Three Things I'd Never Do

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Three Things I'd Never Do Page 16

by Remi Carrington

  The rose petals led into my bedroom. A votive candle in a small glass holder flickered from the floor just inside the partially open door. My heart went into full aerobic workout mode, and my pulse quickened.

  I pushed open the door the rest of the way. The trail continued into my bathroom.

  After sipping my wine, I followed the path.

  The bathroom glowed with candlelight.

  Wearing only a pair of gym shorts that had leaves taped to them, Adam dropped to one knee in the bathtub. “Eve Taylor, since meeting you, my life has been bathed in laughter. You rarely leaf my thoughts. I’ve fallen hard for you.” He paused and flashed that grin I loved. “I hope you think this is funny. What I’m trying to say is that I love you with all my heart.” He held out a small box with the lid open. “Will you marry me?”

  I couldn’t remember ever being so happy. Choked up with emotion, I just stood there, staring at the diamond solitaire.

  “Eve?” He held out his hand.

  I set the wine glass aside and clasped his hand. “Yes. A million times yes.” I climbed into the tub with him. “And I think you’re treeeemendously funny.”

  He slid the ring onto my finger then pulled the clip out of my hair. It fell around my shoulders, and his grin widened.

  “You are beautiful.” He tangled his fingers in my hair, and our lips met. For a few minutes, the rest of the world ceased to exist.

  But then Pookie meowed from somewhere in the house.

  “Oh no. She’ll catch her fur on fire with the candles.” I pulled away from Adam. “I need to go find her. Where are the dogs? I didn’t eat all the chocolate.”

  He tugged me back to his chest. “She’s crying because I locked her in a guest room. We’ll rescue her later. The dogs are out back . . . far away from the chocolate.”

  “Okay.” I melted back against him.

  He dotted kisses on my neck then scooped me up.

  “Whoa!” I clung to his neck. “You’ll hurt yourself.”

  “I’ll be fine. But thanks for that vote of confidence.” He carried me down the hall. The candles had all been put out, and the house was dark.

  As he stepped into the living room, the lights came on, and several people shouted, “Congratulations!”

  Haley jumped up and down, clapping. “Yay!” She tossed confetti in the air. What a sneak.

  Harper raised a glass then kissed Pookie, who was sitting on his shoulder. “Lookie who I found trapped in a bedroom.”

  Mom had tears running down her face, and rubbing her back, Dad narrowed his eyes when he saw how Adam was dressed.

  Adam put me down and gave me a quick kiss. “I hope you don’t mind a late-night celebration.”

  His mom ran up and hugged us both. “You look so happy.”

  Butch and Sundance darted into the living room as Adam’s dad laughed. “I let them in. They wanted to be included.”

  I dropped to my knees and hugged both dogs. “Do you guys want to come live here?

  Adam whispered loudly, “Say yes.” Then he dropped down next to me. “I hope they didn’t spill the surprise. I swore them to secrecy.”

  “They are as sneaky as you are.” I cradled his face. “I love you.”

  He leaned in close so that only I could hear him. “And I love that you’re wearing what you did on the day we first met.”

  “It’s my favorite shirt.”

  “Javi wanted to be here, but—”

  “Let me guess. He’s visiting his girlfriend, isn’t he?”

  “Yeah. He’s smitten. He drives up every weekend.” Adam helped me up off the floor.

  “Since you’ll be moving out soon, maybe Javi should propose.”

  “Maybe so.” He pointed to the kitchen. “Let’s have dessert.” As everyone walked that way, he tugged me back. “Soon is what I’d like too.”

  “Then you’ll really get to see me in what I was wearing when we first met.” I trailed a finger down his cheek then hurried to the kitchen.

  He kept pace with me. “Tomorrow? I’m free tomorrow.” He winked and handed me a flute of champagne. “Care for some bubbly?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Haley lifted her glass. “To my best friend and her bestest superhero.”

  Everyone but Harper raised a glass in the air. “A superhero. Really? Where do I find someone who will call me that?”

  Adam laughed and pointed at our moms. “Maybe you should ask them to set you up on a blind date.”

  Harper shook his head. “I’m never going on another blind date.”

  “Never say never,” everyone responded.

  I’m not sure who said it first, but I’m pretty sure I said it the loudest.

  Keep reading to get a glimpse of their wedding in the epilogue.



  When it was time for the first dance, Adam held Eve’s hand and led her out to the dance floor. She gripped his hand so tight, his fingers were almost white. Then they stopped in the middle of the dance floor.

  Before the music started, he cupped her face with both hands and kissed her.

  There wasn’t a dry eye in the place after that.

  The music started, and I dabbed my eyes, watching Eve’s perfect wedding unfold exactly as planned. We’d spent so many hours thinking about every detail. And it was worth every minute.

