George Hartmann Box Set

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George Hartmann Box Set Page 71

by Kelly Utt

  "Ethan!" I yell at my son. "Don't move, son, or you'll fall. Stay perfectly still. I'm coming for you."

  Ethan hears me and lets his body relax. Thank God. Clive hears me, too, and my words have apparently angered him. He turns towards me and narrows his eyes as he smirks. He seems to be challenging me. He's daring me to catch him. Taunting me again, just like he did this afternoon in the hotel room.

  It's a race now, although I'm not sure to where. I move as quickly as I can to try and catch up. I'm not completely sure what I'll do when I reach them. Clive overpowered Liam, how I’m going to get Ethan from him without being overpowered myself. And of course, not fall.

  Someone from the crowd yells up at me, "He's going for the roof."

  I lean forward as far as I can and I see a ladder in an alcove. He must be trying to get to it and get up on the roof. As it turns out, that's exactly what he's doing.

  He reaches the ladder and swings Ethan under one arm like he's holding a football as he begins to climb. There's a small landing at the bottom of the ladder, which gives me a measure of comfort. If Ethan falls while Clive is on the latter, he'll only go down to the landing. This looks like a perfect opportunity for me to catch up, so I put myself into an even higher gear as I scoot and step across the front of the hospital building on the tiny ledge. I'm getting into a rhythm now. At some points, I don't even remember that I'm high in the air and could fall to my death at any moment. I'm hyper-focused on saving my son.

  Finally, I reach the bottom of the latter as Clive continues to climb it above me.

  Again, I hear my uncle’s voice from the direction where I just came.

  "George!" he says.

  Roddy is with him now, too. They've apparently gotten into the room where Clive was holding Ethan.

  "Where?" Roddy says.

  "The roof!” I exclaim.

  "On it," Liam says.

  "No sign of the accomplice,” Roddy adds.

  That means Clive may be going to meet up with his accomplice. Which means I may have to confront two of them at the same time.

  Once I step onto the first rung of the latter, I heave myself upwards at top speed. I'm able to make much more progress now that I'm on solid footing. I reach the top of the ladder and step onto the roof just as Clive’s accomplice is entering from a door on the other side. He looks exactly like Mom described. I watch as he uses a large metal bar to block the door so no one else can get up on the roof to join us. I still can't figure out what their plan is. How do they think they're going to get out of here?

  The news helicopter shines its light on us, no doubt, recording our every move. I couldn’t care less.

  Clive and the accomplice both see me. They look at each other and nod, ready to take me on. Ethan sees me, too.

  "Daddy! He exclaims, his voice sounding utterly terrified. "Help me! Help me, Daddy."

  "Hold on son," I say. "I'm coming to get you."

  I rush towards Clive and the accomplice. When I'm about six feet away, I stop and get into a balance stance then pull the handgun out of my pocket and point it directly at them. It's going to be difficult for me to shoot one or both of them without hurting Ethan. I've never been in a situation like this. I hope my aim is good. It’s been a while since I’ve even held a gun.

  "Stop right there," I say. "Or I'll shoot. Let the boy go."

  Clive and his accomplice look at each other and chuckle. They're both big guys. Bigger than me. They’re fit and muscular. I have to play this very carefully.

  "Not a chance," Clive says. "I already told you. This is my boy, not yours. He belongs with me. Ask your wife. She'll tell you that what I say is true."

  My blood boils and I can feel the anger heating my skin, giving my body even more adrenaline and power. The fact that this asshole has just told Ethan he's not my son enrages me. I begin to rush towards them, gun still drawn. They don't pull a gun on me, so apparently they don't have one. That seems like a strange in like an oversight. Then again, Clive was able to overpower Liam when my uncle was the only one with a gun. He must have some hand to hand combat skills that make him more capable than average.

  The accomplice is still dressed in the nurse’s uniform. He pulls a large knife out of one pocket and shrugs. He steps closer to Clive and Ethan, then slowly brushes the knife back-and-forth on Ethan's belly over his shirt.

  "Lose the gun," the accomplice says to me. "Or the boy gets it. I personally don't care whose boy he is."

  Clive looks disturbed by this, like maybe he actually cares about Ethan. But he doesn't stop what’s happening.

