Beastborne- Mark of the Founder

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Beastborne- Mark of the Founder Page 79

by James T Callum

  “Such a lovely name,” he cooed. “Now, were you one of the party members that undertook this contract?” He motioned to the scroll. To Hal, it clearly listed each of the party members. Why couldn’t Hirash read it?

  “Ye can’t read the durned thing yerself?” Durvin rumbled.

  The Archmage cast him a withering glare. “The Founder and the Adventuring Guild are… not seeing eye-to-eye at the moment.” He turned back to Mira, smiling. “A minor issue that will be smoothed out in time. Now, my question?”

  “Yeah, I was part of the group,” she said breezily. “Saw ‘em pick it up and everything too. Thought they were going to die the first time they stepped into the Coffin District – if they even made it that far. Told ‘em all about the contract and its history. They were greenhorns, newbies y’know?”

  Hirash nodded paternally.

  “So’s I said to myself, ‘Mira, ya gotta help ‘em out. They’re going to go into that dang place no matter what, you better make sure they don’t die doing it.’ And so I took them over to Rondo’s.

  “You know Rondo? No? Oh, I gotta show you. Excellent little gnome. Very nice man. Love him to bits. Treats me like a second daughter. Absolute gentleman too. Has this funny little-”

  Hirash cleared his throat. “I don’t care about the gnome. Tell me about the party you helped.”

  Mira was usually talkative but this was something else. Hal risked a look her way and though her expression was absolutely enraptured, her face was covered in a heavy sheen of sweat.

  Was she trying to resist his Charm even after it succeeded?

  “What’s the big deal getting the girl all worked up for!” Hal shouted. He banged a fist onto the table and was promptly joined by Durvin’s pounding fist as well. “You haven’t asked us a durned thing!”

  Hirash turned a critical eye toward Hal and his less-than-common vernacular, for a dwarf at least.

  “All them magey types are the same,” Durvin snorted. “Always wagglin’ them little fingers and twitchin’ their little beady eyes back and forth like they see more’n the rest o’ us!”

  “Silence!” Hirash screeched, his thin reedy voice grew strained and he spread his hands out wide, evoking another spell.

  [Hirash] casts Silence.

  Stalwart Soul activation!

  You resist the effect of Silence.

  This time, only Hal seemed able to resist. But he saw with a wide grin that he and Durvin had gotten Hirash so worked up that he cast the spell on all of them in an attempt to shut them up.

  Unfortunately for him, he also got Mira. And that action seemed to wipe any effect his previous Charm had on her. She glared at him with open hostility and though her mouth moved in its usual rapid-fire pace, no sound came out.

  Hal wasn’t a great lip-reader but the girl was clearly swearing up a storm.

  He turned to Hirash and leaned back into his chair, lacing his thick fingers behind his head.

  Just then the door burst open and a beautiful older woman in the Adventurer’s Guild uniform marched into the room with two young men in ornate plate armor at her side. Each of them proudly displaying the Guild’s shield crest.

  “Just what in the void is the meaning of this Hirash?” she bellowed, marching up to the thin man. “Each of these people are members of the Adventurer’s Guild in good standing and as such you have no jurisdiction here!”

  She turned to the three of them. With silver hair, kind jade green eyes, and curling ivory horns she could have been Ashera’s mother. The woman held herself with an effortless stately air. A wave of her hand made the air sparkle with magical energy, dispelling Hirash’s magic.

  “-gonna get it right in there up to the elbow you pig-fu-” Mira stopped herself miming an unsettling motion with her forearm as her voice came back. She cleared her throat, colored a little, and had the good grace to look away. “Sorry Matron Madrasil.”

  “It’s quite all right, child,” she said kindly. “You have every right to be angry.”

  “Maddy, c’mon,” Hirash wheedled.

  The Matron reached forward and grabbed a fistful of the mage’s robes and lifted him easily off the floor with one hand. “If I ever catch you interrogating my Guildmates again, I will personally see to it that you are excommunicated from every city and township the Guild resides in. Try me, Hirash. I dare you.”

