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Page 20

by DeAnna Browne

  “It’d be nice.”

  “Since we have time now, can you tell me what happened? And why you didn’t tell me until tonight?” Reed didn’t yell or even sound angry for Ari flipping his world upside down.

  With guilt heavy on her shoulders, Ari explained the mess she found herself in and how the restrictions in her contract forced her to not tell him. Even though he knew that, he agreed the separation between them was just another ploy by VisionTech. He didn’t argue, just listened.

  Then when she began explaining about her mission, the hardest part came—explaining about Antoine. “I should have just broken up with him. Niomi told me too, but I thought the mission would end soon and Kari would have her life back. I didn’t want to ruin her life more than I already did.”

  “That makes sense.” He remained composed, his face not giving anything away.

  “And there’s more.”


  Ari pulled back, not willing to let herself be comforted. She didn’t deserve it. “I kissed him. At first, I pulled back. Only watching their interaction within the data. Like a director moving Kari’s body to react positively to her boyfriend. Keeping everything normal until…”

  “Until what?”

  “The last time I kissed him.” Tears fell silently down her cheeks. “I can’t really explain it. I don’t care for Antoine like that. I just… I felt bad for stealing his girlfriend, for destroying her life, maybe even being the cause for her death. I caused him so much sorrow that I wanted to say goodbye and have it be as real as possible for once.”

  Reed stood up, fists clenched, he looked like a trapped animal. With a loud exhale, he stepped forward and slammed his fist into the wall. Ari flinched, but he didn’t seem to notice.

  The punch dented the drywall, but probably hurt him more. Shaking his hand out, he then slapped the wall with such force. With both palms on the wall, he lowered his head. The muscles on his back strained.

  Ari gave him time. He deserved it with the bomb she just dropped on him. And now he was unemployed and on the run to a foreign country. He could have all the time he needed.

  “Do you love him?” He spoke softly, still looking down.

  “No. I care for him, mostly out of guilt. I love you.” She prayed he believed her. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you on the island, before you came with me.”

  He spun around. “Do you think that really would have mattered?”

  “I don’t know.” She lowered her eyes to her lap.

  After slowly exhaling, he kneeled in front of her and lifted her chin with a finger. His anger appeared to melt off him, his face softening. “I don’t regret being here with you. I’m furious at VisionTech for putting you in an impossible situation, and even more furious that I couldn’t do anything about it.”

  “It’s not your job.”

  “But I want it to be.” He cupped her cheek with a soft hand. “I know how you feel about the VR, and after Garrett last year I know how you feel about romance in the VR. I don’t think for a minute you did it because you had some virtual fantasy. We’re real, together, and that’s what matters.”

  The pressure of shame and guilt that had been bogging her down finally lightened as she reached for Reed.

  He sat back down and pulled her next to him. “What ended up happening with Antoine? Did you break up?”

  She bit her lip, hoping he wasn’t going to hate this next part. Her story just kept getting worse and worse. “No, I told him to plan on their vacation.”

  Reed turned to look at her. “Isn’t that worse? Leaving the poor guy stood up on vacation by himself?”

  “Well, I thought we could meet him there?”

  A short laughed erupted from Reed. “That’s what a guy wants. Instead of a romantic getaway, two strangers show up. One who has been pretending to be his girlfriend.”

  “Not too far from home, but it should offer the privacy and freedom we need. I can’t think of any other options.”

  “You’ve thought this through.”

  “I’ve had a lot of time on the last couple runs with Niomi.” The mention of her trainer’s name pulled on her heart. After the months spent together, the betrayal hurt.

  “I suppose you did. Tell me about this vacation? And how you found your file?”

  She continued her story, letting him know everything she had been forced to keep from him. When she talked herself out, silence fell upon them. It was several minutes before he spoke. “Did you really think I would have chosen to stay on the island without you?”

  She shrugged. “You finally got your dream job, using your art.”

  “I only got that job because of you.”

  “But you’re so talented.”

  “Thanks, but apparently I was under qualified. My boss hinted more than once at that fact. Yet Niomi would always check in on me to make sure things were good between us. If I ever needed something, it was taken care of.”

  “Really, why didn’t you say anything?” It hurt to know that maybe he wasn’t as happy as he was pretending either.

  “I know you would feel guilty that we ended up here, even though you didn’t need to. I may not have chosen to move to an island or end up in the closet of a boat, but I chose you and all that entails. Every moment since, I have chosen you.”

  Her heart pooled around her feet as she leaned forward. “I love you,” she whispered before kissing him.

  His soft lips and warm taste flooded her mouth and she couldn’t get enough. His hand gently cupped her cheek, pulling her close. Her nerve endings in a flurry of delight. Every touch was bliss and with it a desire for more.

  Her fingers traced down his bare stomach. He shivered as a moan escaped his lips. “You’re killing me, Ari.”

  “Sorry.” Leaning back, she was only partially lying.

  He gripped her hand searching her gaze. “You know I love you.”

  “I know.” She could get lost in those eyes. They held the promise of her future, always next to him. “That keeps me going despite all this.” She motioned to the small ratty closet they were in.

