The Good Puppy

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The Good Puppy Page 2

by D. J. Heart

  Ordering another drink, David stayed at the bar and listened to the music of the club and the people dancing behind him, waiting for Misha to finish up with his coke and threesome.

  “Here you go, drink up please.”

  David looked at the tall glass of water that had just been set down in front of him. The hand curled around the glass was big, and the voice was deep and manly. Looking up, David locked eyes with the hot bartender.

  “I didn’t order that,” David said, looking down at the glass.

  Hot bartender smirked. “I know, but you’re looking pretty dehydrated. I wouldn’t be doing my job if I didn’t take care of you, now would I?”

  David gut tightened at the way the bartender talked about taking care of him.

  Not knowing what to say, David lifted the glass and drank deep. It wasn’t until the cold water hit his throat that he realized how thirsty he was.

  “Good boy,” the bartender said, winking again.

  David blushed.

  “He’s engaged, Peter.”

  It was the lady bartender.

  “Too bad,” Peter said, making her roll her eyes. David looked up to see Peter staring at him, eyes crinkled from the smile stretching his lips. “If that changes, I’m here every Sunday through Thursday.”

  When David didn’t answer he chuckled and winked again, walking way.

  “He flirts with all the cute boys,” the lady bartender said, shaking her head and refilling his water before moving on to the next customer.

  It made David feel a little less special, and a little less tempted.

  Not that he’d been all that tempted.

  Two drinks later, along with several tall glasses of water, Misha still hadn’t come to find him, and David was bored.

  What was even the point of being at a club if he wasn’t going to dance?

  Getting up, stumbling and almost falling when his legs hit the ground, David steadied himself on the bar and found his footing.

  Swaying, the ground moving beneath his feet like he was on his mom’s yacht, David made his way into the crowd and started dancing.

  This was more like it. Throwing his hands up in the air, head thrown back and face turned toward the ceiling, David let the music flow through him. People occasionally brushed up against him to dance with him, lining their bodies up with his, but when David didn’t reciprocate they all moved on.

  “Let’s get you home.”

  David opened his eyes and found Misha staring at him. The pupils of his friend’s eyes were dilated, huge pools of inky black, and there was an alertness to him that let David know that he must have been successful in his quest to obtain coke from Amy.

  “I’m not finished dancing,” David said, the words coming out in a plaintive whine.

  Misha laughed. “You’re not dancing, you’re sitting down. Now come on, my driver is out front waiting for you.”

  Looking around, David noticed that he was indeed sitting down. He was on the floor next to a table, legs splayed out in front of him, his back up against the wall.

  “Up you go,” Misha said, grabbing his arm and hoisting him up.

  Standing was difficult. The room swayed wildly, everything spinning around. He looked at Misha and tried to focus.

  “You’re so pretty,” he said, reaching out and stroking his friend’s stubble.

  “And you’re drunk,” Misha replied with a laugh. “Now let’s go. Amy is waiting for me, and you know how she hates to wait.”

  “Yes,” David agreed. Amy was monstrously impatient. She’d once left David stranded at a gas station in the middle of nowhere because he’d taken too long to buy drinks. He’d had to wait three hours for his mother’s driver to come get him.

  Ducking in under his shoulder and wrapping his arm around David’s waist, Misha led him out of the club and into the cold night air. The sudden silence was jarring, and sitting down in the back of Misha’s fancy car was like he’d been transported to a whole new world.

  It didn’t seem real that just a hundred feet to his left there could be an ocean of people dancing and making noise.

  “Give me your phone,” Misha demanded, and when David looked at him he could see from his friend’s expression that it probably wasn’t the first time he’d asked.

  Silently, David handed over his phone. Misha held it up in front of David’s face to unlock it before making a call.

  David tried to pay attention, but between closing his eyes and resting his head back for just a second, suddenly Misha was handing the phone back and running his hand through David’s hair.

  “I called Adam. My driver will take you to his building and he’ll meet you at the door, okay?”

