her hands on hips for several seconds. The woman had on a black apron smeared with thick, pasty… stuff. She had short silver hair standing straight up and intelligent sky blue eyes. She was less than five feet tall but she peered up at Heath with a superior sneer on her face. She spotted the trail of orange drops leading to the front door and let out a hiss.

  “Who’s taken pieces of my Bran Bran?” she snarled.

  “Ruth,” Heath said cheerfully.

  “Ruth? What the hell is she doing stealing from me?”

  Cibrian shuffled his feet nervously. He tried to move backwards into the dark garden. Mary Ann’s eyes, drawn by the retreat pinned him to the spot.

  “What’s your mom doing with the Bran Bran?”

  “I-I don’t know, Mary Ann,” Cibrian said hastily.

  “She said that you’ve been teaching her some potions,” Kelly said.

  “Eh?” Mary Ann said, glaring up at Kelly. “Why would I teach your ungrateful sister anything? She visits me once a year and something always go missing. I’ve never caught the wench. Lying, thieving, daughter of Satan-”

  Levi coughed and Heath grinned broadly. Cibrian’s face was bright red and Kelly tried to look stern but her eyes twinkled. Jordan’s estimation of Mary Ann rose. She would take a grouchy old lady over deceitful, rich snobs any day of the week. Mary Ann broke off her tirade and glared up at Kelly.

  “And what do you want?”

  Kelly didn’t look offended by her aunt’s abrasive attitude. She leaned down and pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I haven’t seen you for years. I thought it would be nice to stop by.”

  Mary Ann sniffed. “Better you than evil Ruth or desperate Monica. I heard she tied herself to some random sorcerer straight out of school. Benelvia had the worst set of girls I’ve ever-”

  “Luther is twenty five,” Kelly interjected.

  Mary Ann waved a veiny hand. “So he’s fifteen years younger. Monica’s a numbskull, tying herself to someone with a questionable bloodline-”

  “She’s happy, Aunty,” Kelly interrupted.

  Mary Ann looked incredulous. “So?”

  The little woman glanced around at the assembled group, dismissing Kelly for the moment. Heath stiffened when she took a step towards him. She poked him in the chest with a pointed fingernail.

  “You. Have you been watching over that crazy fool Kelly married?” she asked.

  Heath nodded curtly. “Yes.”

  “Good. At least you’re good for something.” Mary Ann’s voice softened. “Do you need more sleeping potions?”

  Heath shook his head. “No. Thanks though.”

  Mary Ann patted his chest. “It was tragic. You’re healing though. Slowly but surely.” Without looking away from Heath, Mary Ann said, “Come here, boy.”

  Levi started but it was Cibrian who shuffled forward. She grabbed his chin and jerked it down so he couldn’t avoid her piercing eyes.

  “You stopped coming for your lessons, boy,” Mary Ann said sternly.

  “Uh, yeah,” Cibrian said.

  “Why?” she snapped.

  “Um, I don’t know.”

  Mary Ann clucked her tongue. “Do you want to be an idiot like your mother?”

  Cibrian’s face was such a bright red Jordan was sure she could get sunburn just by looking at him. Cibrian shook his head vehemently.

  “Then you shouldn’t dismiss what plants can offer if you know what you’re doing,” she scolded. “Even though you don’t have an affinity to the earth you can learn. You will continue your lessons, yes?”

  Cibrian hesitated, unease written clearly over his face. He opened his mouth to say something but Mary Ann turned away.

  “Good. Okay, then. And who are you?” she said belligerently, staring up at Levi. She reached out and placed a hand on his face, probably about to jerk his chin down too but on contact she froze. Bracing her hands on his chest, she went on her tiptoes and stared up at him.

  “Well, well. A wild card, eh?” Mary Ann said, intrigued.

  “This is Levi,” Kelly began.

  Mary Ann waved a dismissive hand.

  “You have a very strong affinity to the earth,” she said approvingly. “How many species of plants are in the garden behind you?”

  “How could he know how many-” Heath began skeptically.

  “Shut up,” Mary Ann snapped. “How many, boy?”

  To everyone’s surprise Levi answered, “Four thousand one hundred seventy three.”