  Hair tickled the back of my neck. I wasn’t used to wearing my curls wrestled up in a fancy twist. I brushed the errant hair away then went back to watching Adam and Eve. When the song ended, other couples made their way onto the dance floor.

  Showing up single to weddings wasn’t fun, but it had been my choice. Hopefully, Harper would ask me to dance. Otherwise, it would be a long reception.

  The tickling started again. Had the air kicked on? It wasn’t that warm. The February weather was perfect.

  I turned to look for a vent.

  “Hiya, Carrot.” Zach grinned. “I wondered how long it would take you to turn around.”

  Dressed in a suit, he redefined good looking.

  Butterflies started a rave in my stomach. “Hi. Why are you here?” I hadn’t seen his name on the guest list.

  “Eve invited me. I came to keep you company.” He leaned forward and draped an arm around me as he pointed. “The guy over there—is that Harper?”

  I nodded.

  “Well, Harper keeps looking this way. If he asks me to dance, that would be awkward.”

  “What do you want, Zach?” Curt, I didn’t know any other way to hide my feelings.

  “Dance with me. Sitting here isn’t much fun.”

  “All right.”

  He stood and held out his hand. “I promised Eve I wouldn’t let you hide in the corner all night.”

  As soon as Eve returned from her honeymoon, she’d get an earful from me. I didn’t need pity dances from my brother’s best friend.

  “Never mind.” I crossed my arms. “I don’t feel like dancing.”

  “Please. I’m not above begging.” He grabbed the back of my chair and shifted as if he was about to kneel. Sometimes, he took his teasing too far.

  “Do not make a scene.” I popped up out of my chair. “I’ll dance with you.”

  “Where is the happy couple spending their honeymoon?” He shrugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves.

  I stared at his newly polished boots. “A cabin in an undisclosed location.”

  “Undisclosed, huh? You know where, don’t you?” He pressed a warm hand to my back and led me onto the dance floor. “Which of us is going to lead?”

  “I’ll let you, I guess.”

  “I appreciate that.” He leaned down to talk over the music. “You were saying that they’re staying near here.”

  “I didn’t say that. But they’ll only be at the cabin two nights. Then they fly off to Mexico to enjoy a cabana near the beach.” I tapped his chest. “Please don’t tell anyone, Zach.”

  “Mum’s the word. On a scale of one to ten how do you think
Adam will rate as a husband? Will he be good for Eve?” Zach twirled me then pulled me back again.

  “I’d say a twelve. He’s perfect for her. I don’t think there’s anything he wouldn’t do for her.”

  “Really?” Zach raised an eyebrow. “Anything? Would he really have given up his dogs?”

  I stepped closer and kept my voice even. Thinking about how in love they were made it hard not to tear up. “In his heart, he knew she would never have asked that. She knew what was important to him. It’s part of who he is.”

  The song ended, but Zach didn’t let go. “What if he couldn’t have both?”

  I shrugged. The question didn’t feel like it was about Adam anymore.

  The music started again—a slow song—and Zach slipped his arm around my waist. “They look really happy.”

  I put my hand on his shoulder as we started to move around the dance floor. “They are. I’ve known Eve since the tenth grade. You were already away at A&M when she moved to town. I’ve never seen her this happy.”

  “What makes you happy?”

  Somewhere deep inside, I think he already knew the answer. For all my attempts at subtlety, I failed miserably in that arena.

  Before I could say anything—not that I had any clue what to say—Harper appeared next to us. “May I cut in?”

  “I suppose.” Zach let go of my hand. “Thank you for dancing with me, Carrot.”

  “Is he your chaperone tonight?” Harper always went for the laugh.

  “Something like that.” I was a mess. Dancing with a strikingly handsome firefighter, all I could think about was the guy who was off-limits and not interested.

  “Do you know where they are headed after the reception?”

  “I think Zach is headed home, but you can ask him.” I could play dumb when needed.

  “Funny. I meant Adam. My buddies and I planned a little surprise. We just need to know where to go.”

  I shook my head. “Nope.” The song ended, and I stepped away. “Wait, did you put Zach up to asking?”

  “I only asked Zach if I could cut in. I’m not sure he likes me.” He winked. “I’m off to beg the info from someone else.” Harper wouldn’t have any luck. “Can I come find you again?”

  “To dance, yes.” Only three people knew where the cabin was, and I wasn’t talking.

  I found a corner and watched Adam twirl and dip Eve. Cameras flashed. The happiness etched on their faces would forever be captured.

  When the deejay asked for everyone except the single ladies to clear the dance floor, I stayed put. There would be plenty of others ready and willing to dive for the bouquet of yellow roses.

