Dragon Men do it Better

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Dragon Men do it Better Page 8

by Mina Carter

Ranaar growled. No one was putting hands on his woman. Ever.

  “Change course. Get us to the Tristonian sector,” he ordered the pilot and then nodded to Jai. “Gear up. We’re going to war.”

  * * *

  Jenna could honestly say she had never been this uncomfortable. Who would be with hands cuffed above their head, swinging around with their toes barely touching the floor.

  Which genius came up with this annoying little gem? Her day was a total cluster fuck. Not only had she gotten herself drugged and captured, but she was now waiting on them to…she didn’t know. Kill her, torture her, hell tickle her to death would be preferable to being left hanging.

  Her only highlight to the day was puking all over the back of the guy who had hoisted her over his shoulder.

  Jenna had actually grinned when she did it, though she hadn’t enjoyed the backhand to the face.

  “Fucktards,” she shouted as she slowly spun. “Thunder cunts… that’s what you all are, and when I get out of here I’m relocating your balls.”

  “Fucking men,” she growled again. Maybe she would get that tattooed as she seemed to be saying it a lot lately.

  Her stomach gurgled loudly and Jenna winced. Whatever they had drugged her with hadn’t worked for long, but now she was left with constant nausea and the feeling of being off her game.

  The sounds of fighting outside reached her in the cell and she sighed. The Claws had issues. Like serious anger management issues. That and they actively seemed to want to kill each other. She had no idea how they functioned as a cohesive unit.

  “Hey!” she yelled. “Wanna keep it down out there? Some of us are trying to sleep!”

  Sleep, yeah right. As if she could when she felt like her upchuck reflex was going to make another appearance and she was hung up like a piece of meat drying out. The Claws seemed to not like her smart mouth so she did what any smart-mouthed girl would do.

  Continued to use it…a lot. All they had managed to do to her so far was a few backhands, and she wouldn’t be a very good bounty hunter if she couldn’t take one of those.

  All of a sudden the sounds of fighting stopped and silence reigned. Jenna felt a shiver run down her spine.

  Fuck. What if they had all killed each other and she was left here hanging?

  The creaking sound of metal being twisted filled her small cell, and she watched as the door bulged briefly before the whole thing vanished. It was ripped open as easily as someone would rip paper.

  Her eyes widened as a huge guy appeared in the doorway, his expression as dark as a solar storm and twice as threatening. He took one look at her and froze.

  “Boss!” he called out over his shoulder. “She’s in here!”

  Fuck. No. Jenna sighed as she started to struggle in her bonds. Who the fuck had put a bounty on her head high enough that bounty teams were fighting over her? Even as she asked the question, she knew the answer. She’d pissed off Colonasis, a major player and drug lord when she’d refused a job for him. He’d wanted her to track down and bring back one of the girls who had escaped him. But, once she’d known what he had planned for the girl, she hadn’t been able to go ahead with it. She was a bounty hunter, not an asshole.

  Or she was a bounty hunter. She’d probably be a dead bounty hunter before too long though. A sigh escaped her as she stopped struggling and closed her eyes. Why bother? She was too tired and they’d only catch her again.

  And she’d lost Ranaar… so what was the point anyway? She was just empty. A husk.

  Strong hands unhooked her from the chains, lifting her with ease. She groaned softly as she was thrown over a shoulder. Again.

  Then a familiar scent hit her and her eyes snapped open.

  No, it couldn’t be. He had left her. Her eyes trailed over the back of her new captor. She couldn’t tell for certain from this angle and with his clothes on. But it had to be Ranaar. No one else had a scent like his. Relief hit her but also anger.

  “What the fuck… I am not a sack of fucking potatoes,” she emphasized her words with a hit to his back.

  “Put me down!”

  Yet there was no answer or response to her screams.

  Jenna hung down his back, her strength to hold herself up gone quickly. She saw corridors and booted feet yet no words were spoken. A shiver raced up her spine.

  What the fuck had she gotten into this time?

  Her captor carried her through the ship and onto another, stepping through a boarding hatch without even a murmur of effort at carrying her.

  “Seal it up and get us underway,” he ordered, and then she was sure. It was Ranaar. She’d recognize those rough tones anywhere.

  The shivers up her spine increased, and in turn made her whole body shook. She couldn’t tell if it was from relief or from pent-up anger at being left alone. Tears fell from her eyes as she hung over his back limply.

  Why had he come for her? When the hell did he get a ship and a crew?

  Questions of why and how circled her head, so when he dropped her onto a large bed, she couldn’t stop the groan that flew from her mouth.

  After being hung up for what felt like weeks, with little food or water and the odd fist to the face, she was feeling a tad delicate.

  “What the actual fuck?” she shouted when her body had stopped bouncing on the bed. Yet that was all she could say. Seeing Ranaar again made her heart leap in her chest. Dressed in all black, he looked more bounty hunter than she ever could.

  “Ranaar,” she breathed.