  “Things will settle down one day.” He pulled her next to him.

  She rested her head on his shoulder. “I hope so. Until then, we’ll keep dreaming.”

  “Yes, but it’s nice to dream, isn’t it?”

  “With you, always.”

  Even with the storm brewing outside, eventually Reed and Ari slept. The next day, true to his word, Manu brought breakfast. He said they outran the storm and should make it to the mainland by nightfall.

  When Manu returned sometime later in the day, he had an armful of supplies. Flipping over a bucket, he laid a variety of items on the ground. “Jewels gave me very little notice of you two, and even less money.”

  Reed straightened. “I have some—”

  “Keep it. I can’t buy anything now, and you’ll have better luck on the mainland. Here, you’ll both need these.” He handed them translators.

  Ari had seen them on the island for those that spoke different languages. She slipped the small ear pieces in her jeans. They would be needed.

  “Where are we going exactly?” Not knowing where the island was, had kept Ari very much in the dark, and she could only hope she was headed in the right direction.

  “We’re in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, heading towards the United Asian Association. We’ll take you up as far north as possible.”

  Asian? Glancing at Reed’s worried expression, Ari realized they were both really far from home. How would they ever find their way back? And did they even want to? Now knowing the true nature of a warper, she couldn’t go back to a government that would force her into service until she had nothing left.

  “Why north?” Reed asked as he picked up a heavy jacket. Neither he nor Ari were used to cold climates.

  “With the fallout of the war, most people moved south.” Manu looked between them, with a lifted brow. “Do you not know what happened?”

  “We’re not from
here,” Ari said. “We only got the history and education our government saw fit.” It had taken Ari the first couple months to learn the truth of world history on the island.

  He nodded. “Well, the land up north is bad. From the poison there is no farming, no grass, just desolation. Left for the poor and the beggars.”

  “We aren’t going there.” Reed pushed back the gas mask.

  “Okay,” Manu replied. “It’s just where most of the transients go.”

  Reed and Ari had spent most of the morning discussing their options. Granted, ending up across an ocean from where they wanted to be presented a few more challenges. Ari agreed that hiding out in a wasteland didn’t sound like a plan.

  Pulling something out from his pocket, Reed laid a simple gold ring with a decent stone in his palm. “We need connections for new identities. We can pay.”

  Manu eyed the ring with an envy he couldn’t hide. “You better put that away. I wouldn’t be able to look Tamar in the face again if anything happened to you.”

  Ari looked at Reed and wondered where the ring came from. They spoke of the future the other night. Did Reed plan more of it than he let on? A warm chill lifted the hair on her neck, but she tried to focus at the plan on hand.

  Turning her attention to Manu, she put the ring out of her mind. “We need an island or city that won’t require identification. Then a chance to buy new names and faces for ourselves.”

  Manu drug a hand through his dark wavy hair. “That’s going to be tricky, but I have a connection that can help. It’s dangerous, staying off-grid is the safest route.”

  “We know.” Reed didn’t seem happy about that but didn’t want to live out their days in a wasteland.

  Ari knew if she could get online, they would have more resources.

  “I’ll come get you when we’re near the major Asian Islands,” Manu said. “They are a major trafficking port for black market items around the world. Be careful though. You’ll need weapons more than masks.”

  “We appreciate your help.”

  “Don’t thank me until you get off at the Land of Smiles.”

  “Wait, what? The Land of Smiles?” Ari asked.

  “Well, the real name is,” Manu said a long name that Ari couldn’t understand at all. “But it is a land of pleasure or sin however you consider it. It’s the land where you can even die smiling, they say.”

  Ari’s mouth opened but couldn’t think of a response.

  “Just don’t die,” Manu said as he left the room.

  Once he left, Reed turned to Ari. “Do you think we’re doing the right thing?”

  “I do.” Ari reached for his hand. “Between your skills with security and mine, we can get what’s needed to create ourselves new identities anywhere, and with them, the money and power to get our families back. We may not have much, but what we do have is worth a lot. We just need to find the right people.”

  “That’s what worries me.” Reed reached an arm around Ari and held her tight, which was perfect because she had no plans of letting go.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  As the boat unloaded supplies in the morning, Ari and Reed left their room with Manu. He gave them directions to someone who could find them identities. They thanked him again and headed off. The storm had passed but not without obvious damage. Tree limbs and debris littered the shoreline, puddles and trash lining the landing.

  As they ventured further into town, life looked undisturbed by the storm. Granted, living out here, most people were used to the violent behavior of mother nature. Only damp awnings and wet debris littering doorways showed the presence of a storm last night, along with a scattering of heavy clouds in the distance.

  In the light of day, the Land of Smiles sounded creepily close to its name. She imaged some haunted carnival and wasn’t far off. Flashing neon lights offered perverse activities for a variety of addictions, sins, and fetishes. And if you couldn’t find it here, VR bars lined the streets able to take you anywhere. Even though most of the city spoke an Asian dialect she couldn’t understand, the pictures did plenty of the talking.

