North Pole City Tales: Complete Series

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North Pole City Tales: Complete Series Page 30

by Charlie Cochet

  Blitz groaned, and Cupid was immediately at his side. He wasn’t sure if he should touch Blitz, but bah humbug. He took Blitz’s hand in his.

  “I’m here,” Cupid said gently. He wasn’t sure if Blitz would want him at his side, but Cupid would remain there for as long as Blitz wished it.

  “Cupid?” Blitz slowly opened his eyes, and Cupid waited with his heart in his throat as Blitz turned his head to meet his gaze. A beautiful smile came onto his face, and he squeezed Cupid’s hand in return. “You’re still here.”

  “Of course I am.” Cupid wiped a tear from his eye and kissed Blitz’s lips. It was only a soft, feathery kiss, one to let Blitz know how much he needed him. He pulled back enough to gaze into Blitz’s eyes. “I would never leave you. I… I love you, Blitz.”

  Blitz’s smile widened. He cupped Cupid’s face and brought him down for a deep kiss. Cupid melted against him, the whole world blurred until there was only the two of them left. Never had he felt so… at home.

  “I love you,” Blitz replied, their heads pressed together.

  “Blitz, I—”

  Blitz put his fingers to Cupid’s lips. “There’s nothing more to say. To me you’re the sweet elf I met all those centuries ago, who bumped into me with an armful of books. I know what happened was an accident. I love you as you are.”

  Cupid’s face could barely contain his smile. He hugged Blitz, mindful of not hurting him in case he was in pain. Blitz insisted he was fine. It was time for Cupid to be a brave elf and make right the wrongs he’d brought on himself.

  “I have to go see the king.” Cupid stood and straightened to his full height. It wasn’t much of a height, but his heart was great in size. “I have to fix this.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Blitz said, ignoring their brethren’s protests as he got out of bed.

  “Blitz, no. You should stay here and rest.” Cupid had cast a spell of deep sleep, but he had no idea what other effects that might cause. Blitz, of course, was having none of it.

  “I’m not leaving your side. We go together.”

  There was no point in arguing. His sweetheart was most stubborn. “All right.” Cupid turned to his brethren when he recalled what else Kringle had instructed him to do. “Oh, and, um, Dasher is to come with us.”

  Blitz let out a low groan. “We’re doomed.”

  Chapter 8

  Cupid had been very clear with Dasher. He wasn’t to utter a word while they spoke to the king. They were fortunate the king agreed to an audience with them. He could have very easily turned them away or, worse, had them escorted to the Mountain Fortress for what Cupid had done. The three of them stood in the cavernous ballroom while the king emerged from behind a long blue velvet curtain. He took a seat on his throne and fixed his regal robe. His eyes landed on Dasher.

  “Oh, you’re here.” He narrowed his eyes at Dasher, who had the good sense to bow graciously.

  “Your majesty.”

  With a sniff, the king turned his dark eyes on Cupid. This time he smiled. “Ah, young Cupid. Quite the mess your sibling has made. I believe he’s disappeared.”

  “No doubt run home to hide behind my father’s coattails,” Cupid admitted regretfully. “I’ll deal with him when the time comes. That’s not why I’m here.”


  “Because of me, Jack and Rudy have been hurt. I need to help them see how much they need each other. They love each other so deeply. Rudy never meant to hurt him. He was wrong to keep such a secret, I know that now, but he’d only had the best of intentions at heart.”

  “My son is very stubborn. A trait I fear he gets from me.” The king darted his eyes to Dasher, as if he were waiting for Dasher to say something inappropriate. Dasher remained strangely quiet, though he didn’t take his gaze off the king. “I’m not certain what I can do to help you. I want my son to be happy, but I can’t change his mind for him.”

  That much was true. Only Jack had the power to change his sentiments on the matter, but there had to be something they could do. “Is there anything you can do about Hollis?” Cupid asked. Imprisonment would ruin the major. “It was an accident. Hollis had only meant to scare Rudy. It was my brother who gave him a wicked spell intent on harming Rudy.”