  With that threat, she dropped him and jabbed a pale arm to the door. “Leave. And take those things with you.”

  Unable to muster so much as a glare, the Archmage lifted his head high and marched out as if it were his decision all along.

  A familiar face peeked in from the door. The kindly Adventurer’s Guild attendant that had first introduced Hal to the Guild. The same one that was signing up Noth. “Everything okay Matron?” she asked.

  “Yes, yes dear. Thank you for getting me. Please shut the door.” Matron Madrasil pinched the bridge of her nose and let out a deep shaky sigh.

  When the Matron opened her eyes, she turned her penetrating gaze on each of them. For a long moment she stared at Hal and he had the worrying feeling she could see through the illusion. But she said nothing.

  “Now,” she said. “Are any of you hurt? Did he harm you in any way?”

  Each of them shook their heads.

  “Good.” Noticing the scroll on the table, she picked it up and read it. “I see now. No wonder he was so interested in you three. Rather, you two.” She pointed at Hal and Mira. “Gabriel, I would like you to inquire about Sammie’s activities of late – discreetly, please – and get back to me. Hirash should not have been allowed to commandeer a room, let along kidnap three Guild members.”

  One of the young men in plate mail saluted and left the room.

  “As Matron of the Adventurer’s Guild, I would like to formally apologize for the way you were treated. Being a Guildmate is supposed to afford certain protections.

  “Protections that I am afraid to say were not enforced as they should have been. You do not answer to the Founder while you are within our walls, this is sovereign ground as much as Rinbast would see it otherwise.”

  She let out a low whistle. “Quite the accomplishment, clearing the Coffin District like that. What happened to your original member, Giel?”

  “He’s… dead miss,” Hal said.

  “I’m sorry to hear that, he was a Tavernkeep wasn’t he? Strange name… Wild Goose or something right?” she asked.

  “The Gone Goose, Matron,” the lone soldier said.

  “Yes, thank you.” She looked at the Hal. “I don’t get out very much these days. Guild matters take up most of my time. As per Guild bylaws, Giel’s share of the reward will be held in a trust until such time as his next of kin can be located.

  “In the event that is impossible, it will follow the desires of his will if there is such. And, in the event neither of those options are discovered, it will be evenly split among the remaining party members.”

  “Now, seeing as you have changed party members after the contract’s completion, we cannot award anything to the newcomer but the rest of your original party are all to be awarded the sum of twenty-thousand sparks each. Progress two ranks within the Guild, gain some considerable Experience, Reputation, and I see you’ve earned yet another five thousand sparks.

  “All of that, and ownership rights to the Coffin District. Wow. I have to say, it isn’t every day that somebody completes a contract like this. I also heard through the grapevine that the one the rights go to, Hal… which one of you is Hal?”

  Hal in dwarven disguise raised his hand. “That’ll be me.”

  Once again her piercing gaze fell upon him, her lips twitched into a slight frown for a moment then it was gone. “Very well. Your Guild badge is genuine at least. You wish to remain anonymous outside of the Guild, yes?”

  “That’s right, Matron.”

  “Very well, I will place a seal on this Contract. To any member that is not of the Guild and proven their allegiance, your names will be illegibl
e and when spoken they will hear something else. That is, unfortunately, the best I can do.

  “Even then, you must understand, you are likely going to gain a great deal of fame for this. This has been a black stain on Murkmire - and the Adventurer’s Guild by extension - for many years. Thank you for completing this, and my condolences for losing a member of your party. I know it isn’t easy.”

  “That being said, before the day is through the ownership will be transferred to you and the Watch will be notified of the changes. As a personal favor to me, I will have them - and a small detachment of Guild Guards - continue to watch over the district for the next month.

  “That way we can assure you have time to set up buyers or move people in as you see fit. After, of course, the initial inspections are completed. We have to confirm the district is safe, of course. But I foresee no problems on that end.”

  With a wave of her hand, the Contract sparkled and burst into gold-and-silver confetti. “Congratulations again.”


