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Cowboy Doms Collection

Page 84

by BJ Wane

  Tears filled her wide blue eyes until Kelsey wrenched away from his hold and blinked them away. “Thanks for the coffee. I need to get to work.”

  “Keep your curtains and window closed and leave the door open,” he instructed as she hopped off the stool with mug in hand. “Greg’s working the cattle today. When you’re ready for a break, let me know and we can join him.”

  She waved her free hand. “Don’t you have guest duties?”

  He shook his head. “The hunting party left at dawn and won’t return until tonight and our two couples are taking off on their own in their vehicles. The next group activity isn’t until we swim with the horses, tomorrow.”

  “Lucky me then. I’ll be your only obligation today.”

  Devin watched her walk down the hall, wishing he could erase the insecurity and despair that had returned to her wide blue eyes by telling her she wasn’t an obligation. But just because he’d softened toward having her here and was determined to ensure she stayed safe now they knew the threat against her was real didn’t mean she wasn’t an obligation. He wouldn’t lie and wouldn’t say something he wasn’t sure was true and add to her burden of coping with the two most important people in her life having already done that.

  I don’t care, I don’t care. Honestly, why should it bother her Devin hadn’t denied she was just an obligation, even after last night? It shouldn’t upset Kelsey so much, just as learning the McAllisters had taken her in and kept such close tabs on her all these years because they felt duty bound shouldn’t hurt. But it did.

  Her phone buzzed as she reached her room, but when she saw Theresa’s name on the screen, she tossed it on the bed without answering. She didn’t bother closing the door as she stripped off her nightgown, grabbed her jeans and a top and then padded naked into the hall toward the bathroom. Both Devin and Greg had seen and touched every inch of her body and knew where she was lacking, she mused, looking down at her small, B cup breasts. Losing herself in pleasure had been a welcome respite from the grief the McAllisters’ revelations had unleashed and she didn’t regret pleading for more from both men.

  Three hours later, Kelsey shoved away from the computer with frustration crawling under her skin from the nonstop upsetting thoughts still plaguing her. All four of her previous break-ups combined didn’t hurt her as much as the McAllisters’ deception, but just like with those disappointments, she was determined to put it behind her and move on. After changing into shorts, she left her room in search of Devin.

  She found him in their shared office, sitting behind the desk with a scowl on his face as he stared at the computer screen in front of him. Shoving aside the sudden longing for a comforting hug from him, she crossed her arms and stated, “I’m going to the creek to visit with Otis and Silas. Are you coming?”

  Crap. Why does that cool, appraising look get to me every time? “If you’re leaving the house, so am I. Making sure you stay safe has to be easier than figuring out Greg’s accounting.”

  She wasn’t in the mood to be nice, so why did she find herself offering her services? “I can take a look at your books this afternoon, if you want.” She shrugged, as if she didn’t care if either he or Greg trusted her with their financial information.

  “I would be forever grateful, and I know Greg would be too.” Crossing the room, he surprised her by doing exactly what she wanted him to. Clasping her elbows, he hauled her against him and swooped down to take her lips in a searing kiss that brought her to her toes.

  Kelsey forgot about her hurt feelings and pissy mood as Devin lifted her higher. On a low moan, she wrapped her legs around his waist, crossing her ankles against his back to secure her place as she rocked her crotch against his hard bulge. With one step, he had her pressed up against the wall, his mouth still moving with aggressive force over hers, his tongue never slowing in his invasive stroking inside her mouth. One hand shifted to her butt then under the loose leg of her shorts followed by a finger wedging inside her panties to tease her pussy lips.

  She whimpered and tried to make it easier for him to slide that finger inside her. He did, just enough to rub her swollen clit and send her into the throes of a quick, gushing climax. Shaking from the sudden onslaught, she mewled as he released her lips and pulled out of her pussy at the same time.

  “There. Feel better?” he asked as he moved back and she dropped her legs with a soft sigh.

  Kelsey blinked several times to get her bearings while the last tremors of pleasure dwindled to small pulses. “I… why did you do that?”

