Beastborne- Mark of the Founder

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Beastborne- Mark of the Founder Page 89

by James T Callum

  Gives you an edge when fighting Beast Family monsters, increasing damage dealt while decreasing damage taken. Adds a chance to Intimidate Beasts.

  Clear Mind

  Sacrifice a third of your HP, SP, and MP to reduce Strain to 0.

  Limit once per day.

  Deep Magic

  Alters the Elemental and Monster properties of unassociated held weapons to include currently attuned Essence.

  Lv1: Adds Elemental & Monster Properties to weaponry.

  Edge of Disaster

  Every point of Strain acts as a point of Haste, increasing your movement and attack speed.

  Regenerative Prowess

  +25% HP, SP, and MP Regeneration.


  The core of what it means to be a Beastborne is their capacity to take the essences they’ve acquired and mix them into an entirely new form, never before seen. Monster Attunements are only active while Splicing the given Monster Family.

  Essences: 2

  Beast Magic

  Blinding Spit

  Eject a gob of chemically unstable ooze that explodes into a blinding flash upon impact.

  Additional Effects: Blind, Enmity Up

  School: Beast Magic

  Type: Magical (Dark)

  Family: Aberration (Undead)

  MP: 50

  BP: 2

  Strain: 2

  Damage: 8

  Bomb Toss II

  Throw a goblin-bomb at the enemy dealing Area of Effect (AOE) fire damage.

  School: Beast Magic.

  Type: Magical (Fire).

  Family: Goblin (Beastmen).

  MP: 40

  BP: 2

  Strain: 1

  Damage: 16 (AOE).

  Drill Branch

  Summon spiraling branches to pierce through the toughest hide and gore your opponents. By continuing to channel mana into the spell, you can continue the spell indefinitely. Partially ignores DEF.

  School: Beast Magic.

  Type: Physical (Piercing).

  Family: Treant (Plantoid).

  MP: 35

  BP: 3

  Strain: 2

  Damage: 10

  Empty Vessel

  Each Beastborne is unique. Those that follow the Azure path accept the risk of Strain but are not without the tools to handle the dangerous influx of corrupting magic. Once per day, you focus on the way your body was before becoming a Beastborne. Holding that image, you purge all Strain from yourself, becoming an empty vessel once more.

  Goblin Rush

  Lunge forward, launching a frantic series of critical attacks.

  School: Beast Magic

  Type: Physical (Slashing)

  Family: Goblin (Beastmen)

  MP: 35

  BP: 3

  Strain: 2

  Damage: 25

  Shifting Mask

  Take on the appearance of another, altering every aspect of your body, including clothes and items.

  School: Beast Magic.

  Type: Magical (Dark).

  Family: Eldritch (Soul of Shae’kathoth).

  MP: 200

  BP: 5

  Strain: 10

  Duration: 1 hour.

  Soul Absorption

  Certain unique creatures possess inordinately robust abilities and boast knowledge far beyond their kin. These entities, once defeated, can have their specific essence absorbed, providing unique boons and abilities found only within that creature. Due to the nature of these souls, only one can be set at any given time. And a full day must pass before another soul can be set in its place.

  Soul Drain

  By touching an opponent, you are capable of draining their resources and stats. The more types you drain the less potent the spell becomes and there is a higher chance for resists. Drained stats and resources are removed from the afflicted and temporarily added to you.

  School: Beast Magic.

  Type: Magical (Dark).

  Family: Eldritch (Soul of Shae’kathoth).

  MP: 120

  BP: 5

  Strain: 7

  Duration: 1 hour.


  The chief trait of Azure Fate is the empowerment by greater control and efficiency. With this trait, any spell from any discipline is capable of being controlled and shaped in a different manner than its original invocation describes. A Firestorm spell that incinerates a 10ft radius is sloppy magic that can hurt friend and foe alike. Spellshaping allows that same spell to be molded, avoiding friends while annihilating foes.


  Bloodrake II

  Binds target(s) with bladed, spiked spectral chains, rooting them to the spot and inflicting heavy Bleed damage. Damage inflicted upon them does not break the spell. Must be touching the same surface as the creature stands upon.

  School: Enfeebling

  MP: 45

  Damage: 3

  Bleed Damage: 6

  Range: 12.5ft Radius

  Enchainment III

  Binds target(s) with spectral chains, rooting them to the spot. Any damage inflicted upon them once bound breaks the chains. Must be touching the same surface as the creature stands upon.

  School: Enfeebling

  MP: 18

  Range: 12.5ft Radius

  Founder Sigils

  Dominate II

  By infusing your will onto the very weave of reality, you can now dominate creatures, taking their semi-sentience for your own.

  Cost: Unknown (Variable?).

  Limit: 25


  By focusing on the weave that makes all things, you can now channel the Sigil of Unmaking and rip the weave at its most basic level.

  Cost: 250 EXP


  Assimilation II

  By redirecting the flow of vital energies, you are able to convert one resource (HP, MP, SP) for another at a reduced rate.

