Cowboy Doms Collection

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Cowboy Doms Collection Page 79

by BJ Wane

“Don’t stop, Kelsey. Keep coming for us.” Devin slid his hand between her abused, pulsing cheeks to dampen her back entrance with slick fingers.

  “One more, little bit.” Greg followed that command by delving inside her pussy with a forceful, three fingered thrust, the barrage of pummeling strokes stretching and filling her long-neglected sheath almost to the point of discomfort.

  “I don’t know…” she gasped and stumbled to a stop as Devin breached her anus and screwed one finger inside that virgin orifice.

  “Then trust us to know,” he returned, pushing harder and deeper as Greg plundered her soaking depths with breath-robbing jabs aimed right over her clit.

  The ground below her started to blur as Kelsey’s entire body convulsed in another climax. Praying they wouldn’t let her fall, she rode the waves of ecstasy until she lay shuddering in a quivering heap over their linked arms.

  Chapter 9

  Devin cut another quick glance toward Kelsey where she slouched sidesaddle in front of Greg. Her rosy, sated appearance hadn’t lessened any in the last fifteen minutes during their ride back. Even with her bright blue eyes closed and her body soft and lax, she still tempted him more than anyone who had come before her, and how fucked up was that? He’d barely made it a week after vowing not to get involved with her and here he was, unable to keep his eyes off her. He could still feel the way her slick vaginal muscles had gripped his fingers, soaking them with her creamy climax, and how she shook lying over their arms as they had swatted her ass and fingered her to orgasm number two after she protested she couldn’t.

  He’d awoken this morning willing to continue discussing the issue of getting personally involved with Kelsey. After tossing and turning all night with images of her sweet ass and even sweeter submission plaguing him, he’d conceded there was only one way to settle both his curiosity over how far they could take her and to calm the raging lust her every-day presence had conjured up. Even after her surprising embracement of his punishing hand last night, her eager responses to both of them today had taken him unawares. She’d been an enticing small bundle of accepting heat and mewling cries that had slipped past his guard and pissed him off when he found himself reluctant to let her go.

  “Don’t say it,” he warned Greg when his friend who knew him too well caught his look.

  “Say what?”

  Kelsey’s drowsy response went straight to Devin’s cock and he responded by kicking Thor into a trot, leaving it up to Greg to answer her. He kept the stallion’s gait slow enough little Cleo could follow alongside him in an easy trot as they covered the last quarter mile to the stable. Cherokee came thundering in behind them, the large red tossing his head, looking as exhilarated from that quick run as Kelsey. His growing interest in the girl left him unsettled and not happy about it.

  Dismounting, he tossed Cleo’s reins to Kelsey as Greg lifted her down, not bothering to curb his irritation when he snapped, “Now’s as good a time as any to see to your own horse’s care after a ride.” The spasm of hurt that crossed her pixie face drew a pang of guilt, and Greg’s frown didn’t help. Just because he wasn’t altogether pleased with himself didn’t mean he should take his mood out on her, he admitted with a sigh, especially after just initiating her to the control of two men.

  Stepping forward, he cupped her chin and tilted her face up, her jaw going rigid in his hand. Rubbing the pad of his thumb over her plump lower lip, he murmured, “Sorry. I can be a bastard. Are you doing okay?”

  Kelsey rewarded his concern with a narrowing of those bright blue eyes, darting her tongue out to lick his thumb as he pulled her lip down and rubbed the soft dampness of the pink tissues. “Just fine, Sir,” she drawled as he pulled his hand back as if burned. Greg chuckled and earned his glare.

  “Good.” Devin nodded and stepped back. “Loosen the strap and Greg will haul the saddle inside. I have to check the meat for the grill before the guests arrive.” He went back to Thor and made short work of removing his saddle and turning him loose in the corral with a slap on the rump that reminded him how it felt smacking Kelsey’s heart-shaped, malleable ass.

  Greg knew his amusement with Devin was reflected on his face and didn’t care. It was fun watching his best friend succumb to Kelsey’s charms as he’d suspected he might. He unsaddled the horses and turned them loose in the corral before hefting Cleo’s smaller saddle over his shoulder and gripping the pommel of Cherokee’s.

