North Pole City Tales: Complete Series

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North Pole City Tales: Complete Series Page 42

by Charlie Cochet

  A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts. “Enter.”

  Jack walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He headed toward Eirik but came to a halt when he saw Dasher.

  “Is that Dasher?”

  “I believe so.”

  “What is he doing here?”

  “Sleeping, it would seem.”

  “I can see that, Father. What I meant is, why is he here with you?”

  “Well, as I’m certain you’re well aware, he is the most stubborn of elves. In fact, I’m quite certain he’s the most stubborn creature I’ve ever met. Present company excluded.”

  Jack opened his mouth to reply, then closed it. He looked comically puzzled.

  “You seem to be quite confused these days.”

  “I am.” Jack joined him on the window seat. It reminded Eirik of when Jack was a tiny child and would crawl up into his lap so Eirik would read to him. Did his son still enjoy reading? It hurt his heart that he wasn’t certain. How much had he allowed to slip through his fingers while he grieved?

  “You’ve been acting rather… unlike yourself.”

  “How’s that?” Eirik asked, knowing this conversation was inevitable. Jack was smart, and although their relationship had been strained for years, things were better between them and had been since Eirik had embraced Jack’s relationship with Rudy.

  “Well, you’ve been venturing outside quite often. You took part in the Rein Dear games. You smiled and even laughed.” Jack’s expression softened. “It’s been so long since I heard you laugh. I had forgotten the sound.”

  Jack’s words struck Eirik harder than expected, and he was forced to look away so Jack wouldn’t see the tears in his eyes. Since they’d lost Vera, Eirik had retreated into himself, all the while attempting to raise his son, rule their kingdom, and show the world its harshness could not break him completely. Eirik had locked away pieces of himself, unaware of how it affected his son. Jack cleared his throat. He motioned to Dasher again.

  “So, why is he in here sleeping?”

  “He tricked Juniper into allowing him to deliver my tea and took it upon himself to keep me company.”

  “And you allowed it.”

  Once he had gained control of his emotions, he met Jack’s gaze. “He asked to borrow a book. I would never refuse anyone a book.”

  Jack’s somber expression faltered, and his lips cracked a smile. “Of course.”

  “He fell asleep halfway through.” Eirik shook his head in feigned disgust. “Amateur.”

  “I see.”

  “You have that look on your face.”

  “What look?”

  “When you were a tiny child, you had conversations with yourself, especially when you were trying to comprehend something. You have that same expression on your face now.”

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “Which part?”

  Jack motioned to Dasher. “You’ve never allowed anyone who wasn’t Uncle, me, or the twins to sit with you for such an extended period, especially not in the library, and lately whenever and wherever I see you, Dasher is either at your side or near you. I’ve seen how you look at him when you think he can’t see you. I’ve not seen you look at anyone that way since…”

  “He could never replace your mother,” Eirik said, his tone coming out harsher than he’d expected. “Forgive me.”

  Jack nodded his understanding. “I know he could never replace her, but perhaps he might make you happy.” He chuckled at himself. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think Dasher Rein Dear may be good for you.”

  Eirik stared at him. “You do?”

  “Yes. Heavens help me, but I do. I must admit, the last few days, watching you try your damnedest not to give in to him has been wildly entertaining. I do believe you may have met your match.”

  “I’m pleased I amuse you,” Eirik grumbled.

  “More importantly, seeing your eyes once again fill with light and laughter has brought me hope.”

  Eirik swallowed hard. “But… he’s a Christmas elf.”

  Jack arched an eyebrow at him. “What’s wrong with Christmas elves?”

  “I’m a king.”

  “And I’m a prince who will one day become a king. You’re making excuses.”

  Eirik narrowed his eyes, and Jack leaned in, narrowing his eyes in return. Heavens, it was clear then how much like him Jack was.

  “Dasher being an elf has nothing to do with your hesitancy.”

  “I’ve never… been with an elf.”

  “Neither had I before Rudy.”

  Eirik felt his face flush. Good gods, was he blushing in front of his son? It wasn’t as though he had no experience at all. Besides, he wasn’t about to get into a discussion with Jack on the differences between bedding a winter faery and bedding an elf.

  “You really would not oppose?”

  “To what?” Jack sat back, his smile warm. “You being happy again? To finding love?”

