Cowboy Doms Collection

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Cowboy Doms Collection Page 77

by BJ Wane

  “We will discuss all this tomorrow, but you know as well as I, you won’t go against your foster parents’ wishes when they’re only thinking of your safety.”

  “Anything I need to know about?” Grayson asked sharply. As the county sheriff, their ranch fell under his jurisdiction.

  “No, but I’ll be sure to let you know if that changes. Master Grayson is the sheriff, Kelsey.”

  Avery laughed at Kelsey’s piqued expression. “Give it up, Kelsey. In case you haven’t figured it out yet in your time at the ranch, when these guys get into protective mode, there’s no talking them out of it.”

  “I think I just found that out. You call it protective, but I call it over-bearing.” She turned toward him and asked, “Is there anything I can do tonight?”

  “We’ll see.” Greg caught the hopeful expression on Kelsey’s face and the remainder of his anger with her slipped away. It was obvious she wouldn’t be opposed to exploring some of what she was feeling with him, and it was much harder to turn her down now that he’d seen her indisputable streak of submissiveness. Before he crossed the line he and Devin had agreed upon, he needed to speak with his partner. The two of them didn’t always share a sub when playing, but he respected Devin’s opinion and sensibilities on the subject of getting involved with a woman under their protection. Even though Devin had left anything to do with agreeing to the McAllisters’ request to shelter Kelsey for a few weeks up to him, Greg saw the look in his eyes as he’d held her shuddering, aroused body on his lap. He wanted to help her explore her new desires as much as Greg did, he just didn’t want to admit it.

  Kelsey’s eyes widened and her face flushed as she looked over Greg’s shoulder. Turning to see what snagged her attention, he grinned as Dan joined them, Nan’s hand clutched in his, the tips of her full breasts now pierced with attached chains clipped to the D ring in the center of her collar. “Aren’t you a pretty sight, Nan?”

  “I think so.” Dan reached up and flicked one nipple.

  “Thank you, Sirs.” Her golden eyes swiveled toward Kelsey. “You must be Master Greg’s guest. I’m Nan.”

  “Nice to meet you.”

  Greg spotted Devin heading their way and lifted Kelsey off the stool, liking the way she leaned into him. Glancing from Grayson to Dan, he said, “With your permission, I think Kelsey might benefit from some girl talk in the hot tub.”

  “I’ll be here for another forty minutes, so go ahead Avery,” Grayson replied with a nod.

  “Your girl does look as if she has questions.” Dan winked at Kelsey then took Nan’s mouth in a deep, possessive kiss before releasing her with a nudge toward the other two. “Have fun.”

  “I’ll come out and get you shortly,” Greg told Kelsey. “Don’t go wandering off.”

  “Of course not.”

  She turned to follow Avery and Nan but not before he caught the roll of her eyes, a gesture prompting him to address with a quick, physical reprimand. The swat he delivered on her sore ass drew a sharp inhale and forced her hand behind her to cover the offended area. “Careful,” he warned when she turned and glared at him.

  Grayson grinned, watching the three girls walk out back. “She’s not shy, is she?”

  “If you’re talking about Kelsey, the answer’s no,” Devin remarked as he slid onto the stool next to the one Greg took a seat on.

  Dan sent him a quizzical glance. “You don’t sound happy about having her around.”

  “I’m not.” His gaze slid toward the back glass slider and he narrowed his eyes.

  Greg looked out and saw Kelsey’s bare breasts jiggle as she shimmied out of her skirt. Taking a half step around, she bent slowly and picked up her top and skirt and laid them on a deck chair.

  Devin turned his dark look on Greg. “She did that on purpose.”

  Amused by both Kelsey and his friend, he drawled, “So don’t watch,” his remark drawing a chuckle from Grayson and Dan.

  “I always enjoy a teasing striptease, especially one that gives me a lovely look at a new sub.” Dan smirked as he brought his beer bottle to his lips.

  “I do believe that’s the first complaint over a sub revealing herself I’ve heard from you, Fisher.” Grayson handed him a brew. “Here. Chill.”

  For the first time since he’d picked up Kelsey over a week ago, Greg saw Devin’s tense shoulders relax and a rueful grin pull at the corners of his mouth.