  "Do what he says” Clive inserts. “Toss the gun over the side of the building.”

  I don't have any choice. The man has a knife right on Ethan's soft little belly. I can't let him be sliced. Better to de-escalate the situation and find another way. I do as he says and toss the gun over the side of the building.

  The blades of the helicopter continue to roar overhead, beating a rhythm that I hope I never have to hear again. Ethan begins to cry now and sobs and heaves. He seems to be in a state of total and utter shock and terror.

  "What is your plan?" I say. "How do you think you're going to get away?"

  Clive reaches one hand around to a side pocket of his own and pulls out a metal chain ladder, then dangles it up in the air.

  “We're going to climb down, using this. We’re leaving and there's not a damn thing you can do about it."

  He hands the ladder to his accomplice who turns and scoffs at me as he walks to the far side of the building and begins to secure the ladder over the edge. He takes the knife with him, putting it back in his pocket. Apparently, they don't see me as much of a threat without my gun. That's a mistake.

  I kick myself into gear and rush at them like an angry bull. Clive drops Ethan as he puts his fists up to fight me. Ethan falls to the floor in a heap. Clive’s accomplice looks up but continues affixing the ladder onto the building.

  I take a couple of swings at Clive, aiming square for his nose. It'll be easy to break if I can get a hit just right and then there will be a lot of blood for him to contend with. That might give me enough time to grab Ethan and get out of here. But Clive is an advanced fighter. He blocks my fists before they can land in their intended locations. Instead of countering my attack, he comes at me and launches an attack of his own. He hits me in the eye hard and then uses his other hand to punch me in the gut. I feel the wind knocked out of me as I'm forced backward. I manage to stay on my feet though.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I see Ethan. He's on his feet and he is running around the roof like a scared little animal. He's in such a state that I know he could easily fall off the side. He's not aware of the danger and even if he were, he's not in any frame of mind to heed it.

  Clive sees him, too, and it seems like he's trying to decide whether or not to go after him. Clive and I make eye contact as I lunge towards Ethan. Clive is closer, so if he goes for him, too, he'll get there first.

  At the very same moment, I hear a clanking. It sounds like someone is trying to get through the door to join us here on the roof. It's probably my guys and I could sure use their help right now. The accomplice hears the clanking, too, as he drops the ladder over the side of the building. He's apparently finished securing it and ready to make his exit. He looks at the door, then at me, Clive, and Ethan.

  Everything seems to have switched into slow motion as my subconscious mind works to orchestrate the best moves.

  Clive decides to go for Ethan. Even though I don't want his hands on my son, I'd much prefer that to Ethan toppling over the side of the roof. Ethan stops and starts and runs in a zigzag motion. It's difficult to predict where he's going to run next. Clive and I look at each other, both of us now focused on the same goal. We sprint towards Ethan, both intent on saving him from a fall.

  Ethan darts towards the edge and is walking dangerously close to it.

  Clive and I both run harder and faster, pumping our arms and moving our feet as fast as
they will go until finally, we both reach out to Ethan as his precious little body topples over one side of the building, arms flailing in the air frantically.

  We grab for him, each grasping a different part of his shirt and throwing ourselves onto the floor of the roof in order to hold onto Ethan without falling over ourselves.

  We lay there, both enemies and compatriots holding onto my sweet Ethan for dear life. Clive and I look at each other as sirens begin to blare and a group of police cars pulls into the front of the hospital parking lot.

  "Time’s up,” the accomplice calls out to Clive. "We’ll have to finish this another time."

  Clive looks at his accomplice, not wanting it to be over. He then turns and looks at the police cars again. It won't take them long to get up here. He'll go back to prison. He looks at Ethan who has gone expressionless, the trauma too much to remain present for.

  Clive then looks at me. We hold eye contact for what feels like a long time as I pull Ethan back up onto the roof and into my arms. Once Ethan is safely away from the edge and secure in my embrace, Clive releases his grip on the child’s clothing.

  So much is being communicated between us right now even though we aren’t saying a word.

  Finally, Clive decides to go. I can't pursue him and keep Ethan safe, so I let him go. I hope the police will find him and arrest him again, but I have a hunch they won't. I know this isn't the last we’re going to see of Clive Roland.