  “Because I wanted to, and you needed me to. Let’s go. I could use a walk.”

  Devin held her hand and kept her at his side as they trekked through the woods to the creek. Kelsey remained quiet, telling herself that kiss and considerate orgasm meant nothing. As if knowing what was going on in her head, Devin gave her the silence, if not the space, she needed to come to terms with his about face toward her. As if she didn’t have enough to muddle her thinking already.

  “There you are.” Silas waved them over as soon as they emerged from the trees.

  Sinking down onto the ground by their camp chairs, she wrinkled her nose as Otis reeled in a wiggling trout. “I still don’t get it, but hey, whatever floats your boat, guys.”

  “She’s a city girl,” Devin drawled, sitting next to her and taking the pole Otis handed him.

  “And don’t you forget it,” she retorted.

  He didn’t look at her as he tossed the line and said, “No, baby, I won’t.”

  I’ll miss the way he calls me baby in that slow drawl. Just one more thing to fret over, she bemoaned.

  They hung out for an hour, the guys tossing their catches into a bucket after Devin offered to grill them this evening. As he took her hand and led her back down the wooded path, Kelsey found herself reluctant for the other guests to return to the ranch. She rather enjoyed having Devin to herself. The only thing that could have made the afternoon better would have been Greg’s presence too.

  Halfway back to the ranch an uneasy feeling skittered down her back, turning her palms damp and lifting the tiny hairs on her arms. Casting a quick look through the dense foliage, an eerie, uncomfortable sense of being watched crept under her skin.

  “What’s wrong?” Devin moved closer, his body tense against hers as he looked around, his free hand inching around behind him.

  “Just a funny feeling. Are you carrying a gun?” He nodded without taking his eyes off the woods. Instead of alarming her, knowing he was armed helped ease the trepidation alarming her. “Someone needs to neutralize this threat against me fast,” she grumbled, picking up her step. “I’ll be damned if I spend my last week here cowering in fear.”

  “Working on it,” he assured her, both of them breathing easier once they emerged from the woods.

  Devin kept hold of Kelsey’s hand as he too had sensed someone, something sinister in the woods. Like Greg, he never discounted it as nothing when that sixth sense kicked in. Suspicion prompted him to make a mental note of the guests’ who had returned as he steered her toward the corral where he spotted Greg and Tom. Both the Sorensons and Kilpatricks’ vehicles were once again parked in front of their cabins and several members of the hunting party were mingling around the corral.

  “What’s up?” Greg asked as soon as they reached him, his voice low enough only Devin heard the underlying sharp edge of concern.

  “Take over while I check something out,” was all he said, knowing Greg would catch on. With a nod, Greg took Kelsey’s hand from him.

  Devin found what he was looking for ten minutes later. About ten yards from the trail in the woods, he came upon a spot where the foliage had been flattened, likely from someone lying prone for a while, as if in wait. It was too close to the cabins and too far from a designated hunting area for a hunting scout to be off track. It could be nothing, just coincidence, but neither he nor Greg would discount the disturbance just yet.

  “How was your walk?” Greg left Tom visiting with a few o
f the hunters who had returned early as he escorted Kelsey to the smallest barn.

  “Good, but I think Devin got the same queasy feeling of being watched right before we got back here. Where are we going?”

  He picked up the pace, not one to ignore anyone who claimed to sense eyes on them, especially if that someone was Kelsey or Devin. “I’m sure if someone was lurking in the woods, for whatever reason, Devin will find evidence.” Opening the barn door, he ushered her inside, both of them blinking to adjust going from bright sunshine into a darkened space. “This is where we bring livestock to give birth. The separation from the herd is less stressful for mama. This pair,” he paused at the first stall, “will be turned back out to pasture today. The calf is two days old.”

  “Oh, he’s so cute.” She frowned, narrowing her eyes as she looked up at him. “I don’t want to know what you breed them for, do I?”