  David stared at him and tried to process what he was saying.

  “Do you understand?”

  David nodded, but the motion set the world spinning and for a second it was all he could do not to throw up.

  “Good. I’ll see you later,” Misha said, kissing his cheek. “Tonight was fun!”

  Misha stepped back and the car door slammed shut, and suddenly it was even more quiet.

  Closing his eyes, David felt the car start to move. Before he knew it they were coming to a stop and Adam was looking down at him.

  David grinned, the sight of his beautiful fiancé making his insides light up with happy sparks, but his grin faded at the severe frown marring the older man’s brow.

  “How much have you had to drink?” Adam asked, reaching into the car and unbuckling David’s seatbelt.

  David was startled. He hadn’t even realized he was wearing a seatbelt.

  “Just a little,” David said, letting Adam help him out of the car.

  “Fucking hell,” Adam growled, his hands rough as they steadied David against him and led him inside. David stumbled and Adam had to bend his knees to catch him.

  “On your feet,” Adam snapped, pulling David up with a painful tug on his arm.

  Wincing, David let Adam manhandle him past the expressionless doorman and into the elevator.

  “I can’t believe you,” Adam growled, looking at him through the mirrored wall of the elevator doors. “You’re falling over.”

  “I’m just a little buzzed,” David said, trying not to slur his words.

  What was Adam’s problem? So he was a little drunk – it wasn’t like he’d done coke or molly.

  “We’ll talk about it in the morning when you’re sober,” Adam said.

  Leading David into his penthouse, Adam guided him to the bathroom where he helped him strip off his clothes. With some trouble he then moved him into the bathtub and told him to sit down.

  “I don’t want an enema,” David protested, trying to stand up.

  “I’m not giving you an enema,” Adam said, but with an element of humor in his voice. He lifted the showerhead and turned on the water, waiting for the spray to run hot before turning it on David. “You smell like the inside of a bottle of vodka.”

  The warm water felt nice, and when Adam grabbed a wash cloth and started rubbing him down it felt even nicer. David relaxed back into the tub and groaned, arching his hips when Adam’s hand moved down over his crotch right next to his semi-hard cock.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Adam warned, looking down at David’s face with a dangerous little smirk. “After your performance tonight you’ll be lucky if I let you come again before our wedding night.”

  The dire warning only made David’s cock harden further, his balls feeling full and heavy.

  “Sorry,” he mumbled, not really sorry at all but wishing that Adam would change his mind and touch him.

  “You will be,” Adam said, kissing his forehead.

  David knew that those words should probably have scared him more than they did, but he decided to worry about it later.

  Besides, being punished by Adam wasn’t the worst thing. His hands were big, and it had been far too long since he’d felt them smacking down on his ass.

  “What am I going to do with you?” Adam
asked, tilting David’s head back and wetting his hair. He grabbed a bottle of shampoo and poured a generous stream of cold gel down on top of his scalp, massaging it in with the tips of his fingers.

  David wished he wasn’t so drunk so that he could have enjoyed it properly.

  “Feels nice,” he mumbled, the warm water running over his chest shifting as Adam changed position.

  “Lazy puppy,” Adam said, rinsing the shampoo from David’s hair and wiping excess bubbles away from his forehead. “You like it when daddy takes care of you?”

  David’s toes curled in pleasure, his whole body tingling at Adam’s softly spoken question.

  “Yes, daddy,” David said, and even though he was drunk off his ass, he wasn’t so drunk that the words didn’t make him blush something fierce.

  “Good boy,” Adam rumbled, putting the showerhead away. He draped a huge fluffy towel over David’s body and lifted him away from the edge of the tub, wrapping the towel around his back.

  The world spinning again, David let out an oomph as Adam lifted him out of the tub, the weight and effort making him grunt. Wrapped up in the towel and Adam’s strong arms, David could hardly breathe. Adam carried him into the bedroom and set him down on the edge of the mattress.

