The Rancher's Sweetheart

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The Rancher's Sweetheart Page 3

by Cheryl Wright

  Her eyes met his and they both froze. Her face softened, and she smiled at him. But just as quickly, it hardened once more.

  She quietly spoke to Natalie, the hospital receptionist, then motioned him into the treatment room.

  “I’ll wait out here,” Chase told him as he sat on one of the waiting room chairs. Kody figured he was trying to give them a bit of privacy.

  Kody sat down and waited. His heart raced, and he felt light-headed. He knew it wasn’t from his injury, it was because of the conversation he intended to have with Dr Simpson. Molly.

  He felt her first touch as she began to unravel the bandage from his head and watched as she threw it in the trash.

  As she felt around the stitches, making sure they had all healed, he tried to slow his heartbeat, taking long, steadying breaths.

  He closed his eyes, hoping it would help. It didn’t.

  “Right. So I’m about to remove the stitches,” she said. “It won’t hurt but might feel strange.” She reached over and unwrapped the sterilized equipment she needed.


  He took a deep breath. “Ready as I’ll ever be.”

  Kody sat quietly and calmly as each stitch came out. After she’d finished, Molly explained he still needed to be vigilant and look after himself, but he could start to do some physical work, but had to take it slowly.

  “That’s not a license to go hard and do anything you want,” she reminded him. “Give yourself time to heal properly.”

  “Thanks Molly. I will,” he promised as he stood.

  But he got up too quickly and lost his balance. Molly grabbed his shoulders, and Kody felt the jolt run through him at lightning speed.

  He looked up into her eyes, and discovered she was focused on him. She’d felt it too. He was certain of it.

  She stood holding onto his shoulders for an eternity while they stood staring at each other. His heart beat ratched up a notch, until finally she turned her head away.

  “Kody.” He didn’t know what to say. They were meant for each other. He knew it and she did too.


  He’d never felt like this before, and he could feel it in his heart.

  At last she lifted her hands from his shoulders, then, without warning, placed one hand over his heart.

  “Kody.” She stood staring into his face while she continued to feel his heart beat. “There’s so much I want to say to you,” she said, barely audible. His heart began to beat more rapidly than before, and he could feel it pulsing in his ears.

  Was she going to finally let him in? His heart raced with happiness. He couldn’t wipe the smile off his face.

  “I,” She licked her lips and her eyes began to fill with tears. “I really want to be with you,” she whispered so quietly he barely heard her.

  He didn’t understand the tears, happy maybe, but took that as her acceptance, and moved in toward her, his eyes focused on her lips. She licked her lips, and he found himself licking his too. As he moved closer, he gently brushed his lips against hers.

  He relished being able to kiss her, to be near her, to feel her.

  She closed her eyes and sighed against his cheek, and he knew she’d felt the same connection he had. His hand went up to touch her face, and she covered his hand with her own.

  He wanted to be as close as he could to her, so put his arms around her and pulled her close.

  She rested her head against his shoulder, and he heard her sigh again.

  They were meant to be – he knew they were. She knew they were too, otherwise she wouldn’t have reacted this way.

  They stood together for a few minutes, then she suddenly pulled out of his grip.

  She gazed deep into his eyes and spoke in a whisper. “I, can’t. We can’t.” Her look was apologetic, as though she really wanted this, but found it to be an impossible task.

  He lifted her hand and held it to his chest. “There’s no reason....” he began, but she quickly interrupted him.

  “Yes. Yes, there is.” A tear rolled down her cheek, and he wiped it away with his fingers. “I can’t do this.”

  He didn’t think it possible, but his heart beat even fast. What did she mean she couldn’t do this?

  Was it because he was her patient? He could easily fix that – he’d request another doctor.

  “Molly,” his voice was so soft now, and he wasn’t certain she even heard. “We can work through any problems there might....”

  “This isn’t fixable,” she said sharply and pulled her hand out of his grip.

  She stared at him sadly, then turned and walked away, her shoulders slumped.

  He followed her to the doorway, then stood staring after her.

  Chase met him at the door. “That doesn’t look good, bro,” he said quietly.

  Kody shook his head, not sure he could find any words. “No,” he finally said after long moments. “No, it’s really not.”

  Chapter Three

  Molly straightened her shoulders and walked away without looking back.

  She didn’t dare for fear she would give in to her feelings.

  As she headed toward her office, she wiped at her cheeks. She’d made her decision, so why did it make her so unhappy?

  Because you have feelings for him.

  She shook her head against her errant thoughts. She’d only known Kody for a matter of weeks, but in that short time, he’d managed to get under her skin.

  Like no one ever had before.

  She’d dated several men over the years, but none of them had affected her the way Kody had. He had a laid-back attitude that rubbed off on her. When she was around him, she felt more relaxed, and didn’t succumb to the hustle and bustle surrounding her.

  And she had felt incredibly safe in his arms. That thought had her fighting back a sob.

  She felt so drawn to him, it was uncanny. Even that first day in the emergency department – there was something about him that made her feel connected with him.

  She’d never experienced that before in her entire life.