  “Probably not. Come over here.” He tugged her over to the next stall, the need to erase the worry clouding her bright blue eyes taking hold as he tried not to think about how hard it was going to be to tell her goodbye. Pulling her in front of him, he braced his hands on the stall door, caging her in. “This little one is only two hours old.”

  Kelsey reached up and gripped the door, her hands appearing pale and small next to his much larger and darker ones. The growing compulsion to keep her close and ask her to stay rode him hard, but he had a lot of practice in putting his own needs second to those of the women he chose to get involved with.

  He heard the awe in her voice as she whispered, “She can barely stand.”

  “It takes a few hours for them to steady themselves, but it’s fun to watch them wobble around.” Dropping his right hand, Greg slipped under her loose tee shirt and caressed the smooth, warm skin of her waist.

  Her voice caught as she leaned into his touch. “It… must be hard to part with them. Don’t you get attached?”

  “Sometimes. But regardless of feelings, other priorities often take precedence. Tell me,” he insisted in a harder tone as he unhooked the front clasp of her bra and filled his hand with her soft flesh, “any repercussions this morning from last night? It’s not easy for a woman of your size to take two large men, one after the other.”

  She sucked in a deep breath as he rasped her nipple and bit her earlobe. “I woke up just fine, thank you. I’m not as delicate as I look.”

  “No, you’re not. You’ve managed to surprise me at every turn.” Greg plucked the distended bud, enjoying her quiver.

  “Greg.” He pinched her nipple and she gasped, “Sir, please.” Arching her back, she pushed her breasts forward, the move smashing the one in his hand against his palm.

  “I love hearing that breathless plea coming out of your mouth.” Bringing his other hand under her top, he kneaded both mounds of pillow-soft flesh and then took hold of her nipples. “Ever climaxed from just nipple play?” he asked, putting pressure on the puckered tips.

  Kelsey shook her head. “No. I don’t think I can. Maybe if you…”

  Greg spun her around, shoved the top up and lifted her to feast on her breasts. Her legs went around his waist and her arms around his head in a tight hold that smashed her breasts against his face. Gripping her ass, he licked, sucked and nipped her nipples, first one then the other. He didn’t even pause for air before latching onto the opposite side. Opening his mouth, he engulfed as much of the small mass as he could before slowly pulling up, wrapping his lips around the nipple and tugging upward, elongating the tip and lifting her breast. With a sharper bite, he let go and was rewarded with her hand gripping his hair in a tight fist.

  “Come for me, little bit,” he ground out as he returned to the left. “Now.” Using his teeth and lips, he latched onto the already reddened, stiff peak and brought her to a screaming orgasm.

  Kelsey ground her pelvis against Greg’s rock-hard abdomen as she splintered apart in a tumultuous climax. Riding the waves of pleasure pouring through her gyrating body, that one word she associated with him and Devin repeated itself yet again. More, more, more…

  By the time Greg gently unlocked her arms from around his head and lowered her legs, the realization she had come from just nipple stimulation was working its way past the euphoria fogging her mind. Leaning against his comforting strength, the cute ‘baby’ bawl of the newborn calf behind her reached her ears and a giggle tickled her throat.

  “Well, that was a first, and in a barn nonetheless.” Kelsey looked up at him and couldn’t resist clasping his whisker-roughed face, going up on her toes and giving him a soft kiss. “Thank you, cowboy.”

  “That’s cowboy, sir.” He swatted her butt with a crooked grin before leading her back outside. “Devin must be at the social hall with everyone else. I need to wash up before we head over.”

  And she needed a few minutes to compose herself, she thought as she went with him. Not that he gave her a choice. Between him and Devin, one of them remained at her side all day, their hovering nearness and ever-watchful looks a constant reminder of the now viable threat against her. By the time she finished wolfing down a plate of food, she realized how well the two of them had kept her distracted from fretting earlier with their single-minded, hot touches. But now, even surrounded by friendly people gathered for a good time, the despair from Jordan and Theresa’s deception and fear of the unknown crept back up to tighten her chest.

