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Arbitrage Page 10

by Thomas Ransom

  “Why didn’t you tell me this before!?” Tanya asked.

  “Keep your voice down!” Aria scolded her friend again. “What is wrong with you! I found those emails today. In fact, when you came to my office, I was going through the second one.” Aria looked at Tanya, who was completely speechless. “Have a look at them,” Aria handed her phone to Tanya.

  She saw her friend’s eyes widened as she read the two emails. Tanya stared at the phone for a while and then at Aria and back at the phone.

  “And T, there are more!” she said slowly. “We might be able to find the person who killed Coons or at least gather enough evidence to hand it over to the police.”

  “What’s in the other emails?” inquired Tanya.

  “I don’t know, yet,” answered Aria. “I will go through them as soon as we head back to the office.”

  The minute Aria finished the sentence, Tanya stood up. “Let’s go!”

  “What!?” Aria looked at Tanya.

  “How can you be here calmly eating your lunch after finding out such a huge thing!” asked Tanya.

  “T! I am dying to go read through my emails, but don’t you think it would look suspicious to everyone if they see us barging into the office halfway into lunchtime,” Aria wondered out loud.

  “Aria, you think too much. Everyone has moved on with their lives. No one is going to get suspicious if we came back from lunch half an hour earlier,” Tanya said with a sigh.

  Aria nodded. “Yeah, you are right. Let’s go!”

  They ran towards their office. They were both breathless by the time they reached the elevators.

  “Okay! Let’s catch our breaths and then go up. Both of us racing to your office out of breath will definitely look suspicious,” said Tanya.

  “Yeah!” replied Aria.

  They drank some water from the water fountain next to the elevator and took deep breaths to calm themselves down.

  “I am sure those emails will help with Coons’ murder case,” Aria said as they made their way up in the elevator. They stepped out on their floor and walked towards Aria’s office. Aria dashed towards her computer, and Tanya closed the door cautiously.

  She switched on her monitor, but the screen stayed blank. “What?” Aria said, confused.

  “What’s taking so long!?” Tanya asked.

  “The computer is lagging as usual!” Aria rolled her eyes impatiently. She pressed the button on the monitor again, but the screen stayed blank. “There is something wrong!”

  “What happened?” Tanya came up to her desk to have a look.

  “Did it crash or something?” asked Aria, puzzled.

  “It is really suspicious that your computer crashed like this just when you found something about Coons,” Tanya looked at Aria. “Call the IT support quickly.”

  Aria’s heart started pounding. She dialed the number and wished with all her heart that it was just some minor issue.

  Within a few minutes, an IT guy came to assess the issue, and Aria stood over his shoulder impatiently. “What is the issue?” she persisted.

  “Give me a few minutes to check the problem please,” he replied, his eyes glued to the screen, which was now filled with codes and numbers Aria and Tanya didn’t understand.

  After a few minutes, Tanya spoke up, “Can you please hurry up!” The guy gave them both a look, “I am doing my best. Kindly be a bit patient. He was clearly annoyed.

  “Did you download some software recently?” he asked.

  “Umm no! Just the usual emails sent on the office email address,” answered Aria. “What happened?”

  He replied about a few seconds of silence, “Your system was attacked by a virus it seems. Did you uninstall the antivirus?”

  “No. Why would I do that?” she gave him a questioning look.

  “I don’t know. But the antivirus software installed in all the systems here is pretty strong. Either your antivirus was disabled at the time of the attack, or some highly skilled hacker got into your system,” he explained.

  Aria stared at him with her mouth open. Tanya asked, “So, what does that mean? Did someone steal the data on her system? What did they steal?”

  “I can’t be sure. They might have stolen something or maybe just copied or deleted data,” the IT guy replied as he typed away on the keyboard with his eyes glued on the screen.

  “Delete?” whispered Aria, looking at Tanya.

  He nodded and added, “Give me some time, and I will restore everything on your system and place more security.”

