Risk Taker

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Risk Taker Page 5

by Kelly Collins

  “Speaking of dating, what are you going to do about your escort service? How is Anthony going to respond when you dress up and accompany other men to various functions?”

  “We talked about it, and I decided I’m closing up shop for the time being. He’s okay with me doing what I do, as long as I promise not to wear the blue dress.” She laughs. “He has claimed that dress for his eyes only.” A dreamy look blankets her face. “After giving it thought, I couldn’t imagine spending time with any other man. All I’d be thinking about was Anthony.”

  “We have three months of school left before we graduate. I always planned to quit after graduation, anyway. It’s time to find a real job. My savings account is solid, so I can afford to be out of work for a while.” Her fingers twirl a strand of her hair as she talks. “Speaking of graduating, Anthony mentioned they have temporary job opportunities at Ahz. The opening will be huge, and they need all the help they can get. You should apply. Besides, it would give you experience, and it’s an excellent resume builder.”

  “I’d be afraid of running into Damon.” While Ahz is a perfect fit for my degree, being in the same building as Damon would drive me crazy.

  “I’m sure you would never run into him. It’s a large corporation that employs hundreds of people. You could get lost in the crowd.”

  “Damon told me about the positions when we had dinner, but I’m still hesitant to apply.”

  Emma is right. I’m sure I wouldn’t even see him, but if I did, I’d thank him for suggesting I apply for the job, then I’d move on.

  “Thanks, Em. You are right, I should apply.”

  “Do it right now before you chicken out.”

  I give her a hug, grab my laptop from the table, and head to my room.

  The application process is thorough but straightforward. I apply for an internship as the assistant to the event planner, press send, and close my computer. With nothing else to do, I head to the kitchen to make a cup of cocoa and pick up Em’s copy of Bound on the way. With cocoa in hand, I collapse onto the soft, overstuffed sofa. A few minutes later, I hear the beep of a text coming in.

  Hi, it’s Damon. I am hoping maybe we could be friends in some capacity. Are you having a nice night, Katarina? What are you doing?

  I think about his question. Could I be friends with him? I suppose there’s no harm in being nice, so I text him back.

  Damon, if you’re going to be my friend, then you have to call me Kat. All my friends call me Kat. Right now, I’m drinking hot chocolate and reading Emma’s naughty romance novel.

  I picked up a copy for myself today. I wanted to see what all the women are talking about. What page are you on?

  That’s interesting. I’d never have imagined you to be a fan of “girlie” books. I’m on page 57.

  I’m learning you can find out a lot about women from a “girlie” book. I should have been reading these all along. I’d be so much smarter when it came to the fairer sex if I’d paid attention from the beginning.

  Don’t get pure entertainment mixed up with what girls want. Take this book, for instance. The protagonist is a young college graduate who meets a charming man while doing her friend a favor. Doesn’t that sound familiar? He wants to see her on certain nights, and he’s willing to pay her. Wow, that’s sounds familiar too. Where the story differs is she says yes and well … you know the rest.

  This is a book about exploring different avenues for sexual satisfaction. When I was a boy, you could only find stories like this in adult magazines. It seems to be mainstream these days. That’s what the sexual revolution has done for us.

  Since I haven’t read that far, I’m not sure where this is leading, but with a title such as Bound, I’m guessing we’re headed to the kinky side. It’s not my normal genre. I like sweeter romance novels, like the ones where the man comes racing in on a white stallion and saves the day. Emma tells me this story will get way out of control.

  What about you, Kat? Do you like being out of control?

  How do you mean? Are you talking about restraints and gags, or something different?

  No, just your average scarves or a pair of fur-lined handcuffs. No Saint Andrew’s Cross or dungeon cages.

  Holy shit. The man gets straight to it.

  I haven’t given it much thought. If I’m being honest with you, and I feel one should be honest with their friends, then I find the idea intriguing. I definitely would not want my mouth gagged, but being restrained could be fun. You would have to have some agreement as to what you’re willing or not willing to do.