  Kelsey shuddered, the hot, bubbling water doing little to prevent the chill hearing about Nan’s horrendous ordeal caused. “And Greg and Devin didn’t know about what happened during those three days that asshole kept you locked down there?” She couldn’t help but admire the strength it took for Nan to return home and work to get her life back after being kidnapped by a sadist and left locked in a dark cellar room after he’d taken a whip to her.

  Nan sank lower on the seat until the water rose to her nipples, sighing in enviable pleasure. “No, that was another mistake I made, thinking I could just jump back into a scene after everything he put me through. They were as ticked off at me as Master Dan when I freaked out.”

  “But look on the bright side,” Avery said, slowly kicking her legs back and forth under the water. “You and Master Dan realized how deep your feelings ran and now you’re living together and getting married.”

  “Congratulations,” Kelsey returned, wondering if she would ever be so lucky. “Please tell me that jerk paid for what he did to you.”

  “He’s sitting in prison right now, thank God,” Nan answered. “That’s something Avery and I have in common. We both got to put away some really bad people.”

  Kelsey resisted taking another peek toward the glass doors to see what Greg and Devin might be doing, giving her full attention to Avery. “You too? Tell me, please.”

  Nan smirked, turning her head to the side to look at Avery. “She’s just using us to distract her from Masters Devin and Greg. I can tell you now, Kelsey, it won’t work,” she warned, shifting her gaze across the tub toward her.

  “Hey, I am interested in hearing about your ordeals, and how they landed you here, but maybe you could enlighten me on why I can’t think about anything except getting one of them to relieve this ache that started with a really painful spanking.” She shifted on the seat, and yeah, the slutty bitch still spasmed in response to the lingering soreness.

  Avery giggled. “I was as confused and aroused as you when I got my first spanking. But, wow, the orgasms an intense punishment can lead to will have you begging for another one.”

  Kelsey sighed in relief. “So this feeling is normal. That helps to know.”

  “The key to learning what works for you, to discovering whether you prefer a Master’s dominance for a fun bout of kinky sex or because his control settles something deeper inside you is exploring with the right person.” Nan looked through the glass doors at Greg and Devin, who still sat at the bar. “Or with two right men.”

  Listening to Nan confirmed one suspicion hovering in Kelsey’s mind tonight – her temporary hosts were into ménage. Imagining herself with both men ignited a heated rush though her veins that matched the hot temperature of the swirling water. Too bad Devin didn’t even like her, let alone want her staying in their home for a few more weeks. His attitude toward her before tonight, and when he’d flipped her over his lap, didn’t jive with the tender, comforting way he’d held her after blistering her butt for her transgressions. Through the roaring in her head and the fast, escalating gush of arousal his painful punishment ignited, she managed to hear the concern in his voice as he had berated her and explained why her disobedience could have landed her and Master Kurt in an untenable situation.

  Hearing Greg’s voice, realizing he was looking at her bare, chastised butt and likely noticing her seeping juices, and then seeing anger toward her reflected in those green eyes for the first time left her as shaken as Devin’s hard hand. She tightened her legs, wishing it could be that easy to still the need still quaking deep inside her pussy since she dou
bted she could entice either man into educating her further during the next few weeks, or talk one into allowing her to return to The Barn after her behavior.

  “What’s wrong?” Without her glasses, it was easy to see the compassion reflected in Avery’s eyes.

  “I doubt I’ll get the chance to do any more exploring after tonight, at least not here, and not with either Master Greg or Master Devin.” Damn it, it shouldn’t be that easy to say their titles, not after they’d made it clear how unhappy they were with her.

  Nan scowled and shook her head. “If they won’t invite you back, call one of us. If need be, I’ll drive out to the ranch and pick you up and then you can stay the night with us, at Dan’s place.”

  Her offer pleased Kelsey, warming her where the guy’s displeasure left her cold, as did Avery’s adamant head nod in agreement. Sadly, her body didn’t appear to want anyone right now except one, or heck, maybe both of her hosts. Add that irritating admittance to the fact Greg, for sure, wouldn’t go back on his promise to watch over her until the McAllisters gave the all clear made for a bleak picture for the rest of her stay in Montana.