  He's halfway down the metal ladder when the door finally opens and Roddy, Liam, Duke, and Taye burst through it, guns drawn. I remain seated on the roof with Ethan firmly in my arms. I don't want to move a muscle.

  “Over that edge," I say as I point in the direction where Clive and his accomplice escaped. Roddy and Duke rush to the edge and take aim, then fire their weapons. A total of twelve shots ring out. I hear them and I count each one. Then both of my guys lower their weapons.

  "Did we get them?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

  "No," Roddy and Duke say together.

  Liam and Taye step over to join them in looking over the side of the building and into the distance.

  "They made it to the woods across the road,” Liam says.

  "We couldn't see anything to aim at," Duke confirms. "I'm sorry, George."

  I hold my boy in my arms and squeeze him tight. I'm not sorry. This is a good outcome. My family is safe. My uncle is back. And I’ve been given the opportunity to learn more about what I’m made of.

  I know Clive will return. I also know there's a lot more to this story I’ve yet to learn. Clive probably isn’t the only threat.

  I’ll face whatever may come on another day, with my people by my side.

  For tonight, I am simply grateful.

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  About the Author

  Standards of Starlight Books

  Kelly Utt

  Kelly Utt was born in Youngstown, Ohio in 1976. She grew up with a dad who would read a book on a weighty topic, ask her to read it, too, and then insist they discuss it together, igniting her passion for life's big questions.

  Prior to writing fiction, Kelly told the stories of small businesses and their founders so the most positive and authentic parts could shine through. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and she studied graduate level Interactive Media at Quinnipiac University.

  She lives in the Nashville suburb of Franklin, Tennessee with her husband and sons.

  Also by Kelly Utt

  Have you read them all?

  In the George Hartmann Series

  Fans who enjoy both suspense and sentimentality will devour this pulse-pounding, sexy drama set against the backdrop of modern-day Ithaca, New York and featuring vivid memories of Ancient Ithaki, Greece. The stakes are high. And the suspense will keep you on the edge of your seat.

  When George Met Ali

  George Hartmann is living like a typical twenty-something bachelor in the early aughts until one careless romp between the sheets lands him in a troublesome situation. In this prequel short story, you'll meet a young, twenty-something George Hartmann and you'll see how he nearly missed out on one of the very best things life had to offer.

  Free to Download

  Ithaca’s Soldier

  When George Hartmann's past life as an Ancient Greek soldier catches up to his new life in Upstate New York, a violent break-in endangers his sons and brings the terrifying realization that centuries-old demons may be back to haunt them. Will George be able to protect the ones he loves and find lasting peace?

  Buy It: Apple | Google Play | B&N | Amazon |Kobo

  Subject to Danger

  A killer is on the loose. He murdered George Hartmann's boy when they lived a past life together in Ancient Greece, and he tried to do it again right here in the present. Will George put the pieces together in time, before ancient history repeats itself?

  Buy It: Apple | Google Play | B&N | Amazon | Kobo

  Places Blue

  George Hartmann is at a breaking point. His three little boys have suffered one harrowing ordeal after another and now his wife’s life hangs in the balance. The danger is real. There’s little to go on besides a string of distant, pieced-together memories. And there’s no place to hide.

  Buy It: Apple | Google Play | B&N | Amazon | Kobo

  Limits of Protection

  There's an imminent threat to national security and George Hartmann is one of only a handful of patriots who can thwart it. Will he find a way to navigate divided loyalties and save the day?

  Buy It: Apple | Google Play | B&N | Amazon | Kobo

  The Pieces

  Coming in 2019

  Strike Team

  Coming in 2019

  Be the first to know when new books are released by signing up for Kelly’s e-mail list at The George Hartmann Series will span twenty-six total novels.

  Ithaca’s Soldier, Subject to Danger, and Places Blue are works of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously.
Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  2018-2019 Standards of Starlight E-book Editions

  Copyright © 2019 by Kelly Utt-Grubb, writing as Kelly Utt

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Boxed Set ISBN: 978-1-7337712-9-0

  Cover art by Justin Carolyne


  Ithaca’s Soldier

  I. New Yorkers

  1. Home

  2. Taking Root

  3. What Buds May Bloom

  4. A Glow

  II. Ancient History

  5. Things Worth Fighting For

  6. It Burns


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