by L. L. Wright
To my husband, who still seems to enjoy and appreciate my weirdness. Steamy contemporary romance might not be your preferred genre, but your encouragement and support for my writing is priceless.
To my sister, who is always awake several hours before me. This year was questionable at best, but we made the most of it. Your short stories are all over the place now (in the absolute best way possible) so congrats on your growing list of publications. Your feedback and edits continue to make my work stronger and I’m so lucky to have you in my corner. You were right, the “entrance” had to go. Thanks for everything.
To my family and friends, you guys continue to inspire my loveable characters and their unusual behaviors and interactions. I wouldn’t have organic dialogue or believable exchanges without you guys. Thanks.
Last but definitely not least. To the readers who took a chance on a new author, and continue to support me with each new release, I can’t thank you all enough. Every download, review, and follow means the world to me. Amelia and Fin’s story was different and unconventional. But their feelings and flaws are completely relatable. I hope you fell head over heels for them, quirks, huffs, and shrugs included.
Lorelei Wright is an American author of Young Adult fiction, short stories, and adult romance. She can often be found writing and editing late into the night when her family is fast asleep and the house is quiet. When she is not busy taking orders from the bossy characters that take up residence in her mind she spends time baking, crafting, and otherwise adventuring with her two toddlers and exceptionally handsome husband.
I love connecting with my readers, you can send me a message and find all of my work over at
Follow me on Twitter and Instagram @LLWright_Writes for updates on future projects.