  Love. The word had his heart skipping a beat. Could it be possible? “If we married, he would become your stepfather.”

  Jack’s eyebrows rose to his hairline, making Eirik laugh.

  “Let’s cross that particularly disturbing bridge when we get to it.”

  Eirik went pensive. “I don’t know if I can, Jack. It’s been so blasted long. We’re terribly mismatched. Heaven knows what a miserable grump I can be. What if I push him away? What if what he feels for me is a passing fancy, or what if I have nothing left to give?”

  “What if you both fall madly in love and have a wonderful life together?”

  Eirik’s brows furrowed. When had Jack become so blasted cheerful? “If I were to make him mine, his life would forever be in peril. Even when the crown is passed on to you, my enemies will remain. You know that as much as I do.”

  “Father, we share the same fears.”

  Eirik closed his eyes, remembering how not long ago Jack had almost lost his heart to the ice for a second time after Rudy’s life had been put at risk. Eirik couldn’t help but ask, “How do you not go mad with worry, knowing he’s out there with those who wish to do him harm because of who he has given his heart to?”

  Jack’s expression softened. “Rudy is strong. Like his Rein Dear brothers, he is loved by all in North Pole City and beyond. They look to him for hope and need to know he’s up there every year, sharing his joy, his goodness, and his spirit. I could never take that from them or Rudy. Being Captain of the Rein Dear Squadron means the world to him. It holds a special place in his heart. For him, I do my best not to allow my fears to consume me.” He reached out and patted Eirik’s knee. His smile was warm, and his eyes were filled with love. “Find strength in each other and speak to each other. If you need me, you know where to find me. Always.”

  Eirik grabbed Jack and pulled him into his arms, hugging him tight. He closed his eyes and sighed when Jack returned his embrace. How he’d missed his son.

  “Thank you,” Eirik said, his voice rough with emotion.

  Jack pulled back, his eyes glassy with unshed tears. He smiled and nodded before getting up and turning to leave.

  “Wait. What was it you came here to speak to me about?”

  Jack blinked at him before seeming to recall the original purpose of his visit. “Oh, preparations are underway for the sleigh rides this weekend. I wished to know if you’d be accompanying us so we have the second royal sleigh prepared.”

  Eirik couldn’t help but cast a glance at Dasher. He quickly turned his gaze back to Jack. “We’ll be there. I mean, um, I’ll be there.” He cleared his throat, his face heating as he said the words. “Would you lock the door behind you? Dasher and I have much to talk about, and I do not wish to be disturbed.”

  Jack opened the door, turned the lock, and spun on his heels, a wicked gleam in his silvery gaze. “There’s lubrication in the top right-hand drawer of the desk, should you need it, which, considering the state you left Dasher in during our games the other d
ay, makes me think you will.”

  A gasp escaped Eirik, and he gaped at Jack, who broke into mischievous laughter before darting out of the room, the door quickly closing behind him. Good gods, he’d raised a scoundrel!

  “I must have fallen asleep,” Dasher hummed, seizing Eirik’s attention. The sinful way Dasher raised his arms above his head and arched his back, releasing a decadent moan as he stretched, sent blood flowing straight to Eirik’s groin.

  “Quite some time ago.” Eirik hoped Dasher hadn’t noticed how off his voice sounded.

  “I must have been more tired than I expected. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you.”

  Eirik shifted uncomfortably in his seat. That certainly hadn’t helped.

  As if realizing what he’d said, Dasher cleared his throat. “I mean, um, you know. It was rude of me.”

  “It wasn’t rude. You were exhausted and needed rest. It’s quite all right. Jack and I had a much-needed conversation.”

  “Jack was here?”


  “And he didn’t turn me into an ice cube for being in here?”

  “Don’t be silly. He would never do such a thing.”

  “Really?” Dasher stood and walked over to the window seat. “Because he threatens me often enough with it.”

  Eirik waved a hand in dismissal. “You know Jack. He’s more blistering wind than bite most of the time.”

  “I hope it was a good conversation,” Dasher said, brushing some lint from Eirik’s shoulder. Eirik suspected it was just Dasher looking for an excuse to touch him. Feeling bold, Eirik took hold of Dasher’s wrist and pulled him close.

