Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon

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Live by the Sun, Love by the Moon Page 7

by J.T Jackson

  "Baby can you make me some coffee?" Liz whines more than ask Ian.

  "What do you want in it?" He doesn't know how she takes her coffee? Wow. But he remembers my choice of hot beverage.

  "A vanilla latte."

  "I don't know how to make that." He says

  "Follow the instructions on the machine Ian. " She snapped at him.

  "Anyone else?" He asked everyone.

  "I'll.." I start saying. Before I finished he nodded his head and went to the bar.

  "So Luna, what are your plans for after college?" Mr. Washington asked me.

  "Well hopefully I'll be working in psychology."

  "Is that what you're studying?"

  "Yes ma'am."

  "Interesting. See Dre, other people have plans on what to do with their lives in the future."

  "I got plans to ma."

  "No, you've got ideas about being in some.... Band."

  "Terri!" Mr.Washington calls to his wife.

  "It's all right dad. Mom is just feeling the wine a little.”

  Andre seems to understand his mother's behavior. Like this happens all the time. After an awkward beat of silence, Mrs. Washington started talking to Liz and Andre’s phone rang. He excused himself to answer it.

  “Luna, how did you get that name? It means moon right?”

  “Yes sir. My mother named me after the moon goddess. And the sun. Sol.”

  “Your name is Luna Sol?”

  “Yes sir.”

  “That's lovely. Are you close with your parents?”

  “With my mother.”

  “Does she live here?”


  “And what is it that she does?”

  I'm suddenly wishing that everyone hadn't left me right now. I feel like he wouldn't be asking these questions if Andre or Ian were here. I bite the bullet though.

  “Um, she doesn't work, she's actually sick. She has cancer.”

  “Oh my. I'm sorry to hear that. How is she now?”

  “She's... She's tired.. Of fighting.”

  Ian walks in, doing what he does best. Saving me. He sees the worry in my face, because I feel it reflex back to me through his eyes. He has four cups on a tray. He hands Liz her coffee first, she doesn't even look at him. She just holds her hand out and he places the cup in her hand.

  “Here Terri, I bought you a cup too.” He places it on the table in front of Mrs. Washington.

  “Thanks dear, but I've got some wine.” She holds up her glass for him to see.

  Then he walks to me last. I reach up for the cup before he even grabbed it. I look him right in the eyes and he looks back at me. He takes the cup and places it in my hands.

  “Thank you.” I say.

  “You're welcome.”

  I take a sip of it, and it's chai tea. Made to a perfection. But while I was enjoying mine, Liz had a problem with her’s.

  “Damnnit Ian! What is this?”

  “Coffee, two sugars and cream.”

  “You didn't do it right. Like always.”

  “Baby, what did mama always tell you? If you want something done right....”

  “You're gonna have to do it yourself.” Liz finishes her moms sentence. They both get up and walk out of the room.

  “Son, don't let that woman talk to you that way. If you let it happen now, just think about after you're married.”

  The words send a chill down my spine. Him. Married. To her. In my head it doesn't sound right. Hearing it out loud sounds worst.

  “Liz is, no offends, a lot like her mother. I don't know what to do to make her happy.” He glances over at me.

  “No offense taken son. They don't appreciate the simple things. Like making them a cup of coffee, or buying them roses on a random day."

  Mr.Washington is staring into a magazine while he's talking to Ian. Ian looks at me when he talks.

  “Or when you tell them that they look beautiful, or that you think you're madly deeply crazy in love with them, and the thought of not being able to see or hold them, kiss them drives you mad.” I hadn't even realize that I was holding my breath. I take a deep inhale and let it out slowly. Mr. Washington lowered the magazine from his face and looked at Ian.

  “I haven't heard you talk like that about liz before.” Frankie looks over to me, then back at Ian.

  “Just speaking from the heart Frankie.”

  That because it wasn't for Liz. He looked right at me and said those words. I have to go. I can't stay any longer. My mind is racing and my heart is pacing.