  She didn’t want to think about the sudden changes affecting her life or where she would be with the McAllisters once they caught the person responsible. The only distraction that had succeeded in diverting her from the upheaval of her life since coming here was Devin and Greg’s dominant control. She thought of the women she’d met at The Barn, the painful, frightening episodes in their lives they had overcome with help from their Doms and suddenly craved to be around the people who would understand the up and down emotions gripping her and the distracting pleasure of her two, temporary Doms focused attention in that sex-charged atmosphere.

  Devin and Greg stood, each taking her hands, but as they started toward the group around the fireplace, she blurted in a tight whisper, “I want to go to the club.”

  They must have seen her desperation reflected on her face because instead of replying with an automatic denial, Devin cocked his head and asked, “Now?”

  She nodded. “Yes, tonight. It’s not too late, is it?”

  “No, not at all.” Greg glanced at Devin before saying, “I’ll check with Tom, make sure he’s good with seeing everyone back to their cabins.”

  Chapter 13

  Kelsey got the same electrically charged vibe entering The Barn as last week, confirming her reaction wasn’t just a fluke. The low, sensuous beat of music blended with quiet voices and the occasional, high-pitched cry. She took a deep breath as Greg and Devin escorted her across the gleaming hard-wood floor, the mingling odors of sweet hay, exotic perfumes and musky sex assailing her senses.

  “I think I could get used to this place,” she murmured, her comment surprising her as much as them.

  Devin’s dark brows dipped down into a frown and his hand tightened around hers. “Since you’re leaving soon, maybe you can return to the club in Philly.”

  “She’ll need to heed the rules better. Why don’t you give that some practice tonight?” Greg drawled, his green eyes lit with humor that countered the tight set to his jaw.

  The problem was, other than not being able to figure these two out, the thought of going to any club like this without her two cowboys flanking her all night didn’t appeal to her as much as it once had. Right now, with the McAllisters’ betrayal and the threat against her verified causing her grief, all she could think about was how much she wanted them, and the sweet oblivion of those skyrocketing climaxes their dual touch could produce. The one time they’d gifted her with their bodies and she’d rolled off Greg and under Devin, would be forever seared into her mind as the most intense, sexual episode of her life. Unless she could push them into repeating it. As much as she appreci
ated their protective thoughtfulness in going slow and looking out for her well-being, like Devin said, she would be leaving soon. There would be plenty of time to recuperate from days of their dual possession once she left.

  Kelsey halted a few feet from the table where Sydney and Tamara were waving her over to go up on her tiptoes and whisper, “I promise, I’ll be on my best behavior if you two promise to quit treating me as if I’ll break. I assure you, I’m not mentally or physically fragile.”

  Devin moved so fast, Kelsey didn’t register what he was doing until his warm hand slid down the scooped neckline of her top and curled around her bare breast. “So, you’re good with us ordering you to strip bare tonight?”

  Embarrassment warred with lust as she cast a quick look around to see who might be watching. Last week, only Devin, Greg and Master Kurt had been privy to her bared breasts and butt in that secluded corner. “I didn’t think of that,” she admitted, unable to keep from leaning into his kneading squeezes. “So I don’t honestly know.”

  “At least you’re not lying. That’s a good start.” Greg kissed her, fast and hard as Devin removed his hand. When both men stepped back, the chill that replaced their heat left her as shaken as their touch. “You can think about how far you want us to take you tonight while we give you time to visit.” Ushering her toward their table, Greg smiled at the girls he and Devin seemed to have a special fondness for. “Don’t you two look pleased with yourselves?”

  Sydney’s small grin spread into a beaming smile. “We are, Master Greg, but not as pleased as we’ve made our husbands.” Tamara joined her in flicking Caden and Connor warm glances where they both stood behind the bar.

  “Can we tell them, Master Connor?” Tamara’s gray eyes gleamed with excitement.

  “What’s going on?” Devin looked from the girls to his friends, who seemed just as giddy as their wives.


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