  “Devin is likely trying to work through your responses to that little scene as much as I imagine you are. I think you’re not only a natural at riding, but at submitting to the right person, or people.”

  “Those being you and Devin?” she asked. Her large blue eyes remained steady on him even though a faint blush crept over her face.

  “Yes, while you’re here. Who knows? Maybe you can attend a club in Philly for real when you return and be much better prepared.” An unaccustomed tightness squeezed his chest at the thought of her going home and hooking up with someone else. If Devin had a similar reaction it was no wonder he didn’t want to linger upon their return.

  “Maybe.” She waved an airy hand toward him. “But right now, I think I’ll concentrate on the present, and what you two are offering. Thanks for the ride and the orgasms. I need to get some work done.”

  His lips curled in amusement as she pivoted and practically skipped across the lawn and up the front steps to the house, his gaze on her twitching ass. She had spunk and sass, which he liked, but he still saw the shadow of insecurity in her eyes that never seemed to fade completely.

  “Have you found her yet?” the impatient male voice demanded as soon as he answered the call.

  “Not yet, but we have something to go on. If it pans out, it won’t take long to make the arrangements to get to her. Give us a few more days.” Soothing impatient clients might come with the territory when one hired themselves out to do the dirty work others were too squeamish to handle themselves, but he and his partner didn’t have to like it. If this guy kept up with the nagging calls, he just might be tempted to take him out instead of the mark.

  “That’s what you said a few days ago. October second is only a few weeks away,” the caller reminded him for about the tenth time.

  “Calm down. I told you, once we secure her location we can move quickly. You know we’re good at what we do, or you wouldn’t have come to us and been willing to pay our fee.”

  “You damn well better be. I’m screwed if she’s still breathing past the second.”

  The connection went dead and he tossed the phone down on the bed, glancing toward his partner. “The guy’s a pain in the ass. Let’s get back to digging so we can put this job behind us before I get mean.”

  A taunting smile and reply of, “No, we wouldn’t want that,” was the only response he got.

  Kelsey shifted on the chair and then swore at the warm, tingling reminder of what the two men she kept eying out the window had put her through earlier. That pesky word, more, continued to pop up no matter what either man subjected her to. She had a feeling now that they had agreed to ‘entertain’ her while she was their guest that they’d just begun demonstrating what had been missing from her previous affairs. If they continued to give her such off the chart orgasms, she could live with that. At least she would have some awesome memories to take home with her. Heck, if she continued to get into the whole submission/kinky sex thing, maybe she could join Dominion. Of course, she would have to talk the owner, Master Jared into forgiving her for disobeying his order the one time she was there, which resulted in her exile to this foreign land.

  Her gaze slid out the bedroom window again, leaving the numbers lined up in neat columns she was supposed to be tallying. Who could concentrate on accounting when the deep, rumbling voices of two tall cowboys wearing those sexy leather chaps and Stetsons that were lowered just enough to shield their eyes kept intruding? Watching them on and off for the last several hours, she’d developed an appreciation for how hard they worked and how much they seemed
to love what they do. With Tom and the Ingrams having the day off, it was left to them to sign in their guests and show them around. There weren’t as many as last week, just twelve new people spending the next three days of their two-week tour here. By the time they were unloaded from the bus and shown to their cabins, the afternoon sun had dipped into dusk.

  Despite how much she was looking forward to whatever Greg and Devin had in mind for her, Kelsey still couldn’t understand the draw of this isolated, wilderness setting. She’d grown fond of the little mare, Cleo, and liked riding more than she’d imagined. Hanging out in the social hall in the evenings was enjoyable but a far cry from hitting the clubs with a few friends or co-workers. And she missed shopping, her favorite restaurants and the McAllisters.

  Greg looked toward her window just then, the small smile curving his sexy mouth sending the girls and slutty bitch into a happy tizzy. At this point, she didn’t know what she wanted most – more of him and Devin or to go home. Then he crooked his finger and Kelsey didn’t give home another thought. Shutting down her work, she sprang up and hightailed it outside. With their guests now milling around and Devin starting up a huge grill, she knew she wouldn’t get anything more than their company this evening, but somehow she was just as good with that as she’d been with both men’s hands on her earlier.