  Tanya pulled Aria to the side and said in a quick whisper, “There is no way this was a coincidence. You deal with plenty of sensitive information everyday… doing it for the past five years, and someone hacked your system the day you found something that could help with Coons’ murder!”

  Aria was frustrated, “This proves that Coons was innocent. Whoever is behind this is probably spying on me. They are propabaly the ones who sent someone to stalk me too…”

  Tanya was taken aback, “What! What stalker?!”

  “Umm... yeah, I didn’t tell you. Some guy was following me around since before Coons got murdered,” explained Aria.

  “How could you not tell me that!!?” snapped Tanya. “Oh God, Aria! Did he try to hurt you?”

  Aria shook her head, “I wasn’t sure at first and didn’t want to make a big deal out of it with everything going on…” her voice trailed away.

  Tanya stared at her, “Did you tell the police?”

  Aria stammered as she realized it actually was a big deal, and she should have told detective Sanjay a long time ago, “I thought everyone would think I was being paranoid. I mean, even Clark thought…”

  “Clark! What did he say?” snapped Tanya again. “Did he tell you that you were paranoid?”

  Aria was surprised at her angry tone, “No, T. I didn’t really tell him but he…”

  Tanya interrupted her, “Uggh! Aria please, you can do better than him, honestly!” This came as a surprise to Aria, “What! What do you mean? I thought you liked him.”

  Tanya rolled her eyes, “I never met him before. I don’t know. There is just something about him that makes me feel he shouldn’t be trusted.”

  Aria was speechless, “Why? What did he do? Did he say something to you?”

  “No…,” Tanya started but was interrupted by the IT guy, “It’s done. As far as I can tell, this is no damage. You can have a look. I suggest that you change all your passwords.”

  Aria dashed towards her computer. Everything seemed to be in order. She breathed a sigh of relief and thanked the IT guy. Once he was out of the room, she quickly opened her inbox.

  “What!” said Aria.

  “What is it?” asked Tanya.

  Aria turned to Tanya, “All the emails are gone!”

  “Maybe the IT guy can help, do you want me to get him?” Tanya asked, already heading towards the door.

  Just then there was a bing sound indicating a new message, they both turned to the screen. The sender was anonymous. Aria looked at her friend and clicked on the email to open it.

  The warning was loud and clear.

  “Stop what you are doing, or there will be consequences.”

  Both women stared at the screen with their jaws dropped open.

  Chapter 8: Prime Suspect

  Aria entered her house late that night, drained from the day’s event. Her hands were still shaking from the warning. It was clear that someone was keeping a close watch on her. They had managed to get into her computer, and she was sure they wouldn’t hesitate to break into her house.

  “Make sure you lock your doors and windows. You should seriously think about getting the security system Aria. All of this is really scary,” Tanya’s advice was still ringing in Aria’s ears. She knew she has to make her house more secure. Aria had already called up a security company and inquired about the best home security system. Her neighborhood was secure, and she never before thought about installing a security system.

/>   “I will make sure they install one in the next two-three days,” she said out loud.

  Despite being truly shaken, Aria was still determined to get to the bottom of this. She made a quick sandwich in the kitchen and took it in her study. She opened her laptop and settled in to closely examine the two screenshots she had thankfully sent to her personal email address. At least she had somewhere to start. She thought to herself.

  The surprises for the day weren’t over yet. As she opened her inbox to access the email, she realized that her account was signed out. “That’s odd!” she said. She rarely ever signed out of her personal account from her laptop. She tried signing in but failed. She tried a few more times until realization hit her… they had also hacked her personal account!

  “What the hell!!” she yelled in frustration. Aria couldn’t believe it. She had hit a dead-end. The police would never believe her without evidence.

  She pressed her forehead with her fingers and closed her eyes. “Wait a minute!” her head jerked up instantly. Aria grabbed her bag and took out her cell phone. She checked the gallery. “Yes!!” she punched the air.