  Released from the tight bear-hug, David gasped for breath while Adam grabbed the towel and crouched down to dry him off properly.

  “Do you like me?” David asked, the question just sort of popping out of his mouth without any plan or warning.

  “What?” Adam asked, looking up at him with a small frown. “Of course I like you. I’m going to marry you, aren’t I?”

  David shrugged. “That’s just for my mom’s company.”

  Adam’s eyes narrowed. “Do you like me?” he asked, hands coming to a stop on David’s thighs, the thick cotton of the towel all that separated the meaty paws from David’s skin.

  “Yeah,” David nodded, taking a deep breath. “A lot.”

  Adam grinned. “I like you a lot, too.” He resumed drying him off. “I didn’t think I would – I thought you were going to be a little brat – but you’re a good boy. I wouldn’t be spending all this time with you if I didn’t like you.”

  Adam grabbed David by the nape of his neck and pushed their foreheads together, the tight grin and close contact making David’s lungs work overtime and his whole body feel hot and tight. “You’re my good boy, right?”

  Adam’s voice was a low, possessive growl.

  David nodded as much as he could with Adam holding him.

  “Say it.”

  “I’m your good boy,” David repeated, his cock throbbing to life.

  “Yes you are,” Adam said, kissing him. He speared into David’s mouth, licking over his teeth and dominating him like it was the most natural thing in the world. When he pulled back, he sighed. “We need to brush your teeth.”

  It took David a few seconds to catch the implied criticism, and when he did his humiliation was epic. If there was a hole in the floor he would have crawled into it, but with Adam crouching down over him all he could do was lower his gaze.

  “Come on, let’s go back into the bathroom and clean your teeth.”

  David allowed himself to be led, stumbling and unsteady, back into the bathroom. Adam stood behind him, taller and broader and looking perfectly in control, and reaching around David he prepared the toothbrush and brought it into David’s mouth.

  No one had brushed David’s teeth for him since he was four. He watched himself in the mirror, Adam meeting his gaze, the two of them maintaining eye contact as Adam carefully brushed his teeth.

  David had no idea why this was making his cock so hard, but he was about as hard as he could get while drunk.

  He wished Adam would lower the hand on his belly and touch him.

  “Spit,” Adam commanded, withdrawing the toothbrush and rinsing it. David obeyed while Adam grabbed a glass from the cabinet and filled it with water, bringing it to his lips. “Rinse.”

  David obeyed, swishing the water around his mouth and spitting it back into the glass.

  “Good boy,” Adam said, his breath warm against the side of David’s head. “I think you’re just about ready for bed. Just one more thing and we’ll go to sleep.”

  David nodded, feeling sort of in a daze as Adam led him back into the bedroom and set him down on the mattress. Telling him to stay, Adam went into the closet. David could hear him moving around in there, and when he came back into the bedroom he was carrying a small box, two gleaming leather collars, and the mittens that wouldn’t let David use his hands.

  Staring at the items, David didn’t get a chance to ask what Adam was going to do before the older man fastened the collars – which turned out not to be collars – around his thighs. He buckled them on tight, pushing his finger under the leather to check the fit before turning them so that the D-rings attached to the leather faced out.

  “Give me your hands,” Adam commanded, picking up one of the mittens. Heart beating fast, David obeyed and watched as Adam trapped his fists in the restrictive leather. Closing the buckles on his wrists, Adam turned the D-rings on the cuffs of the mittens in, bringing David’s hands down to his thighs and using a small clip to fasten them together.

  David’s hands were trapped by his side, making him feel incredibly vulnerable.

  The little box contained a chastity cage – a device David only knew about because Misha had bought him one as a joke years ago – and Adam unpacked it with expert fingers.

  This one looked way more expensive than the one Misha had bought him.

  “Spread your legs,” Adam said, opening the box and laying out the components of the cage on the sheet next to David’s body. The cage itself looked tiny, transparent and hard like glass, and David wondered how it was going to fit.