  The king sighed. “I will do my best with the courts. Everyone must face the consequences of their actions, but I will make certain the courts know of your brother’s deceit. I will also bear witness to Major Hollis’s character. He might be as hardheaded as a stone at times, but he has a good heart. Far too impulsive, like his father.”

  “I think I know a way to get through to Jack,” Dasher said.

  Everyone turned to Dasher. This couldn’t be good.

  “Oh?” The king laced his long, elegant fingers together, and sat patiently. “By all means, do enlighten me, elfling.”

  “First I would appreciate you not calling me elfling.”

  “Denied.” The king smiled smugly. “Next?”

  Cupid tried his best not to laugh. It certainly wasn’t the time for it, but he couldn’t help his giggle with Dasher’s uninspired expression. Goodness, it was quite possible he’d met his match.

  “Very well,” Dasher grumbled. He stepped up before the king, his expression turning sympathetic. “I think you may have something in your possession that would change Jack’s mind about all this.”

  The king looked as perplexed as Cupid felt. “I do?”

  “Yes. You see, Rudy sent Cupid and Blitz to find an Elska rose for Jack.”

  The king widened his eyes, and Cupid wondered how Dasher knew of their secret mission. Then again, Dasher had a way of discovering information most weren’t privy to. He was quite sneaky.

  Dasher knelt before the king and pointed to his neck. “Your locket.”

  The king was silent for several heartbeats, his expression almost sad. He touched the cravat around his neck. “What of it?” The king’s words were quiet, but Cupid had a feeling the king knew what Dasher spoke of. The question was, how did Dasher know whatever he seemed to know?

  “Whenever you’re in a large crowd or seem uncomfortable, you hold it between your fingers.” Dasher’s gaze held the king’s. “You stroke it gently with your thumb.”

  The king swallowed hard but remained unmoved.

  “When you’re distressed, it settles you. I assume it belonged to the queen.”

  The king neither denied nor confirmed Dasher’s statement. He placed his arms on the throne’s armrests and gazed down his nose at Dasher.

  “I don’t appreciate being studied like some strange beast.”

  “Not a beast, but a winter spirit who lost someone he loved with all his heart. And now we’re trying to make sure your son doesn’t experience the same heartache.”

  “My son’s heart may splinter at the loss of his beloved Christmas elf, but he would not feel the shattering agony of having his love torn from his life in a vicious war.” Anger flared in the king’s eyes, and the temperature began to drop. Cupid took a step toward Dasher, but Blitz stopped him. What the holly? If they didn’t do something, the king would freeze them all.

  The wind howled, icy gusts striking their skin like needles. Cupid and Blitz huddled close while Dasher stood and walked up the steps, stopping just one below the king’s throne. To their horror, they watched as Dasher reached out and placed his hand over the king’s.

  The king leaned forward, his eyes frosting over white and his pitch-black hair draining of its color. “You presume too much, elfling.”

  “I presume nothing. I see. I see a broken king who never recovered from the loss of his queen. I see a king who hides in his palace, fearful of the world he turned his back on for taking what he loved. I see a king who holds the key to his son’s happiness, but in parting with it will be giving up the one thing that still connects him to her.”

  The king jerked his hand away and thrust a palm out, the fierce wind circling Dasher and hauling him off his feet by his neck. Dasher let out a strangled noise and cl
awed at the air around his neck.

  “You know I speak the truth,” Dasher said hoarsely.

  “I’ve had enough of these games!”

  “Dasher!” Cupid turned to the king. “Please, your majesty. He meant no ill will.” The king ignored Cupid’s pleas. He walked down the steps from his throne, his hand held in front of him as he guided the wind to carry Dasher.

  “I have tolerated your insolence enough.”

  “You didn’t lose your heart to the ice when she was taken, as Jack did, because you had no heart left to lose. Or so you thought.”

  Why wouldn’t Dasher leave it alone? What did he hope to accomplish? Mayor Kringle must have been mistaken. Bringing Dasher along was the worst idea they could have possibly considered.

  Dasher, despite gasping for air, continued as if nothing occurred. “Your heart still beats, your majesty. You’re simply afraid to let it beat for someone else.”