  The screenshots she downloaded on her phone were still there. “You seriously think you are a step ahead of me, don’t you!” she scoffed. Aria quickly transferred the images on her laptop and just as a precaution, she copied them on two different USBs. One she locked in her desk drawer and the other she placed in her underwear drawer in her closet.

  “They can’t possibly reach all of these now,” said in a satisfied tone.

  She munched her sandwich and zoomed in to the image on her laptop. Aria hoped to find some other clue that can help her move forward.

  After a few hours, she was stumped. The adrenaline rush was fading away, and she didn’t know what else to do. If only she had checked more emails instead of heading off to lunch, she thought. She would have had more evidence. She shook her head, disappointed in her self.

  Aria could barely keep her eyes open.She decided to call it a day, and start afresh in the morning. “Maybe I should pay Ellen another visit. If I tell her I have some evidence, she might tell me something useful,” she said to herself.

  The next day she decided to go straight to Ellen’s house. She knocked a few times, but there was no answer. She heard footsteps inside, or so she thought. “Ellen?” she called out. “It’s me, Aria. I just want to talk for a few minutes.”

  Still no answer.

  Aria knocked a few more times. “Ellen! Please, this is important. I really need to talk to you. This may help Coons’ case.”

  It was clear that Ellen didn’t want to talk to her. Aria finally gave up and headed off to work. She was not giving up that easily, though. She was going to come back after work to try again. The day passed by in a blur of anticipation. Aria barely paid attention to anything. She had meetings with clients that she postponed to the next day. She stayed locked up in her office, staring at the email screenshots.

  “You are still doing this at work!” Aria was startled. She didn’t hear Tanya come in as all her attention was on her screen.

  “Don’t you realize how dangerous this is! And how do you still have these? I thought everything was deleted,” Tanya asked.

  Aria nodded. “It was deleted, but I emailed myself those two images, fortunately. And I am not scared of them. I want them to know that I am not giving up at all. They can’t get away with this.”

  Tanya looked at Aria with her eyes wide, “Don’t be absurd,Aria. I know this is important to you, but don’t put your life in danger.”

  Aria glared at Tanya. “You don’t understand.”

  Tanya sighed. “I do understand…”

  “No! you don’t! Aria bellowed.

  Tanya had a shocked look on her face. “Aria…”

  “No! You have no idea what I have been through…” Aria interrupted her loudly.

  “Aria. These people are dangerous. All I am saying is… at least don’t do this in the office,” whispered Tanya.

  Aria let out a frustrated sigh, “Just leave, T. I need to do this. Just go. GO!”

  Tanya opened her mouth to say something but decided against it. She turned to leave. Aria realized the door of her office was open, and a few curious people were peeking inside. She had instant regret. She wanted to go after Tanya, but just then, her friend walked out and slammed the door after her.

  Aria figured she would deal with it later. Tanya would just slow her down. Aria wanted to talk to Ellen and was hoping she would find some more evidence. Then she planned to go straight to detective Sanjay and share whatever she had found. She was sure the police would follow up on it. They would have the resources to extract the deleted emails, and that just might crack the case. The sooner she did this, the better it would be for everyone involved. She knew her life might be in danger, but it will all be over soon. She had to take the risk for Coons and herself.

  Aria waited until everyone left for the day to get out. She was embarrassed that a few of them saw her yelling at her best friend. She knew the news would have spread in the entire department by now.

  She drove all the way to Ellen’s house and parked a few houses away. The house was dark, and Ellen’s car wasn’t parked in the driveway. She’s probably not home from work, thought Aria. She decided to wait. Ellen won’t have a choice but to talk to her when she gets out of the car, Aria figured.

  After what seemed like hours to Aria, a car approached and pulled up in the driveway. Aria immediately got out and jogged her way towards the house. She reached the car just as Ellen was getting out. Ellen was startled when she saw Aria.

  “What are you doing here?” asked Ellen.

  “I just want to talk to you for a few minutes,” started Aria.

  “I have nothing to say, Aria,” Ellen replied patiently. “Please, I have already gone through so much. I am in no position to talk about it again.” Ellen started walking towards her front door, but Aria blocked her way.

