The Pleasure Rites Series

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The Pleasure Rites Series Page 6

by Ines Johnson

  "My name is Jian. I am here to please you."

  His voice reminded Chanyn of Khial's instrument, the language of souls. The tenor of his voice spoke of peace, serenity, and pleasure.

  She tried out his name, "John."

  He nodded. "May I come in, my lady?"

  Chanyn nodded mutely. The hound came quietly into the room. He shut the door behind them and they were alone.

  "Lord Dain said you were not from the city, my lady?"

  Chanyn shook her head.

  "Did they explain to you what I am? Why I'm here?"

  Chanyn nodded. Great, she'd gone mute again.

  She cleared her throat, determined to force words out and not be dumbstruck each time she came face to face with an attractive man. "We're going to have sex."

  The monk's eyebrows rose. His smile held a hint of mischief, like Dain's when she said something naive. But, like Khial's, the monk's face was guarded as he regarded her.

  "My task is to find what pleases you," Jian explained. "My religious order believes the Goddess only sees fit to bless a union with female children when the mother orgasms during conception. The female orgasm is an elusive event. Since women have become so scarce, men have little opportunity to practice their skills on women. Pleasure Hounds are trained in the carnal acts and understand how to bring women to orgasmic climax. It's my task to learn which triggers bring you to climax, and then teach them to your mates."

  Chanyn gaped at the man, speechless.

  "Do you understand?"

  She nodded, mute once more.

  "Do you consent?"

  Chanyn forced air into her lungs. "It all sounds very reasonable."

  Jian smiled then; a genuine smile. It lit his face up like the sun. "My aim is to make it pleasurable, my lady. Shall we begin?"

  He reached his hand out to her. Chanyn took it. His fingers were long and strong, warm to the touch. Chanyn felt the warmth arrow through her.

  "Will you pray with me, Lady Chanyn?"

  Jian led her to kneel before the bed. Hands still clasped, he closed his eyes and began to speak in that melodic tone of souls.

  "Maternal Goddess, I seek your presence as I align myself with one of your sacred daughters.

  I offer my body as a vessel of your will and your grace.

  The desire of my heart is pure and known to you.

  I wish to please your daughter and garner your favor.

  The miracle that pleases a woman and creates life is of your design, Divine Goddess.

  With great anticipation, I align all of the energy systems of my body, my soul, and my mind with you.

  I give thanks in advance for your blessings of this experience, and know that I walk in the light of your sun, and the fertility of your earth.


  The monk remained motionless for a moment, still holding her hands lightly. Chanyn felt energy humming between them.

  She ceased to breathe while Jian recited his prayer. When he opened his eyes, she said. "I've never heard a prayer like that. Do you believe all of it?"

  "Every word." Jian helped her rise to her feet. "Would you lie back please, Lady Chanyn."

  Chanyn stiffened. Though she found this soft-spoken monk easy on the eyes and a delight to the ears, she wasn't quite ready to open her body to him. "What are you going to do to me?"

  His still-water eyes pooled. "What I just promised the Goddess. I will please you."

  Heat coursed through Chanyn's body. She glanced down at the bed and then back to Jian. He let go of her hands and took a seat on the bed, waiting patiently for her to follow suit. She sat down slowly, her heart racing. A throb arrowing between her legs.

  "First I'll undress you," Jian reached his hand towards her.

  Chanyn caught him by the wrist.

  His eyes widened in surprise.

  "I'm sorry," she said letting him go. "I'm just very nervous."

  "You're also very strong." He smiled as he rubbed his wrist.

  "I've never been naked in front of a man. I've never been naked in front of anyone. My mother did not approve of nudity."

  Now that she’d found her voice, she couldn't stop talking.

  "I have seen naked pictures before." Chanyn's face immediately heated.

  Jian regarded her with those quiet eyes. There was no judgment there.

  "I grew up in a library. I was surrounded by books. I know it sounds absurd."

  Jian shook his head, apprising her anew. "No, it sounds like heaven. Books are my weakness. I began reading at the age of four."

  "I began at three."

  "What's your favorite book?"

  Chanyn scrunched her nose. "I should say a classic or a religious text to try and impress you."