  Your Adventurer’s Guild Rank has risen to Apprentice.

  You have unlocked Titles.

  Titles are awarded based on meritorious actions and apply a permanent buff based on the deeds you have done. Titles can be hidden but discerning individuals may be able to find ways to see your titles. In addition to applying permanent buffs, Titles also provide fame & infamy (depending on the Title) and can affect your standing with various groups.

  You have unlocked Guild Mail.

  Guild Mail allows you to correspond with any other affiliated Guild Member, even those of lower Rank, through any of the sanctioned crystalline junctions scattered about the world.

  Cost: 5 sparks.

  You have unlocked Adventurer’s Guild Points.

  Awarded to Guild Members for upstanding work and for spreading the good intentions of the Guild, Adventurer’s Guild Points are a unique form of currency that is hard to come by. It cannot be bought, traded, sold, or otherwise received except through deeds thoroughly vetted by the Adventurer’s Guild Council. Adventurer’s Guild Points can be utilized to provide an array of boons from legendary items to rare services.

  You earn 25,000 sparks.

  You gain 5,000 Experience.

  You gain 10 Adventurer’s Guild Points.

  Murkmire Reputation: +16,500 (Fabled Hero).

  Among the highest honors for any person in the realm, the title of Fabled Hero is not bestowed lightly. No silver-tongued Bard, nor countless donations of wealth can attain this reputation. Only through deeds that the Worldshard itself views as sufficiently monumental can one be granted the reputation of Fabled Hero. For saving Murkmire - and the world at large - from the threat of Shae’kathoth at great personal risk, you have been awarded an honor among honors.

  Any Murkmire citizen in good standing will go above and beyond to aid you and cater to your every whim so long as it does not run counter to the heroic nature you have gained in the eyes of the people. The people of Murkmire will gladly extol your deeds and your good name to all they come across, gradually increasing your fame (and in some cases, infamy) to other groups of people.

  Adventurer’s Guild Reputation: +3,300 (Acclaimed Adventurer).

  Having undertaken a massive Contract that nobody thought possible to complete, much less by a new adventurer, your fame among the Guild has risen considerably. Those of sufficient Rank will know of your deeds and they will be whispered throughout the ranks.

  You now possess Ownership of the “Coffin District.”

  New Title: Coffin Closer.

  Awarded for successful completion of the Coffin Contract.

  Less likely to be attacked by undead your Level or lower.

  Dramatically increases the aggressiveness of undead more than 10 Levels above you.

  The Matron looked toward Hal then to Mira. “I wish I could offer more than apologies but I am very busy and this most recent matter has made me all the busier. I’ll leave the door open and permit you a few moments to collect yourselves. On my word, while you are within these halls you will be protected.”

  She headed toward the door, opened by her guard but then stopped. She tapped a finger to her chin thoughtfully. Matron Madrasil looked over the trio. “Do you have lodgings within the town itself? No? Excellent. Then as a way of a proper apology, I will gift you the Dragon Suite for your use whenever you are in town.” With a nod, the Matron swept out of the room, her shining knightly guard hot on her heels.

  Mira wiped the sweat from her brow and slumped in her chair. “Wow.”

  “What’s a Dragon Suite?” Hal asked.

  “It’s a prestigious set of rooms reserved for adventurers of particular note. You can’t rent it, it must be awarded or given from the Adventurer’s Guild Council or I guess, the Matron,” Mira said. “I get how close we were to something truly awful happening but dang. That’s one heck of an apology.”

  “Smart too,” Durvin said, pushing away from the table and hopping out of his chair. “The Matron can’t very well go ‘round lettin’ her adventurers get beat on by the Founder. Under her own roof no less! And if that sniveling milk-drinking caster really has it out fer us then they’ll descend on us as soon as we ain’t under her protection.”

  “I see,” Hal said, catching on. “So by giving us a permanent room here, it makes it harder for them to harass us and lets her save a little face as well.” Looking down, Hal noticed his Guild Badge had changed to a blue shield with silver trim.