  “Ellen. Please! It is important. I know Coons was being threatened, and I know he must have told you about it or maybe sent you some clues that you may not even be aware of right now,” Aria blurted out in desperation.

  “Get out of my way. I told you, I don’t want to talk,” Ellen replied, frustrated.

  “Just a few minutes. I really need your help, Ellen. Someone is threatening me too now,” Aria whispered urgently.

  “I told you before, and I am telling you the last time. Just leave it and move on with your life,” Ellen gave her an intense look.

  “You know something, don’t you?” demanded Aria.

  “You need to leave, Aria,” Ellen said and walked towards her front door.

  Aria grabbed her hand, “Ellen. Those people murdered your husband! Don’t you want justice?”

  Ellen jerked her hand back, angrily, “Leave now, Aria. I will call the police.”

  “What!” Aria said, surprised. Ellen opened her front door and slammed it shut. She knocked on the door several times and yelled, “Why are you not helping me!! How can you let them get away with it? He was your husband!” The door stayed firmly closed. It was too much for Aria, her legs started shaking, she sat down on the steps, and she broke down.

  There was a loud bang on the door. Aria ignored it. She couldn’t even remember how she got home and what time it was. The curtains were tightly drawn, and she was staring at the laptop screen. She had been looking up Ellen on the internet, hoping to find something useful about her that might get her to talk to Aria.

  The banging continued. Aria kept on scrolling. After a few minutes, she heard the sound of the back door opening and footsteps entering the kitchen. Are they here? Maybe it’s all over now, she thought. A sense of relief washed over her. Maybe they have come for her. At least she might get a few answers. Or maybe they might end it quickly. A few seconds later, however, she heard a familiar sound calling out her name, “Aria?”

  Confused, she turned around to see Clark appearing at the doorway with a concerned
look on his face. As soon as he saw her, he dashed forward and hugged her. Aria blinked, her hands still on the keyboard.

  “Where have you been?!” his voice hinted a bit of anger.

  Aria stayed quiet.

  “Aria!?” Clark took a deep breath. “I have been trying to call you since yesterday. I came by your house last night, in the morning, and even during my lunch break, but no answer from you!”

  “I am working,” she replied calmly.

  Clark stayed quiet for a while, “You can tell me anything, you know that, right?”

  “There is nothing to tell. I am just busy with work; there is a lot to do,” came Aria’s instant reply.

  “Have you eaten anything?” he asked.

  Aria couldn’t remember the last time she had a meal. She suddenly felt famished. “Great!” she whispered.

  “What?” asked Clark.

  “Nothing Clark! Yes, I did eat a few hours ago. I can take care of myself, you know!” she snapped. There was no way she was going to admit to him that she forgot to eat or the fact that she might have missed work today. She had no idea a whole day had passed. It seemed like a few minutes ago she was talking to Ellen.

  “Who’s that?” asked Clark. She turned to look at him and saw he was looking at Ellen’s picture on the screen. One of her social media profiles was open on Aria’s laptop. She had been stalking her. Aria quickly snapped the laptop shut.

  “No one!”

  Clark gave her a suspicious look. She was in no mood for confrontation, so to distract him, she suggested going out for dinner. Instantly, Clark’s face beamed with a smile. They went out to their favorite café. Aria was distracted throughout the meal, but Clark seemed unfazed. He seemed busy too. He was constantly on his cell phone, either texting or excusing himself to take a call. Aria was relieved. One of his new clients was keeping him busy, which meant he was barely paying attention to her. The less attention he pays, the less suspicious he will get, thought Aria.

  On their way back home, Clark suggested they stop at the supermarket. “You need groceries,” he declared. Aria looked at him with a raised eyebrow. “I am sorry. I checked your fridge to see if you had food or not. I am worried about you,” Clark explained. Aria rolled her eyes but kept quiet. She didn’t have the energy to argue with him. She even let him fill in the shopping cart with food items.


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