Cowboy Doms Collection

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Cowboy Doms Collection Page 113

by BJ Wane

  Brad winced as his brother slammed the front door behind him. Damn Bryan’s overprotectiveness and Lillian’s conniving. He had gone cold when she’d tossed out that shocking revelation of having documented her bruises. He knew exactly where to hit, and how hard to deliver the most painful impact without causing internal damage. Until he’d come home and found her packed up and ready to walk out of his life again, he’d been careful not to leave bruises where anyone could see them. Given the fear he’d instilled in her regarding her precious, comatose sister, he never doubted she would rat him out to anyone.

  Bryan wouldn’t believe her without proof, he was too busy playing the saintly big brother to see what was right in front of him. Brad’s high intellect put him in the category of god status, and damned if he didn’t like it there. No woman had ever left him; he was always the one to end things. He’d been shocked when Lillian had broken off with him the first time they were together, and fucking pissed since he’d already decided she would make the perfect trophy wife. As an artist, he’d never seen better and with his connections, he could have taken her career higher.

  He chuckled now, thinking about how the perfect opportunity to get her back had landed in his lap with Liana’s aneurysm. It wouldn’t have bothered him in the least to cause that girl untold suffering if Lillian had tested his blackmail threats since Liana’s dislike of him had contributed to Lillian ending their relationship the first time. He hadn’t counted on the stupid bitch up and dying, at least not that soon.

  “Well, it doesn’t matter now,” he muttered, pushing to his feet. The room spun in circles, fast enough to force him to sit back down and put his head between his knees. Fuck but he would give anything to make her pay for laying him so low. Too bad those pictures she’d taken ensured he wouldn’t take his revenge on her. No woman was worth losing his stellar reputation or status in the city over.

  He just hoped he got over this concussion soon and that Bryan would cool down and forget about going after her.

  Lillian sipped the piping hot coffee the motel manager had delivered first thing that morning, the same as yesterday and the day before. She’d already devoured the Danish he’d added this time. She sighed, gazing at the trash filled with the paints that were too lumpy to keep, which was most of them. They’d thawed out after twenty-four hours but only a few were still usable. Frustrated at the loss and with being holed up in the small town of Willow Springs’ only motel for three days, she looked out the window at the fields of solid white. There was no denying the pristine view of distant, snow-capped mountains and the trees that stayed green year-round with icicles hanging off their limbs. So much open space; what the heck do people do out here?

  She’d ventured out on foot yesterday for a walk and to snap a few pictures to paint from. The roads were cleared and the downtown district wasn’t far off, but the biting cold had deterred her from making the trek toward the clump of buildings. Too bad nothing had worked to keep her mind from replaying that late night, foolish scene with her less-than-welcoming cabin host. Doc Mitchell hadn’t been rude or made her unplanned stay uncomfortable. On the contrary, he had made her as comfortable as he could even though he hadn’t disguised his annoyance with having his solitary sojourn interrupted. She appreciated his help but his bossiness irritated her. She was grateful for the free medical check and advice that had given her peace of mind but berating her for pushing herself had rubbed her the wrong way. Grief accounted for her irresponsibility in neglecting to get her injuries checked, but she’d believed, and was right, they weren’t life-threatening.

  And what did she care about the relief in the good doctor’s hazel eyes when the sheriff had hustled her into his cruiser and Mitchell waved goodbye? Just because the man had taken her to exalted heights of ecstasy she’d never achieved before, or even thought possible, was no reason for his rugged face to keep popping up or for her to continue recalling how her nipples would peak from the deep rumble of his commanding voice.

  I need to get away from here, that’s all. Yes, that was all there was to the frustration of sitting here idly daydreaming about a man she knew little about except his touch could set her off like a firecracker. Stress, grief and anger were powerful motivators for succumbing to a virtual stranger she wasn’t sure she even liked, but that was over and she was more than ready to put him and this place behind her.

