Cowboy Doms Collection

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Cowboy Doms Collection Page 71

by BJ Wane

  The murmurings of a soft, deep voice resonated down the aisle as Kelsey strolled across the wide, neatly swept concrete floor, keeping her distance from the horses sticking their noses out toward her. She passed ten stalls lining each side by the time she rounded the corner at the end of the row and spotted the dark-haired man who caught her eye from the house running a brush along the side of the black beast he’d led inside.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it, boy? Mind your manners and I might have a carrot or two for you.”

  Some impish part of her prompted Kelsey to ask, “What happens if he doesn’t behave?”

  The man turned slowly, as if her sudden presence didn’t surprise him. Nudging his hat back, she got a look at his midnight blue eyes, a shiver skating under her skin at the cool assessment he subjected her to before answering.

  “A firm hand is needed when dealing with bad behavior, especially if it’s destructive. You must be Greg’s temporary guest.”

  The emphasis he put on Greg’s name didn’t bode well for this man welcoming her on the ranch. She tried not to take it personally but couldn’t help the tight clutch in her chest that reminded her of other people who hadn’t wanted her around for long. “Kelsey Hammond, and you won’t even know I’m here,” she tried assuring him.

  “Since you’ll be residing in my house, that’s doubtful, but mind the rules and we’ll get along fine. I’m Devin Fisher, Greg’s partner.”

  Oh, dear. Considering the low hum of awareness spreading through her, the same response she got around Greg, the odds of the two of them getting along fine weren’t in her favor. What was it about this man that stirred her even though he made it clear he was none too happy about having her around? Whatever it was, it pushed her into goading a response from him other than that frown between his eyes. “Your partner? Greg didn’t mention you two were a couple.”

  Devin blew out a disgusted breath, as if he’d dealt with that misconception once too often. “We’re not. We’re friends and business partners. Now, go away. I need to finish brushing Thor. But stay close. I’m not in the mood to come searching for you.”

  Kelsey halted in mid turn to say, “Which is it, go away or stay close? I can’t do both.”

  Her buttocks clenched as he narrowed those dark eyes. Whoa, where did that come from? she asked herself as the image of the man she’d watched delivering a spanking to that young woman a few weeks ago popped into her head, that stranger wearing the same expression as Devin’s face now conveyed. It was way too easy to imagine Devin treating her to the same punishment if she pushed him too far. Instead of that thought acting as a deterrent, her body tingled in reaction and with as much enthusiasm as she had to Greg’s nearness. Crap, it really is going to be a long few weeks.

  “Ms. Hammond, do us both a favor by turning around and trotting out of here. Now.”

  “Fine. I’m going for a walk.” She grumbled but let a small smile curl her lips. “But I’m telling Greg you were mean to me.”

  Devin refused to smile as he watched Kelsey twitch her cute ass and skip down the aisle and out the stable door. She put on a good front, but there had been no mistaking the insecurity lurking in her bright blue eyes. He doubted his curt words were the cause, so why the sliver of guilt tightening his muscles? Greg had a lot to answer for and the number one infraction was not telling him their temporary houseguest was the exact body type he favored. He’d been drawn to the petite ones since puberty. There was something about their small, dainty stature that tugged at the macho, overbearing side of him. Add in Kelsey’s feisty nature that was at odds with the lost, uncertain expression in her eyes and he knew keeping his distance from Ms. Hammond would be a battle. Good thing he was adept at winning, even if he found her pixie, fey appearance and striking white/blonde hair tempting. Not to mention that look in her eyes that conveyed she wasn’t as sure of her cocky acceptance of her circumstances as she let on.

  He had only to remember another pair of blue eyes, those staring lifelessly up at him as he and Greg refused to give up on trying to stop the flow of blood pumping from a nicked artery they’d failed to prevent. Even after they’d thrown their bodies over Catherine Valdez to shield her from the spray of bullets two masked gunmen aimed their way as they broke into the safe house, one bullet had managed to hit her. And one was all it took. He and Greg had each suffered three hits before taking the assailants out, and they’d learned how much more painful the guilt of losing a witness was compared to the physical agony of getting shot. The fact they’d given in to Catherine’s pleas and joined her in her bed that night hadn’t helped to ease their conscience.

