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Synched Page 17

by DeAnna Browne

  They ran several miles along the beach. Niomi even took it slow. Not that she had anything to say, but it calmed Ari to run beside the endless waves, then they finished their run with light sparring. Light sparring still ended with Ari sweaty and breathing hard.

  “You ready to go in to meet Antoine?” Niomi asked. “It won’t be lunch, but a quick trip at the end of their day. About two our time. You can leave him a message to clean up this mess.”

  Ari bristled at the casual reference to this man whose heart Ari was about to trample on. “I’ll be there. I wanted to go to the community center for some late breakfast. Catch up with Vinh.”

  “He may be busy.”

  “If so, I can eat alone.” Ari realized during that long run that the only place that she could look at her file without alerting VisionTech may be Vinh’s, since he was assigned to treat her.

  Getting him to agree to it, or look the other way, may be the problem, but she’d get to that when she needed.

  “Okay. Don’t be late.”

  “I won’t.”

  Ari hurried to shower and drove down to the center, continuing to mull over the plans in her mind. Vinh was the first person she considered going to. If he helped her contact her family once, he may be able to give her a device that was offline. But did she really trust him not to say anything? Or did she want to be the kind of friend to put him in that position?

  Then Reed flashed in her mind, and she felt guilty for not thinking of him first. Even though he was in the Art Department now, he specialized in security and hacking. If anyone could get her a private connection, it was him. Granted, he hadn’t been able to figure a way to contact their family, but that involved getting off the island. She had to try.

  Not exactly sure where she was going, it took a good thirty minutes and a few stops with the interactive maps to find where he worked now. On the third floor, or top floor, of this building, the Art Department held amazing views of the islands. The curved clear walls showed off the luscious jungle beyond and the ocean as far as she could see.

  “Can I help you?” a man asked.

  She turned, a bit startled. “Yes. I’m looking for Reed. He started last month.”

  “Oh, yeah. The new kid. He’s down the hall. Let me show you.”

  She followed the tall man. He didn’t wear a uniform either, just khakis and sandals. The relaxed atmosphere of the Art Department looked appealing to Ari.

  They entered a nearby door, which opened up to a large workspace littered with cubicles.

  “Reed,” the man hollered. “Someone here to see you. Cute too.” He sent a wink in her direction.

  Reed stood, his head sticking up among the cubicles. When he gazed at Ari, a warm excitement colored his eyes. Ari wished this was only a social call. After saying something to a co-worker, he headed over to her.

  “What brings you to my neck of the woods?” He leaned over to lightly kiss Ari’s cheek.

  “I was hoping you could help me out with something.”

  “Of course. I told them I was taking a break.” He patted the bag at his side. “I have ten minutes or so.”


  He took her hand as they walked down to the common area. “I’m glad you stopped by. I’ve wanted to talk to you for a while.”

  “About what?”

  “Not that quick. You first?”

  Noticing all the people around them, she worried about others hearing. “How about we grab a drink and go outside?”

  He raised a brow but didn’t ask any questions. “Of course.”

  With warm drinks in each hand, they headed outside and found a small table in the courtyard. The weather had been overcast and windy. The threatening of a storm that hadn’t materialized. She sipped her coffee and took a seat.

  “Did I ever tell you how cute you look when you’re cold?”

  She laughed mid drink almost spitting coffee all over him. “Nope. Where did that come from?”

  “It’s so hot at home, and don’t get me wrong, I thoroughly enjoy you in shorts and tank tops. But when it’s a bit chilly, your nose gets pink and you huddle more against the weather. It’s adorable.”

  Her cheeks pulled up in a smile, and she realized just how much she loved Reed. After being caught up in the drama of her job, it was easy to forget what was important. Moving her drink out of the way, she leaned over and kissed Reed. Losing herself in those soft lips that hinted at the hot chocolate he was drinking.

  “What was that for?” He asked after she sat down.

  “Because you’re pretty adorable too.”

  He grinned and took another drink. “Before we get sidetracked and make out for the next ten minutes, which by the way, I’m totally okay with, what did you want to talk about?”

  Like a splash of cold water, her real purpose in being there, killed her Reed-high. Tracing the lip of her coffee, she spoke quietly into her cup. “I need to read a file without VisionTech knowing anything about it.”

  His body tensed as worry creased his forehead. “What’s going on?”

  “I can’t say right now, but… I have a file about me. I want to read it without them knowing in case that creates more problems. I figure since it is about me, I have a right to read it.”

  After a deep breath, the tension in his shoulders relaxed. “I agree, you do have that right.” Leaning over he pulled out a pad and a screwdriver from his bag. He flipped it over, unsnapped the edge of the cover, and with a flick of his small tool, popped a wire out of place.

  After putting it quickly back together, he handed it to her. “If anyone catches you, play dumb. The wire must have accidentally broke, severing the connection to the network. You were just trying to admire your boyfriend’s artwork.”

  Relief loosened the tension in her shoulders. “This means a lot to me.”

  “One condition.”

  “Name it.”

  “I get to take you out and you’ll fill me in on what’s going on, soon.”

  “Definitely.” Nodding, she looked forward to that. Then she reminded him what he said earlier. “What did you want to tell me?”