  Check out page 87 and text me back.

  What am I doing? I feel like I’m in a book club for the deranged. I put down the book, refusing to be tempted to see what lies ahead. Then I think about restraints, and then I think about Damon and restraints. My body reacts at the thought of being restrained in front of Damon, and I wonder what he would do. I can’t resist the temptation, so I pick up the book and flip to page 87.

  Oh, holy hell. I can’t believe what I’m reading. The agreement is long and comprehensive. Many of the things he wants to do to her are foreign. I open up my computer and type in seahorse triple action. The picture that shows up is shocking. I’m stunned by the sheer size of it. Oh … my … goodness! People can get inventive.

  I slam my computer closed and put the book on the table. My cheeks flush as heat courses through my body. My phone beeps with another incoming message.


  I lie.

  I haven’t read it, so I don’t know.

  Didn’t you tell me that one should be honest with friends?

  Leave it to him to throw my words back at me. I type out the longest text ever.

  Yes, I did, and you’ve caught me. I’m uncomfortable talking to you about this book. I read it, and I’m quite appalled. I had to look up one device, just to see what it was. It comes in several speeds, widths, lengths, and colors. What happened to good old regular sex?

  People have different tastes. This book describes a particular flavor, but there are many out there. Where have you been hiding?

  I haven’t been hiding. I just haven’t been experiencing too much of what other people are tasting.

  I could present you with a buffet of experiences to try. What do you say?

  Good night, Damon.

  I put my phone down and mosey my way to my bed. Laying my head against the pillow, I think about Damon and how he’ll be the death of me.

  Chapter Seven

  I wake to the sound of my ringtone—a cacophony of birds chirping. They are loud enough to hear and unpleasant enough to want to answer immediately.


  “Can I speak to Katarina Cross, please?” the woman asks.

  I sit up and try to sound wide awake. “Yes, this is Katarina.”

  “This is Della Fields from Noble Enterprises, and I’m calling about the internship position. I have your résumé in front of me, and I’d love for you to come talk to us about the opening we posted.”

  My heart rate picks up its pace, but I control my excitement and tell her in a calm and professional voice, “That sounds great. What day and time would work best?”

  “I know it’s last minute, but can you be here at one o’clock today?”

  “Absolutely.” I hop out of bed and start dancing around my room. “Where do I go when I enter the building?”

  “Someone at the reception desk will guide you to the human resources department.”

  “Perfect, I’ll see you then.” I hang up the phone and jump into the air, waving my arms in celebration. It’s only an interview, but it means one of two things. I have the skills they are looking for, or they are desperate and need warm bodies. Either way, it’s a job opportunity.

  Another option enters my mind. Did Damon have anything to do with me getting the call? The idea is silly since I just filled out the application last night. I can’t imagine him even knowing I applied for the internship. I dance across the hall to tell Emma.

  “I’ve got an interview at Noble Enterprises!” I scream in delight as I sashay around her room.

  “What time is it?” she grumbles and pulls her duvet cover over her head to shield her from the sun peeking through her window.

  “It’s nine o’clock, and everything is all right in the world, Em. Get up and have coffee with me, and then help me find the perfect interview outfit.” I dash from her room to the kitchen to make us both a cup of coffee. I slam every drawer and cabinet to make sure she doesn’t fall back to sleep. “Don’t forget, you owe me big, and I’m taking my payment now. Get up!”

  Em appears in the kitchen in her flannel pajamas and bunny slippers. She slides into a seat at the table and circles the coffee mug with both hands, before she brings it to her lips. I know she needs that first sip to jump-start her morning.

  “Okay, so what time is this interview?” she asks.

  “It’s at one o’clock, and I want to make an impression. It’s an internship position for Ahz. I’ll work with their event planner.”

  “You know, Kat, I’m familiar with both owners. I can put a good word in for you.” Her head rests on her arm, which stretches across the table. I know this girl, and she’ll need another cup before she’s any use.