  “Mr.Washington. Thank you for having me in your home today, everything was wonderful, but I should get going.”

  “Oh, thank you for coming, it was a pleasure meeting you. I'll go let Dre know your going.” He walks out of the room. Leaving me and Ian alone. Ian gets up from the big couch and sits next to me. He runs his hand across my cheek. I rub my face into it.

  “Are you following me?” He asked.

  “I was gonna ask you the same thing.”

  “Well, I believe you were the one who showed up at my house this morning.” He takes my hand.

  “We need to talk about that still.”

  “I thought we already did.”

  "You know what I mean." I say.

  "You look beautiful today." He kisses my hand.

  I start to say something but then I hear someone walk in behind us and we release our hands. It's Andre. Ian and I try to put some space between us, it wasn't working so I just stood up.

  “Hey, dad said you were leaving.”

  “Yeah, I gotta get going. I have work in the morning.”

  “Ok.” He reaches out to hug me. I do the same and he pulls me into him. He lets go.

  “Thanks for coming.”

  “Thank you for inviting me.”

  “Mr. Hanson, I will see you around the office on Monday.”

  “Yes, Miss Stone. driving safe.”

  “Thanks. Andre tell your sister and mom I said bye.”


  “Goodbye Mr. Hanson.” I said walking to the door.

  “See you later.” He calls back. I smile. Andre follows me to my car.

  “Sorry, for the... well craziness.”

  “It was fine. Just probably next time, hide the wine.” I laugh.

  “Noted. Does that mean there's gonna be a next time?”

  “Maybe. We’ll see.” I get in my car and start the engine.

  “Ok, "I'll take it. Goodbye Luna.”

  “Bye Andre.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  It's 2:30 in the morning when I hear my phone ringing next to me. I rub my eyes and answer it without looking at the number.


  “Is this Luna Stone?” The voice says.

  “Yes.” I sit up. The tone of the woman's voice is very serious.

  “Sorry to disturb you at this hour ma’am, but a Toby Rodriguez was just admitted in our hospital and has you as emergency contact.”

  “Um ok. Is he all right?”

  “Well it isn't looking too good right now. If you could get down here ,I'll be able to explain everything to you."

  I jump right out of bed and grabbed my keys. I was at the hospital in ten minutes.When I get there, I run to the front desk.

  “I'm looking... For.... Toby.. Toby Rodriguez.”

  “He's in surgery right now.”

  “Luna.” A voice calls to me. I turn around.

  “Hi Luna, I'm Doctor Baxter.”

  “Is he ok? Is he gonna be ok?”

  “We're doing what we can.”

  “What happened?”

  “He was shot twice in the back. One of the bullets may have hit his spinal cord. There may be severe damage. Including paralysis.”

  Paralysis. He could be paralyzed.

  “When will he be done?”

  “Could be a few hours.”

  I go to the waiting room and wait there. And wait and wait. I had a lot of broken sleep. I woke up every twenty minutes to ask
someone how he was. Then at 5:45 in the morning. A doctor came out to me.


  “Yes.” I stand up.

  “Surgery is over. He did good.”


  “But, he is paralyzed from the waist down. He has about a 20 percent chance of ever walking again.

  A tear dripped from my face. But not many, I knew one day this would happened. I told him that. The night in my car when I picked him up. He was getting mixed up with the wrong people.

  “We're gonna keep him here for a little while, just to monitor everything. After he is released from here, he will need physical therapy. How are his living conditions?”

  “I don't know. Last I talked to him, he was between homes, I think.”

  “Sorry for asking, so late, but what is your relation to him?”

  “He's a friend.”

  “Does he has any family willing to help him during his recovery?”

  “No. His parents died a few years ago and he doesn't have any brothers or sisters.”

  “Well, if it comes down to it, and he has no other place to go, no one willing to help, we could possibly make arrangements at a rehabilitation center.”

  That cost money, and since I know he doesn't have it, I'll probably be the paying the bill. So I guess I'll just let him stay with me.

  “I can arrange for him to stay with me. I'm sure it would be a lot better for him to heal in a familiar area.”