  The problem was, where to next? And, how far would she have to travel to escape the painful memories she’d left behind? Lillian missed her sister with a deep-rooted ache. She’d thought the six weeks Liana had lain in a coma had prepared Lillian for never hearing her voice again, but she’d thought wrong. She still found herself reaching for the phone to make their daily call. They’d been as close as twins could be yet had respected each other’s need for space and forging their own path in life.

  Liana hadn’t hesitated in supporting Lillian’s initial break with Brad; her sister had never warmed up to him. Thank God Liana had never gotten wind of how crazy possessive he was. At least her comatose state spared her the knowledge of his depraved blackmail and the degrading lengths Lillian had been willing to accept to spare her pain.

  A rap on the door roused her from her melancholy. The motel manager called out, “It’s Bob from the front desk, Ms. Gillespie.”

  Opening the door, Lillian handed the white-haired man her empty coffee cup and plate. “Thank you so much.”

  “No problem. I’m leaving in about fifteen minutes, if you’d like to get out a spell I can give you a lift to our business square. There are some small shops, a tea café that is popular, the diner and the library, all within easy walking around. I figured you might be getting cabin fever, holed up in here for so long.”

  “I’d love that.” Anything to take her mind off missing her sister. Bob always eyed her fading bruises with a tight look of disapproval, his concern both unsettling and warming. A bit like her response to Mitchell’s same reaction upon first gazing at her face. “Just let me grab my coat and I’ll head over to the office.”

  He nodded. “See you in a few minutes. Don’t forget gloves, and a hat if you have one.”

  The fatherly advice was unnecessary, but nonetheless, appreciated. With her whole family now gone, Lillian embraced the older man’s solicitude. She didn’t have a hat but would be warm enough in her thigh-length, lined coat and gloves. Enduring a little cold was worth it for the chance at something to do. Funny, she mused as she trekked toward the idling car in front of the motel office, the boredom and close confines of staying in the doc’s cabin hadn’t gotten under her skin like these past days in the motel had. At least she would be spared an awkward moment of meeting up with Mitchell again today since he was enjoying his solitude now she was out of his hair.

  Bob pulled in front of the Willow Springs library, housed in a renovated, hundred-year-old building. The quaint town square was something out of a history book; only the touches of modern-day advances such as the streetlamps and center fountain ensured first-time visitors they hadn’t stepped back in time. The city offices and sheriff’s precinct were in the two-story, all brick building next to the library, and she recalled the sexy, toothpick chewing lawman whose penetrating looks had given her shivers of awareness that he was not a man to cross. She didn’t fear him, in fact, didn’t fear any man, not even Brad at his worst. But, like Mitchell, Grayson Monroe had commanded her attention with just a look and a few words, something she wasn’t used to.

  “You tell Willa I dropped you off. She’ll help you find what you like and can point you in the right direction of any shops you might want to visit. I have your number. I’ll check with you in a little while, see if you need a lift back.”

  “That’s nice of you, but I don’t want to put you out. It’s not that far of a walk.” She couldn’t imagine any other motel manager going to such lengths for a guest.

  “On a nice day, it’s doable, but not in the winter. I’m already in town. It’s no imposition.”

  “Then thank you

  Even though there were several books on her reader Lillian hadn’t gotten to yet, she liked the idea of killing time by searching for a title or two in paperback. The building even smelled old, she reflected as she stepped inside and spotted the eighty-something librarian behind the check-out counter. Always before, she had Liana to recommend books and compare their likes and dislikes with. It was her sister who turned Lillian into an avid reader, and as she walked toward the counter, her stomach cramped from another painful reminder of her loss.

  “Good morning. Are you all right, dear?” The older woman shuffled toward her with a frown of concern.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” Lillian rushed to assure her as a short brunette wearing wide, dark-framed glasses approached the desk carrying several books. She waved an airy hand around her face, remembering the now sickly shades of yellow and green her bruises had faded into. “This mishap occurred several days ago. I’m only in town a few more days while my car’s getting fixed. Would a temporary library card be possible?”