  Mary Ann smiled and it was suddenly apparent that she and Kelly were related.

  “He’s a hunter. He is aware of every living thing connected to the earth,” Mary Ann said.

  Everyone stared at Levi, including Jordan.

  “You will come with Ruth’s boy to study, yes?” Mary Ann said, drawing Levi’s attention again.

  “We’re not staying in Wintra after the Declaration Ceremony, Aunty-” Kelly began.

  “We’ll figure it out. You wouldn’t want to pass up my superior knowledge now, would you?” Mary Ann said and patted Levi’s cheek. “This is turning out to be an interesting day.”

  Mary Ann turned from Levi and looked straight at Jordan and crooked a finger. As Jordan made her way around the men, Mary Ann tilted her head to the side like a bird examining a worm on the ground. She inhaled deeply and her eyes narrowed to slits.

  “You have Parker blood. Donovan’s daughter?” Mary Ann murmured and nodded before Jordan could answer. “So the devil’s spawn did have a child. Slap me twice and call me an Ignorant. Since I’m only seeing you now, I assume Donovan hasn’t been your guardian. Who’s been keeping watch over you all these years?”

  Jordan lifted her chin as she faced Mary Ann. “Foster homes. Why?”

  “And in this group home did they ever inject you with anything? Gave you medication of any kind? A pain reliever or relaxant?”

  Jordan’s stomach churned. How could Mary Ann know about the pill? Mary Ann looked troubled.

  “I can see my answer is yes. Those pills are illegal. Why an adult would give a child the Ever After pill and Donovan Parker’s daughter to boot...” Her voice trailed off. “I assume if Donovan knew who this person was they would be dead already?” Mary Ann glanced at Heath who nodded. “Adults giving my pills to children before they Awaken? What is this world coming to?”

  “Your pills?” Jordan whispered.

  “My invention. I created the Ever After pill to control sorcerers on the verge of losing their minds. It was never intended to be put in the wrong hands but I can see it has. I can smell the drug in your blood.”

  Mary Ann looked at the last member in the group. Mary Ann didn’t seem frightened or surprised by the Valor’s presence. Knight was taller than her so she didn’t need to kneel to look into his eyes. She pressed her face to his. Jordan sucked in a sharp breath, sure that Knight would swipe at the woman and send her flying but to Jordan’s surprise, Knight showed no signs of aggression.

  “I knew the end was coming,” Mary Ann murmured.

  “What are you talking about?” Jordan asked.

  “War’s coming. That’s why your Guardian woke up. I can feel it.” She turned back to Kelly. “They’re all going to the Declaration Ceremony?”

  Kelly nodded. “Will you come?”

  Mary Ann shrugged. “Why not? It’s held here only once every four years. It will be inte
resting to see what’s going to happen this year. Princess needs to be Declared as well, hmm?”

  Kelly’s lips compressed. Mary Ann smiled evilly and clapped her hands together.

  “Maybe I’ll get to see your sisters too, hmm?” It was clear from her tone that she wasn’t planning on hugging them and reminiscing about the good old days.

  “Maybe,” Kelly said noncommittally.

  “Well, I’ll see you tomorrow bright and early,” Mary Ann paused. “Is Gideon around?”

  “We just left him at The Aquarium,” Kelly said.

  “I suppose he brought that fool Polly with him,” Mary Ann sniffed.

  “He did.”

  “Oh, he’s going to hate seeing me. Of course I’ll go! He never forgave me for ruining his ceremony when they crowned him as Guide. I let out one little giggle-”

  Kelly rolled her eyes. “You laughed right through his ceremony.”

  Mary Ann waved a dismissive hand. “Well, the arrogant fool needed a dose of reality. Thinks he’s invincible, you know? I’ll see you all tomorrow. Now shoo, I have work to do.”

  With that, Mary Ann disappeared into the black lit garden as it began to snow. Fine white snowflakes drifted down from the ceiling, covering all of the colorful plants in white dust.

  “Toodles,” Cibrian said and rushed up the staircase.