  Resource Output Conversion

  HP: 55%

  SP: 75%

  MP: 80%


  Allows Hal to share buffs with anybody he possesses Sympathy with.

  Mana Investiture II

  By focusing your Mana on a given object, you are capable of investing your Mana into the object to store, dominate, destroy, or alter its composition.

  MP Cost: Variable.

  Casting Time: Instant.

  Recast: Instant.

  Stalwart Soul

  For the purposes of overcoming resistance to negative status effects, all attributes are considered double their actual value.


  Blessing of the Flame

  +25% Fire Resistance.

  -25% Water Resistance.

  Partial Immunity to Fire.

  Resistance to Corruption.

  Explorer's Map

  Auto-updating Legendary Quality map.



  A remnant of the Manatree’s own power to repel the worst of the Manastorms, this ability affords you a portion of a Manatree’s protections against an oncoming Manastorm. It is not powerful enough to repel monsters but it will weaken them.

  Casting Time: 10 minutes.

  Duration: 8 hours.

  Radius: 20ft.

  Applies Area Effect: Manatree’s Wrath.

  All creatures within the effective radius of the Manashield move 10% slower and have their DEF and MDEF reduced by 10%.

  Monster Attunements


  Sturdy Hide

  Unnatural life has given Aberrations the ability to take a hit and keep moving. Adapting their unique Essence to your own will increase your HP by 15%.


  Elder Prowess

  Eldritch creatures are deeply attuned to the ebb and flow of mana, making them unparalleled practitioners of the darkest magicks. All magic is 10% more potent.

  Lv1: +10% Magic Potency

  Lv2: +20% Magic Potency



-kin are among the friendliest of all monster races. While the may not take particularly well to humanoids, they are among the most sociable monsters. Attuning to Goblins on a deeper level will allow you to adopt that same level of affability that other monsters cannot resist. Goblinspeak optional.


  Goblins are well known for their ability to make seemingly impossible things work. By attuning more deeply to their essence, you become able to bend the laws of reality slightly to make even the most ridiculous creation somehow work.

  Lv.1: Crafted goods can be made with up to 25% non-standard parts and will function just as well as a properly made piece.


  Shadowy Presence

  Become partially immaterial, making it difficult for physical attacks to land upon you. Chance increases in lower light.

  Lv.1: -7% Chance attacks land. Effect increases up to double in complete darkness.


  Replaces and augments Darkvision, illuminating shadows in shining starlight and utter blackness in dim light.



  Cover your skin in a thick layer of regenerative bark.

  Lv1: +5% Temporary HP (tHP), regenerates 1% per minute.


  No man is an island. This, the most basic tenet of an Oathforger, you have learned and taken to heart. In the ages before the Founders brought sanctioned order to the world, this responsibility fell to the ancient Oathforgers. Their Oaths held insurmountable power to break and reforge the bonds of the natural order for the better of all. With an Oath, they could inspire the cowardly to action, give succor to the wounded, and even loosen the iron-cold grip of Death itself.

  Regal Bearing

  +35% Base Charisma.

  +25% Base Persuasion, Intimidation, and Deception Success.


  The beating heart of the Oathforgers, an Oath is a solemn vow that exists between the Oathforger and a given entity. Be it the natural order of the elements themselves, a powerful king, or a lowly beggar. Many Oaths will be presented to you by fulfilling specific conditions. Others can be created willingly between yourself and other parties. Oaths are sacred above all else and though they provide access to great power, like all things in life they are fragile.

  Breaking an Oath once temporarily restricts that Oath from being enacted, limiting any spells, perks, and powers associated with the Oath. Breaking the same Oath a second time permanently destroys it. If three Oaths are broken over the lifetime of an Oathforger, they have proven themselves incapable of bearing the burden of its powers and they are an Oathforger no more.

  Oath of the Brightking

  You give hope to those around you, and they, in turn, bolster your resolve to carry on. Those bound to you by this Oath perceive you as the leader you could be, the ruler that all goodly people yearn for. The kindly king those of dark intent fear.

  Oath of the Brightking Boons


  +5 Leadership.

  +5 CHR.


  HP +5% | SP +5% | MP +5%

  Oath of the Brightking Axioms

  Never intentionally harm an ally.

  Protect an incapacitated ally above all else.


  Shield an ally with layered protective runes. Each layer provides a stacking 10 Resistance to a given entity, resulting in a total of 50 Resistance against the first hit from that entity.

  Each layer of protective runes vanishes from a single attack of the specified entity. Attacks from other creatures do not affect the spell. Additional casts refresh the effect.

  School: Oath

  MP: 50

  Range: 100ft


  Sneak Attack II

  While sneaking, attacking an unaware enemy will incur bonus damage influenced by your DEX and Stealth skill.

  Sneak Attack damage: 312.5%


  Coffin Closer

  Awarded for successful completion of the Coffin Contract.

  Less likely to be attacked by undead your Level or lower.

  Dramatically increases the aggressiveness of undead more than 10 Levels above you.




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