The Pleasure Rites Series

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The Pleasure Rites Series Page 13

by Ines Johnson

  Jian looked to Lord Dain. "Slowly this time."

  The man nodded.

  Jian let Chanyn's torso rest against his chest and then he opened her thighs to her husband. Her scent was heady. All male eyes drew to the core of her. Jian heard the other two males gulp the scent down. Lord Dain's shaft visibly throbbed, veins pulsating, precum at the head. The man wasn't going to last any longer the second time.

  Lord Khial stared transfixed at Chanyn's core. The man had feigned disinterest only to be held rapt by the mere reflection of the bed sport.

  "Lord Khial, I'll need your help."

  Lord Khial's eyes locked on Jian's, that sea blue going wide with trepidation.

  "I'll need you to hold on to Lord Dain's testicles."

  A gulf of confusion spread across Lord Khial's face.

  "It will help stall his climax until we can get Lady Chanyn's orgasm underway."

  Lord Khial took in a slow breath. He slipped off his shoes and came onto the bed behind Lord Dain.

  "Let's begin," said Jian.

  Lord Dain entered Chanyn slowly. He panted as he fully seated himself inside her. He brought both arms to rest on either side of Chanyn's torso.

  Jian nodded to Lord Khial, who braced one hand on his mate's back, the other disappeared below to grasp Lord Dain's testicles. Lord Dain gasped.

  "You'll need to hold them a little tighter than you would in normal lovemaking." Jian thought he saw Lord Khial wince in embarrassment. He had to stop himself from smiling at the man's shyness.

  Everyone was nearly in place. Jian placed his second and third fingers into his mouth to wet them. Then he placed the moist digits onto Chanyn's clitoris. She gasped.

  "Move," Jian told Lord Dain.

  And he did.

  Immediately, Jian felt Chanyn swelling against his fingers. Her climax was imminent. The shuddering impact of her inner muscles could easily pull Lord Dain under.

  "Hold him tighter," Jian said to Lord Khial.

  Lord Khial stared raptly at the joining of his mates. Jian had to call the man's name again and repeat his instructions. It wasn't too soon, because Chanyn began to tremble.

  As her climax took her, she pulled Jian's head down to hers. He caught her cries in a kiss, his fingers never ceasing on her slippery heat. He delved into her mouth stroking her tongue as her husband stroked into her core.

  Finally, they broke apart, in need of air. Chanyn's eyes were closed, still riding the ecstasy of one man inside her, another on her bud, and still another at the rear. Jian knew that Lord Khial's position had his hand grazing Chanyn's rear every now and again. Ever the teacher, Jian made a note that she would likely enjoy double-penetration. Not all women did.

  When Jian glanced up he was met with two sets of gaping male eyes. At first he couldn't understand what the matter was. Then he realized, he'd kissed their wife, passionately. Most bonded triads didn't engage in kissing. Sex was viewed with one sole purpose in this day and age: to beget children, namely girls. Not many women cared to experience the pleasure of kissing.

  Jian couldn't muster any shame. He'd done his duty. The lady writhed in pleasure under his touch, his mouth. He raised his chin in defiance.

  Lord Khial voiced no objections. If Lord Dain had any they weren't voiced either as he closed his eyes and got lost once more in the pleasure of the bonding with his wife.

  "I'd like her to have two more orgasms before we're finished," Jian said. He barely had Lord Dain's attention, so he directed his instructions to Lord Khial. "I'm going to tilt her hips. Lord Dain will need to come off his forearms. Can you manage that?"

  Lord Khial kept one hand low on Dain’s sack to stay his mate's orgasm, then wrapped the other arm around Lord Dain's chest, bringing him flush against his back. Lord Dain went willingly, one arm snaking behind to embrace Lord Khial.

  Jian lifted Chanyn's hips and all three of them gasped.

  Jian knew Lady Chanyn gasped at the change in angle of penetration. This angle would hit a bundle of tissues at the front of her pelvis. Unlike a woman's clitoris, this spot could handle multiple orgasms in a short span of time.

  Jian knew from experience that Lord Dain gasped because the change in angle made a woman's core grip him tighter.