  Everyone was eager to leave Mary Ann’s house. Heath hiked up the stairs after Cibrian but Levi lingered, watching Mary Ann walk along the path in her garden. The group that trudged up the staircase was silent, disturbed by what Mary Ann’s dire predictions. No one spoke as they passed Igor who whimpered and hissed as they started back up the narrow, claustrophobic staircase. When they climbed out onto the roof everyone paced for several minutes, shaking off the doom and gloom of Mary Ann’s house. Jordan walked to the edge of the roof and looked over the city while Knight sat beside her. Kelly ran a hand down her hair.

  “Mary Ann may come off sharp but she’s a good person. She’s wise and intelligent,” Kelly said.

  “She created the pill?” Jordan asked.

  Mary Ann created the pill that was Jordan’s own personal heaven and hell.

  “Yes. We lost so many sorcerers and Mary Ann worked night and day for years to find a way to save them without killing them.”

  “How could she smell the Ever After pill in my blood?”

  “Don’t worry about that now. Let’s go,” Kelly said and moved towards the carriage.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Cibrian stared moodily out of the window and he wasn’t the only one. Levi stared ahead at nothing, mouth set in a thin line. Kelly resumed her seat beside Heath and looked around.

  “Shopping anyone?” Kelly said.

  Heath and Levi jerked as if they’d been shot. Heath glared at her.

  “It’s going to be a lot more difficult to walk around tomorrow after the Declaration Ceremony,” Kelly said reasonably.

  “What is this Declaration Ceremony?” Levi asked

  “Every teen that’s been Awakened is Declared to our world. The Gem will put you into the best school that will mold you for your destiny. That’s why there’s so much traffic,” Heath said pointedly to Kelly.

  She ignored him. “Does anyone want to be dropped off at the hotel?”

  The carriage lifted into the air and Jordan watched as they left Mary Ann’s rooftop behind. Everyone seemed lost in thought. The only ones not affected by the visit with Mary Ann were Kelly and Knight. Cibrian sat beside Jordan, unusually somber.

  “You okay?” Jordan asked.


  He didn’t meet her eyes. Ten minutes later the carriage settled on the roof of The Aquarium. The same two uniformed men ran towards the carriage and opened the door. They all hopped out of the carriage and Jordan paused when she saw Mr. Parker and Gideon walk onto the rooftop. The younger uniformed worker bowed so low his nose touched his knee.

  “Guide Parker and Sorcerer Parker,” he said reverently.

  “Be at ease,” Gideon said.

  The man backed off to give the group privacy.

  “How was Mary Ann?” Gideon asked stiffly.

  “She’s great,” Kelly said.

  Gideon didn’t look happy about that.

  “Where’s Polly?”

  “I sent him back to Paradice to cool off,” Mr. Parker said.

  “What are you two doing up here?” Kelly asked suspiciously.

  “I assume you would bully Heath into taking you shopping,” Mr. Parker said and frowned when Kelly tried to look mystified. “I know you too well. You’re not going without me.”

  “You’re going to shuffle me past all the good stuff! And how do you think we’ll be able to move through the crowd with you there, Almighty Alexander?”

  “I have my Dunghao mask,” Mr. Parker said.

  “You always have something up your sleeve! And are you coming too, Guide?”

  Gideon held up his hands with a chuckle. “No. I’m here to take the Valor back to the room and then I have stuff to do.”

  Jordan and the Valor stood apart from the group. The cat mirrored her unconscious, defensive stance. Gideon looked at his granddaughter’s face. He could have passed her and never known she was part of his bloodline. After the talk he had with Donovan he knew the girl had every right not to trust them. That didn’t help his overprotective instincts that wanted to gut anyone who even looked at her wrong.

  “Come, Valor,” Gideon said and the cat bared his teeth and hissed.

  “Go with him, Knight,” Jordan murmured.

  The cat looked at her. He huffed in her face and then nudged her with his body, making her stumble forward two steps. He looked back at her with a threatening, admonishing look on his face but walked towards Gideon obediently. Gideon walked with the Valor towards the door that led back into The Aquarium and disappeared from view. When Mr. Parker looked at the two uniformed guards they walked inside the building to give them privacy.

  “You have a Dunghao mask? Let’s see it,” Cibrian said, perking up.