  Jian smiled again, still no judgment in those deep eyes. "You need not bother to impress me. I'm here to serve you."

  Chanyn shook her head, relaxing back against the headboard. "I'm not used to that: being served. I served my mother all my life. Now everyone is concerned about my happiness. Except Khial. I don't think he likes me."

  "I've never met Lord Khial," Jian said. "But I can tell you that most men are frightened of women. Other men they understand. But women are a different species to them. Touching one of your sex is akin to touching the Goddess herself."

  Now Chanyn regarded him. "Were you frightened the first time you touched a woman?"

  Jian's mouth tilted in surprise. He leaned in conspiratorially. "I was terrified. I couldn't perform."

  Chanyn laughed at this admission. A low chuckle rumbled out of Jian, a soft wave of sound as gentle as his speaking voice. And just like that, she relaxed.

  "But that was very long ago, Lady Chanyn."

  "Will you just call me Chanyn please? Lady is so formal and we're about to be... not so formal."

  Jian bowed his head in acquiescence, "Chanyn."

  It sounded different on his tongue without the Lady. Chanyn liked it.

  "I will not harm you," Jian said. "If you feel uncomfortable at any moment, you need only say so and I will cease immediately."

  She toed off her slippers and swung her feet onto the bed. Lying back onto the mattress, with shaky fingers, she began undoing the ties to her gown.

  "My favorite book," she said pulling lose the tie at her collarbone, "is an ancient romance novel called Flowers from the Storm." She reached the second tie below her breasts and pulled. "It’s about a high born man and a religiously devout girl." The final tie rested just above her pubic bone. With trembling fingers that belied her steady voice, Chanyn pulled. "Against all the odds, the two fall in love and live happily ever after."

  Chanyn laid her hands on the bed at her sides and glanced up. Jian was not looking at her body. He looked straight into her eyes. His jaw was tight, his expression unreadable. But in an instant his face transformed once more to the serene smile, his eyes guarded.

  "May I touch you, Chanyn?"

  Chanyn nodded.

  Jian placed both hands at the sides of her face. With a featherlight touch, he raked his fingers over her eyes.

  "Close your eyes, Chanyn."

  She did, smiling as he continued using her name.

  Jian touched her lightly, running his hands over her chin, her neck, down to her collarbone. He spread the gown wider. Chanyn felt a flush as she knew he was looking at her nude body. The flush held no hint of shame and her body arched into his roaming hands.

  "You are very responsive, Chanyn."

  Chanyn's eyes flew open. "Is that a bad thing?"

  Jian tore his eyes from her breasts. "No," he smiled. "It makes my job that much easier."

  Chanyn felt pleased at this. Jian went back to his manipulative perusal. Instead of closing her eyes, Chanyn watched his long fingers glance over her nipples. She saw her belly quaking at his touch. Her legs pressed together seeking friction. She heard herself panting.

  Jian's fingers grazed her brown nipples once more. Chanyn arched of the bed. He placed a calming hand over her collarbone a
nd stared down at her, waiting while her breathing calmed.

  "I'm sorry." She gulped down lungful’s of air. "I haven't been touched much in my life."

  Jian smiled that nonjudgmental smile again. Then he stood.

  Chanyn sat up. "No, please don't go."

  "I'm not going anywhere," he soothed. His hands reached down for the yellow sash. With one tug his robes opened and fell to the ground.

  Chanyn gaped at the display of muscle, sinew, and manhood before her eyes. Jian stood still and allowed her to look her fill. He was simply magnificent, but—

  "You don't have any hair... down there."

  "No," he smiled. "We learned that women do not like hair in certain places."

  The bed dipped as he sat down once more.

  Perhaps it was the light massage that he'd just given her, but Chanyn felt emboldened. "May I touch you?"

  It was becoming a pattern that the men of this city all looked at her with raised eyebrows whenever she said something out of the ordinary.

  Jian looked truly befuddled. "Whatever for?"

  "Well... shouldn't I learn a man's body? I'm about to be mated with two of them." A concept Chanyn still hadn't worked out in her mind, but a fact nonetheless. "I've never touched a... penis."