  The storm around them vanished and the king released Dasher, who fell to the floor with a painful thud. Cupid and Blitz rushed to Dasher’s side, helping him to his feet. He was stunned at the stricken expression on the king’s face. The king stood motionless, his hair and eyes returning to their pitch-black color. For a moment Cupid thought the king might have become frozen himself.

  Dasher gingerly knelt before the king. “Please, help us.”

  The king blinked a few times, as if snapping himself out of a trance. He studied Dasher before reaching under his cravat to pull out the locket. Opening it, a tiny seed fell onto his palm. He held it out to Cupid.

  “It’s an Elska seed from the queen’s garden. The only one that remained after it and she were… lost.”

  “Your majesty….” Cupid didn’t know what to say.

  “Take it. As a winter faery, you have the power to aid winter flora in their birth. Help it grow.”

  Cupid took the precious seed. “I don’t know if I can….”

  “You can.” The king blinked away his tears and smiled. “The Elska requires love’s warmth to grow. I’m certain you will do fine. Excuse me.” Without another word, the king disappeared behind the velvet curtain.

  Dasher made to follow, but Blitz stopped him, his voice gentle. “I think he wishes to be alone.”

  Dasher pursed his lips, his gaze going to the curtain. He pulled his arm out of Blitz’s hold. “I think he’s been alone long enough.” Dasher gave them a curt nod before heading off after the king. Cupid didn’t know what to do.

  “Leave him.” Blitz shook his head. “He’s made up his mind. Kringle help him. Let’s go find Jack.”

  Blitz was right. Dasher had made up his mind, and there was no deterring him. He prayed Dasher would be all right. Every time he saw the king, he seemed to grow bolder. Cupid hoped that boldness didn’t get him in over his head, as if he weren’t already.

  Cupid held on to the tiny seed, and with Blitz, they ran through the palace looking for Jack. The place was huge. They were forced to ask several servants where they might find the Prince of Frost. In the end they found him in the garden. He sat on a stone bench, among the red roses.


  Jack’s frown deepened. “You two shouldn’t be here.”

  “Forgive me, but it’s terribly important.” Cupid came to stand before the imposing winter spirit. “You must forgive Rudy for what he did. I know he should have told you, but he loves you more than life itself. He couldn’t bear to hurt you. It’s like that when you care so deeply for someone. Their pain becomes your own.”

  “Cupid, your loyalty is admirable, but—”

  “Let him finish,” Blitz demanded gently.

  Jack arched an eyebrow at Blitz, his boldness surprising Cupid as well.

  “By all means, continue.”

  “I too kept a secret from those I cared for very much. From my Rein Dear brothers, from my Captain, from you, and from… the elf who captured my heart centuries ago.”

  Jack widened his eyes, and he looked from Cupid to Blitz and back before his expression softened. “Seems to be a lot of that going around lately.”

  Blitz took hold of Cupid’s hand and gave it a squeeze, helping him gather his nerves.

  “I knew it was wrong of me to hide what I was—what I am—but I was scared of losing those I cared for. Of hurting them, or worse. I feared I’d put them in danger. I see now that I should have had more faith in them.”

  “And what is this secret?”

  “It’s true I’m part winter faery and part elf. But I’m not a Christmas elf. I’m….” Cupid held his head high. “I’m Dockalfar. The elf who gave Hollis the spell to sabotage Rudy’s plane, the one who has torn us apart, is my brother.”

  Jack jumped to his feet. “What?” He loomed over Cupid with a menacing growl, but Cupid stood his ground. He had to make things right.

  “I’m prepared to face whatever punishment you see fit.”

  “You’re a dark elf, and you hid that from us? Why shouldn’t I lock you up with Hollis?”

  Blitz pushed himself between Jack and Cupid. “Cupid is no different now than when you thought he was a Christmas elf. Nothing has changed.”

  “Everything has changed! Dockalfar are manipulative, wicked liars and tricksters. Look what his lies have brought us!”

  “No,” Blitz snapped. “Gunne’s actions are his own. When you lost your heart to the ice, Rudy never saw you as the monster most would have seen. He loves you. Has always been by your side, no matter what a miserable, unbearable bastard you have been at times.”