  Hidden in the shadows, I figured I was safe even when Eve scanned the room. But when she made eye contact with Zach and he walked over to the deejay, I knew I was about to be royally embarrassed.

  Before the deejay could call me out by name, I marched out to the middle of the floor and waved.

  That earned me a few laughs.

  Beaming, Eve turned around and launched the bouquet into the air. Instead of diving for the flowers, the group of ladies divided like the Red Sea, leaving me to catch the bouquet or get whapped in the head.

  I scanned the room, wanting to see Zach’s reaction, but he wasn’t anywhere to be found. How had he disappeared so quickly?

  Embarrassed, I held up the flowers when people cheered then hurried to my seat.

  The guys lined up to catch the garter. Based on the shoving, they seemed more eager to capture the prize than the ladies had been. When Adam threw the lacy, blue garter, the guys dove for it and tackled each other in an effort to claim victory.

  One of Adam’s friends, a guy named Javi, stood and held up his hand, the garter hanging off his finger.

  I brushed away another tickle on the back of my neck. “Why didn’t you go out there?”

  “Poor Harper. He tried really hard.”

  I crossed my arms and didn’t bother to turn around. “Be nice. He’s a really sweet guy. If I had any sense, I’d have come as his date.”

  Zach leaned around to look me in the face. “You turned him down?”

  I nodded, avoiding his gaze.

  He pointed across the room. “They’re getting ready to go. We should see them off.”

  I wasn’t about to miss the big send-off, but this was the hardest part. Reining in my emotions, I jumped up. “I need to be out there.”

  Zach grabbed my hand and steered me through the crowd. He picked up sparklers on the way out. The crowd gathered outside.

  He pushed his way through, getting me to the far edge. Zach positioned himself across from me, and we held out our sparklers, creating the final glowing arch.

  Ducking down, Adam and Eve ran through, but she stopped in front of me. Zach slipped the sparkler out of my hand just before she hugged me.

  “I’m so happy for you. Tonight was perfect.” I brushed happy tears off her cheeks. “Absolutely perfect.”

  She pressed in close. “Too bad Zach didn’t catch the garter.”

  “It wouldn’t matter because I’d never date him.”

  Eve patted my cheek. “Never say never.” Still beaming, she kissed Adam then gathered her dress and climbed into the back of the limousine.

  The door closed, and they drove off into the night.

  I waved until the taillights were no longer visible.

  Zach stepped up behind me. “You may not realize it, but we’re the last ones out here.”


  “What did she say to you?”

  “Stuff that best friends say.”

  “Well, don’t look so glum. She’ll be back in a week.”

  “I know, but it’ll be different.” I turned to face him. “And glum? Really?”

  “Care to dance a bit more?” He held out his hand.

  “Because you promised Eve?”

  His gaze dropped to the ground. “Why else?”

  “Why not?”

  Surprised, he looked up and smiled. “Good.”

  I slipped my hand into his and walked with him onto the dance floor. A few dances wouldn’t hurt anything.

  Thank you for reading Three Things I’d Never Do! I hope you loved Adam and Eve’s story. Find you what happens with Zach and Haley in One Guy I’d Never Date.


  SIGN UP FOR MY NEWSLETTER and get a BONUS epilogue for Three Things I’d Never Do. It involves an early morning bubble bath one year later.

  Click Here for the BONUS epilogue!

  A Note to Readers

  Thank you for reading! I hope Adam and Eve made you laugh a little . . . or a lot.

  The bubble bath scene popped into my head one night as I was crawling into bed and kept me awake I had to write the story. Writing this book I discovered that I love writing romantic comedy.

  If you are curious about Javi and the girlfriend he kept driving out of town to see, grab a copy of Christmas Sparkle.


  Check out my website at for information about upcoming releases and to see my other books.

  Also by Remi Carrington

  Never Say Never

  Three Things I’d Never Do

  One Guy I’d Never Date

  Two Words I’d Never Say Again

  One Choice I’d Never Make

  Three Rules I’d Never Break

  Two Risks I’d Never Take Again

  Stargazer Springs Ranch

  Love happens at Stargazer Springs Ranch. Fall in love with cowboys and spunky women.

  Bluebonnets & Billionaires series

  Swoon-worthy heroes with lots of money (and even more heart) will have you sighing, laughing, and falling in love.

  Christmas Stories

  What better time than the holidays for falling in love?

  Pamela Humphrey, who writes as Remi Carrington, also releases books under her own name. Visit for more information about her books.

  About the Author

  Remi Carrington is a figment of Pamela Humphrey's imagination. She loves romance & chocolate, enjoys disappearing into a delicious book, and considers people-watching a sport. She was born in the pages of the novel Just You and then grew into an alter ego.

  * * *

  She writes sweet romance set in Texas. Her books are part of the Phrey Press imprint.




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