  Jian thought about this for a second. Finally, he lay back against the pillows and folded his hands behind his head. He nodded to Chanyn.

  Chanyn scooted down the bed. Now that she sat before the appendage, she wasn't quite sure she would go ahead with it. But she wasn't a coward. So, she took him lightly in her hands. For all his peace and serenity, Jian let out a small gasp. Chanyn looked back up at him. The monk gulped down air and nodded for her to continue.

  He was thick in her hands and long. She could not cover his length using both of her hands stacked.

  The next thing she noticed, "It's softer than I expected."

  It was also dry. She'd read often about the dollop of precum that would appear like a tear drop at the head of an aroused penis. Jian was definitely aroused, but dry as a bone. Chanyn was about to ask why when she noticed a purple ring at the base of his penis.

  "What is that?"

  "A contraceptive. It prevents pregnancy," Jian answered.

  Chanyn hadn't even thought about contraception. In her novels, men often donned something called a French Letter, or condom, to protect from both disease and pregnancy.

  As though reading her thoughts, Jian said, "Lord Dain has my medical documents. I carry no diseases."

  Chanyn nodded. She went back to her ministrations.

  She rubbed the head of his penis. Jian sucked in a shuddery breath. Chanyn looked up and smiled at him, pleased that she was having an effect. He released the breath on a sigh but said nothing.

  She added the other hand and began a tentative massage. After a moment, Jian closed his eyes. She could see small shudders happening in his abdomen. She could hear his small intakes of breaths.

  The sight of Khial bobbing up and down in Dain's lap, and Dain's eyes rolling back in ecstasy, came to mind. Chanyn dipped her head and gave Jian's penis a tentative lick.

  The monk bolted up. Eyes wide, chest heaving.

  Chanyn released him immediately. "What did I do wrong?"

  It took Jian a full moment to find his voice. Finally, he shook his head, not meeting her eyes. "Women do not do that," he said.

  "Why not?"

  Jian’s mouth worked but words didn't come out.

  "I saw Dain and Khial doing it. Dain appeared to like it very much. If you're to train me, I want to learn how to do it well so that I can please him, too."

  Jian shook his head from side to side, utterly flummoxed. "The pleasure of a man is not a woman's responsibility."

  Chanyn's face fell. "You didn't like it."

  "I... I..." Jian ran a hand over his bald head. "It's simply not done... by women."

  "I think I'm safe in saying I'm not like the other women in this city. I'm about to enter the bond of two men who clearly love each other. I need to bring something to the table. You are tasked with finding my triggers. I already know one of theirs. Let me practice?"

  Jian continued to gape at her.

  Chanyn decided to take the matter into her own hands, literally, and grasped his penis once more. When he started to protest she was ready for him. "This pleases me."

  The monk didn't stop her, but neither did he relax.

  Chanyn leaned down and put her mouth on him once more. With one fluid movement, her lips reached nearly to the base of his penis and felt the cold of the contraceptive ring. She swirled her tongue around. Jian let out an explosive bit of air and his upper body fell back down onto the mattress. Chanyn continued her ministrations. He felt pleasant in her mouth. The rhythmic motions she achieved echoed the pulsing at her core, which ached to be filled with the same motions.

  Above her, Chanyn felt Jian trembling. She remembered it hadn't taken Dain long to climax. What was she doing wrong?

  She released Jian from her mouth with a pop and asked the question.

  His eyes were glazed, his mouth askew. "Can't... Ring..."

  Chanyn looked down at the purple ring clasped at the base of Jian's penis. She spied the release, and with his penis still in hand, she pressed it.

  "Wait," shouted Jian.

  The ring released and so did Jian.

  "Oh, Goddess!" His body jerked as he came, and came, and came. Ribbons of his seed spread across his belly. Chanyn watched in fascination, as it seemed to go on and on forever. Finally, Jian's body collapsed back on the bed.

  Chanyn felt very pleased with herself.

  And then there was loud banging on her door.

  Jian sat up right. "Oh, no. No, no, no, no."

  The door opened. Khial stood on the other side, scowl in place. He spied the two of them on the bed. His clever eyes took in the scene and a slow smile spread across his face.