  The brunette set her books down and swiveled to look at Lillian with a surprised expression that switched to curiosity. “You must be Doc’s stranded guest. Hi, I’m Avery Monroe, the sheriff’s wife.” She held out a hand and her coat fell open to reveal a small baby bump.

  “That would be me, Lillian Gillespie.” She took her hand wishing she possessed a fraction of the other woman’s curves.

  “You have to join me at the tea shop after you get your books and tell us about having our good doctor all to yourself for almost three days. We’re dying of curiosity.” Avery’s eyes sparkled and her teasing grin was contagious.

  Small town living, don’t ya just love it? Lillian thought back to the intense heat of that hour by the fireplace, not all of it coming from the flames crackling in front of her naked body. “Word travels fast around here, doesn’t it? I hate to burst your bubble, but there’s not much to tell. Mitchell wasn’t too happy about having me there, but we both made the best of it.” It wasn’t as if she could tell a stranger something so private. It would likely shock Avery to hear how Lillian had obeyed his commands without much thought or hesitation. Heck, just thinking about her easy capitulation was a jolting reminder of how desperate she’d been for anything that would take her mind off facing the rest of her life without her twin and best friend at her side.

  “Avery, why don’t you show Lillian where to find the genres she’s interested in. I’m Willa, dear, and yes, I’ll have a temporary card ready for you when you’ve made your selections,” the librarian said, handing her an information sheet to fill out.

  “Sure, I’d love to. It’s always fun to browse with someone who still enjoys reading print books.” As soon as the two of them moved away from the counter, Avery whispered, “Please tell me there was more to your stay in the woods than that.”

  Seeing no polite way to refuse, Lillian pasted on a smile. The other woman’s enthusiasm for gossip reminded her of Liana and how her sibling thrived on involving herself in her author’s lives. “Sorry. He was a congenial host, well, except for his penchant for bossiness. The man never asked, just demanded.”

  Avery chuckled as she led Lillian toward the suspense section. “I know what you mean. My husband is the same way.”

  “And you don’t mind?”

  She shrugged. “Sometimes, but he has a way of making it worth not arguing too much.”

  “Huh. Well, no offense, but great sex still isn’t worth putting up with overbearing bossiness.”

  “No, but awesome sex is, and besides, Grayson only turns really demanding and firm when he’s concerned for me over something. That’s nice, to know he cares so much. I never had that before him. Have you read this?” Avery pulled out a mystery thriller. “It’s very good and has a surprise ending.”

  “I love surprise endings.” Lillian took the book, envying the other woman’s happiness and speculating about whether the perks from a committed, close relationship were worth putting up with a domineering man on occasion.

  “Stick around here long enough and you might get one of your own, like me. So, what do you say?” Avery asked as they strode back to the counter “Do you have time for a cup of tea with me?”

  I have nothing else to do, nowhere to go and no one else. And wasn’t that the sad truth? “I’d love to. Thank you.”

  Chapter 5

  The tea shop reminded Lillian of the coffee bar she often visited back home with its small dining area and long glass-enclosed counter showcasing sweets to go with the list of teas and coffees. She followed Avery to one of the round tables with wrought iron legs and matching chairs as the woman behind the counter glanced up with a welcoming smile.

  “Hey, girlfriend. You’re early, but that’s fine by me. It’s been slow this morning.” Coming around the counter, the rich hue of her mink brown hair grazed her shoulders as she eyed Lillian out of light brown eyes. When she reached the table, she didn’t shy away from eying her bruises with a wince. “Please don’t say you ran into a wall.”

  Lillian chuckled. She liked her open candor. “Funny, that’s almost the same thing Mitchell said. The man who did this is history and no longer a threat.”

  “Well, that’s good to know.” She thrust out a hand. “Mitchell, huh? You must be his rescued guest. I’m Nan.”

  She shook Nan’s hand, wondering at all the interest in the local doctor’s personal life. He was hot, yes, but given both women wore sparkling wedding rings, she doubted they were pining for male companionship. “I’m Lillian, and I’m not Mitchell’s anything and prefer to keep it that way.”