  Thor shoved his head against Devin’s shoulder, demanding his treat. “Yeah, yeah, I’ve got it right here.” He held the carrot out to the stallion, stroking his hand down Thor’s sleek neck. The three-year-old black had been his first livestock purchase two years ago when he and Greg settled here in Montana and had begun plans for the ranch. That last case had taken an emotional and physical toll on both of them, and they’d decided to retire and return home to lick their wounds and start over with a new career. The two of them had hit it off ever since middle school, grown as close as brothers and stayed that way despite living most of their FBI years in separate cities. They rarely fought or disagreed, but that might change over the next few weeks if Greg’s insistence on having Kelsey here interrupted the peaceful existence Devin had found on their ranch.

  “Do you have a new guest?”

  Devin turned at his barn manager’s question, waiting until Tom reached him before answering. “That was Kelsey Hammond, the girl Greg mentioned would be coming to stay for a few weeks. She’s a city girl, so if you can keep an eye on her when she’s wandering around, I’m sure he would appreciate it.”

  Tom rested a hand on Thor’s flank, cocking his head with a small grin and shrewd glint in his brown eyes. “Greg’s got himself involved with a city girl?”

  With a derisive snort, he replied, “Not involved other than as a friend doing a favor for a friend and she’s about as green as you can get.” And he sure as hell hoped it stayed that way. “She has instructions to stick close and since she didn’t seem overly thrilled with being near horses, I doubt she’ll venture out of the house much, except maybe to wander over to the clubhouse.”

  “I’ll be sure to pass it on. I’m heading out to bring in the mounts for the fishing excursion tomorrow so I can get them saddled and ready first thing in the morning. Anything else you need before I call it a day?”

  Devin opened the stall gate and slapped the black’s rump to prod him in. “No, thanks. How about a game this evening?” He and Greg often sat down to a game of poker in the evenings if they weren’t on an excursion. Sometimes a guest or two would join them, but most often it was just them, Tom and maybe a few of the cowhands.

  “Sounds good. I’ll meet you at the social hall later. Be sure to introduce me to your houseguest.”

  “Greg’s houseguest.”

  Tom gave him a two-fingered salute off the brim of his hat and smirked as if he didn’t believe that reiterated statement. Devin scowled, watching the older man stroll back out and grab the tethered reins of his horse. For a sixty-something-year-old man, he swung up into the saddle with the ease and agility of a much younger cowpoke. The part-time manager’s job that included the upper level apartment in the barn fit into Tom’s semi-retired schedule and offered him the flexibility to help out his older, disabled brother. Devin could trust him to watch out for Kelsey if Tom was nearby when she was walking around. As long as she didn’t get in his way or cause trouble, they would get on fine the next few weeks.

  Kelsey delivered a kick to a large stone as she came out of the stable, trying hard not to get upset over Devin’s lack of enthusiasm toward having her at the ranch. After being abandoned at the age of five and shuffled through the foster care system for the next five years, she thought she had developed a thick skin against personal affronts. God knows she’d gotten enough practice shrugging off hu
rtful disappointments as an adult every time a relationship had ended without a commitment. The only people who had entered her life and stuck by her for the long haul because they wanted to were the McAllisters. Strolling past a row of small, neat cabins, she headed toward a path in the woods, admitting she wouldn’t trade Jordan and Theresa for the world, even though they pawned her off on two hunky strangers, one of whom wished she were far away from here. At least Greg seemed okay with having her around for a short time.

  The late afternoon temperature had already dropped to a pleasant seventy-four degrees, but as she entered the dense, tree-shaded forest, the much cooler air drew a shiver. Making sure to glance behind her every few yards to ensure at least one of the buildings remained in sight, she followed the well-worn trail up a steep slope. The hike reminded her of the two mountain trips she’d taken with Jordan and Theresa over ten years ago. Damn, time flew by once a person reached adulthood. Where had her twenties gone? Here she was turning thirty in a month, and had nothing to show for the past decade other than earning a degree in accounting. Whoopee! Could she get any more boring or have less to show for all those years? Where was the excitement, the sense of adventure or accomplishment?