  Jian suspected Lord Khial gasped as his lover's rear came into contact with his swollen shaft each time he withdrew from Chanyn.

  The room filled with the sounds of pleasure. Pleasure that was all Jian's manipulation. He felt well pleased with himself. This was why he did this work. The art of sex, when done right, was an ode to the Goddess, a benediction of Her divine will.

  Jian could tell he wasn't going to get Chanyn to a third orgasm. All three of the bonded mates were fast approaching a grand climax.

  Jian spoke to Lord Khial. "Let his testicles go, but hold his torso tight."

  Lord Khial nodded, his eyes dazed. The man might deny his own need, but it would come if Jian kept him involved in the sacrament.

  "Let him know," Jian said to Lord Khial, "that you want him to come. Keep telling him."

  Lord Khial could only get every other word out to his mate. Both males' eyes were pleasure glazed, their breaths quick. Lord Dain turned his head and kissed Khial deeply.

  Jian turned his attention to his own heart. Chanyn watched the men, enraptured.

  "They're so beautiful," she whispered.

  Jian leaned down and kissed her temple. "I want you to come for me, Chanyn."

  As soon as the words left his mouth she began to tremble in his arms. Once more he captured her cries with his mouth, telling her over and over again how much she meant to him with his tongue. He heard the other men climaxing, but his attention didn't waver from her. He rained kisses down over her face until her breathing returned to a semblance of normal.

  When he looked up, he met Lord Khial's eyes. The other man did the same, he rained kisses down the side of his lover's face.

  Jian nodded to him with respect. "Ashe."

  Chapter Seventeen

  Darkness reigned outside the windows when Chanyn opened her eyes, but it wasn't hard to see in the dim room. The solar lights, though full of gathered energy from the day, were now dimmed. Her eyes met a hairless chest. The forearm that belonged to the chest made up and down motions. She felt the maneuvers on her back. She didn't want to move, but she wanted to see Jian's eyes. She tilted her head up.

  Jian stared at the ceiling. The lines of his face relaxed, peaceful. His eyes darted quickly here and then there, lost in thought. Sensing her attention, his gaze turned to Chanyn and he smiled. It caught Chanyn's breath. He'd never smiled at her unprovoked. This smile he gave to her freely.

  "Hi," she said.

  "How are you feeling, my lady?"

  There was a bit of soreness between her thighs. It was the first time she'd felt sore there. After the first time with Jian she had only felt a pleasant fullness. Thinking on that night alone with Jian brought the happenings of last night, actually still this night, back to the forefront of Chanyn's mind.

  "Where are Dain and Khial?"

  Jian rolled Chanyn fully onto her back and came over top of her. His chest, in his open robes, met her naked breasts. "The activities of the night exerted Lord Dain."

  Chanyn's eyes widened. If Dain were ill, she needed to go to him. She made a move to get up.

  "He's fine," Jian assured her. "But Lord Khial thought it best if they retire to their own room so that you both could rest in peace."

  For a moment disappointment crept into Chanyn's heart. They didn't include her in the decision. She was a part of their bond now. But then she realized that their decision afforded her more time alone with Jian. She wasn't sure how much time she would have with him before she became pregnant and they had to part ways permanently.

  Chanyn relaxed under him. Though she was a bit sore, she still wanted him. They hadn't made love since that first time over a week ago. He'd only held her and fallen asleep with her in his arms a few nights back. And though it was the
best night she'd ever experienced, she wanted to feel him and him alone inside her.

  Chanyn reached up to caress his face. Jian covered her hand with his, regret on his brows. He closed his eyes and kissed her palm. Then he turned from her and rose from the bed. Chanyn didn't like the distance he put between them.

  "I've run you an herbal bath," he said. "For the soreness. And to ensure the viability of the conception."

  "You think I'm already with child? From just the one time?"

  Jian's fingers spread across her stomach. "I felt the energy move through you. I'm certain the Goddess has blessed this union."

  Chanyn felt her world caving in from all sides.

  On the one hand, she'd achieved the primary goal of tonight's activities. She was likely pregnant.