  “Sit with me.” Eirik released Dasher and moved closer to the window, leaving room for Dasher.

  After seeming to snap out of it, Dasher climbed onto the window seat and sat beside Eirik, their bodies pressed together at their sides. Warmth flooded through Eirik, and he drew his knees up, his fingers laced between them. This was ridiculous. How was it that he had nothing to say? No, he had plenty to say. He simply didn’t know where to start. Where words failed him, he turned to his powers. It was, after all, an extension of him, a part of his essence. It flowed through him, through his veins, his blood, his very being.

  He blew softly at the window, and the doors opened. From here they could see the ocean of stars and the colorful undulating waves of the northern lights. Dasher leaned over him, awe on his handsome face as he gazed out into the night.

  “It’s so beautiful.”

  Eirik snapped his fingers, and snow began to drift up into the sky. The snow clustered together, and Dasher laughed with merriment as the shapes took the form of sea creatures, from several playful dolphins to a colossal blue whale. They swam among the stars, the dolphins leaping, twisting, and flipping their tails. The whale barrel-rolled, shooting glittering crystals of ice from its blowhole. Eirik loved the way Dasher’s face lit up with wonder, but what he loved nearly as much was that he was the cause of it.

  “The things I could show you,” Eirik said quietly, his words almost a whisper. Dasher turned his face toward Eirik, the look of yearning in his ocean-blue eyes taking Eirik’s breath away.

  “Show me,” Dasher pleaded.

  Eirik put his hand to Dasher’s cheek, and Dasher caught his breath. This time there was no hesitation on Eirik’s part. He leaned in and kissed Dasher. The scorching heat that flared between them could ignite the very trees in the forest. Dasher straddled Eirik’s lap and cupped his face as he plundered Eirik’s mouth. Eirik couldn’t get enough of Dasher. He burned for more.

  Wrapping his arms around Dasher’s waist, Eirik pulled Dasher hard against him, thrusting his hips up on instinct. He released a groan at the feel of Dasher’s stiff length against his own. If Eirik didn’t put his hands all over Dasher’s skin, he was going to lose his mind.

  As if reading his thoughts, Dasher quickly removed his frock coat and tossed it to one side before hastily unbuttoning his waistcoat. Eirik hurried to help him, undoing the buttons of his shirt, then pushing it off Dasher’s shoulders, revealing beautiful, silky skin. Eirik ached to taste, and he recalled Jack’s words. A shiver of want coursed through him, and with his arms around Dasher, his hands gripping the firm globes of Dasher’s backside, Eirik stood. Dasher wrapped his legs around Eirik’s waist, allowing Eirik to carry him over to the desk. He set Dasher down on the desk’s surface long enough to rid Dasher of his remaining garments, and then Eirik removed his own.

  “You’re stunning,” Dasher said, running his fingers reverently down Eirik’s chest. Eirik was painfully hard, his shaft jutting up against his stomach. He felt his cheeks grow warm, but instead of feeling embarrassed, he squared his shoulders, cupped the back of Dasher’s neck, and brought their mouths together in a frenzy of teeth and tongues. Dasher took hold of Eirik’s shaft and gave it a squeeze, making Eirik suck in a sharp breath.

  “I want to feel you inside me,” Dasher said, his voice low and husky, dripping with sensuality.

  “Yes,” Eirik growled, opening the desk drawer and removing the small glass container. He placed it in Dasher’s hand before lifting Dasher into his arms once again. Eirik dropped down onto the large wingback chair with Dasher straddling his lap, their lips locked together. Eirik couldn’t get enough of Dasher’s lips. He ran his hands all over Dasher, up his strong arms and over shoulders sprinkled with the most charming freckles, before sliding his hands down Dasher’s back.

  “You are perfection,” Eirik murmured, nipping Dasher’s neck, loving the way Dasher shuddered in his arms. He palmed Dasher’s erection, and the moan his sweet Christmas elf released was delightful. Dasher slicked Eirik’s shaft, and Eirik feared he wouldn’t last. His entire body hummed with pleasure, and when Dasher maneuvered Eirik’s rock-hard length to his entrance, Eirik thought he might break apart. He wanted nothing more than to push inside Dasher, to fill him completely, but he would never hurt Dasher, so he gritted his teeth and allowed Dasher to set the pace, moaning as Dasher guided Eirik inside him inch by agonizing inch. Once Eirik was completely inside, Dasher began to move, slowly at first, rotating his hips, the bare minimum of movement. Sweat beaded Eirik’s brow, and he dug his fingers into Dasher’s waist.