  “No, I want to do this by myself. I could call Damon, but I won’t because it’s important to earn my successes. Besides, I’m trying to avoid him. Let me tell you the latest.” I top off her cup and sit across the table from her. “He bought Bound, and he’s reading it.” I pause for dramatic effect. “He texted me last night so we could discuss it. It’s as if we were in our own private book club. We texted about bondage and vibrators.”

  Em stares at me with a look of confusion on her face, then bursts out laughing. “I don’t know what’s funnier, you talking about vibrators, or Damon reading an erotica novel. I have to give that some thought.” Sipping her coffee, she adds, “At least the conversation is happening via text. Could you imagine having dinner face to face and talking about the latest Rabbit that hit the market as you ask him to pass the bread?”

  I hadn’t given it much thought, but Em is right. Texting allows us to be honest and bold with our answers. As open as I am, I’d never have had that conversation in person.

  As if talking about him summoned a text from him, the familiar beep of my phone redirects my thoughts.

  Only read to page 125. I’ll call you at seven o’clock tonight to get your thoughts.


  I ignore his text and focus on my upcoming interview. Em drags me to my room, where she chooses a fashionable but conservative-looking skirt, a silk blouse, and low-heeled pumps. She advises me to wear my hair down, explaining that if I wear a ponytail, I may look too young, and if I pull my hair up into a bun, I may look too haughty. I trust her because she has never steered me wrong.

  I stand in front of her for her final approval.

  “I’d hire you,” she says with a wink.

  Reaching forward, I give her a big hug and a smooch on her cheek before I dash out to my car.

  The forty-minute drive to Noble Enterprise seems like seconds. Once inside, I’m directed to the fifth floor, where I check in with the secretary. Within minutes, I’m led into a large office where Ms. Fields stands up from her desk to greet me before offering me a seat.

  She shuffles a few papers sitting haphazardly on top until she finds the one she’s looking for.

  “I see you are in your last semester at UCLA, studying hospitality management. Looking at your schedule, it appears you are available Mondays and Fridays any time and Tuesday through Thursday in the afternoons. Is that correct?” she asks.

  Della Fields looks to be in her early forties with brown hair that’s pulled into a severe knot at the back of her neck. The style mixed with her black and white suit gives her an air of authority. If the quality of her clothes is any indication, Damon pays his people well.

  “Yes, that’s right, although I’ll graduate soon.”

  “Why Noble Enterprises?” she asks.

  “Honestly, Ms. Fields, I’m looking for a chance to get a little experience in my field of study. A friend told me about the job opening, and I applied. Ahz is the perfect opportunity for me to use my education and learn from a seasoned professional.”

  “Why should I choose you?” Della questions.

  “There’s no reason for you not to choose me. I’m motivated, educated, and ready to work. I’ll give you one hundred percent every day.”

  She sits back and twirls the pen in her fingers. “I’d like you to meet our event planner. His name is Trevor Thornton.”

  Ms. Fields presses the intercom button and asks the receptionist to have Trevor come down to her office. A moment later, a tall man with wavy brown hair walks inside. “Trevor, this is Ms. Cross. She’s applying for the intern position.”

  He offers his hand to shake before he greets me. “Nice to meet you, Ms. Cross. Ahz is a unique challenge for us. It’s the first time we’ll combine two concepts. What do you bring to the table that other applicants don’t?”

  “That’s a good question, and my best answer is I bring an open mind with no preconceived notions of what the job should be or what the final project should look like. I hope to learn from you. I’ll adopt your vision and strive to help you accomplish your goal.” Happy with my answer, I take a breath and wait for a response.

  Ms. Fields and Trevor exchange looks. A hint of a smirk lifts his lips.

  “Thank you for coming in today. You’re our final applicant. Give us time to compare notes, and we’ll get back to you. The candidate we choose will be expected to start immediately. Is that an issue?”