  On the other hand, she would have to give up the man she loved. She knew this was part of the deal, coming into this room. She just hadn't expected it to be over so soon.

  Looking into Jian's face, she saw loss written in his strong jawline.

  "Come." He scooped her up into his embrace, holding her with a gentle firmness against his chest.

  He carried her to the bathroom, where sweet smelling aromas clouded the air. Jian knelt down to the tub with her in his arms, but Chanyn clung to his neck.

  "How long?" she demanded. "How long before you go?"

  "The morning." Jian held her eyes. "The water will help to heal any wounds."

  He lowered her into the cool water, never taking his eyes off her. The water felt amazing to her skin, to her sore muscles. Jian took a sponge and dipped it into the water, running it down her bare breasts. He bowed over his work with focused attention, each drop he squeezed, a benediction, each movement, a declaration of his love.

  All her life, for nearly twenty-one years, Chanyn had been touch-starved. Her mother had no warm embrace, no kind words, no care for her. In the past week Chanyn had made two, possibly three friends. She'd had her hand held. She'd been hugged. She'd been kissed. She'd felt love.

  For a moment, she closed her eyes and soaked it all in, overwhelmed by the amount of it.

  When Jian's hand stilled, she opened her eyes. His face, usually so neutral, mirrored the awe she felt.

  "I used to dream of you," Chanyn said. "All my life, I dreamed that a man would love and care for me. I wanted it so badly. For the last ten years, I dreamed so hard. And here you are. I should be sad, and I am. Sad that I can't keep you."

  Water pooled at the edges of Jian's eyes. He shut them tightly, but a solitary tear escaped. "I am sorry."

  "Don't be." Chanyn wiped the tear away. "Just because we won't get to see each other anymore, doesn't mean the love stops. Right?"

  The liquid brimming at the corners of Jian's eyes filled with want. He reached for her once more. His robes got drenched as he brought her out of the water. He carried her back to the bed, along with a towel. Slowly and methodically, he cleansed each droplet.

  It wasn't sexual. It was reverent. When she was dry, Chanyn felt reborn. Jian climbed onto the bed beside her and enfolded her in his arms.

  "When I leave in the morning," he whispered. "I'll leave you a gift."

  "A gift?"

  "Yes," he answered but said nothing further.

  Chanyn held him tightly to her. In the morning she would be staying here with her new husbands and growing child. He would return to the temple to continue his work.

  His work.

  Jealousy reared. "You'll be returning to the temple?"

  "Yes," he answered. "There is much work to be done."

  Chanyn stiffened in his arms. "Right. Your work."

  Goddess, what if she saw him out with another woman? What if he serviced her cousin Merlyn?

  Jian reached a hand under her chin and tilted it up. He read her face like reading a book.

  "When I return to the temple, I'll be taking vow."

  "A vow?"

  "Of celibacy."

  Chanyn's eyes widened.

  "When a hound takes the vow of celibacy, he no longer leaves the temple walls. I won't do the carnal work of a hound any longer. Hounds need compassion to minister to bonded mates. Compassion to see the needs and desires of all sides in the bond. Compassion comes from the heart.

  "For so many years my heart was wounded. I never treated the wound and it festered, leaving behind an ugly scar that left me closed, closed to see the needs and desires of others. Until you. You've healed me, cleansed me. I am a man reborn because of you. You've healed my wounded heart. Your mates have restored my sense of compassion. But I can no longer do my duty."

  Jian tucked Chanyn's head against his chest and wrapped the rest of his body around hers.

  "I can no longer do my duty," he repeated, "because in the morning when I leave, I'm leaving my heart here with you."

  Chapter Eighteen

  "By the Goddess, you're right."

  Khial's face tightened, along with his fists, as he narrowed his eyes at the Physic who gaped at the second set of test results. His eyes went from the Physic to Chanyn, who sat stiffly on the examination cot. Chanyn wasn't paying the Physic much mind. Her gaze, trained out the window, focused on the domes of the Temple of the Pleasure Hounds which were off in the distance. The full domes, pointing up to the sky towards the Goddess, abreasted the view of the one story fertility clinic.