  Mira’s and Durvin’s, on the other hand, were now silver shields with shimmering green metal trim.

  The Dragoon caught him looking and followed his gaze. “Yeah, Journeyman Rank baby! Looks like Durvin and I are the same Rank. Man, that really boosted us up didn’t it? I’ve never seen anybody jump more than a full rank and then it usually takes more than a month of work.” She shook her head. “To think you’ve barely been an Initiate for less than a week!”

  “Look again lassy,” Durvin said, tapping the shield he had pinned to the leathers on his shoulder.

  Mira leaned over and Hal turned to get a better look too. The dwarf’s badge was the same color as Mira’s but it also had two golden stars arching over the top of the shield’s face.

  “No fair! You were already a Journeyman? Man!” She leaped to her feet and paced anxiously around the room. “Now I’m the second-highest ranked in the group?” She eyed Durvin. “Unless you don’t think you’ll be spending much time with us?” she asked hopefully.

  “Yer stuck with me,” he said with a wide grin. “But don’t ye worry yerself! I’ll let ye do most o’ the work. What’s the fancy word the humans use fer getting’ one o’ the lesser rank to do work fer ye?” Durvin snapped his thick fingers as the word came to him. “Delegate. I’ll delegate to ye seeing as I’m yer superior.”

  Hal doubted Durvin really cared much about his rank within the Guild but it was clear how much it mattered to Mira and the keen dwarf was fast to rub it in.

  “So I’ve unlocked Titles, Adventurer’s Guild Points, and Guild Mail? Mind walking me through those?” Hal asked Mira.

  “Let’s go check out our new digs and I’ll explain everything on the way. How about that?” Mira countered.

  With a shrug, Hal accepted and they left the room one by one. There was an attendant waiting for them. The older gentleman quietly guided them out into the main room of the Adventurer’s Guild where they met up with an anxious-looking Noth.

  On the way, Mira gave him a quick rundown on everything he unlocked. Titles were pretty obvious, they were rare rewards for doing something unique or difficult.

  Up to 5 titles could be set at once, with a single title of his choosing being displayed. As the notification said, he could also choose to hide it but it might not work against discerning individuals.

  The Guild Points was just an Adventurer’s Guild specific currency. Mira assured him that 10 points was a lot. And Guild Mail was a simple way to communicate over long distances. Provided he could find anoth
er sanctioned mailbox.

  He doubted there would be one along the way to the Shiverglades. But maybe if he could get one built, it would facilitate communication over long distances.

  “Are you okay?” Noth asked as soon as they came out from the back. “I saw those things surround you – they just appeared out of nowhere – and as soon as I caught on, I told the attendant who was signing me up about it. She stormed off immediately, did she get help?”

  Mira looped an arm with Noth’s, their armor made a rustling sound as Mira’s scales brushed against Noth’s borrowed leather garb. “Everything’s fine, we’ve got some new lodgings that we’re going to check out. We’ll talk there.”

  Noth took a look around the now-crowded room and understood what Mira was doing. Hal saw it too. Countless faces were watching them as they emerged from the back room.

  Immediately, Hal turned around and went to the nearest free counter. “Hi, the Matron mentioned something about a room?”

  The dark-skinned orc behind the counter nodded her braided head and placed the silvery key on the glass countertop. “Yes, sir. Here you are.”

  Hal had to reach his thick dwarven arms to the limit in order to get it but he finally managed it with a polite nudge from the attendant. She winked at Hal when their eyes met and Hal hurried back to the group.

  Mira led them up a set of stairs toward the back of the room. While she did, Hal looked over the key. It was heavy and vaguely in the shape of a dragon’s maw, with a sapphire the size of Hal’s thumbnail set into the handle of the key.

  The Dragon Suite was located up five flights of stairs, which Hal found particularly challenging due to his new dwarven form. It was a simple landing instead of a full-fledged floor. The door held a silver plaque etched into the shape of a roaring dragon.


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