  Jian dashed off the bed and grabbed his robes. He began putting them on hastily.

  "Lord Dain would like a word," Khial said to Jian.

  Jian nodded at Khial. Then he turned to Chanyn. Without looking her in the eye, Jian bowed and then was gone.

  Khial chuckled after Jian as he left. Chanyn didn't know what was going on. She was about to ask when Khial turned back to her, mirth still in his eyes. But that mirth quickly dissipated. Chanyn was beginning to get whiplash from his mood swings.

  His eyes roamed up and down her body, his nostrils flaring. It took Chanyn a moment to remember that she was completely nude. Her first instinct was to reach for her gown or the sheets to cover herself. Then she remembered; this was to be one of her husbands.

  She sat there and let him look. It was evident from the way he shifted the lower half of his body that the sight of her naked was having an effect on him.

  Khial's eyes finally reached hers, desire clearly written there. But then he shook himself, and a deeper scowl spread across his face. Without a word he stormed off, slamming the door and leaving Chanyn in even greater confusion.

  She had one man she wanted desperately to kiss her, but he wouldn't take any liberties. There was another man who'd taken liberties, than leaped from her bed upon climax. And then there was a third who clearly wanted liberties, but appeared disgusted at the idea of taking any.

  Chanyn flopped down once more on the bed, losing herself in the plush mattress, the only place she was sure to find any comfort tonight.

  Chapter Eight

  The sound of the door slamming reverberated through Khial's arm. He flexed the fingers of his right hand, clenching and releasing until feeling returned. It took a long time for the blood to flow back to his hand, it was still diverting to his dick.

  Khial was sure the slamming of the door frightened Chanyn. He'd meant it to, to put some sense into her. What was she thinking, displaying herself to him like that? Showing him her rich brown skin, her firm breasts, her velvety dark nipples.

  Her breasts beamed at him like the headlights of a car call
ing his attention. As she panted, they moved up and down with each breath. The movement drew his eyes to the planes of her abdomen. She was neither flat nor fat at the stomach. Her sculpted curves reminded him of the ocean. Waves cresting here and then there, going flat and then rising once more. Her narrow waist arrowed to the V between her legs. The dark curls like the rich black soil of the farmlands, the soil that bore the sweetest berries. He wondered if the richness there between her thighs mirrored the sweetness of a strawberry.

  Khial picked up his pace away from the room. The scent of her arousal followed him down the hall. A woman's scent was an aphrodisiac to men. Khial had never gotten close enough to take a whiff. Now the smell filled his senses, making his mouth water and clouding his head.

  For a second, back there, it looked as though she were about to part her thighs in invitation. It was an invitation he would never welcome. He slammed her door to slam the brakes on his desire and any intention she might harbor. More to shake up himself than her. As if he needed more proof that women were manipulative creatures who could end the life of any man who hungered after that place between their thighs.

  This had to stop. She had to be made to leave, and sooner rather than later.

  He hadn't argued too much when Dain wanted to bring the stray home. No creature under the Goddess deserved to live in such squalor and solitude as Chanyn subsisted.

  Khial assumed Chanyn would run when she met Dain's conniving relatives. But she hadn't flinched. He assumed she'd recoil in disgust when she learned of Dain's parents' occupation. But she hadn't even blushed.

  She was nothing like the girls they'd grown up with. The dainty, pampered princesses who wore their entitlement like a sash, and wouldn't lift a finger to wipe their own asses. A few tried to catch Dain's eye in their youth. For all Khial tried to protect Dain from his charitable self, Dain could spot a gold digger a mile away. Chanyn wasn't interested in Dain's wealth, of that Khial was sure. Chanyn was interested in the man's heart. In Khial's eyes, that was a far worse offense and a fruitless endeavor.

  For all of the goodwill Dain bestowed on the world, his heart was slowly giving out. At this point, Dain was more interested in setting his affairs in order than he was in searching for a way to keep his heart beating. But Khial wasn't giving up. Agreeing to this scheme Dain planned with Chanyn was the exact equivalent of surrender. And Khial would not concede.


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