Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard c1-234

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Pampered Consort of the Fragrant Orchard c1-234 Page 7

by N/A

  "Phew...." Placing down the firewood, she couldn't help letting out a long sigh. She wiped the sweat from her head, and in her heart, she couldn't help complaining about her current body, really too weak. Looks like need to properly train some time.

  "Already said to let me do it. See, look how tired you are." Du Xiu Heng helped her place down the firewood and said.

  "But I'm only exhausted for a bit. Your leg is injured. For you to carry it would be adding injury to the injury. Du Xiao Li said, "Go sit on the stool, I'll treat your wound for you. Right now, the temperature is somewhat hot, if it gets infected, it'll be troublesome."

  Du Xiao Li let Du Xiu Heng sit on the stool in the courtyard. Then afterwards, she took out the wine. There weren't any cotton balls, so she could only use an unused cotton cloth to soak in the wine. After a while, she used the cotton cloth to lightly wipe clean the cut. When the cut was about sanitized, she then used a clean cloth to wrap it up.

  Du Xiu Heng watched Du Xiao Li's adept skills, his expression slightly changing. He wanted to ask something, but in the end, didn't say anything.

  After Du Xiao Li had the cut taken care of, she moved a stool and placed it in front of Du Xiu Heng. Then she got him a bowl porridge and placed it on the stool, saying: "Big brother, why don't you just eat here?"

  Du Xiu Heng picked up the chopsticks, looked to the different from usual porridge, and said, "What porridge is this?"

  Du Xiao Li also filled herself a bowl, and then sat down next to Du Xiu Heng, replying: "Today at grandpa Niu's place, I got some medical herbs. This is herb porridge, good for the stomach and replenishing energy."

  "You just started going to grandpa Niu's place and already learned this much?" Du Xiu Heng partially seriously, partially jokingly said.

  "Yeah, this was what grandpa Niu told me, so I tried making something to eat from it. Look at how weak your body is. Of course you need to supplement more. Else, how are you going to take care of me!" Du Xiao Li heard Du Xiu Heng's words and replied somewhat unnaturally. "That's right, tomorrow, don't go into the county seat* to sell firewood. Wait until your leg recovers then go. Besides, our family doesn't lack money right now either."

  (*T/N: Tbh I really don't like the wording for this, but it is what it's actually called...I'm so conflicted.)

  Du Xiu Heng looked at his own leg, then turned his head to look at Du Xiao Li, who was holding a bowl of porridge, drinking very contently, and nodded his head in response.

  The next day, Du Xiu Heng didn't go to sell firewood, but instead stayed in his own room all day reading. Ever since Su Su Xin fell gravely ill, he hadn't read a book like this in a very long time.

  Du Xiao Li stood at the doorway, watching Du Xiu Heng's engrossed appearance. A light flickered past her eyes, and she made a decision in her heart.

  In the following two days, Du Xiao Li didn't let Du Xiu Heng go out either. In the mornings, she would go to Niu Jing's place to learn how to differentiate herbs. Then in the afternoon, she would come back and read the medical books on her own. Moreover, she would also bring back some medical herbs from Niu Jing's place to make into medicine for Du Xiu Heng, preventing his wound from getting infected. And just like this, the wound on Du Xiu Heng's leg very quickly healed into a scab.

  "Big brother, I can already recognize some medical herbs. In the future, when you go into the mountains to chop wood, I also want to go together with you." Du Xiao said.

  At first, Du Xiu Heng didn't want to let Du Xiao Li go into the mountains, but recalling that she wanted to dig for herbs, he didn't feel reassured leaving her at home alone either. Thus, he agreed.

  The morning of this day, Du Xiao Li came to Niu Jing's house, just like the previous two days, but discovered that Niu Jing went out. Moreover, one of the bodyguards was also missing, with only one bodyguard standing behind Han Ming Yi.

  "Big brother Xiao Yi, where's grandpa Niu?" With no other choice, Du Xiao Li asked the person who was lying down sunbathing.

  "Temporary had something to do and went out." The bodyguard behind Han Ming Yi replied. "Before he left, he said to let you wait in the house, and also to review those medical herbs."

  "Oh. Thank you, this big brother." Du Xiao Li sweetly smiled, then turned and walked to a corner of the courtyard, turning over the medical herbs drying in the wicker basket.