  The ring that went around the base of his penis went on first, and though Adam had no problems getting it on, the touch to David’s cock was doing nothing to diminish his erection.

  “Here comes the bad part, but you can be good for daddy, can’t you?” Adam asked, caressing the underside of David’s balls with the pads of his fingers.

  Hesitating, David nodded.

  “Good boy.”

  Adam closed his hand around David’s balls, enveloping them in his large palm, and with a small smile squeezed his fist together and pulled.

  David screamed, trying to close his legs to ward off the overwhelming pain, and fell off the mattress. Adam let him fall, kicking his legs apart and crouching down to slide the cock cage on his now extremely flaccid cock.

  “All done,” Adam said, screwing the hollow shaft to the ring and locking it in place with a tiny padlock. He then reached under David’s arms and lifted him back up on the bed. “Time to sleep.”

  David watched him, breathing fast and balls still aching in pain.

  “That hurt,” he said, feeling like he was about to cry. The way Adam just grinned did nothing to make him feel better.

  “You can handle it,” Adam said, leaning down and giving his cheek a kiss. “Now be a good boy and get under the covers.”

  David didn’t protest as Adam manhandled him further up on the bed, pushing aside the duvet and tucking David in under the luxurious weight of downy feathers. “I’m going to brush my teeth and then I’ll be right back to cuddle you to sleep, okay puppy?”

  Taking a wobbling breath, David nodded. He felt weird, not used to lying on his stomach, and the way his arms pointed straight down felt absolutely bizarre.

  Still, the pillow beneath his cheek was comfortable, and he was exhausted. He closed his eyes, the sound of Adam’s electric toothbrush in the other room, a low motorized buzz, lulling him off to sleep.



  The next morning Adam watched as David slowly woke up, blinking groggily up at the ceiling and groaning as the full force of his hangover became clear to him.

  It was a rather adorable sight, all things considered. Adam was supposed to be at work, but he’d
decided to take a rare day off to play with David.

  “What?” David mumbled pulling at his trapped arms with a frown. He jerked, tugging on his bonds and wriggling in obvious confusion.

  Adam grabbed the comforter and pulled it down, revealing David’s mittened hands and the cuffs securing them to his thighs, along with the snug cage trapping his cock.

  It made for a delectable package, though not one Adam had any intention of unwrapping any time soon.

  Waking up with his thigh over David’s legs and his arm draped across the boy’s chest had been one of Adam’s most enjoyable mornings ever.

  David would be lucky to spend even a minute in their bed unbound now that Adam had discovered just how much he liked the feeling.

  “Did we have sex?” David asked, blinking down at himself.

  Adam frowned. “You don’t remember?”

  David scrunched up his brow. “You gave me a bath?” he ventured, looking down at himself, “and then you brushed my teeth and tied me up. Did anything happen after that?”

  Adam smiled and shook his head, climbing up on the bed and straddling David’s thighs. The boy’s eyes went wide as he looked up at Adam’s shirtless torso. “You fell asleep. I cuddled you, like my own personal teddy bear, but that was it. Why? Would you mind if I’d rolled you over and fucked you while you were out?”

  It hadn’t occurred to Adam to do so, but from the expression on David’s face he wouldn’t have minded one bit.

  Adam grinned wolfishly. “You like the sound of that? Waking up with daddy’s come in your ass, your hole all sore and you don’t even remember daddy fucking you?”

  David looked like he was about to hyperventilate he looked so turned on.

  “Maybe?” he said, sounding anything but uncertain.

  Adam laughed, reaching down and fiddling with the cock cage. It made David’s cock look tiny. “Well, that’s the kind of thing we should probably agree on before exploring.”

  “And this isn’t?” David lifted his head and nodded down at his bound body.

  Adam tilted his head and studied his captive. “No, not really.”

  David blinked. “What? Isn’t the whole point that this is supposed to be safe, sane and consensual?”


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