  “Do tell but let me get you something first. I recommend the cherry green tea or sweet blackberry black tea to go with a cinnamon scone.” Flicking Avery a look, she said, “Only green for you. The last time I caved and gave you the loaded coffee you wanted, Master Grayson reamed me good for abetting you in sneaking caffeine.”

  “That’s not as bad as what he did to me.” Avery sent Lillian a quick look and blushed before rolling her eyes and nudging her glasses back up. “We were just discussing bossy men and I told Lillian I don’t mind it when my husband goes all caveman on me, but sheesh, his overprotectiveness has gone off the charts since I got pregnant.”

  One word stood out from Nan’s remarks and drew on Lillian’s curiosity. “Master? Is that a joke or nickname?”

  “Definitely no joke. Our husbands like sexual control, along with protective streaks that can get annoying.” Nan cocked her head. “Master Mitchell is good friends with them. I’m surprised you didn’t pick up on it, staying in such close quarters for almost three days. It’s not as if any of them shed their private personas completely to don a different attitude when not at their club.”

  “Huh, so that’s where the bossiness comes from.” Knowing the doctor was into the kinks of BDSM explained a lot, but not the ease with which she had accepted his commands. Lillian most definitely wasn’t interested in letting a man dictate to her ever again, not even for rewarding sex. Needing to change the subject, she said, “The cherry green sounds good.”

  “Okay, make it two,” Avery added then turned to Lillian. “I hope we didn’t make you uncomfortable.”

  Lillian shook her head. “No, not at all. In fact, you’re braver than I am. I’ve met your husband and don’t think I’d go against his wishes.”

  A smile brightened Avery’s face. “His bark is worse than his bite. Well,” she shifted on the seat with an exaggerated grimace and sparkle in her caramel eyes. “Most of the time anyway.”

  Lillian would not ask. Just that slight movement hinted at where the sheriff had delivered his punishment and reminded her of the light swats Mitchell introduced her to. She hadn’t minded those; in fact, she’d found the taps stimulating. A small souvenir to take with her when she got back on the road again in a few days.

  “What are your plans while you’re here?” Nan asked as she set a tray down with their tea and scones.

  “I haven’t made any except to
find the arts and crafts shop the motel manager mentioned. I don’t know how much longer it’ll take for my car, but it should only be a few days.” She blew on the hot beverage and took a sip, the steaming tea tasting good and easing her chills. Winter was not the best time to travel north.

  “That’d be Maisie’s over on Second Street. I’ll give you a lift when you’re done, if you want,” Avery offered.

  “Thanks, but I don’t want to put you out. I’m sure I can find it, and Bob, from the motel, already offered to come back and pick me up.”

  “It’s on my way, so it’s no trouble. There’s an accounting office on Second I’ve got an appointment at to check a downed computer.”

  “Okay, then thanks. It’s quiet in here. Is that because of the snow?”

  “Nah, weather rarely keeps anyone home around here,” Nan replied. “It’s always slow after the morning coffee rush. Most weeks, our friends, Sydney and Tamara join us on Wednesdays, but they’re both in the final weeks of their third trimester and sticking close to home.”

  Lillian arched a brow as she swallowed a bite of pastry. “Is there something in the water I need to worry about?”

  “Not unless you got closer to our good doctor than you said. There’s just as many of us who aren’t in a hurry to join them, even if Dan keeps hinting about the two of us not getting any younger,” Nan returned.

  “Speaking of your husband.” Avery nodded toward the door as the bell above it jingled and a tall blond man wearing a dark brown Stetson, leather coat and cowboy boots sauntered in.

  Nan stood with a beaming smile and Lillian experienced a tight clutch in her abdomen as her husband focused his dark eyes on her. Ignoring his audience, he cupped her nape and drew his wife’s head up for a deep kiss that made Lillian question the enjoyment of her every lip lock. By the time he released Nan with a playful smack on her butt and nudged his hat back, she was the one squirming in her seat. Smiling, he said, “Good morning, ladies. You must be Mitchell’s rescue. Dan Shylock.”


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