  “Are you okay?” she asked Reed.

  It was obvious how uncomfortable he was from his stiff stance. “No, but neither are you. I’m just trying not to look at anything and pretend I’m not really here.” He motioned to a man standing at a booth, offering up services of a variety of women. “He deserves to get hit or worse.”

  “Ugh. Most definitely.”

  “Let’s just get our IDs and off this island as soon as possible.” Reed gripped Ari’s hand and pulled her close to him.

  Her skin crawled with the dirt and sadness that lined the city. It didn’t matter what the drunken crowds on the street thought. Their alcohol-induced exuberance was deplorable.

  They followed the directions through the streets that Manu had given them. Finally passing the swarm of VR dens and brothels, they found the address on a two story brick building. Vines crawled up the walls as the wet climate gave bravery to Mother Nature. A tall man stood at the door.

  “We’re looking for Fetu,” Ari told the man.

  Without even looking at them he pointed to the side of the building. “Take the stairs up.”

  “Ummm, thanks.” Reed led the way around the side of the building into the alley.

  They climbed the metal stairs that wound their way to a door. Once above the street, shouts emerged from within. Standing on a shaking metal balcony, they glanced at each other.

  “Are we sure about this?” Reed asked, his hand posed to knock when there was no sign of a bell.

  “We don’t have a lot of options, unless you want to make a home here,” Ari pointed out. “I think I saw a for rent sign next to that den of women.”

  “Don’t joke.” Reed knocked on the door, but no one could have heard with the racket inside. So instead of waiting, he opened the door, and they both slipped inside.

  An irate woman screamed in a foreign language at a tall man who looked like he had his share of a rough life. He glanced at Reed and Ari briefly, and the woman’s pitch increased even more. The room looked like a small apartment but instead of a living room, a desk and a couple chairs had been set up a makeshift office of sorts.

  After another minute of trying to talk her down, he finally grabbed her arm and led her to the door. Reed and Ari stepped to the side, and he gently pushed her out. Once shut, he locked it, turned and leaned against it, saying something Ari didn’t understand.

  She pulled out the translators and placed a set in Reed’s hand. Even though they were old tech, they were a much needed tool. While they put in the translators, the man straightened and made his way to his desk.

  He clicked a button near his ear, to probably activate his own translator. “I can see you two are not natives. What brings you here?”

  Ari straightened. “We need new identities for travel. Are you Fetu?”

  “I am.” He gave a short chuckle. “So, you want to start over with a fresh digital thumbprint. The dream of everyone here.” He motioned for them to sit. “It won’t be cheap.”

  Reed took the chair next to Ari. “We know, and brought something you may be interested in.” He pulled out the ring.

  Fetu leaned forward in his chair, obviously interested in it. “May I?”

  Reed handed it over but didn’t take his eyes off it. The rock on top of the gold band was bigger than Ari had ever seen before, but that didn’t mean much growing up where they did.

  “Where did you get it?” Fetu pulled out a magnifying glass.

  Surprised, Ari wondered that as well. There were no stores of that type on the island that she saw. Her thoughts meandered to what could have been.

  “A friend got it for me,” Reed answered then turned to Ari. “Niomi got it for me a few weeks ago. Sent for it from the mainland. At the time I just thought she was super supportive. Now, I just wonder if they wanted it to keep you there.”

  “I don’t know.” Ari had thought back to her relationship wit
h Niomi several times, wondering if VisionTech’s motives tainted all the good things that happened to her. “Maybe both.”

  “The cut is from the Far North, the Russian mines.” Fetu set the ring on the desk in between them. “You know I can’t give you what you paid for it.”

  “We need new lives and a ship to cross the ocean to Acadian.” They had already picked where they were headed.

  Antoine and Kari’s vacation destination had the benefit of being a very liberal country with many tourists and was not too far north from their own home. They would have the best chance of getting in without much suspicion and contacting Tessa. She knew that with DNA scans, they could probably never go home again, but somewhere safe was all they needed.

  Fetu leaned back, a tattooed hand running over his short beard. “Those are hard to come by and will take some time.”

  “How long?” Ari knew VisionTech would be sure to look for them soon.

  “A couple days at least.”

  “We need them sooner. We can’t stay here long.”

  Fetu’s gaze traveled between the two of them. “The best I can do is tomorrow morning.”

  Ari and Reed glanced at each other, both probably wondering the same thing. Did they have that much time? Or did they have any other choice? Turning back to Fetu, Reed nodded agreement.

  Ari turned back to the man. “Can you recommend a clean place to stay?”

  “We do offer a lot, but that may be one of the more difficult amenities to find.”

  She cringed. “The cleanest and cheapest possible.”

  He gave them directions to a nearby place with rooms to rent. They closed their business deals, and Ari prayed this man would keep his word.

  As they climbed down the stairwell, she voiced her concerns. “How do we know he’ll keep his part of the deal? I don’t even want to know how many cryptos you spent on that.”

  “Then I won’t tell you.” Reed stepped on the stairs and reached for her hand. “Don’t worry I had the money even after sending some back to my mom.”


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