  She waited for a long while, but still didn't see Niu Jing return. After she turned over all the medical ingredients once, just as she was preparing to go into the house to read the medical book, a 'peng' sound suddenly came from behind. Startled, she quickly turned her head, seeing Han Ming Yi lying on the recliner, curled up in a ball, twitching all over. In his mouth was a cotton cloth that the bodyguard quickly shoved in.

  "Young master." The bodyguard knelt down on the ground on one knee, and had his body placed flat. Afterwards, he turned Han Ming Yi's head to one side. Although Han Ming Yi was biting on a cloth, white foam still leaked out from his mouth and onto the ground.

  Du Xiao Li walked over and asked, "Your family's young master has epilepsy (also commonly known as seizure disorder)?

  The bodyguard glanced at Du Xiao Li, but didn't say anything, only paying attention to Han Ming Yi's condition, muttering in his mouth, "Why has doctor Niu still not returned yet?"

  "Your family's young master is often like this, and you're still not used to it?" Du Xiao Li said, even she herself could hear the pleasure at another's misfortune in her own words. Alright, until now, she still remembered the grudge from the beginning when Han Ming Yi didn't accept her bowl, and even not saying a single word to her!

  "How did you know?" The bodyguard's gaze filled with killing intent shot towards Du Xiao Li.

  "This epilepsy would act up every once in a while, what's so strange about this!" Du Xiao Li said, "Seeing how skilled you are, you should have experienced it before many times already, so why are you still this panicked?"

  "The epilepsy you speak of, what it is, I don't know. However, the time interval between young master's attacks are becoming more and more short. It's precisely because young master just had an attack a few days ago, that's why doctor Niu went out, not expecting that it would happen so soon again." The bodyguard coldly replied.

  "So it's like that." Du Xiao Li shifted her gaze onto Han Ming Yi. Seeing that he'd already fainted from twitching, her expression changed as she said, "Oh no! Quick, press his philtrum acupuncture point and joint valley acupuncture point."

  (T/N: Philtrum is the area under the nose, and 'joint valley', the literal translation, is the point between the thumb and index finger.)

  And she herself thus swiftly removed his shoe and sock, rolled up his trousers, one hand pressing on the zusanli, and one hand pressing on the 'gushing spring' point. Seeing the bodyguard still in a daze, she shouted at him, "What are you still waiting around for, do you want your young master to die? Quickly do as I say!"

  (T/N: Zusanli is an acupuncture point below the knee; 'gushing spring' is point under the foot.)

  Getting yelled at by Du Xiao Li like this, the bodyguard finally returned to his sense, quickly pressing on the philtrum with one hand, and pinching the 'joint valley' point with the other.

  After a while like this, Han Ming Yi finally faintly woke up. What he saw when he opened his eyes was his own foot held in the embrace of a little girl. He instinctively reacted, and had Du Xiao Li kicked far away, berating, "Audacious!"

  Ch. 012 – Becoming Enemies

  Becoming Enemies

  Du Xiao Li didn't expect that Han Ming Yi would react like this after waking up. Even if he was some family's great young master, it was still unlikely to be like this, right?!

  She got up from the ground, and rubbed her own aching bottom. And while the bodyguard was off guard, she walked up and kicked Han Ming Yi in the leg, yelling: "You sure don't know how to be grateful! I saved you! I can't believe you kicked me!"

  "You!" Getting kicked by Du Xiao Li, Han Ming Yi almost had an attack again.

h!" Du Xiao Li gave him a roll of her eyes. Rubbing her own little butt, she turned and went back into the house.

  Han Ming Yi glared at Du Xiao Li as she entered the house. Seeing how she rubbed her own butt the whole way, he said with a disgusted look, "Actually rubbing her own butt in front of a guy, offensive to public morals!"

  The bodyguard knelt down on one knee and lowered his head, "This subordinate deserves death, didn't notice that she would kick young master, and letting her get away with it. Asking young master to punish this subordinate."

  "Whatever, help me up." Han Ming Yi retracted his gaze and extended his own two hands.

  The bodyguard got up and and carried Han Ming Yi onto the guifei couch. Afterwards, he went into the house to get water for him to rinse his mouth.