  Why did it have to happen now? Her life had changed irreversibly, and as much as she would like it to happen, Kody did not fit in to the plan.

  She swiped at her tears and scurried toward her office, not wanting to be seen in this state.

  “Dr Simpson?” She heard the words being called from behind her, but chose to ignore them, pretend she hadn’t heard. Right now she wasn’t in a fit state to talk to anyone.

  The moment she entered her office, she slammed the door behind her. Molly sat at her desk, and put her hands to her face, then cried until there were no more tears.

  “So what are you going to do about it?” Chase sat forward in his chair and pushed his brother for an answer. He could see how pained he was. Hell, he’d been there, he knew what it was like.

  “I, I don’t know,” Kody whispered, his heartbreak evident. “Sometimes it seems to be one-sided – my side. And other times she reacts to me. I don’t know where I stand.”

  As they sat in Kody’s loungeroom sipping coffee, Chase goaded him. “You have to be more forthright. I know,” he said. “I know that’s not you. You’re more the laid-back type, but if she’s important to you, and I think she is, then you have to go after her.” Chase sat back in his chair and stared at his brother, daring him to deny it all.

  Kody sighed. “Honestly, I don’t know what to do.” He pushed his hat around his knees. “She seems to be hiding something, but I have no idea what it is.” He stood and began pacing the floor as he ran his fingers through his hair.

  Chase stared at him. “Hiding something? Are you sure?” This was new. Kody hadn’t mentioned anything like this before.

  “Yes. No.” Kody was undecided. “No, I guess I’m not sure.” He strode toward the chair and sat down once again.

  Chase stared at him, mulling it all over in his mind. “Send her some flowers,” he suddenly blurted out. “Women love flowers.” He sat back in his chair grinning. “Yep, flowers will
do the trick.”

  Kody ran his fingers across his unshaven chin. “You think?” He obviously wasn’t convinced.

  “Yes, sure. Definitely,” Chase said, a little unsure himself, but at least it meant Kody was doing something, and not sitting around on his ass procrastinating.

  Kody fiddled with his cell phone for a few minutes, then snatched up the telephone and dialled. “Hello? Yes, I’d like to send a dozen red roses, please.”

  Molly sat in her office doing paperwork. It was the last thing she wanted to do, but she was behind and had to tackle it sooner or later.

  Sooner it was.

  She rubbed her neck from the crick she had in it. She’d been sitting in one spot for far too long.

  “Dr Simpson? Molly Simpson?” The stranger asked as he stood half turned in her office doorway.

  “Yes?” She didn’t have time for distractions. She needed to get through this annoying but necessary pile of forms before the day’s end.

  The stranger turned and walked into her office. He held a magnificent bouquet of red roses. The fragrance hit her before they were even close to her.

  “Where would you like them, Ma’am,” the delivery man asked, waiting for instructions.

  Molly looked around the room, still startled by the surprise. “Ah, on the desk here will be fine, thank you.”

  As the man left the room, Molly breathed deeply, wallowing in the magnificent scent of the gorgeous flowers that sat right there on her desk.

  She reached over and plucked the tiny card from between the stems. Love will find a way. She stared at the words hand-written on the card.

  Tears threatened to well behind her eyes, but she fought them with all her might. No! She would be strong. She’d resolved not to get involved, and nothing would change her mind.

  She read the card again and stared at the words: Love will find a way. He was right, she knew he was right, but not in this situation.

  There was more at stake that he could ever imagine. She closed her eyes and imagined what it would be like to be held in Kody’s arms every night. She felt herself sway at the thought.

  Her heart was breaking in two. Despite only knowing him a very short time, she knew she was already falling in love.

  With a man she hardly knew.

  She shook herself. That would never do. She couldn’t bring a stranger......

  She closed her eyes against the thought. She couldn’t. She just couldn’t. No matter how she felt, no matter what her heart was telling her. Her common sense was telling her otherwise.

  “Tell me again why you complain every time another bunch of flowers arrive.” Natalie was becoming more of a friend than just being the hospital receptionist.

  Molly winced. “Because he’s a patient?” She knew it was lame, and Natalie would too. But it was the best she had for now.

  “That’s easy fixed,” Natalie said, brushing her excuse aside. “I’ll allocate him to Dr Brown from now on. Besides, you signed off on him after the stitches came out.” She eye-balled Molly, daring her to deny it. “He’s no longer your patient. Next excuse?”

  Natalie knew her too well. And she knew the patient/doctor relationship was an excuse as well. But as much as they had become friends, Natalie had never been to her house. Didn’t know the full story, and hopefully wouldn’t.

  Molly didn’t want to put her friend in danger. She liked her too much for that.

  Every day flowers had arrived. Every day it had been a different romantic flower, today’s flower was tulips. She’d already had roses, carnations, lilies, orchids, daisies, iris’s and even sunflowers. She wondered what might be next.

  What was she thinking? The procession of flowers had to stop!

  As she leaned in to smell the tulips, Natalie looked across at her. “If I had a guy who sent flowers every day to get my attention, I’d surely be taking notice,” she said. She frowned, as if she’d had a sudden thought.