  “Okay, I concede you were right,” Kelsey mumbled an hour later as she shoveled in another forkful of pheasant. “This bird is as good as chicken and turkey.” Sitting between Greg and Devin, she’d found it difficult to concentrate on eating at first, but her hunger followed by enjoyment of new tastes soon worked to refocus her attention. “And this corn is awesome.”

  Devin yanked on her hair, the tug against her scalp having a ripple effect straight down to her toes. “You should have believed me when I told you corn on the cob is best cooked on the grill.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re always right, I get it.” She smirked up at him as she sank her teeth into the buttered sweet corn. They’d hauled platters of food straight off the grill into the social hall, the chore of feeding their guests falling to Greg and Devin with Mary and Les gone until morning. From the enthusiasm of the newcomers, they too enjoyed the wildlife cuisine of venison and wild birds.

  “She learns fast,” Greg said over her head before turning his heated green gaze on her. “That should work in your favor, and ours going forward.”

  Kelsey’s pussy went damp as she recalled what she’d witnessed both at Dominion and at The Barn, making her wonder which scenes they would instigate with her, and when. “Are you going to tell me what you have in mind?”

  “No,” they returned at the same time.

  Their implacable answer delivered in their sensuous tenors elicited delightful shivers up and down her body in an odd mixture of unease and excitement. She’d never imagined those two emotions combined could stall her breathing as well as stir the constant, low-simmering arousal she experienced whenever one or both men were near, or looked at her, or she heard their voice, or… Hell, I’ve really got a bad case of the hots, don’t I? She blamed it on her dissatisfaction with her perfectly nice previous boyfriends, even if they did discard her as easily as the parents she didn’t remember and the foster parents who came before the McAllisters. That remembrance always put her in the dumps, so she shoved those memories aside to concentrate on the very pleasant here and now.

  “It’s not nice to keep me guessing, you know.”

  Devin shrugged in that way of his that stated loud and clear ‘too bad’ without words. Greg gripped her thigh under the table and squeezed. “Careful, little bit. Your bravado may not hold up against some of the things we might do.”

  Her nipples puckered and she rubbed her arm over them to ease the ache, making sure she disguised the gesture as reaching over to place her hand on Greg’s thick bicep. “I’m willing to risk it. Can we go play now?”

  A laugh burst from Devin as Greg’s eyes crinkled in amusement before they both responded with a resounding, “No,” and then stood to mingle and converse with their guests. Kelsey sighed in unfulfilled longing and then concentrated on finishing a meal that was every bit as good as the food she’d dined on in some of Philly’s best restaurants. By the time she was shoveling in the last bite, Otis and Silas were strolling over and filling the guy’s seats.

  “Are you attending the horse clinic tomorrow, Kelsey?” Otis asked.

  “I planned to check it out. You’ve probably been coming here long enough you already know what they’ll be teaching.”

  “That and we’re getting too old to be on those critters,” Silas replied. “We wanted to let you know we plan on spending the afternoon fishing, if you want to stop by. A girl needs to know how to toss a line.”

  “So you’ve been telling me for a week,” she teased. The two older men had taken a shine to her, one she found heartwarming and that she cherished. She’d never known grandparents, not that she remembered, and she liked the attention the two gave her. “I have to work, but if I get enough done, I’ll hike up there. Thanks for the invite.” She didn’t have the heart to tell them she possessed no interest in the mindless sport. If it meant bringing a smile to their lined faces, she would suffer through an hour of boredom, but she would not handle those slimy, wriggling things.

  “If you catch anything, the guys or Mary will cook it up for you. There’s nothing like fresh-caught trout or bass. Silas likes whitefish,” Otis said.

  Kelsey wrinkled her nose. “I like fish I don’t have to handle while still alive.”

  Both men chuckled as they stood and Silas warned her, “Don’t get attached to any of the cattle around here, then. See you tomorrow, hon.”