  Han Ming Yi rinsed his mouth, and had the water spat into a small basin to the side. Then used the towel handed to him by the bodyguard to wipe his mouth. Finally, he opened his mouth and asked, "Leng Yi, she said she saved me. What did that mean?"

  Leng Yi had the things put away, and upon hearing Han Ming Yi asking him, he narrated what had happened just now. Afterwards, he said: "Doctor Niu once said, if young master passes out when having an attack, if too much time passes, then will die from shock. But he doesn't know what should be done in this kind of situation either. Can only hope for young master's illness to be cured before it becomes more severe. Didn't expect that young master would have an attack this soon, and even fainted. If not for Miss Xiao Li, one dares not to imagine the consequences."

  "Oh?" Han Ming Yi never thought that she was holding his leg for the sake of letting him wake up. Then that wasn't intentionally offending him? No wonder after getting kicked by him, she actually even dared to kick back.

  "However young master," Leng Yi hesitantly said, "At first, when she saw young master having an attack, she was somewhat taking pleasure at another's misfortune, but when she saw you faint, she began to panic, even instructing this subordinate how to treat. She said this is epilepsy, and even knew that this illness would often acted up at random times, seemingly understanding this illness a lot. But she's only seven year old, how could she be this familiar with this kind of weird disease, and even knew things doctor Niu didn't know?"

  Han Ming Yi was also thinking of this problem. This illness was extremely rare even in Ming Feng. Out of the entire imperial physician's court, only Niu Jing knew a bit. Why did that girl know about such a strange disease? Even more familiar than Niu Jing. Could it be that with her, his illness can be cured?

  Thinking to here, he shook his head again, feeling himself to be somewhat indulging in fanciful thoughts. No matter how smart she was, she was still only a seven year old little girl. How could he cast his hopes onto her?!

  Awhile later, Niu Jing and Leng Er returned together. Leng Er even carried a super big bucket on his back. As soon as Niu Jing entered the courtyard, he saw that Han Ming Yi's complexion was even more pale, lying on the guifei couch with an exhausted look. He quickly ran over, asking: "Young master's illness acted up?"

  Leng Yi nodded.

  Niu Jing went forward, grabbed Han Ming Yi's hand, and began checking his pulse, his expression turning extremely grave. Awhile later, he finally put down his hand and said, "Young master's illness has become even more serious."

  "Niu....." Leng Yi wanted to explain the situation just now to Niu Jing. Just as he opened his mouth, Du Xiao Li came out from the house.

  Du Xiao Li already knew that Niu Jing had returned. She knew that Niu Jing would definitely check Han Ming Yi's pulse first, thus waited for a while in the house.

  "Granpa Niu, You've come back!" Du Xiao Li ran to Niu Jing's side and asked.

  Niu Jing didn't expect that Du Xiao Li was also present and gave Leng Yi an inquiring look, 'She saw young master's illness acting up?'

  Leng Yi nodded.

  "Grandpa Niu, I wanted to come ask you. Can I begin digging for herbs now?" Du Xiao Li asked.

  Niu Jing was currently worried about Han Ming Yi's illness, then thinking again to how Du Xiao Li's grasp on differentiating medical herbs lately was quite good, thus nodded his head, "You can try digging for some commonly seen ingredients. Just like those I've told you about previously."

  "Alright, thank you grandpa Niu, then tomorrow I won't be coming over, going to go with big brother into the mountains to dig for medical herbs. Grandpa Niu, I'll head back first then!" Du Xiao Li said as she waved her hand at Niu Jing and left.

  "It's only been a few days since young master's last attack, how come it acted up again today?" Waiting until after Du Xiao Li left, Leng Er asked.

  "Not only that, young master even fainted this time." Leng Yi said.

  "What!" Niu Jing and Leng Er both were shocked.

  Leng Yi recounted the matter to Niu Jing and Leng Er. After he finished, the atmosphere in the courtyard became somewhat heavy.

  "You say young master was woken up by Li girl when he fainted?" A moment of silence later, Niu Jing thought of another problem and asked.

  "Yes." Leng Yi said.

  "She's just a seven year old little girl, how would she know this?" Leng Er somewhat didn't believe Leng Yi's words. He shifted his gaze onto Han Ming Yi and asked, "Right, young master?"