  The closest she’d come to an exciting, memoir-worthy experience was that fifteen-minute, voyeuristic, eye-opening ogling episode that had landed her in trouble and then out here in the wild west. Coming upon a gurgling mountain stream, she sat on a fallen log, waved to the two men sitting on the opposite bank with fishing poles in one hand and a beer in the other, a secret grin curling her lips. Her life up to that point two weeks ago might have been dull, but she would swear those few minutes were worth the hassle of being exiled out here in the middle of nowhere. Her dreams since that night were more electrically charged and lust inducing than any of her four affairs. Sorry guys. She figured it served them right for not sticking around.

  Kelsey took a few minutes to wonder what there was about fishing that some people found enjoyable. She wrinkled her nose as one man reeled in a writhing, silver fish, wrestled the hook out of its throat and then tossed the slimy critter back into its watery home. What was the point? Finding no answer to that riddle, she stood, brushed off her seat and turned back to the path that had led her to the oddly soothing spot.

  As she started back toward the buildings still within her sight, her thoughts returned to those erotic scenes she’d spied on two weeks ago, and from there to her two hosts. She had no trouble picturing Greg or Devin in the roles of those dominant men, or herself as either man’s plaything. A ripple of taboo lust coursed through her at the images popping up in her head. Yeah, I wouldn’t mind being labeled a plaything for the right man, for a short time. For someone who valued her independence, that was a startling admission, but one she refused to shy away from. After all, what else did she have to look forward to for the next month other than her fantasies?

  Kelsey was so immersed in her thoughts, she didn’t see the tree stump until she went sprawling over it. A quick twist of her right ankle sent a shaft of pain up her leg and brought tears to her eyes. Shit, shit, shit! Struggling upright on her left leg, she took a moment to lean against a tree, catch her breath and adjust to the ache throbbing in her lower joint. Just what I need to endear myself to the two men who don’t want me here. Shaking off her frustration, she hobbled along the path, putting as little weight on her right leg as possible.

  By the time she emerged from the woods, the sun had lowered to a narrow, burnt-orange sliver on the horizon, sweat rolled down her spine and her jaw ached from keeping it tightly clenched against the discomfort. A quick scan of the surroundings showed no one was around to witness her humiliating hobble across the wide, green lawn between the cabins, barns and the guy’s cabin home. Just as she reached the steps leading to the porch, the front door swung open and Greg’s frown turned to a look of concern as he took in her awkward stance and pain-filled face.

  “What the hell have you done?” He trotted down the steps and stopped to gingerly examine her swollen ankle.

  “Ow,” she drawled with sarcasm, refusing to screech or whimper like a damsel in distress. “It’s fine. I just need an icepack and to elevate it tonight.”

  Shaking his head, Greg rose and pinned her with a narrow-eyed glare. “You need something all right. Come on.” Before she could grasp his intention, he swooped her up in his arms, cradling her against that wide, muscled chest.

  Pressed against his hard frame with the strength in his arms bunched under her legs and behind her back, those pesky, panty-melting fantasies returned in Techni-color. Too bad they were obliterated as soon as they entered the great room and she encountered Devin’s derisive look of censure.

  He took one swift glance at her ankle as he moved by them, tossing out, “That needs to be wrapped,” without pausing on his way to the hall stairs.

  Kelsey couldn’t help it. She was hurting, in more ways than one, and he was being a prick. Without thinking, she stuck her tongue out at his back, not taking notice of the mirror until Devin turned slowly and regarded her with a cool gaze and one raised brow. “Careful, baby. My bark is just as bad as my bite.”

  Greg sighed and lowered her onto the sofa, his green eyes full of reproof. “Little bit, you need to tread more carefully through the woods and around here.”

  “Or what? Will you send me home?” she asked with a hopeful look and tight twist of her heart.

  Running one broad palm down her hair, Greg’s face softened as he stepped back. “The McAllisters are worried about you. It’s not right to challenge their motives for sending you away when you know it’s for your safety.”