  “Thanks, but Greg made a promise to stick close regarding my stay with them.” She went on to give them a quick rundown of why she was at the Wild Horse Dude Ranch, staying in their house in the first place.

  “Oh, wow, I hate to say it, but you might be right. Like I said before, if there’s one thing I know for sure it’s these guys take protecting us seriously,” Avery said.

  All three girls heard the slider open and looked over to see Master Greg stepping outside, his Stetson returned to his head. But it was Kelsey he zeroed in on, her nipples that puckered under his heated gaze as he eyed her breasts bobbing just above the water. Snatching a towel off a bench, he flipped it over his shoulder, strode over to the hot tub and reached in to grasp her upper arms. Lifting her out as if she weighed nothing, Kelsey was happy to have his hands on her. Her heart went pitter-patter and her abdomen clenched as she pressed her wet body against him and gazed up into his rugged face beneath the lowered brim of his hat.

  “Time to leave, little bit,” he stated, nudging her back to whip the towel around her. With brisk rubs over her back, buttocks and down her legs, her body went noodle-soft, her eyes blinking in drowsy pleasure.

  “Mmm, that feels good.” She sighed, closing her eyes as he moved up the inside of her legs, kneaded her thighs and then cupped a towel-covered hand over her pulsing crotch.

  “I bet that feels even better,” Nan called out from behind her, amusement lacing her voice.

  Kelsey opened her eyes as Master Greg rubbed her bare folds with the nubby cloth. The swift, stimulating pressure back and forth over that sensitive flesh started a tingling that spread up her core. “God, yes,” she moaned before injecting a note of warning in her voice as she added, “You better not be toying with me.”

  “Uh, oh.”

  Avery’s whisper reached Kelsey as Greg narrowed his eyes, dragged the towel up to dry her torso and then looped it around her neck to draw her up on her toes against him. “You’re forgetting your place, and the rules again.”

  For a split second she thought he would kiss her, but disappointment swamped her as he released the ends of the towel, tossed it over the deck rail and handed her her clothes. “Get dressed and meet me in the foyer. Goodnight, ladies.” With a nod to Avery and Nan, he turned his back on Kelsey and sauntered inside without another word.

  Tiredness and a wave of depression settled on Kelsey’s shoulders as she dressed. If orders and touches that never led where she wanted to go were all either man was willing to give her, she planned to call Jordan and Theresa first thing in the morning. While it appeared she was a glutton for erotic punishment, she wasn’t one for self-abuse, which is what staying much longer in Greg and Devin’s house would amount to.

  “It was nice meeting you, and everyone else. Thank you for hanging out with me.” She buttoned her blouse without looking at the two women still lounging in the hot tub.

  “Since you don’t have your phone on you, one of us can call the ranch and get a hold of you this week,” Nan offered. “Don’t fret, Kelsey, they’re all reluctant in the beginning.”

  She smiled and waved with a nod as she turned to go inside, hoping the McAllisters wouldn’t still insist on her staying. A girl could only take so much, after all.

  Chapter 8

  “We need to talk,” Greg whispered as his eyes flicked from Kelsey’s sleeping face to Devin before he shifted his gaze back out the windshield. He was tired and edgy but felt this couldn’t wait. Not after the stunts Kelsey had pulled tonight. Her lie about how much experience in the lifestyle she had, followed by the way she disregarded their orders to jump into a scene with someone she knew nothing about, proved how troubled and uncertain she was over the McAllisters leaving her with him. As irate as her actions made him, he could still feel for the girl who had been trying so hard this past week to use him as a diversion from her insecurities.

  “You’ve changed your mind about getting involved, haven’t you?” Devin’s quiet voice held more resignation than annoyance.

  “I don’t like to see her hurting.” He could just make out Devin’s derisive look in the dark truck cab as they drove down the highway. “Okay, let me rephrase if you’re going to be obtuse. I don’t like to see her struggling so hard with the emotional upheaval of her life that she’s willing to pull stunts like the ones tonight. As you know, I’m on board with dishing out both punishing and stimulating pain. You saw her response to your spanking as well as I,” Greg reminded him. It was not only the slick puffiness of Kelsey’s enticing folds that had snagged his attention off her bright red, rounded buttocks that prompted him to reconsider getting physically involved with her. The way she hadn’t shied away from his presence and the glazed look in her damp blue eyes when Devin had flipped her over was a combination he was hard pressed to ignore.