  “It can wait.”

  “Really?” Curiosity and patience never went well together for her.

  “Yeah. You need to deal with this first.”

  “Thanks.” She checked the time on the electronic pad he just handed her. “By my calculations we have three more minutes to make out before you have to go back to work.”

  “Does that include walking back there?”

  “We can’t kiss and walk?”

  “I can learn.” He laughed, his gorgeous smile lightening up her spirits. The worry about her file lessened as she soaked him up for the three minutes they had left.

  Ari didn’t head back right away as the increased security in her room could make even opening the document in her dorms chancy. Instead, she paid for a private VR room and didn’t plug in. After locking the door, she sat down on the reclined chair, feet crossed, and opened the file on the electronic pad.

  The amount of data she found on herself was overwhelming. Every public record, every test, school report, on not only Ari but every member of her family. Her heart tore as she flipped through the information about her father. Surprisingly they didn’t have much information about his past work with the government. His files were sealed. Huh? Once he married Ari’s mother, her father worked at odd jobs to sustain his VR habit.

  It looked like they even went over her brother’s life with a fine-tooth comb, which didn’t look great under magnification. But when Ari opened her file, pictures, charts and lengthy documents opened on the small screen. The first picture came from the weekend away at Tessa’s parents vacation home. The first time she used her abilities, by accident. She didn’t even know what she was. So, how did they already start tracking her?

  She thumbed through charts from her smart suit. Medical data to track her health. Who would find how often she slept or had a bowel movement relevant? It felt like overk
ill. Checking the time, she hurried through the file. Time raced by, and she couldn’t be late to meet with Antoine.

  In the back of her health files, she found a document titled Shelf Life. It grabbed her attention, and she opened it for further inspection. The document was long and complex, but at the end has a SUMMARY heading.

  Ariana continues to excel in cardiovascular activity and complex physical training. The migraines only occur when she pushes her abilities inside the program, which has been reduced with environmental manipulation. Her blood pressure, blood tests, and neurological testing predicts a healthy future for the subject and shelf life of five years or more given the continuation of optimal conditions.

  A knock sounded at the door.

  She jumped, the pad tumbling to the ground. “This room is taken.”

  “Ariana Mendez?” A deep voice sounded on the other side of the door.

  They found me. She swept up the pad on the ground. “What?”

  “You need to get back to your wing. I noticed you were out of the VR. Is anything wrong?”

  A myriad of swear words flew through her mind. “Nothing’s wrong. I’ll be right out.”

  “Please hurry. We need to escort you back right away.”

  “Okay.” Ignoring his request, she looked at the file one more time. ‘A shelf life of five years or more.’

  Her chest tightened as she realized what exactly that meant. She had a shelf life, like a tool or a fresh vegetable. In five years or less she’ll expire. Not exactly sure what that meant, she assumed the worst. If it wasn’t bad, then they would have told her from the beginning.

  But why would a company mention that the one thing that will bring them millions of dollars might cause someone to die? They aren’t stupid. And that’s probably one reason there aren’t many warpers around to tell the tale afterwards. She remembered Hailey and the other warpers inside the VLEX. Why would they continue to do it when they had a choice?

  “Ms. Mendez.” The man now banged on the door. “We have security here and will be opening the door.”

  Her hand trembled as she replaced the drive into her necklace and hurried to open the door. “Sorry.”

  The two towering guards didn’t look happy.

  Ari forced a smile and pushed by them. “We better hurry.”

  Driving back to meet Niomi, her mind spun out in every direction. How could Niomi, who she considered friends, continue to put Ari in the VR knowing it was slowing killing her? How could Vinh? Does he know? Does everyone here know but her? Slamming on her brakes, she almost crashed into a small monkey, skittering across the path. Her breath escaped in short pants filling the otherwise silent car.

  Pull it together. Don’t jump to conclusions. Knowledge about warpers was as rare as warpers were. Shrouded in rumors, not many people knew about them. And any available information was heavily guarded. But what she did know was when she used her powers, she got sick. Thinking back to the few times she was pushed inside the VR, she remembered the hallucinations, the confusion of voices and noise. Would she go insane before she died?

  She bit back the sob that threatened to erupt. She noticed one of the guards in the car behind her stepped out and approached her vehicle. Rolling down the window, she waved him back and started to pull forward. Fighting every instinct to run back to Reed to find comfort in those arms that provided so much of it, she drove forward for her appointment in VLEX—back to the one thing that would kill her.

  If she was going to totally freak out, and she knew she would at some point, this wasn’t the time or place. Ari needed more information, needed the truth, and there was only one place to get it: VLEX.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Running behind, Ari hurried to her rooms, changed into her smart suit, and managed to skid inside Niomi’s lab right on the dot.

  “You’re cutting it a bit close.” Niomi stood in front of her screen.

  Not trusting herself to speak without a flood of anger and resentment pouring out of her, Ari shrugged. Her trainer glanced in her direction but said nothing. Ari reclined on the chair and reached for the cable.