  “I never imagined it could feel like this,” Eirik breathed, his muscles tightening as he did his best to restrain himself.

  “Eirik. Please, tell me this won’t be the last time.”

  “It won’t be the last time,” Eirik promised.

  “Give me your word.”

  Eirik’s word was his bond, and he had no trouble giving it to Dasher. “You have it, my darling. I want to kiss every inch of your skin. Taste every freckle, lick every crevice.”

  “Oh gods, Eirik.” Dasher leaned away, his head thrown back and his hands on Eirik’s thighs as he impaled himself on Eirik over and over. Eirik placed his mouth over one pebbled nub, licking, flicking it with his tongue, sucking on it as Dasher trembled, seemingly overwhelmed by the sensation. Dasher sat forward and cupped Eirik’s face, his eyes almost black.

  “Give yourself over to me. You’re holding back, Eirik. I promise you I won’t break.”

  Eirik stood and placed Dasher on the desk, then lifted Dasher’s legs over his shoulders. He placed a hand to Dasher’s shoulder to hold him in place as he plunged into him, making him cry out.

  “Yes! Oh gods, yes!”

  Eirik had clearly struck something inside Dasher, and he yearned to do it again, to watch Dasher unravel in front of him. He thrust into Dasher, faster and deeper. Dasher’s lips were parted in ecstasy, his fingers digging into Eirik’s arms as Eirik pounded into him. The wind howled as it swirled around them, a flurry of white spinning furiously as Eirik’s release rose within him.

  Eirik stroked Dasher’s erection in time with his thrusts, both of them losing their rhythm. Eirik’s release exploded through him, filling Dasher, and the snow inside the room burst in all directions just as Dasher’s release hit. As Eirik shuddered, he ran his fingers thr
ough the sticky substance on Dasher’s chest and brought his fingers to his mouth. He sucked on the sticky digits, mesmerized by the lust in Dasher’s eyes.

  Dasher sat up, grabbed Eirik’s face, and kissed him so he could taste himself, and Eirik moaned. They kissed until Eirik had no choice but to come up for air. He closed his eyes and let his head rest against Dasher’s as he attempted to steady his breathing. Dasher shivered from the cold this time, and Eirik snapped his fingers, closing the windows. He then lifted Dasher into his arms and carried him to the chaise lounge, where he sat with Dasher curled up on his lap. Eirik wrapped his cape around them with Dasher’s help, and they lay down, facing each other, Dasher snuggled close against him.

  Tears welled in Eirik’s eyes, and Dasher’s expression became panicked. “Eirik? I’m sorry, I didn’t… I thought you wanted—”

  “I did,” Eirik said quickly, placing his finger to Dasher’s lips. “I wanted you desperately, and I still do. I just…” Eirik’s heart swelled, and he smiled. “For so long, I thought I had been living, but in truth, I’d been trapped in a prison of my own making.” He brought Dasher’s fingers to his lips for a kiss. “Thank you for setting me free.”

  “Oh, Eirik.” Dasher looked as if he wanted to say more, but instead he kissed Eirik.

  They kissed sweetly, affectionately, fingers caressing, stroking softly. Dasher released a contended sigh, and Eirik held him tightly in his arms, a smile on his face before he drifted off, and for the first time in centuries, he dreamed sweet dreams.

  Chapter 6

  Dasher was giddy. He had to remind himself over and over to behave like a grown, respectable elf, but it was hard to do when he was tucked under several fur blankets with Eirik’s arm around him as they rode in the royal sleigh. It was the biggest sleigh in the convoy—white with silver accents—and pulled by the biggest, most beautiful white draft horse Dasher had ever seen. The bells on the silver harness jingled as they rode through the expansive forests. Their sleigh was at the end of the procession so it could be properly guarded by toy soldiers. Dasher should have felt daunted by all the protection, but he didn’t. He felt safe, and knowing Eirik was safe was all that mattered to him. In truth, all he could see, and feel, was Eirik.


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