  “What’s the real reason you keep backing off,” Natalie asked. “He seems like a really nice guy.”

  Molly slid into her office chair and sighed. “He is,” she said. “He really is. If I’d met him a year ago, I would have grabbed the opportunity with both hands.” She put both her hands on the desk in front of her, as though trying to stop herself from fidgeting. “I can’t stop thinking about him. Or about how one year has made such a huge difference to my life.”

  She suddenly gasped, realizing she’d said too much.

  Natalie frowned. “What do you mean,” she asked cautiously.

  It was time. She needed to get it off her chest, but only if Natalie agreed to keep it to herself. “Grab a coffee,” she commanded of her friend. “You’re going to need it.”

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Dr Simpson.” Natalie greeted Molly with a big grin on her face.

  She’d had a sleepless night, thinking about Kody, and mulling things over in her mind, after baring her soul to Natalie.

  She tried so hard to find a way to include him in her life. She really had.

  But she couldn’t.

  Her life was busy enough here at the hospital, plus her responsibilities at home. She couldn’t see how she could include a man in her life as well.

  Add to that he had a big family. All of whom were capable of getting the word out.

  She shook herself. It was never going to work.

  “Happy Valentine’s Day, Dr Simpson.” The department secretary greeted her with a big smile. What was it with people today?

  She gave her a friendly wave and strolled toward her office. At least they’d put a smile on her face and helped her out of her sulky mood.

  After entering her office, she stood stock still, taking in the scene around her. Flowers were everywhere. On the desk, on the cupboards, the chairs, and even on the floor.

  There was barely room to move.

  She was stunned by the number of flowers confronting her. And she certainly was confronted – by the beauty of it all.

  She breathed deeply. The aroma hit her nostrils and a vision of Kody came to her mind. It had to be him. No one else would go to this much trouble for her.

  She stepped toward a bouquet on the desk and pulled out the small card.

  Missing You.

  She went to the next basket of flowers and pulled out the note. Be Mine.

  And another said I have feelings for you. Yet another said You are in my heart.

  Love conquers all.

  Love is magic.

  Love happens.

  Two hearts entwined.

  Love is not our choice, but our fate.

  Feeling more than a little emotional, Molly gathered up all the note cards and held them to her heart.

  “He really loves you.” Natalie said, stepping toward her friend.

  Molly looked at her and winced. “You know I can’t be with him,” she whispered. “As much as I’d like to”

  “Molly,” Natalie said quietly. “Just tell him. For God’s sake, tell the man. He deserves to know.” She stood gazing at Molly for what seemed an eternity, then strolled out the door.

  Molly picked up the telephone. What was she going to say to him? The phone rang for quite some time before answering.

  “You’ve called...” She slammed down the phone. Why on earth was she calling him? That would just reinforce to him there was a chance for them. The two of them. Together. As a couple.

  And there wasn’t.

  He’d had a hang up on his answering machine.

  It had to be her. Apart from business calls, Kody rarely received phone calls.

  That had to be a good sign, right? He smiled. Of course it was a good sign. She was buckling.

  He’d sent flowers every day for two weeks in the lead up to today. Valentine’s Day. It had cost a bomb, but he didn’t care. She was more important to him than money.

  What if his plan didn’t work? What would he do then? Kody stiffened. He hadn’t thought that far ahead.

  But since she seemed to be caving, he wou
ld take advantage. He shaved and jumped in the shower; since he’d been working around the ranch most of the day, he probably smelled like horse. He splashed on a little cologne and put on his best casual clothes.

  He was ready for anything.

  He sat in his truck in the hospital carpark, hands splayed across the steering wheel. What if she refused to go out with him? Or worse, she refused to see him?

  Kody shook his head trying to clear the negative thoughts away. He couldn’t let himself think like that. He had to think positive.

  After waring with himself for over ten minutes, he finally got out of his truck. He walked the twenty or so steps toward the entrance, then paced back and forth, trying to build up the courage to walk through the door.

  What if she says no, after everything he’s done?

  He straightened himself up, and stiffened his shoulders, then stormed in through the entrance.

  The receptionist was beaming. “Good to see you, Mr Callahan,” she said, with a grin that told him she knew more than a regular receptionist should. “I’m guessing you’re here to see Dr Simpson.”

  It wasn’t a question. She was quite assertive.

  Kody felt himself relaxing. Or was he backing away? No, never!

  She leaned forward and whispered so only he could hear. “The flowers are beautiful,” she said. “Don’t take no for an answer.”

  “I don’t intend to,” he whispered back.

  She stood taller and nodded. “Good,” she said. “Follow me.”

  The walk to Molly’s office seemed to take forever, as though he was walking to an execution. The longer he walked, the more his heart pounded. He wiped the sweat from above his lip.

  “I’m Natalie, by the way,” she told him. “Don’t stress, it will be okay.” She put her hand to his shoulder, as if to reassure him further.

  “I sure hope so, Natalie,” he said as they came to an office that had Molly’s name on the door.

  Natalie tapped lightly, then opened the door. “You have a visitor,” she said, then winked at Kody and pushed him inside. She shut the door behind her.


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