  Niomi turned around to face her. “You were suspended for health reasons and have only been given a chance to go and collect your messages. Answer anything urgent with work as to not arouse suspicion with Kari’s absence, though I doubt there’s much to do this late in the season. Then message Antoine. Make it quick.”

  “I don’t think he’s the type to settle with short.” Her words were sharp, Ari’s hurt and betrayal seeping through.

  Her dark eyes narrowed. “We don’t know the warper in there and now isn’t the time to hang out. Watch your back and run at the first sign of trouble. Okay?”

  “Okay.” Ari wished she heeded those words long ago, and she would have never trusted Niomi or anyone at VisionTech. Leaning back, she closed her eyes and entered VLEX.

  She found herself in Kari’s office and wondered if this would be the last time she saw it. God, she hoped so. She was tired of living someone else’s life, of being a chameleon in someone else’s game. After hurrying through the emails, she messaged Antoine as soon as she was inside. “Can you meet real quick before you head home for the day? It’s important.”

  It took a few minutes for the reply.

  I can get away. What has been going on? You haven’t said a word to me in days. This distance makes me wonder if you really want to go away with me.

  You have no idea, she thought. Instead she kept her reply simple and sent it off.

  Hurrying down to the market, she grabbed a table in the corner for privacy. She twisted the cloth napkin in her hands trying to figure out how to explain this to him. Would he even believe her? Maybe she had more options than she thought. Thinking of her shelf life, ideas began to grow.

  His tall frame maneuvered through the tables. She greeted Antoine with a hug, as he kissed her cheek softly, she didn’t even bother pulling back to watch the interaction in code. She owed it to him to be here, to be present.

  Once they sat, he ordered a drink and swiped the screen aside. Looking into her eyes, Ari could see the pain and worry.

  “What’s been going on, Kari? You don’t return my calls, you miss work all the time. I’m surprised you still have a job.”

  Ari was too sometimes, but she didn’t know what was going on behind the scenes. “I’m sorry.” Struggling to swallow, she realized she wanted to tell him the truth. To be honest about everything and release the heavy burden she’d been carrying around. She couldn’t do that… now, but it didn’t mean she couldn’t do it one day.

  “I need more than sorry.” Antoine’s brow tightened as he watched her.

  “There is only so much I’m allowed to tell you,” then, leaning forward, she added, “here.”

  “What are you talking about?” He lowered his voice as well.

  Adrenaline raced as she thought about what she was going to do next. It was crazy, but right now, she didn’t know what was up from down. But a nugget of an idea sprouted, and she had to keep her options open.

  Keeping her voice low, she reached for his hands. “It’s stuff with the government, outside of the VLEX. Nothing I can talk about inside here, but I’ll tell you later. When we meet outside.”

  He searched her eyes, looking for something more. Something she couldn’t give him. Not now.

  “We’re still meeting?”

  Ari prayed she was doing the right thing, not that the right thing was clear anymore. She could feel the emotion burn the back of her eyes. “Yes. Just… be there, okay? If you want the whole truth.”

  “Don’t be nervous.” He squeezed her hands. “I’ve wanted you in person, to really touch you, look at you through my real eyes, not this dusted over computerized version. I love you for you, not this program. I hope you remember to feel the same when you see me.”

  It dawned on her that he may not look like this in the real life. Normal people couldn’t just change how they look, but they could buy skins. Diplomats
and officials didn’t bother, since they were well known, but the lesser staff probably would.

  “How will I know it’s you?”

  “I’ll be holding your favorite flowers, waiting for you.”

  Thinking back to the file on Kari, Ari remembered the lilacs and smiled. “Okay. I’ll see you then.”

  He leaned forward and placed a sweet kiss on her lips, then walked out. A pain tugged at her gut, realizing however much she did this for Kari, part of her cared for Antoine. She had grown to care for Antione. He was a good boyfriend to Kari and obviously kind and loving. She didn’t love him, but she cared for him.

  This may be something she needed to tell Reed about. He deserved to know, yet it hurt to think about it. Maybe hearing the real reason why she was doing all this would help Reed move on, because dating a warper with a shelf life wouldn’t end well for him either.

  Since her meeting with Antoine went smoothly, she had time for one more visit. Down a couple blocks was Emil’s office, where she’d met him before. This may be her last visit inside here for a while, she had to know the truth.

  Standing in front of the coffee shop, she wondered how to get in. Hailey had entered a code. Focusing intently on the characters within the code, she couldn’t see anything beyond the coffee shop. Beneath it was nothing. A blank sheet of some sort. Ideas of yelling came to her mind, but she quickly dismissed them. She didn’t need any unwanted attention right now.

  When she was about to give up, Hailey opened the door. “Did you want coffee or to see my gorgeous face?” She ushered Ari inside.

  The two girls stood inside the long black and white corridor, empty except for them. Ari couldn’t help but wonder why, and at what cost, Hailey remained here. “I want to talk to Emil.”

  The smile vanished from Hailey’s face. “He doesn’t keep regular office hours.”

  “I don’t care. I have about five minutes until I’m off the radar for a bit. Tell me how to contact him on the outside or let me talk to him now.”

  She bit her lip and glanced down the hall. “Give me one minute.” She disappeared in one of the many doors.


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