  “Hey.” He smiled, his expression tight as he sat next to her on the bed. Within seconds he’d dealt with the manacles on her wrists, dropping them to the floor with distaste. His big hands smoothed over her wrists, expression dark at the bruises there. His eyes held hers. “How are you feeling? Are you hurt?”

  “Rough,” she croaked, holding back more tears. When did she become such a wimp? “Tired, hungry. You know, all of them.” She smiled slightly. “How did you find me?”

  “The strategic application of force.” The corner of his lips quirked. “We tracked some bad people down and beat the living crap out of them until they talked.”

  “Oh,” was all Jenna could say. Her mind was going a mile a minute, yet she wanted to ask only one thing.

  “Why?” One word but his answer was the most important thing in the universe. It could either mend her heart or break it completely.

  He moved closer and tucked a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

  “Because I can’t live without you. Because ever since I last saw you I’ve been living a half-life, my heart ripped from my chest because you took it with you.” He sighed, searching her face. “I know that to your species… that to you… I must seem like a monster. We’re not like you. We’re dual form. But… I promise you’ll never have to see me like that again. If you’ll stay. If you want me.”

  Jenna stayed quiet for a second, taking in everything. He had said everything a girl would want to hear, yet she didn’t like his final promise. Yes, he had scared her when she didn’t think she’d be scared of a giant ass dragon eating people. But he had done it for her, to save her.

  What kind of bitch would deny him the freedom of using his other form?

  “Don’t promise that,” she stated bluntly. “Your dragon is…” she smiled and finally reached up, laying a hand on his chest over his heart. “You… and I’ve always wanted a pet.” She grinned this time. Her heart felt like it could soar.

  “A pet?” He lifted one eyebrow. “I’m Draakon, one of the most feared creatures in the known universe and you liken me to a… domestic animal?”

  As he spoke, he pulled her closer into his arms. The little purr she’d missed so much rattled softly from the center of his broad chest.

  “I love you, Jenna,” he murmured softly. Intimately. “I’ll promise you anything you want. Just as long as it’s not to leave you.”

  “Anything?” she answered as she rested her head against his chest, the sound of his strong steady heart
beat in her ears.

  “Yes anything.” His answer was followed by his lips pressing against her forehead.



  “I want a bath, Ranaar. I smell like the back end of an jenalian ass.”

  He chuckled and lifted her easily in his arms, carrying her through to the biggest bathroom she’d ever seen. At her gasp, he winked.

  “There are some advantages to being the captain of the ship.”


  A few days later…

  * * *

  She was his life. His soul. His everything.

  Ranaar smiled indulgently as Jenna sat, curled up in his lap in the captain’s chair. They’d finally emerged from his cabin and he’d introduced her to the crew. Several more Draakon had joined them, along with other species, all of whom knew what the scar across Jenna’s shoulder meant.

  He leaned down to nuzzle the mark over the satiny skin. His mark. His bonding bite and proof she was his and only his. No other male would touch her. Hells, half wouldn’t even look at her now, not with his scent wrapped around her as well.

  Her fingers played with the material at his neck as she hummed to herself, half out of sleep. He would have left her in the cabin resting, but after their time apart he couldn’t stand to be more than a few feet away from her. The need to touch her skin constantly was overwhelming and he was pleased she seemed to feel the same way.

  He nestled her closer, protective and possessive all at the same time. His purnasis rumbled from the center of his chest but he didn’t care. Let them all hear it. He was happy. He had his mate. She loved him. And…

  Ranaar smiled to himself at the new scent he’d picked up this morning, wrapped around his and hers. His delicate little female was carrying his young.

  The big Draakon leaned back in his seat and nodded to his second in command to get them underway.

  Whatever the future held, they would face it together. As mates.

  His life was complete. Perfect.

  Jenna curled into him, her fingers clutching his shirt. He looked down to see her eyes looking back at him.

  “I love you, Ranaar, my mate. My pet.” She grinned and he mock growled and tightened his grip on her.

  “You know what they say,” she chuckled.

  “No what do they say, my love?”

  “Dragon men do, in fact, do it better.”

  Thank you so much for reading DRAGON MEN DO IT BETTER!

  I hope you loved reading Jenna and Ranaar’s story.

  * * *

  We’re busily working on the next Dragon Men Do it… book, but while you wait, how about another sexy dragon who has a thing about protecting those weaker than himself… Check out DRAGON FIRE AND PHOENIX ASH.

  * * *

  When they take her, can he get to her in time, or will he lose his fated mate before they have a chance at their happily ever after?

  * * *

  Click to read DRAGON FIRE AND PHOENIX ASH now!

  * * *

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  About the Author - Mina Carter

  Mina Carter is a New York Times & USA Today bestselling author of romance in many genres. She lives in the UK with her husband, daughter and a bossy cat.




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  Connect with Mina online at:


  About the Author - J Thompson

  J Thompson is an indie writer of paranormal romance with a love of cake. When she’s not slaving away to her characters needs, you can find her hanging out with her husband and her fur baby smudge.

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