  “You dare—”

  “I bloody dare, Frost! Get off your high horse and take a look at what you stand to lose for the sake of your pride.” Blitz turned to Cupid. “Show him.”

  Cupid swallowed hard. He shook himself from his stupor and nodded. He held his palm open to show Jack the tiny seed. Concentrating very hard, he did what the king told him. He was part winter faery. He had to believe there was more inside him than darkness. Gritting his teeth, he summoned the life inside, drawing it out from its seed. A flower blossomed, glowing white and blue. It was a rose whose beauty could not be rivaled, the edges of its petals frosted over, and at its center a glowing warmth.

  “It can’t be….” Jack edged closer, hesitating as he eyed the flower. “Is that…?”

  “An Elska rose, like the ones your mother grew in her garden.”

  Tears sprang in Jack’s eyes, his fingers hovering over the petals. “Where did you find it?”

  “Rudy. He sent us to find it. For you. He wanted it to be a surprise. For your wedding day, so that you might have a piece of her.”

  Jack’s head shot up, and a tear sprang free to roll down his cheek. “Rudy asked you to find an Elska for me?”

  “Yes.” Cupid handed Jack the flower, knowing Jack would cherish it and preserve its beauty.

  Jack studied the Elska for the longest time before speaking up, his voice rough with emotion. “I fear I may have made a terrible mistake.”

  Cupid placed his hand on Jack’s and smiled. “We all make mistakes. It’s important we atone for them.”

  “I have some groveling to do. I was….”

  “An ass,” Blitz offered cheerfully.

  Jack arched an eyebrow at him. “Thank you.” His expression softened as he turned his gaze on Cupid. “And you. I need to place this somewhere safe, and then go home to Rudy.”

  “Good luck.” They’d done all they could. Now it was up to Jack to mend the rift between him and Rudy.

  “Let’s go home.” Blitz took hold of Cupid’s hand, and Cupid could barely contain his joy. Home. With Blitz.

  “Let’s go home,” Cupid agreed.

  Just as Cupid had hoped, Jack apologized profusely to Rudy, though Cupid was certain there was plenty of groveling and sweet kisses involved as well. The wedding remained on track, and there was a celebration at Jack’s palace to announce the wedding date. Everyone cheered and applauded when Rudy announced the wedding would take place in Jack’s vacation palace in Svalba
rd, Norway beneath the Northern Lights on the second of February, in honor of Jack’s mother, as that had been her birthday.

  Cupid couldn’t help but notice Major Hollis wasn’t in attendance.

  “What’s going to happen to Hollis?” Blitz asked Jack.

  “Rudy has remained true to his word. He’s not pressing charges and insists it was an accident. Ginger, his mechanic, has testified to the dark magic found in Rudy’s plane. My father found Fig, who proved as a witness. There’s also the extensive file on my cousin’s character and his history in our military as a Toy Soldier. The courts have been swift and discreet. No word will get out of my cousin’s brief imprisonment. He is guilty of sabotage and will be joining the Rein Dears in building gingerbread houses for the less-fortunate elves. They release him in three days.”

  Cupid stared at Jack. “Hollis will be building gingerbread houses with us?”

  “For some time. I know he didn’t mean to hurt Rudy, but the fact remains he should have given more thought to his actions.” Jack smiled ruefully. “A trait that seems to run in the family.” He cocked his head as he studied Cupid. “I suppose this means your secret remains safe?”

  Cupid couldn’t help his blush. “Mayor Kringle and I will discuss a way to release it to the public. I’ve had enough secrets to last me an eternity.”

  “Where’s Dasher?” Rudy asked. “I haven’t seen him at all tonight.”

  “I don’t know,” Cupid replied worriedly. “We haven’t seen him since we went to see the king the day before last. You don’t think the king’s imprisoned him or frozen him?”

  Jack waved a hand in dismissal. “My father undoubtedly scared the berries out of him. He’s most likely recovering from a bruised ego somewhere.”

  “And your father?” Cupid asked.

  Jack shrugged. “No doubt hiding away in his library. He’s content there. We’ll see him at the wedding.”


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