  Out of his coat Mr. Parker pulled out a tribal mask made of wood with black, red and white markings over the cheeks and forehead. There was no discernible design and tiny slits for eyes. There was no string to hold the mask on his face.

  “They’re still going to notice you,” Jordan said, pointing out the obvious.

  Mr. Parker held the mask to his face. His black eyes gleamed through the slits in the mask. Nothing happened for a moment and then the mask shimmered. Jordan let out a stifled scream as the mask liquefied and sank into Mr. Parker’s face. Before her eyes, the wooden mask disappeared and Mr. Parker transformed into an old man with age lines around his eyes and mouth, a crooked grin and a front gold tooth that winked in the sunlight. Mr. Parker’s dark hair disappeared to be replaced with white curly hair that fell to his shoulders.

  “What do you think?” Mr. Parker asked as a seventy year old man.

  “Nice,” Cibrian said.

  Levi and Jordan stared, mouths slack. Only Mr. Parker’s features changed. His eyes remained the same, obsidian black and watching Jordan with amusement.

  “How?” she stammered.

  “Dunghao masks are useful. Most masks you can buy off the table at the market but they only last thirty minutes. They only affect your face but if your mask is made specifically to fit your face like mine is.” Mr. Parker gestured to the aged features. “It’ll last for six hours at a time.”Mr. Parker grinned broadly at Kelly. “I brought yours too, honey.”

  “No,” Kelly said.

  “Do you want to go shopping?” Mr. Parker said reasonably, as if he were speaking to a child.

  He pulled another mask from his coat. This mask was similar to Mr. Parker’s but the lips were outlined in bright red. Kelly crossed her arms mutinously across her chest.

  “You got the Dunghao mask maker to create something hideous, didn’t you?”

  Mr. Parker smiled broadly and Jordan saw that most of his back teeth were
gold. He jiggled the mask in front of Kelly while Heath snickered.

  “Come on, Aunty, let’s see,” Cibrian said eagerly.

  Kelly shot him a stinging glance and snatched the mask out of Mr. Parker’s hand. She held the mask up to her face and once more the mask shimmered. A minute later an old woman around Mr. Parker’s age with short salt and pepper hair and gold, silver and bronze teeth scowled at her husband who howled with laughter. Kelly stalked over to one of the carriages and stared at her face and let out a stream of curses. Kelly’s face was even more withered and lined than Mr. Parker’s. Her eyes nearly disappeared beneath the folds of skin.

  “You’re devil’s spawn, Donovan Parker!” Kelly yelled.

  Heath and Cibrian leaned against the carriages for support while they cackled. Jordan wasn’t sure whether to be horrified or amused. Kelly looked scary with her shiny, sharp teeth and scowl.

  “And now I can’t take it off for six hours, you ass!” Kelly screeched.

  “Which is why I’m glad you got your visiting over with before you put it on,” Mr. Parker said easily.

  Cibrian recovered enough to peek under Kelly’s chin. He screwed up his face and reached out to touch her neck but Kelly slapped his hand away.

  “Even your neck is wrinkly and veiny and-” Cibrian said and Kelly reached for him. He darted away, laughing.

  “It only affects you from the neck up,” Mr. Parker said.

  Kelly looked ready to explode. Jordan walked away as Kelly’s shouting blasted those around her. She walked towards the edge of The Aquarium, which was one of the buildings surrounding the city center. In the heart of the city was a canopy of trees made of ice that shielded the garden from view. Surrounding the garden was an igloo tunnel was responsible for most of the traffic. The crowd rushed in and out of the ice tunnel, dragging sleds filled with bags.

  The heart of the city was as big as Central Park and Jordan stared down at the people that milled around like ants. Jordan took several steps back when people dashed across her vision. Jordan watched as a pair of blonde women gabbed as they flew through the air as calmly as if they were on a bus. There were three lanes of traffic in Wintra, Jordan observed. There was ground traffic with carriages and normal pedestrians. About twenty feet above the ground traffic were the people that flew, mimicking the lanes of traffic down below. And above the flyers were the carriages that bounced from rooftop to rooftop. Balconies with no rails jutted out from different floors of buildings, launching pads for those who could fly.


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