  “Ok, I'll make sure to get all your information and give you the required info. He should be ok for you to go see him now. He might be a little drowsy, so keep it short. He needs rest.”

  “Ok, thank you.”

  I walk into the room and a nurse was finishing up with something then left. His eyes popped open. When he saw me. He tried to sit himself up.

  “Hey you!” he said horsely.

  “Hey yourself.” I sit by his side on the bed. I brush my hand through his hair. His face was pale. He's eyes were dull. Long face.

  “You look like shit.” I joke at him. He tries to laugh but I can tell it hurts him to.

  “I feel like it too.” The room is quiet. Toby shuts his eyes for a moment. Then I realize, he's crying.

  “Thanks for being here Lu.”

  “You don't have to thank me. That's what friends are supposed to do.”

  “I know, I know.... It's just. I have never been a good friend. A good anything. And you still help me.”

  “Toby, you were good once. You just got a little lost, that's all.”

  “They say.. I might not ever walk again.”

  “There's a chance.”

  “How much of a chance?”

  “Does it matter? Rather is 1 or 99.9 if it happens it'll happen when it happens. But until then, after you get out of here, you're gonna come stay with me for a little.”

  “Really? Who's idea was that?”

  “Well, it was a choice I made by default. Where else were you gonna go?”

  “Good point. Who knew that I only had to get shot for you to let me stay with you." He smiles

  "Thanks. For saving my ass again.” He reaches out and holds my hand. I rub my fingers against his.

  “I'm gonna let you rest now. I'm supposed to be working the coffee house this morning, then I got the firm so I'll be by after that, around five ok?”


  “I'll call later to check on you.” I kiss the top of his head then left.

  Chapter Twenty

  I was so tired. Every coffee I made splashed all over the counters and cups and lids. It was a mess. I was lucky if someone left a tip. And I couldn't be mad if they didn't. I wasn't sure if I was gonna make it through my shift, let alone the day. I still had to go work in the office. So I made sure I made myself a triple espresso latte before I left and I grabbed Ian a black coffee.

  I was halfway done with mine by the time I got to the office, and I was starting to feel it too. The effects of it. I wasn't so tired anymore.

  “Good morning.” Ian said when I walked in.

  “Morning! I bought coffee.”

  “Thanks.” He looks at me, and I know he senses something's wrong,

  “What's up with you lulu? You look tired.”

  I sip my latte before answering.

  “I am actually. Toby got shot last night, and I was lucky caller number 1. But I didn't get a free car or concert tickets, I got.. Drumroll please....... A free night at a hospital. With about a total of two hours of sleep. Then of course, it wouldn't be a bad night unless I had to wake up and go to work and then go to another job right after. So I'm going to apologize ahead of time. I get a little loopy when I'm tired. And have coffee.”

  Ian walks over to me, standing by the chair and grabs me by my shoulders and walks me to the couch. He sits me down and lifts my leg onto it.

  “Why did you come in then?”

  “I had to.”

  “No, you didn't. You could've taken a personal day.”

  He sits on the floor in front of me.

  “Well, maybe I wanted to see you. You think of that smart guy?”

  “I didn't. After yesterday, I didn't know how you were feeling.”

  “Yeah. That was kinda weird and awkward.”

  “You know Andre thinks he got you wrap around his little finger right?”

  “Does he?”

  “Yeah. He's got everything mapped out. From what I heard, he wants to take you out on a little date, get to know you better...maybe go to a movie or something he said. I don't know what he said after I left. I couldn't sit there and listen to him make plans for the both of you.”

  “Mr. Hanson, do I hear a little bit of.. Jealousy?”

  “You think I'm jealous of... Andre? No no no. Not of him, but what he can do with you."

  His mood changed. From joking and happy, to sad.

  "He can walk with you in public and take you to meet his parents without lying or bending the truth. He can lay next to you every night and still be there to make you coffee in the morning. He can give you all the things you want.”

  “He can't give me you. Only you can. And that's what I want. I want you.”