  Guilt trickled through her and she leaned back with a nod. “You’re right, but Devin doesn’t want me here.”

  “No, he doesn’t, so don’t push him. Stay put while I get a wrap and ice pack.” Pulling over a stool, he lifted her leg onto an ottoman and pushed up the bottom of her jeans with a low whistle. “Let’s hope you didn’t do more damage by walking on it instead of calling me to come get you.” He pivoted and left the room before she could form any kind of reply to that rebuke.

  Greg returned carrying his supplies, a frown creasing his forehead as he looked down at her propped-up foot. “What?” Kelsey asked, her eyes going to his hands. A shiver danced down her spine as she imagined those long fingers touching her again. Coupled with that potent green gaze, she prayed she could keep her thoughts from veering into those lustful fantasies that now included his and Devin’s faces.

  He nodded toward her ankle. “If that swells any more, you won’t be able to get your jeans off.” His look turned sardonic as he stated, “You can either let me cut the leg up the middle, thus ruining them, or take them off now. Your choice.”

  A chance to get his attention on her semi-clad body? Why not? Kelsey grew warm at the thought, the girls and slutty bitch saying yes, please! Cocking her head, she gave him a small smile as her hands went to her waist. “We’re both adults with a modicum of restraint, right?”

  His lips twitched as he looked her over from his towering height. “I am, but I’m not so sure about you. You look like you’re about twelve.”

  Kelsey lifted her hips and shoved the jeans down as she wrinkled her nose. “If you knew how tired I am of hearing stuff like that, you wouldn’t tempt my annoyance by repeating it. I’ll have you know I turn thirty in a few weeks, on October second.”

  His shoulders stiffened and then a wry grin lit up his eyes. “I turn thirty-eight on the first and Devin on the third. That puts you in between us.” And won’t Devin just love that coincidence? Greg shoved aside thoughts he had no business thinking about Kelsey and stooped before the stool.

  Being as gentle as possible, he worked her jeans off and set them aside to wrap her ankle. Even swollen, she had dainty joints and feet. But, damn, the girl sported a pair of killer legs. It took every ounce of his considerable control to keep his eyes on his task and to stifle the urge to glance up those smooth legs to peek under the hem of her b
lue blouse. Panties or thong? That was a question best left unanswered if he intended to keep her out of his bed, which he did. He couldn’t help but be amused by the taunting curl to her soft lips as she had shimmied the jeans down her legs, or note her lack of embarrassment, proving she wouldn’t let her unhappiness about her circumstances keep her down.

  “You okay?” he asked gruffly, noting her wince and twirling thumbs as he pinned the end of the wrap.

  “Yeah, thanks. It’s sore, but I’ll manage.”

  Laying the icepack on her ankle, he pushed to his feet, wishing there was more he could do. “It’ll be fine in a day or two if you baby it. Devin and I will be gone most of the day tomorrow, starting early, so you’ll have the place to yourself and can get plenty of rest.” Greg tried not to let the flash of hurt on her face get to him. For all her outward bravado, she still possessed a thread of insecurity that tugged at his dominant urges, and that was something he refused to give in to. “I’ll get you a plate at the buffet. Anything you don’t like?”

  Kelsey glared at her propped-up foot, as if it was her appendage’s fault she couldn’t join everyone at the social hall. “No, I eat everything. And thanks, again.”

  “I don’t know where you put it, but I’ll load you up.” When she narrowed her eyes, he pivoted and left the house thinking he might have bitten off more than he’d been willing to take on when he agreed to Jordan’s request for help.

  Chapter 4

  “The girl is trouble already.” Devin glared at Greg as he entered the social hall and the two of them headed to the buffet. He tried keeping his annoyance from showing since their guests were scattered around the tables and in front of the fireplace enjoying the evening meal, but damn, it was difficult. Not here a full day and Kelsey was already proving to be a nuisance. It sure as hell didn’t help she wasn’t shy about revealing her disgruntlement with his attitude, or that his hand and cock both itched to connect with her soft flesh.


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