  "You have been bonded less than a week." It wasn't a question, so neither Khial nor Chanyn answered the Physic whose attention was still trained on the results on the tablet screen.

  The past few days, Chanyn had been sad. She put on a strong front whenever she came to visit Dain in his sick bed. She read to him, brought him plants and flowers from his mother's garden, lost gracefully at the board games Khial could tell she understood better than she let on.

  When Dain slept and she and Khial were left alone together, her smile would fall away. Khial allowed her her sadness. He'd sit with her quietly; take meals with her side by side in a companionable silence neither of them felt the need to fill.

  "Pregnant after one coupling. And a girl too."

  They had waited the requisite three days it took for gestational chemicals to make themselves known. It was standard to run a gender test with the pregnancy test. The test was strong enough to detect some type of protein present in male offspring. The Physic ran the test twice in search of this protein, though she called it a plague. Chanyn was plague free, which meant that she carried a girl in her womb.

  The Physic eyed Khial accusingly. "How did you accomplish this?"

  Khial scowled at her, but the menacing look bounced off the older woman.

  "We used a Pleasure Hound," Chanyn answered.

  The Physic turned to Chanyn. "A monk?"

  "Yes, Aunt Angyla."

  Khial squinted at Lady Angyla, trying to find the resemblance. He saw the same cinnamon brown skin, though Lady Angyla's looked more like rough, tree bark. They both had the same high cheekbones, but where Chanyn's were often held high in defiance, Lady Angyla's were angular and arrogant. In the end, their eyes outlined their true characters. Lady Angyla's eyes were a cold, metallic gold. Chanyn's churned with life, malleable, begging for hands to mold her and her flesh.

  "The hound's rituals worked in just one session with my mates," Chanyn said, a hint of pride in her voice.

  Lady Angyla quirked an eyebrow. "And you've only been with your mates? No other—"

  "We're done here," Khial grasped Chanyn by the hand. She came off the cot without protest, swinging her legs to the floor and her body into his side. Khial marched them out the door and past the gaping Physic.

  Long after they were out of the office, out of the building, and nearing the car, Khial noticed he still held Chanyn's hand firmly in his.

  "Sorry," he said releasing her hand.

  "I didn't mind," she said.

  Khial's discomfort must have read on his face because she continued.

  "I actually needed a hand. My back hurts a bit."

  He opened the ca
r door for her and handed her inside. She continued talking as he drove.

  "I was expecting to be sick in the mornings, but not yet. Just this low ache in my back."

  "You're only a few days with child."

  "With child," she repeated. She placed her palms gently on her flat stomach.

  Khial turned the ignition and pulled onto the road. He couldn't believe they'd created another living being. Well, she and Dain created it. The children of bonded mates were claimed equally by both fathers, though most often you could tell where the child's genetics originated with a long glance. Khial and Dain originated from two different ethnicities. It would be clear to whom the child belonged. But it still didn't negate the fact that Khial was going to be a father.

  Suddenly, he felt the nausea that Chanyn had avoided. Khial had no good memories of his fathers. When he did think of father figures, he thought of Dain's fathers. He saw their two smiling faces as they looked down at their son. He remembered a large hand beckoning him to join them in a game, another holding out a seat for him at third meal. As the memories of those two males grew stronger in his mind, the nausea in Khial's gut dissipated.

  From the corner of his eye, he caught Chanyn's face. Another series of memories came to mind. Chanyn standing over the boar, a fierce protector to men she hadn't even known. Chanyn leaning forward in the front seat of the car next to him with wonder in her eyes. Chanyn caressing Dain's flushed face with care while sitting beside him on his sick bed.

  "For what it’s worth, I think you'll be a good mother."

  She looked up at him, startled.

  "You're kind. You're patient. Those things are important to children."

  "I can't imagine where I got those traits. Certainly not from my mother."

  "Maybe not," Khial scratched the back of his head. "But what our parents did, how they raised us, made us strong enough to weather the trials we've faced in our lives." Khial thought back to Jian's words. The stubborn tree, he stood tall against the storm.

  They pulled up to the house. Khial put the car in park. He rested his hands on the steering wheel.


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