  My heart does that thing again. When it feel like it's going to fly out of my chest. Ian bends down and places his head against mine.

  “You don't know how long I've waited to hear you say that.”

  "You don't know how long I've waited to say it. After what happened to Toby, it made me realize that we might not have tomorrow to tell each other how we feel. Something could happen and I would have to live knowing I never told you how I felt."

  We just both stared at each other. The way we always do, because we don't need words to talk. We can do it with our eyes. With our emotions.

  There is a knock at the door, and Ian and I both pop up. He stands on his feet and I sit straight on the couch.

  “Come in.” He says fixing his suit.

  In walks Liz. He walks to her and kisses her face. She removes her sunglasses and looks at me with a little smile. Then turns back to Ian.

  “What are you doing here Liz?”

  “Oh, I was just around the corner with the wedding planner and thought I'd stop by.”

  She looks over at me again, and I get the hint. She wants me to leave. I pick up my coffee and stand up.

  “I'm gonna go downstairs... To make a call.”

  “Ok.” Ian said.

  “Nice to see you again Liz.”

  “Oh, you too.. Lucy?”

  “Luna." I snap.

  "If it's too hard to remember, just call me Lulu.”

  “Right, right, sure ok. Bye-bye.”

  I swear I can not stand this woman. She's impossible. She's not only rude to strangers and her family, she treats Ian like crap. I can handle myself, but Ian, him being the soft kind person he is, he would never put her in her place. But I'm not Ian.

  When I get outside, I light up a cigarette and pull out my cell phone. I decided to check up on Toby at the hospi


  “Hey, you awake.”

  “Yeah, I think I'm high on something right now.”

  “Ha, you probably are.”

  “Aren't you suppose to be at work?”

  “Yeah, I am. My bosses.. Fiancé is here though,

  so I took a break.” It burns my mouth to say it. To think about it, it hurts.

  “Oh. Well the doctor told be I might be out of here in two weeks, they said I was coming to live with you.”

  “Yeah, I kinda volunteered by default.”


  He must have forgotten that we had that conversation this morning.

  “Aww, how sweet. Well I'll let you get back to work.”

  “Ok, I'll try to stop by later..”


  After I got off the phone with Toby, I went back inside. When the elevator doors open I almost got in, until I saw Liz coming out.


  “It's Luna.”

  “Yeah whatever, listen here buttercup. You like my brother, thats fine, he likes you too. For some reason. But my Ian, you stay away from him.”

  “Well we kinda work togeth...”

  “Don't get smart with me. You think I don't notice how you stare just a couple milliseconds to long? Smile just a little too hard? lets get one little thing straight here, He's mine, you can't have him. End of discussion.” She smirks and tried to walk away. I grab her wrist and she turns. Back to me.

  “I don't think you know me well, otherwise you wouldn't have just talked to me the way you did. you get this straight. If you ever come to me like this again, I will rip out everything fake on your body, from you boobs to your extensions, ok. Have a nice day.”

  And I jump on the elevator. She stood there frozen as the doors closed in front of me.

  I can't believe I just said that to her. No doubt she'll tell Ian, but I don't care.

  When I get back to the office Ian is on the phone. Did she call him already? Nah, she’s a drama queen and would wait to tell him so she can become a victim.

  About five minutes later Ian got off the phone. I thought, maybe I should just tell him, so she wouldn't get the chance later. Better for him to hear the truth from me anyways.

  “So I ran into Liz on my way up?”


  “Yeah, and well, she thinks I have some thing for you. Which, I mean I do, but she's like 'I see you looking and smiling at him too long and too hard and it needs to stop.You can't have him, he's mine.' And I'm like wow, what are we six? She's acting like you're some toy I tried stealing from her box.”

  “What did you say?” I was kinda planning on leaving my part out. But if I want to be honest, I need to tell the truth.

  “Well, I may have told her, if she ever spoke to me like that again, I was...gonna rip her breast out.”

  “Her breast?” He says shocked. I nod my head.


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