  Kelsey took that moment to slowly slide sideways, her head coming to rest on Devin’s upper arm. With a low curse followed by a deep sigh, he wrapped his arm around her, snuggling her against his side. Greg chuckled when her arm fell forward, her hand landing on Devin’s upper thigh.

  “Shit. As if this whole night wasn’t frustrating and long enough already,” Devin grumbled.

  Greg’s smile stayed in place as he made the turn onto the narrower, rougher road that led to the ranch. “Come on,” he coaxed his friend. “Admit she’s gotten under your skin just enough that you want to tutor her as much as I do. It’ll only be for a few weeks, and even if Jordan calls with proof she’s at risk, she’s safer and out of harm’s way at the ranch than anywhere else.”

  Greg always did have a way of pointing out facts that made them sound more reasonable than Devin wanted to admit. One week, he thought in disgust. How had the little minx managed to put a chink in his resolve never to get physically involved with a victim again, or in her case, a possible victim? Yeah, the risk to her was not determined at this point, but he still suffered nightmares over their last assignment. If that were to happen again, he didn’t know if he’d survive it.

  “You’re thinking too hard, like always,” Greg stated as he pulled in front of their sprawling cabin home. “All I’m asking is you give it some thought, like I am.”

  Devin looked at the welcoming home he’d found peace in, at the shrouded shapes of barns, stables and cabins that made up their dude ranch, an enterprise he’d discovered to his surprise suited his thirst for adventure and outdoorsmanship. Then he glanced down at the white blonde head resting against him, the fey appearance Kelsey’s small features lent her, and remembered her drenched blue eyes filled with need as he’d held her quaking body on his lap. The vivid recall of her soft skin heating under his punishing hand, the bounce of her surprisingly plump mounds, the glistening sheen coating her pussy lips and her soft, melodious cries that never included her safeword tugged at his cock, and his conscience.

  They’d left her dangling unful
filled on purpose, neither willing to reward her behavior no matter how tempted they both were to delve between those bare folds. She likely didn’t understand that was part of her punishment, and that was just one thing they needed to address even if Devin didn’t agree to cave the way Greg already had.

  “You’ll take her on even if I don’t, won’t you? Is it that easy for you to forget what happened the last time?”

  “Fuck, Dev, you know that’s not the case. But Jordan’s right. We did everything we could to first protect Catherine and then to save her.” Greg shrugged, unrepentant. “To answer your first question, I probably will.”

  “Since I don’t like that idea any more than entering into a short-term D/s relationship, do you mind giving me another day to decide before talking to her?”

  “Not at all.” Opening his door, Greg slid out and turned around to look back at him. “But just so you know, I don’t plan to do a lot of talking at first. She’s pushed this. Now she needs to know just what she’s been asking for.”

  “I can get on board with that if I join you. Right now, I guess we better get her to bed. She’s not budging.” Devin lifted Kelsey onto his lap as Greg came around and opened the passenger side door. Carrying his small burden up the steps and into the house, they both went to her bedroom where Greg flung the covers back on the bed before he laid her down.

  Without waking, she mumbled and rolled on her side, pulling her knees up. “She’ll sleep better out of those clothes,” Devin whispered, reaching for the side zipper on her skirt.

  It wasn’t the first time they’d stripped a girl without a word passing between them. In less than thirty seconds, they had her divested of both the skirt and blouse and tucked under the covers, sound asleep as they tiptoed out.

  Kelsey waited until Greg and Devin closed the door and she heard their booted footsteps receding down the hall before blinking her eyes open. Their voices had been vague murmurs all the way back to the ranch as she succumbed to the exhaustion pulling at her. It wasn’t until Devin cradled her in his arms and carried her inside that she roused enough to heed their surroundings and what they were saying. She wasn’t dumb enough to let them know she was awake once Devin mentioned removing her clothes. She’d wanted their hands on her from the first day but hadn’t pined for both of them together until tonight.


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