  Han Ming Yi touched the jade pendent at his waist. Seeing Niu Jing and Leng Er both looking at him, nodded his head and admitted, "It's her that saved me."

  "So it really is true! But how would she....." Leng Er's personality was a bit more livelier than Leng Yi's. Seeing that even Han Ming Yi admitted to it, his expression became even more surprised.

  "Alright, this matter I'll ask Li girl about later. Since the method she thought of is effective, next time if this kind of thing happens again, just use this method." Niu Jing said, "Right now, move the bathtub in first, and prepare to give young master a medicine bath."


  Leng Er picked up the super big tub he'd placed on the ground just now and walked into the house. Niu Jing went to go prepare the medical herbs for the medicine bath, planning to let him soak in the medicine bath in the afternoon.

  And Du Xiao Li, at this moment, was somewhat regretting how rashly she'd handled today's matter. If they begin to suspect her, then that would be troublesome. But she couldn't really just watch him die and not help either. She could tell Niu Jing very much cared for Han Ming Yi. Just treat it as for the sake of not letting Niu Jing be heartbroken then.

  Recalling that today there needed to be two people to be able to save Han Ming Yi's life, she began to miss those two silver needles from her past life. If she had those silver needles (acupuncture needles) in hand, she could take care of it with a few injections. Where was there still the need to have two people present?

  Furthermore, the silver needles from her past life, not only were they her tools for saving people, they were also her weapon to kill. Two silver needles, one to kill, one to save. No wonder she kept feeling she was missing something. She only noticed today that without her silver needles, she kept feeling empty inside.

  "Tomorrow, when going to the county seat, see if I can get a pair made." Although she decided to live a normal life this lifetime, but in this medical science lacking time period, even if it's for the sake of herself and her family, she still can't abandon them.

  When she returned home, while eating the afternoon meal, Du Xiao Li discussed with Du Xiu Heng about going to the county seat tomorrow. Du Xiu Heng was already planning on going to the county seat tomorrow to sell the firewood from last time anyways. Now that Du Xiao Li wanted to go together, he thus agreed.

  Thus, the morning of the next day, Du Xiao Li and Du Xiu Heng descended the mountain together, planning to go see just exactly what the cities of this time period looked like.

  Ch. 013 – Entering Town

  Entering Town

  "Uncle Mai Ya, we've come." Du Xiu Heng and Du Xiao Li, each carrying a wood bundle on their backs, arrived in front of a farmer family's house in the village, and shouted towards
the house.

  This house was built a bit better than an ordinary farmer's house, because his family had an ox. During the busy farming season, when people needed to plow the fields, Mai Ya would run around everywhere with his ox to plow land. He would even go to the nearby villages. That's why, their yearly income was quite good.

  Hearing Du Xiu Heng's voice, Qiao Mai came out from the house. Seeing the siblings, he said with a smile, "You came. Come inside and wait for a while first. Once I have the goods loaded on, we can go."

  (T/N: Okay, so Mai Ya and Qiao Mai are referring to the same person, I'm assuming 'Mai Ya' is his nickname, since it literally just means malt)

  Du Xiu Heng took Du Xiao Li inside, and helped Qiao Mai have the goods that will be taken to the county seat packed onto the carriage. Afterwards, he also placed the firewood up there too. Qiao Mai then drove the ox carriage along.

  Hong Shui Village was right by the county seat and wasn't considered far away, but if going by foot, then one needed to walk two or more hours. Du Xiu Heng was afraid that Du Xiao Li wasn't able to walk that far, and after learning that Qiao Mai was going into town on ox carriage today, thus came to get a free ride.

  Qiao Mai steered the carriage in front, while Du Xiao Li sat atop the carriage board, her little legs swinging. In her hand, she waved a small blade of grass she'd plucked when they'd gone out. Her mood was very much content. The rising sun warmly shone on her body, making her mood especially good.

  In her past life, she'd rode all kinds of transportation before, yet she'd never rode an ox carriage before. Now, she rather felt that riding this was better than riding airplanes and high speed rails.

  "Younger sister, be careful, don't fall down." Du Xiu Heng was sitting next to Du Xiao Li, and seeing her restlessly swinging her feet, seriously warned her.

  "I won't." Du Xiao Li said. Her balance was very good. There's simply no need to worry about falling off. "Uncle Mai Ya, how much longer before we can arrive?"


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