  “I could start today if you needed me.”

  “We’ll let you know.” Ms. Fields closes the door behind me, and I let out a whoosh of air.

  Wow. That was an interesting interview. It was direct and to the point.

  I exit the office and see a familiar silver Mustang parked in the spot closest to the elevator. I didn’t see it on my way in, but I was focused on the interview. Seeing the sports car makes me think of Damon and the night he took me for Italian food.

  I wish things could have turned out differently.

  Em accosts me as soon as I get home. “Tell me about the interview. How did it go?” I think she’s more excited than I am. Or maybe, she’s had too much coffee.

  I toss my keys and purse on the table near the door and collapse on the couch. “It went well. I met the event planner. His name is Trevor. He seems like an experienced guy, and it would be great to learn from him. He’s done an exceptional job marketing Zenith under Noble Enterprises.”

  “When will you know?” She prods me for additional information.

  “I hope within the next day, but who knows. I have to wait and see, I guess. Let’s celebrate anyway. What about tacos?”

  She rolls her shoulders forward and frowns. “I can’t. Anthony is picking me up. He’s cooking me dinner at his house.”

  “Gosh, Em, it sounds like things are getting serious, fast.”

  “Yeah, I guess, but we are so compatible. It’s pure magic.”

  “I’m thrilled for you. I’ve never seen you look so happy.”

  “Oh, Kat, I feel like I’m walking around in a dream that I never want to wake up from.”

  Anthony picks Emma up at five, leaving me on my own for the night. I have a texting date with Damon at seven that I’m looking forward to.

  Too lazy to go out for tacos on my own, I change into my old comfy jeans and make myself a bowl of instant macaroni and cheese, then curl up on the couch to read.

  Turning to my earmarked page, I try to catch up, hoping to get to page 125 before he texts. I’m lost in the book when my phone rings.

  “Hello,” I say.

  “Hello, Katarina. This is Della from Noble Enterprises.”

  Oh, my God, my heart beats as fast as a hummingbird’s wings. “Ms. Fields. How are you?”

  “I’m well. I’m calling to offer
you the internship. Can you start tomorrow after your classes? Your first day will be all paperwork. You’ll start work with Trevor on Friday.”

  I dance around the living room as Della Fields gives me the details. Once I hang up the phone, I shout joyfully from the top of my lungs.

  Holy smokes, I have a paid internship at Noble Enterprises. They’re paying me double what I make at Java Joes. I immediately call my current boss to let him know about my new opportunity. I agree to work the weekend shifts until he can replace me.

  At exactly seven o’clock, my phone rings. I expected a text from Damon, but I guess he decided on something different.

  “Hi,” I answer.

  “Hello, Kat,” he responds. His pronunciation of my nickname comes out with a nasally twang, making it sound unattractive. I think he does this on purpose.

  “Aren’t we texting?” Although I’m glad he called because I miss hearing his voice. He has a strong, commanding tone that I find incredibly sexy. I guess you could say I’m a traditionalist when it comes to relationships. I expect a man to act and sound manly.

  “I wanted to hear your voice. Is it okay that I called?”

  How sweet is that? “Yes, it’s okay.”

  “I’m in your area, and I don’t want to eat alone. Will you join me for dinner? As a friend.”

  “I just ate a delicious bowl of instant macaroni and cheese,” I say.

  “Oh … okay.” The disappointment in his tone is obvious. “I thought maybe if you hadn’t eaten, we could eat together.”

  “Well, I haven’t had dessert, so … how about I have something sweet while you have something savory?”

  I don’t know why I offer to go. Maybe it’s because I can’t stand for him to sound disappointed. And if I’m being honest with myself, I want to see him again.

  “That’s great,” he says excitedly. “I’m just around the corner and will be at your doorstep in a moment.” His tone went from sullen to ecstatic in a heartbeat.

  Seconds after I hang up the phone, he knocks on my front door.


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