  Be careful what you wish for. That was Kelsey’s first thought the next morning as she opened the bathroom door wearing nothing but a towel to see Greg standing in the hall holding a small package. The look in his eyes as he took his time inspecting her from head to toe initiated those tiny ripples of awareness again, the ones that slide just under the skin and then slithered downward to zip up between her suddenly weak legs.

  Twiddling her thumbs, she hoped he didn’t notice her curled toes as she greeted him with an inquiring tilt of her head. “Good morning.”

  “Morning, little bit.” With his eyes on hers, he strode forward, grasped her hand and tugged her into the bedroom and over to the bed. Taking a seat, he laid the objects in his other hand next to his hip, tightening his grip as he reached up and whipped off her towel.

  Kelsey didn’t know what she liked more, what aroused her the most – his hot gaze or imagining where he planned to put the strange, bulbous object on the bed. When he pulled a tube of lube from his side pocket she had her answer, and interest turned to unease.

  “Um, Greg…”

  “Master Greg or Sir,” he interrupted. “Know what I like best about your size?” He yanked on her hand and sent her face down over his muscled thighs. “It’s so easy to position you where I want you. I’ve been wanting you like this since I saw you over Devin’s lap, this little ass all rosy and soft. Nothing beats having such a soft, tempting ass to do with as I wish.”

  He squeezed her right buttock and she whipped her dangling head up with a shake to get her hair out of her eyes. “But, I haven’t done anything.” Familiar tingling warmth she’d only experienced from a swat covered her cheek and kept her protest from sounding like a complaint.

  Greg smiled and rubbed. “Who says I’m going to punish you? I just want to play for a minute before I introduce you to the inflatable plug.”

  Intrigued, amused and aroused, Kelsey returned his teasing grin. “Oh, okay.” Scooting forward, she braced her hands on the floor, wiggled her butt and called back, “Have fun then.”

  His laugh sounded like it burst from his throat as he traced circles over one buttock and then the other, his touch so light it tickled. “I like how you continue to surprise me. It makes me want to find ways to surprise you in return.”

  Greg played with her butt. Th
at was the only way Kelsey could describe the way he kneaded her buttocks, squeezing the fleshy mounds then letting go to watch them jiggle. She squirmed in embarrassment as he pressed them together and then pried them apart, over and over. A pinch to her right cheek drew a startled yelp and a flutter deep inside her pussy.

  “It’s not nice to pinch girls,” she admonished with a giggle as he tickled the sensitive corner between her buttock and thigh.

  “I never claimed to be nice. For such a little thing, you have a nice, plump ass.” He braced his arm over her thighs and then proceeded to pluck his way across both cheeks, alternating between tight pinches and taunting, little tweaks that heated her flesh in a different way than the spanking she’d expected.

  Somehow, Kelsey wasn’t surprised to find herself responding to his playful touches with as much enthusiasm and wet heat as she did to his harsher treatment of her backside. For a solid ten minutes, he kept her awash in a myriad of sensations, varying his softer touches and manipulations with harder squeezing and pressing of her malleable flesh. By the time he stopped and caressed her trembling buttocks, she lay like a limp, wet noodle, her pussy spasming in empty neediness. She was sure when she returned home and looked back on this moment, she would feel shameful of her current state considering he’d just been ‘playing’ with her. But that was later; this was now.

  Greg jerked Kelsey from her fogged euphoria with the touch of his rough finger gliding between her buttocks. Tensing her cheeks, she whispered, “Sir?” as he breached her puckered hole with the lube’s nozzle, a sudden cold ripple replacing the warmth she was just basking in.

  “Playtime’s over. You pushed both of us into this relationship, Kelsey, and now it’s time for another lesson in what that means. This will be cool at first.”

  He was right. A squirt of ointment dampened and chilled her dark channel, but when he replaced the tube with the smooth, rounded tip of the plug while teasing the damp seam of her pussy lips, heat returned, blossoming deep inside her. “That feels funny, and good.” She groaned as the soft oval object slid inside with ease until the only part left out was the short dangling cord with the small bulb on the end.


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